Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black and Carol Main.

(3 asgox/

I Organ Recital l\r'lurrr:'trr‘.c \rr (rallr'rx t\ \lll\k'lllll. \r:'}lr' \lrct't. .‘fih ‘H‘l‘l \lon \al lprrr llk'k' \\rlh mum Irorrr \rnlrc‘u. \\rlwrr

I NYOS New Year Concert Ru; .rl ('orrtcrt Hall. .‘ \dlltlllk'lhlll \trt't'l. 3* Mill“ ' illprri t.llt 2-3“ ('ontlrrtlcrl h} \crnorr ll.rl|rllr'} \xrllr \rrlrrlxl Kurt \rkkarrcrr lt'dllllllli' lx’atlrrrranrnm \ .MIrr/r/rurrlr /)iil.’r r \. \\.r|lorl\ /'r»r.'\rrrurr.'/r I'M/r! (In Illilr .lllrl \\ rlwnix \rrrfm

(it‘Hl f //l’

Saturday 5


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra ( amt-grit- ll.rll. l‘.r\l l’nrr. uI <s< ll lune “:opm i_‘.‘,anI< LIN ,\ glamoroux \l.rll lo Illtlh \xrlh .i t'clchralrou ol .rll llrrrr;'\ t'laxxrtall}

\ It'nrrcw “all/m. [‘trlk.r\. rrr.r/rrrk.r\ .tllrl. ol t'orrrxc. \lrauxx (‘orrtlut'tcrl h} ('hrrxtoplrr-r \\,rrrcrr (irccn

Sunday 6


I Organ Recital kchrrrgrrmc \r'l (Lillcr) t\ \llrxcum. \rg'ilc Strccl. To “5””. Sunday ilrm l'rcc \\rllr rnuxrc lrorn Mark lirmxnc.


I Organ Recital Sr (tilt-V ( lulu-dial. Royrl \lrlc. .‘Ih Ho"; hpm l-rcc \\rt|r rnuxlt~ lrom litlrrrhurglr orgarrrxl l’clcr Hacklrouxc

Thursday 10


I Musselburgh Amateur Musical Association llr‘untorr lhcalrc. |.rrl_\\\cl| \\;r}. \lrrxxclhurglr. 005 Ill“. iillprrr. t‘" rim. \ mnlurc ol clrorux. group and \olo rrrrrnhcr'x.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Great Contemporaries ert-t-rrk Hall. A“ H" (‘Icrk Slr'ccl. (MN .‘lll‘l. quillpm.

1‘ a.“ \ratzc'n. \l.:::/c curated»

\quirlclxwtm \ Ila r.‘ m /r.'r Hr \ \;\w'.f \r : r r _‘ .1. [)3 r .rr \\}rrr;‘hor1} \.~ \\rttt \l.r\.1trrifr.rtrt~\l.::lrrr-rr. lttctarazct


I Johann Strauss Gala ( and Hall. (rt) \tiuarc. “1 W: “SW1” iLi\ ‘ll Rulurnrnr tor .molhcr \prrHrny [it'rlwurrrmtta llll\ rrravrtal \hth rctrcaltw lhc t'\!r.r'.rr;'.mtc .mrl \rtlcrrtlour «rt lllk' l‘.tlllrtt'lll\ «it Will tcnlur_\ \ rcrrrm It‘atrrrm: lull orthcxtm .llltl rlarrtt'rx pcrlorrurrr: lhc rrruwt. tl.mtc and \on: ol Ihc \ll.lll\\ lrrrrrrl}


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra |x’o_\.i| ('orrtcrt Hall. I \iutlrrchall \lrct'l. “i \llllll ‘ltpm Lllt 13* \cc Hm I” \Mtlr .i luv torrt'crt talk h_\ \lan/c at

(r illlun

l drnhurgh

I Musselburgh Amateur Musical Association lirunlon lhcatrc. l .uhncll \\.r_\. \luxwlhurulr. hh‘ Slit) [UH \cc [ha 1”

C: 2 1st low

I Johann Strauss Gala Raul ('ont'cr’t Hall. I \rut'hrchall Slrt't'l. ‘5‘ Mlllll ipm .\ itlpm Llh LC“ ill St'c Hm I”

Nlpln {A

Edinburgh I Musselburgh Amateur Musical Association lirrrninrr 'l hcalrc. l .rrl}\\t'll \\.r_\. \lll\\\‘ll‘lllf_'ll. NS 311“ .‘pm tk “. illpm. L'" rUn Scc llru Ill

The Metropolitan Opera: Verdi’s Macbeth (lrmco. i5 llomc Slrccl. ll.\'"l "ll-1 jrrm. h. itlpm. £35 rill). rrrcmhcr’x {l‘ 5th Join the NC“ York \lt'lr‘opolrlrirr ()pcra tor .-\tlr‘r;rn \ol‘lt‘\ pr'otlrrt'lron ol \t'ltll‘\ opcra \t'l\lllll Hi\\‘\]tt'.ll't"\ trayctl} Scrccrrctl Inc and m lrrgh tlclirrrtron.


I Johann Strauss Gala Rtrxril (‘nnt-crr Hall. 3 Sarrclrrchall Strut-t. *5} Nlltltl, ipm. Uh Lil-‘5”. SCC lllll H).

I Organ Recital lx'clxrrrgrmt- .\rl (Lillcr‘) & \llht'lllll. .\r'g}lc Slrccl. To ‘5‘)”. 3pm. l'rcc. \\ rrlr mrmc lr‘om Rohcr‘l l t‘}\.

The internationally renowned Brodsky Quartet,

who unfortunately had to postpone their performance as part of Edinburgh‘s New Town Concerts series in November, are now happily rescheduled at the Queen‘s Hall. In a wide- ranging programme that is typical of the quartet’s unique appeal over 35 years, they are joined by clarinettist Michael Collins for Brahms' Clarinet Quintet. play the whole of the string quartet by Samuel Barber that provided the origins of the famous Adagio for Strings, and put the spotlight on some more unusual Spanish and South American repertoire.

LnHltR‘ it: A t. It. )4

.' Scottish Opera: St Andrew's in the Square Concert \: \rrrlzt-u \ :rr thc \rruarc. \: \nrlrcxx \ \rruarc. t'V‘t' ‘r‘rrr 1 1H 1* I hc ( )rt llt'\il.1 «it \ottrxh ( trx'rak \rrnrl.n .zltcrnuon tuntcrh rrr \r \nrtrcxx K m lhc \rrrrarc haw .‘kxwrnc .t popular tcaturc ol (il.r\L'\“~\ \ mrmt \tcnc lhc hcauutullx rcxtorcrl ( icorfxran t hutch prox ltlt“ .ll‘. rntrmatc .llltl .rlmmphcrrt \cttmf; tor git-at muxrt. \rrpcrl‘h played in \oltrxlr ()pcrrik rnuxrt r.m\ untlcr \lrxlrrryurxhctl

.1r it Hi \‘Nr

gum! torrtluttnrx

Monday 14


I Brodsky Quartet and Michael Collins ()uccn'x Hall. 5” h" (‘lcrlx \lrcct. ooh fill” ~lipm L I“ L l\ lhc rnnoxatrxc sum}: qrrarlct pcrlolnrx muxrt h_\ \|\,rrc/. I .r\r\t,r. liarl‘cr .mrl Hrrrhrnx rourt'tl h} clarrncl pl.r}cr (‘ollrnx \cc caption

Tuesday 15


I Edinburgh Ouartet Rt-rtl (‘urm-rr Hall. l'rlrnhurgh l'nnt'rxrt). Hrrxto Squaw. hill 11:“ l lllpm tthc \nothar \llrhhon‘x llurk lrr/ \Irrrrzg r/rrrrrrr'! .lll\l St‘llttt‘lllk'lj.‘\ (JUN/Ir! \rr 3

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Sr ('ulhhcr'l\ Church. 5 l otlrran Road. 33" Hall. hpm. {12 «L5 Uh. l’.rrr ot tlrc (‘IW \r\ Scaxon. oltr' hour \cxxronx ol populat clavrcal prcccx. lorrrghl \rt‘holax Kracmcr contluclx x} mphorrrcx rrhprr‘cd h} gr'cal lzur’opcan crtrcx Mo/al‘l'x Sump/rum .\m i and ."I t‘clchralc lhc llaguc and l’arrx \xhrlc ll;t}\lll'\ .Mmp/IHIH .\rr "3 l\ (lint! lit llotltc \\ rth ()\lor'tl.

East Kilbride

I Scottish Opera: Essential Scottish Opera \ rllaggt- 'l’lrmtrc. .\l;r\\\c|| |)r'r\c. ill ‘55 Jixrmir. .\ [our ol lhc Scollrxh ()pcr‘;r\ lrrghlrghrx lcatur‘my a mu ol lr'arlruorral opcr'a lrnorrrrtcx. lt'xxcr‘ knrmrr \xor'kx .llltl a \clu‘tron ol conlcnrporar} prccc»


' BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra: Thursday Night Series ('11) ll;lll\. (‘arrtllcrrggx ‘5‘ Milli). ".itlprrr. L") L'ZlSll l.crt St'ggcrxtam r'ctur‘nx to ('rt} llallx to conduct orrc ot hrx U\\ll \_\nrphomc\ i.\'u /5/ r. ax \wll .i\ Srhclrux' I’rr/r/u/rr'x Harm/rim:

Mmp/rnrrrr l-rrrrlrrmr and \IclxcltK .X'mr/rlrmn \'u 5. 'I‘hcr'c \\ rll hc a pic corrccrl talk lrom Stcphcn .lohllxon at (r.»15prrr and a \horl \olo recital on lr‘om Yarm (ilrrr'o. pr'rrrcrpal clarrrrct. tcrr nrmutcx .rllcr lhc marrr corrccr'l 'lhrx t'rtllL‘L‘l'l \Hll l‘L' lt‘t'itltlL‘tl lttl' l‘lit.lrlt'.t\l Hll

BBC Radio i.


I The Royal String Quartet \l.rr't'}.rl Hall. (‘11) Squaw. HHS: -1 i404 l.

Scottish Opera: St Andrew’s in the Square Concert Continuing their celebration of the musrr: ot Haydn and Mozart. the Orchestra of Scottish Opera play the tormer's // [)rstratto, a symphony which started off life as musrC for a play. Schnittke's Meg/ART a la Haydn hrrngs another appropriate touch of the theatrical, St Andrew's II) the Square. G/{ISQOLM Sun 13 Jan.

The Metropolitan Opera: Verdi’s Macbeth l we opera so close up you can see the vocal cords at work. lhere's the costume detarl, the makeup. the conductor ~< James levrne from the front. the tacial expressions of some of the world’s best srngers. OK. you‘re not actually there. but it's almost as good as and, rn some ways. better. Cameo, Edinburgh, Sat 72 Jan.

BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra: Thursday Night Series A musical grant in every sense. Leif Segerstam is one of today's most important interpreters of Nordic rrrusrc. Currently the world record holder for the composer who has written most symphonres. over 180 at the last count. Only one is heard this evening. City Hal/s. Glasgow, Thu 1 7 Jan.

iltpm L lll r U. \lllltllL'll Ll» lhc tour _\oun;_' lllll\l\l.lll\ horn \Valmm purlorm \xorkx h} lla_\rln. Hcclhowrr and thc l’ohxh torrilroxcr Karol 5/}rrrarrmula

74 THE LIST v1