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Royal Lyceum Theatre Edinburgh

nwnno WINNING Pnessnves, GIFTS 9ND KITCHEanne FROM



COOk ShOpS, DObble S Garden centre S Presented by Special Arrangement With The Unwurslly ol the South, Sew/awe, Tennessee

and online at www.realfooddirect.co.uk January ... 9 February

, Tickets £8-C25. concessions from £1 Book Onllne www.1yceum.org.uk WWW.ed1nburgh-preserves.c0m Box 0111a: 0131 21.3 1.81.8 Group a. 0131 21.3 491.9

a Ms , -(—Zl)lleVl{(1H-

Available to buy through independant

Theatre Guide

Friday 11 Saturday 12 Sunday 13 Monday 14 Tuesday 15 Wednesday 16 Thursday 17


CCA Citizens King's 0111111101111 Camhvvim Lir'mzzwlm ’1‘ ~ hm. , my 1.

Pavilion Theatre Royal Tron

Festival WW 3 W ' i Klng's

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