A personalised detox at Neal’s Yard Remedies (below) might include a revitalising reflexology session

Hangover helpers

Diana Kiernander puts down the Irn Bru and finds an all natural way to combat the seasonal excess

et's talk about hangoyers. My

nausea and oy‘eryy‘helming

thirst are by-pr'oducts ot a great l'estix'e season. but l'ye had enough of toxins blocking my brain. I take action by booking in for a detox at Neal‘s Yard Remedies in lidinburgh.

While Neal's Yard is best knoyxn as a right-on stockist ol‘ organic and herbal potions. both the (ilasgoyy and lidinburgh stores offer courses on eyerything l‘rorn aromatherapy to nutrition. run by highly skilled practitioners. The products and techniques you learn to rise on y‘oursell‘ are all tailor-made to specification. I'm not just going to follow any old regime: I'm going to learn how to take care of me.

Neal‘s Yard radiates calm. Soothing music chimes in the lxickground and there's a refreshing scent ol' layender in the air. Three

therapists (including telex‘ision chef

and nutritionist Nell Nelson. who practises out ol. the store) gather round to kickstart the purification process my body needs alter a month of hardcore hedonism.

.‘yly detox begins with a round or

reflexology. The science behind this soothing treatment suggests tension in any part ol. the foot is mirrored in the corresponding part ot‘ the body. Pain in your heel can signal discomfort in your lower abdominal area; a sensitiye big toe generally means you‘x'e got a headache coming. The trouble is I don't normally haye the patience for massage: subtle hangoyer remedies haye me reaching for the lrn Bru can. .\lorag St Johnston. iii—hotise reflexologist and herbalist. picks up on this. though. and. channelling

my energy \xith ease. talks me through the bcnelits ot‘ reflexology.

‘lt otters deeper relaxation than a massage and you can ted the benelits through your \yhole bodyf she explains. ‘You‘re encouraged to drink lots ol‘ yyatcr alter a treatment. loo. so it‘s the ideal detox aid.‘

St Johnston qui//es me about my yyork-lite balance and asks me about my stress triggers bct‘ore recommending herbal remedies. Dandelion root and milk thistle yx ill get to work rebuilding my liy er. but the fatigue brought on by trayel and

oy'eryyorking requires a shot of

alfalfa. a powerful herb containing chlorophyll. l'm pleasantly surprised at hoyy much attention is paid to my personal diagnosis.

A similar story emerges yyith skincare. I'm about to experience the newly launched ‘llolistic liacial‘. tailor-made to me l'olloxx'ing a personalised product selection process. Therapist l)aila (‘onsolaro listens careltu as I explain I am

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cursed \\llll teenage skin. rnakrng me more cosmeticdependant than I'd like. .-\rined \\ ith this intormation she carries out the lace mapping exercise used to check the health and tunction ol internal organs. This ancient (‘luncse art can unxeil emotional angst and proxrde personality insights too, (‘onsolaro selects the gentlest ext'oliating mask and recommends nettle. l'ennel and aloe \era tea tor my gritty pores.

This a|lcncompassing approach to \yellbcing occurs most directly xxithin diet and nutrition. .\tter a personal consultation xxith Nelson t'octissing on my dietary needs and shortcomings. l rcceiye a personalised recipe book. \\ltll cyeryday mentis built up ol mood enhancing foods. like lir'a/il nuts and broccoli. based on my culinary likes and dislikes.

Relaxed and reyixcd at'tcr an al'tcrnoon ot' personal care. l‘xe come to the conclusion that hangoyers are so last year. Tackle the toxins and take care ol' mu.’

Neal’s Yard will be running introductory classes in aromatherapy, reflexology and herbal medicine from both their Edinburgh and Glasgow shops throughout Spring ‘08 as part of their New Year New You programme. Consultations with Nell Nelson are available from the Edinburgh store, and cost £60 for an hour. For a full range of prices, treatments and contact information, see www.nealsyard remedies.com

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