
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to henryelist.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Henry Horthmore and Kenny Mathieson.


I The Apocalypse Funk Trio The Jan Mar. I ('hanihcrs Strcct. 220-1208. 5pm. I"rcc. Funk. soul and cool hcats Ironi guitarist I)J Aki.

I The Jazz Bar Quintet 'l'ht- Jal/ Bar. I ('hamhcrs Strcct. 230-1298. 8.30pm. £3 (£2). Varying Iinc ups oI top musicians. asscrnhlcd cach Wt't'is h} mainstay oI thc Iidinhui'gh ja/I \L'L'IIL‘. drummer Bill Kylc.

I Skunk Funk The Jan IIai‘. I ('hanihcrs Strcct. 220 4208.

I I.3()pin 3am. t5 It il. Night oI top I‘unk I'ronl I).I \Nllk/hoolh and Iiu' guests.


I Allan Glen Quartet Brcl. 3‘) 43 Ashton Lane. 342 4966. .1 6pm. Iircc. (ilasgow sax playcr hack Iltllllt‘ Ironi

thc Burklcc Jan (‘ollcgc in Boston.

Phil Campbell

70 THE LIST 4—1 7 Jan 2008


I The Hot Club Sessions IIIL‘ Voodoo Rooms. I‘Li \Vt'sl Rt'gistt-i Strccl. <56 ’ll6tl 2 -1pm I-rcc Iht' Iit't‘t'uorth ('oniho pIa} 'IIot ('Iub' iiiusit' and 3:}ps) |;t//

I Trio Jazz IIIL‘ J.i// Iiai. I (‘haniIlcis Strt't't. 3304203 i illpni I'n‘c Rclau'd altcrnoon slot \HIII thc Ililll\t‘ trio on piano tor guitarl. Ilass and tIllIIlI\

I World Premiere 'I‘Ilt' J.i// IIai. I ('hanihcrs Slit-ct. ZEN-1305 h illpni ti (LZI .-\ tIlIIt'lt'III \L'It‘t’lltlll ol lixc ItaitIing: iai/ plincrs t‘tllllt' Illth'IIIt'I loi mph scssion \NIIII no i‘cIicarsaI

I Fish Fry 'I'ht' Jan Bar. l (‘hainhms Strccl. 220-1203. I Iiilpin iain t‘ Scottish ia/I. lunk. soul and I..itin hands [tllll I)Js Izrik I)‘\'ikin}: and Astrohos Rim authentic ia/I lroin IIookttI [p i R Janl \sith I)as (‘onlras I I2 Janl.


I Drummers Do 'l'ht- Jal/ Iial. l ('hainhcrs Slim-l. JIM-13H. 3pm. I'It't' I‘t'aturing: \L‘\\IUII\ h) local tli'uninicis. ()(YA sessions. (It'lIIU\ and li'chnit'al atIVicc.

I Sunday Singers Session IIIL' .Ia/l Bar. I ('hanihcrs Sin-ct. 230-1203.

8. illpin. U it'll. chlxl} spot lt-atunng C\t't‘IICIII \ot‘alists, hacth Il} a IIIIt‘ |;i// trio. 'I'hc Iinc up llIt’IlItIt‘\ Maria Spuight i6 Janl and .It‘\\ Abrams t I i Janl \\ lIIl ht‘l‘ Iarcxwll gig: ioincd h} \ai'ioiis

spctial gut-sis intIutIin; IIIL' \iiuthau ()ILIIC\II.I


I The Jazz Bar Big Band IIIt' ,I.i// Iiai. I (‘Iianillcis \IIk'CI. 33H 713‘“

t i it?. .I.:// t I.I\\I\\ lioni this I“ pictc k'II\k'IIII‘It'

I The Late Great Jazz Jam Session IIIt‘ ,I.I// liar. I ('Ilaniiwis Sllt't'l‘ IN) 1303 Illpnl I-im' I \pct'l .i IIL'II llll\ ol sis It'\ .is I.i\k-\ \‘Iti .IIItI ncxs tIlHI‘ III to pciloini \\IIII IIIt' IIousc Iiio \‘.lt'II \\ L't‘Is


I The Offenders lhc .I.l// IL”. I ('hainhcis \tit‘cl. .‘fll ~13‘lh N illpni ti it'll, I nc |.llll\ .IIItI yin-st spots lioin this lllj._‘III ol t'ontcinpoiais blurs

I Tuesday Heartbreak Funk Jam Session Ihi' .I.l// Hat. I (‘IlaniIlt-is Stu-rt. III) ~I_“L\' I I illpni iani I'in' IU/gintaiist .'\Isl pI;i_\s IIk‘\II soul. lunk. Rik“. Iin hop and IlIut's.

Thursday 10


I Dan Cotton Quintet I'Iic .Ia/I Hai. I ('Iiainhcis SIIL'CI. Ill) llllh' X. illpin. ti ltll Young; I,UIItIHII tIlllllllllt‘l' |oinnI h} alto s;i\ophonisl I ouis .\It‘('ia_\.

X {illini

Being branded ‘one to watch' is a curse as much as it is a blessing. While it draws initial attention, the worry is an artist may still be finding his feet under the impatient gaze of Joe Public and their itchy downloading finger. No such worries for this accomplished singer-songwriter: his songs are as steady as the trilby on his bony little head, a single ‘Cold Engines’ is as sanguine and tuneful as one would ever need for a cold winter night, enough to keep us warm until the frost melts for spring.

I King Tut's, Glasgow, Sat 7 2 Jan.


I The Apocalypse Funk Trio lhv .I.l// Iiat. I (‘ILinlIlcis \tict‘l. .‘.‘ll 1.“’.\' *pin Iiu' \k'\‘ I ll 3

I Fraser Campbell Quartet I II\‘ .I.i// IiJl. I (‘Ii.iiuI\cis \Ilk‘k'I. .‘.‘ll 13‘“ \ illpin t i it.‘l I’citIl s.i\ man Isak lioin \III\I\|II}' .it Iiciklcc .I.l/.’ ('oIIt'yt‘ lll Iioslon \\lIIl .i Iinc up that int IIItIk" t\\o f.‘llll.tll\I\

I Skunk Funk Ihc I.l// Iiai. I ('Il.tlllI‘\'I\ \Ilt‘t‘I. if” I.“’l\

I I itlpin :JIII t\ it il \t'\' I ll 1


I Jen Clarke Quartet Hit-l. W is \shton I .IIIk'. il.‘ Who i 6pm I'Ik'k' ('ooI IIIUtIk'III |.t// lioin this I‘.l\\l\I

I dinbuigh

I The Hot Club Sessions IIIt' \‘lHNIlltl Rililllh. I‘M \\k‘\I I\'t‘j.'l\lt'l \Ilt‘t'l. iifl 'HMI _‘ it‘lll IIt't' \t‘t' \tll

I Trio Jazz I'Ilt' .I.i// Iiai. I ('Il.iniIlcis \lit't'l. .731) ~I.“I.\’ i illpnl IIt'k' \i't‘ Sal

I World Premiere IIIk' .I.l// Hm. I (‘Iianlbcis Slit-ct. .‘.‘ll INN .\ illpin ti it'll Sn- SJI i

I Fish Fry IIIt' .I.i// Iiai. I (‘Iiainllms Stit'cl. 33H II‘IN I I illpni ianl ti St'k' Sill a


I Rosy Blue Duo ( Lilc ( il.tlliIt‘. Isl IIiuntslicltI Plan: 3.‘.\' I INN " ‘Ipin I‘lt‘t' l'prat |;l// outlit

I Sunday Singers Session IIIt' .Ia/x Ilai. I ('haianis Slim-t. 1‘“ INS .\' illpnl. t" i ltll. Su' Sun 6

Monday 14


I The Jazz Bar Big Band IIIC ,Ial/ Iiai. I (‘Ilaniht'is Stit't't, 3.71) 4.“)3. Xitlpnl.tiitll.8cc\1on7

I The Late Great Jazz Jam Session 'Ihc .Ia// Hai. I ('Iiainhcis Stu-ct. IIUIZ‘N‘; Iilpin I'lt't' Scc .\Ion

Tuesday 15


I Guitar Night 'Iht‘ Ial/ Iiai. I ('hanihcrs Sticct. 230 -IZ‘).\' K. illpni t i it'll. IiiII K} It brings Itlth'IIlt‘l a trio shout'asing: a top |;i// _‘..'lIII.’tI'I\I 'Ionigjht ls Iit‘ll \IL'IMlItttItI.

I Tuesday Heartbreak Funk Jam Session ’I'ht' Ja/l Iiai. | (‘Iiainbt'i's Stiu't. 2304205. I I. iilpin iain. I'IL'C SCL' 'I'llt' 3.

Wednesday 16


I Edinburgh University Jazz Orchestra 'I‘hc Ja// Iiai. I (‘hanlbci's Sliu'l. 230 4393. 5pm, I'icc. ()PL'II I'L‘Ilt'itrsglI.

I Eddie Walker and Fraser Spiers IztIInhuruh I-oIk ('Iuh. (‘ahai'ct Bar. ()0 Thu I’Icasant't'. (5‘) 3453 h‘pni. t7 ttol, I‘UIIs. blues. raglunc and le't'uI gtnlar and harmonica pla} “15.3.

I Paul Harrison Trio IIIL‘ Ja/l Bar. I ('hanihcrs Strccl. ZEN-139%, H. illpni. ti it'll. Modcrn [all Il'tllll this trio. lrontcd h} M} hoartIist Harrison

Thursday 1 7


I Tommy Sampson Big Band and Guests (‘arncgic IIaII. Izasl Port. 467 5200. 7, illpin. tlil it'X; children and \IlltIL‘lII\ t il. 'I'hc IL‘jJL'Iltiilr} 'Ioinin} Sampson. Kin;I oI lhc Big: Bands in thc I‘Htls. shtle his stull \xith a lull hand in what is not» a rarc (lllllllfJ onstage