
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to henrleist.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Henry Horthmore and Norman Chalmers.


I Kinrick ch Folk ('Iub. Royal Oak. Infirmary Street. 557 2076. 8.30pm. £3. I‘il'ebased. Danny Award—winning group playing traditional and original songs frorn Scotland and Ireland.

Wednesday 9


I Dick Gaughan Iidinburgh I-‘olk (‘Iiib. (‘abaret Bar. The I’leasance. ()50 2458. 8pm. £7 (£6). I’owerful guitar style. a varied repertoire that includes the ballads. and committed vocals from the veteran Scots socialist and singer.


I Travelling People Dunfermline Folk (‘liib. Thistle 'I‘av'ern. Italdridgeburn. 0I3S3 720673. 8pm. £5. Scottish and Irish songs and humour forrn new Iivepiece West I-‘ife band.


I Sarah Haylor and Douglas Miller National Portrait (iallery. Queen Street. 624 (1200. b (v.30pm. I‘ree. Scottish music from the Skye-born fiddler. with Miller on keyboards.


I Assembly Rooms Ceilidh Dance Assembly Rooms. (ieorge Street. 339 5374. 8pm. £5 £I0. (‘eilidh hands Alive & .liggin' and HM. plus caller Ken (iourlay.


I Prince and Princess ot Wales Hospice ‘Irust Piping Concert The National Piping Centre. McPhater Street. Cowcaddens. 287 55l l. 7.30pm. £8 (£6). Music from Simon McKerrell. singer Maev'e McKinnon. TNT. ScottishPower Pipe Band Quartet. Finlay MacDonald and Friends. a Lomond and Clyde Pipe Band

Flank and friends

rniniband. Alastair Dunn. Margaret Dunn and Ryan (‘anning


I Dunfermline Strathspey and Reel Society Fiddlers’ Rally Roihes IIaIIs. Kingdom (‘entre. 0l5‘)2 ()I I l0l. 7pm. £9 (£8). 'l‘raditional Scottiin music on massed liddles. Special guest linice Davies.


I Alastair McDonald Wee Folk Club. Royal Oak. Infirmary Street. 557 2976. 8.30pm. £3. (ilasgow-born singer/guitarist. weel kcnt from countless radio and TV shows.


I Ceilidh Club The Lot. (irassmarkct. 225 229‘). 8pm. £6. (‘eilidh dance. a caller and live music from Ileeligoleerie.

Wednesday 1 6


12'- Cettic Connections Opening Concert Royal (‘oncert “all: Main Auditorium. Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £20 (£l8). The I5th (‘eltic Connections kicks off with (‘ommon (iround. a night of music from Scotland and Ireland. Singers include songwriter Karine Polwart. I.au guitarist and vocalist Kris Drever. Mike Scott (The W'atcrboys). Julie Fowlis of (iaelic band Dochas. (‘hristy Moore's brother Luka Bloom. Dublin songwriter and Irish chart star Damien Dempsey and admired Irish vocalist Karan ('asey. with top class instrumental accompaniment frorn Michael McGoldrick. Jim Murray. James Mackintosh and liwen Vernal. Part offeltie ('unner‘timts. Sec preview. page 5‘).


I 5046 Ceilidh Dance Class Bruntsfield Primary School. Montpelier. Bruntsfield. .337 5-1-12. 7~9pm £7 (£4). Informal dance classes. no experience necessary (wear flat comfortable shoes).

I Eddie Walker and Fraser Spiers Iidinburgh I-‘olk (‘Iub. (‘abaret liar. Illt' I’Ieasancc. (v50 2453. Spin. £7 (£(v). Polk/blues and ragtime on great acoustic guitar with Spiers‘ consummate harmonica.


I Cockalorum Dimfermlrne lr'olk (‘lub, Thistle 'I'av'ern. Baldridgeburn. (H.383 729673. Spin. l-'rce. with collection for artists. 'I'raditional Scots and Irish songs from this Iiast Kilbride based three-piece on mandolin. bodliran and bouzouki.


I Benbecula Night (‘ity llalls: Recital Rooms. (‘andleriggs 353 S000. (rpm. £I0. From the ()uter Ilebrides. music students and tutors from l.ews (‘ollege Benbccula showcase the island's (iaclic intisic heritage. with performances from the young I’Iying Fiddles. cit-()ssian and Battlefield piper and flute player Iain MacDonald. fiddler Anna-Wendy Stevenson and bottlouki player Will Lamb. l’urt u/"(elrit-

( 'unner‘tinns.

I Flook and Damien Dempsey ABC. Sauchichall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £I5. Anglo/Irish virtuoso four- piece. led by llautist extraordinaire Brian Finnegan. appearing for the first time in the Hook Big Band. plus guest musicians from their last two albums. Rulmi and Haven. Irish singing star Dempsey supports from his latest album 7}) Hell 0" Barbados. I’ll/'1 1)].(Ir'lltt'

( 'unner'tt'rms.

-1' Steve Earle and Allison Moorer Royal Concert “all: Main Auditorium. Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £22 (£20). A night of contemporary Americana. Ilugely popular ITS songwriter Iiarle recently celebrated moving from New York to Nashville with his latest studio release tilts/zingtmr Square Serenade. a tribute to the city‘s l960s folk revival. Moorer’s latest album. Getting .S'mnew/rere, was released last year. Parr “fey/m Connections. See preview. page 58.

I Luke Daniels and Donald Grant and The Shee Royal ('oncert Ilall:

Determined to give punters what they want without appealing to anyone‘s vanity. Celtic Connections brings back acts the punters demand which means the musicians feel compelled to find new ways to challenge themselves and their audiences. One shining example of a band keeping things fresh on repeated visits to Glasgow in January are Flook. The Irish-Anglo quartet are bringing special guests to bear on their material, wringing new colours and shapes from their award-winning back catalogue.

an ABC, Glasgow. Thu I /‘ Jan.

Stratliclyde Surle. Saiicliieliall Street. 353 S000, Spin. £l2 50. .\ suite of new music by award winning accordioriist and composer I.iike Daniels and Highland I'ltltllt‘l Donald ( iiant [\Itllll/\ esplor‘es tlie coiiittiori threads among the rtiusieal traditions ol Ireland. Scotland. Shetland and Nortliumberland. With support ltoiii new young all women sextet 'I'Iie Slice. who range tliiougli (iaelic song to bluegrass l'iiii u/ (‘e/trt ('onnet'tmnv. See preview. page 5‘)

I While and Matthews and Edwina Hayes St Andrew 's Ill the Square. St Andrew 's Square. 353 S000 Spin. £l2.50 The popular female guitar/vrveal/songwriting partnership t‘L‘L‘clltIy celebrated I-I years together Iimerging Irish singer Ilayes opens the slit)“. l’rll'! II/ (iv/(Ir (It'll/ll? [truly

I Liam Clancy with members of Dam] and Archie Fisher ’I lie ()ld I-‘ruitmarket. ('andleriggs. 353 3000. ‘)pm. £l(v_ ('Iancy was a mentor ot the young Dylan III New York. and a long term collaborator with the great Scots singer/guitarist I-isher. 'I‘omglit ('Iancy hosts a musical gathering oI lattiin and friends. as well as members ol young Waterford traditional baiid Danii. The concert will be recorded as a special edition of BIN‘ Radio Scotland‘s 'I'rui‘e/Itng I‘m/It. I’urt u] ('t'llrt

(‘mrner tinnv.

I Celtic Connections Festival Club Quality Hotel: I.ogie Baird Siiile. (iordon Street. 353 X000. l0. 30pm. Tickets in advance £3.50 £7.50. Special night club running every night ol the festival. liars. lood. live concerts. informal singarounds. food and bars llII very late. I’rtrt n/ ('e/tit ('mmer ttmrv.


I Antje Duvekot The Jan Bar. ('hambers Street. 220 4298. Xpm. £I0 (£8). Dark. often confessional sell- penned songs from this powerful (ierman/Amcrican singer-songw riter making waves out of Boston.


I Falkirk Folk Club Session I‘alkirk I‘olk ('Iub. The Polish ('Iub, Arnot Street. 0| 324 613395. 8.30pm. £2. An informal night of masic and song.

4—l 7 Jar. 2008 THE LIST 71