

Events are listed by city, day, type then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least fourteen days before publication to clubsglasgoWhotmail.com. Glasgow listings are compiled by David Pollock.

Glasgow Thursdays

I Alternative Nation at Bamboo llpiii 5.llll £4 i£2i “cc-kl} Run h} tuo iii.iitixt.’t_\x ol tlic (ilaxgoii .tlt xcctic. l)J Bait} and lldHL'} Kartcl. thix iicix iicckl} cliih ix dciotcd to i'\L'l}llllllf_‘ liom iiiddciing clcctto and x|ca/_\ cock rock to hoiinc} hip hop and lciocioitx iiictal

I The Beat Club at tlic Bcat (‘Itilx ‘lpiii lain. l’iiccx \ar}. \Vcckl}. (iood miixic. good diiiikx and good pcoplc l,i\c tiiiixic \cntic aiid cltih \\ itli i‘ootlop xiiioking tci'iacc. pla_\ing lioxt lo a \iidc tangc ol intixical \l_\lL‘\ li‘oni rock to tlI\L'H. 'l hc lociix hcrc ix \cr_\ much on ciixtoiiici carc and hai ing a good tiiiic. I Calling All Disco Kids at Kai-hon. llpiii lain. £4 tli'cci. \Vcckl}. llcxkc} and Big .:\I drop hip hop and Rt\B \ihilc Ran B atid laitan .\lcl.cod pla} claxxicx and hand ottt caxh pri/cx at thix xtitdcnt night. Scott .\lcl\'a} p|a_\x houxc lll tlic loiingc.

I Cryotec at thc ('athouxc. l lpiii Kain. £4 t£2i. 24 .laii. l’la)iiig thc hcxt in liB.\l and iiidiixtrial. l'i‘cc licl‘orc iiiidiitglit.

I Dig! at It”) \liii‘i‘}'x. llpiii 3am. £4 it. \Vcckl}. I).| .\'oir pi'o\ idcx )oiii‘ li\ ol rock. pittik. iiictal and xka.

I Freakmoves at (ilaxgoii School ol .'\t'l. llpiii 3am. £4 t£3i \Vcckl}. l'ltra« linc hip hop night tor thc xtiidciitx. \\ itli l).l\ lk'lllil itlld \lt’t‘. [l lol‘ (iS;\ \ltldctllx iillt't‘ iiitdtllglll. lrcc hcloi'c.

I Hi Fiat thc Bunkcr Bar. 9pm 3am. li‘cc. \Vcckl}. l)a\ c Sinclair dixhcx tip tixc lltilll\ ol top-notch itidic and rock.

'3 How’s Your Party? at ihc Siih Huh. I lpiii 3am. £2. \Vcckl}. .\ ncii 'l'hiii‘xda} night xliiiidig do\\n llic Siihhic and it xoiindx |ll\l thc thing. l’caturing (ilaxgoix liixoiii‘itcx .lackmaxtci'. Boom .\lonk Bcn and .I\rt ol l’articx t l7 .lani. Boom .\lonk Bcii aiid ()olt 134 Jan) and all cclccltc gucxt appcarancc h} Radio ()nc'x Mar) .-\nnc llohhx. \iith xtipport lroiii Slccplcxx ('i'cii and Riixtlc t5l .lani.

I Loaded at Banihoo. Itlpni 3am. £4 i£3i. \Vcckl}. l.il' Rich \\llll xonic datiiti tiiic Rth. lilcctro-houxc. [link and xoul pliix rock'n'i'oll \\llll Roxx .\l.

I Nice ‘n’ Sleazy at .\'icc'n'Slcax>. ll.5llplll 3am. £3. I," .lan. lndic dixco tiiiic at onc ol' ('ilaxgim 'x tamuritc \cnucx. \\ itli l)Jx to hc conl'irincd.

I Plastika at ('laxxic (irand.

llpiii 3am. £4 (£3). \Vcckl}. .\'c\\ night pla}iiig a iiii\ ot' clcctro and houxc.

I Record Player: at (ilaxgoii School ol' ;\rt. llpiii 3am. £4 t£5l. \Vcckl}. Skcixcd hilt dccpl} danccahlc hoiixc atid tcclino trom thc l’la}cr/. \\ iih rcxidcntx llll\llptlpp_\. Bonioiir Bot and .lackxon Stai'x. l‘t‘dllll‘lllg‘ a li\ c xct ol' art—clcctro \xcii'dncxx trom Stink) .\lunclikinx <24 .lani.

I The Roller Disco at Sca.

ltlfitlpm 5am. £0 t£4i. \Vcckl}. ch. ‘tix triic. .\ i'cal hona tidc rollcr dixco ix hitting (llaxgoxi cxcr} 'l'hurxda) at Sca nightcluh. S\\cat handx. lcggingx. xpandc\ at thc rcad} t‘olkx. \VllL‘L‘L‘L‘L‘L‘L‘L‘CL‘L‘L‘C.

I Rubbermensch at .-\B(‘2.

llpiii 5am. £4 i£.‘~i. \Vcckl}. .-\ night tor indic kidx and indic loxcrx. .\nd_\ \Vilxon ix in chargc. and Paul .\'ccdlcx pla_\x thc l’olar Bar.

I Skint at thc (‘athoiixc l lpm 3am. £4 t£3i. \Vcckl}. limo. t‘iink. punk.

croxxoi cr. rock. goth and hardcorc tuncx from D] Bill} Mom.

I Star.Dot.Star at thc Butt.

llpiii 3am. £3. \\'cckl_\. l)a\c Baraharoxa prm idcx a li\cl} xclcction ot‘ rock'n'roll \xith northcrn xoul.

I Super Duper Thursdays .tl thc (iaragc llpiii Kim £5 i£ii “cc-kl) lhc (i.ii.igc"x popular xtiidcnt night \kllll (icrr_\ l._\onx. Stcicn Hood} and DJ .-\lltl}

I Throb at thc l'l}ing l)iick «Spin Kiln £5 «£3: 24 Jan -\ multi-iiicdia group art c\hihition \kllll pcrtoriiiaticcx. inxtallationx. ll\L' haiidx including \likcl .\l.ixx and l)Jx

I Up The Racket .ll l‘llC\\.llL'l

Ill iltpni iani l‘lL‘C hcloic ltl =llpiii. £4 t£ii .‘lllL'l “cc-kl} l).l 'loaxt pl.i_\x indic. xoul. Britpop. rock and punk

I Zero Thursdays .ll Hoho.

‘) illpm iam. £i \\L'c'kl) l)_l \'orinxki. toiinding incinhci ot thc night Burn. pl.i}x l\\l\lL'tl tunk. dirt} clcctio and lunk} liouxc.

Glasgow Fridays

3:3 Back Tae Mine at thc l'|_\ itig l)uck llpiii iain £5. \Vcckl}. (hung out ix thc llk'“ xta_\ing in. ax thix tic“ night oltcrx hoo/L'. lL‘il. lotixl. hillidx and l)Jx lo cicatc a houxcpart} \ihc. Bix arc xpccial giicxtx on 35 Jan.

I Bunker Fridays at thc Biinkci Bar. 9pm 3am. l'i‘cc. \Vcckl}. 'l'am ('oxlc pIa}x thc hcxl trom llL'\\ and cxtahlixhcd handx until midnight \\llllL' And} \\i|xon di‘opx \tiiitc tic“ tltid clthxlc tttdlc l;l\otit‘ilL'\ lllllll chucking oiit tinic. non ;am.

I Canvas Club at .-\rta. lllpm 3am. £5 ilrcci. \Vcckl}. |.i\c handx pliix l)J Joc l)cclian pl;i}iiig liiiik and part) claxxicx. I Cathouse at thc (‘athoiixc

lll..5llplll 3am. £5 t£4i. \Vcckl}. Riding hiin on thc nu tnctal \xaxc. thix ix onc ol thc liuxicxt ntglitx in lti\\ll. Rock. grungc. indic and a daxli ol hi‘cakhcat acroxx thi'cc llooi‘x at (ilaxgoii 'x lop \cniic lor i'ockcrx and altcrnatccnx.

I Children of the 805 at (‘Iaxxtc (hand. I lpiii 3am. £4. “cc-kl}. :\nothcr trip doun amncxia lanc ax \\ c go hack to thc Stlx. l‘oi' thoxc ol )tiit “lltl didn‘t gct cnough ol it thc lii'xt titiic around.

I Choose Fridays at l'tir} .\liirr_\ ‘x. llpiii 3am. £5 t£4i. \Vcckl}. ('J plan a mi\ of xtiill' to gct _\oii in thc \icckcnd mood.

I Cotton Cake at thc Suh (‘hih

llpiii 3am. £lt) t£8i_ IX Jan. .\ xpccial two-hour tcchno xct trom Rohcrt Baliicl. aka Roh Acid. \\ ho hax i'ccot'dcd l‘ot' lahclx likc Suhxtatic. Bpitcli. lx'onipakt. 'l‘richxtotl and Audiomatiqiic. among man} othcrx.

I Dannix at ('rih. l lpiii 3am. £(i t£4i. \Vcckl}. l)J Ya“ and DJ .-\hcna pla) a mi\ ot~ .»\trican. i'cggac. ragga. dancchall. Rth and hip hop.

I Dollymixtures at (illl'll. 0pm 3am. {ti t£4i. \Vcckl}. .\'c\\ night at (him tnot to hc mixcd up “till |)oll_\ .\li\tiirci t'catiiring indic. rock. clcctro and pop in thc main room lioxtcd h} l)Jx Bill} .\lil|igan tKiixhion/Vipcri ('anicron ('t'aig t('ampitxi pliix ucckl} xpccial giicxtx.

I End of the Line Fridays at thc (iaragc. llpiii 3am. £5 l£.5l. \Vcckl}. ('raig and Brian pla} pop. chart. claxxicx and anthcinx in thc Main Hall. \ihilc .\'icola lioxtx anothcr night ot~ ('iaragc karaokc. [p in thc .v\ttic. l)ixco l)a\ c pl;t}x indic anthcnix. \\llllC in (i3 (icorgc Bimic mi\cx up hip hop. R&B and xoiil throughout thc tiiglit.

I Fear and Loathing in Glasvegas at Karhoii. l lpiii 3am. £5 ttrcci. \Vcckl). .\'c\\ l5rida_\ night at Kai‘hon \iith indic and rock c‘l;t\\icx. hip hop. RckB and houxc.

I Flirtini Fridays at Boho,

‘J..‘~t)piii 5am. £t». \\'cckl_\. 'Jiin l)a cht' kickxtartx _\oiir \xcckcnd \xith hix imit hrand ot' part} tuncx alid lloor tillcrx.

I Fortified Sessions at thc (ilaxgoii School ot‘.-\rt. llpltl 5am. £.\' i£(ii. l8 Jan. 'l'hc diitticxt dancchall. haxhincnt. grimc and diihxtcp riddimx t‘caturing ertdL‘lllx lilcctric liliminatorx ioincd h} xpL‘L‘ltil gucxt th‘ godlathcr Ul‘ duhxtcp l).l llatcha.

I Funhouse at Barll}. l lpm 3am. £5 t£4i. \\'cckl_\. DJ Paul .\'ccd|cx and .-\lph;i Mitchcll xpin px_\ch. punk. xoul atid minimum rock'n'roll.

I Horrorshow at l-iicuatci “pm 5am 1-4 “.5! \\L't'hl} l'lt'c‘\\itlL‘l' tle‘x llx l.llL‘ licciicc to glorioux cttcct \Hlll thix ncix night to c handx and ('raig \lc(icc c\ci‘} \xcck

I Kinky Afro .it thc \‘uh (‘luh

llpiii 1am £1” i £M 35 Jan lhc tiixt \iio ot SUNS gucxt xtarx loddla l. Slictticld'x duh-dancchall-tcchno tiixionixt. \iith xitpport troin lhc Slccplcxx (‘t'c\\

I Mark Robb Presents .ii \laggtc \la} 'x llpiii Kim £5 \\cckl_\ \ moi c to \laggic \la} 'x \\llllL' thc} xort otit cicr}thiiig .tl llic chal Social (‘liih ti\L'l thc xiiiiiiiicr l’l.i}iiig ia/l. tiiiik. xoul and .tlxo thc latcxt i'clcaxcx lioiii hix ncix lahcl Statla lc‘ct'l'th

' Mungo's Hi Fiat thc (ilaxgou School ol ;\rt. lltpm 5.llll. £.\' i£"i, .‘5 Jan. (‘clchrating onc _\cai' .it tlic (iS.-\ xtarring xpccial giicxtx Brothcr ('ultiiic. \xhilc rcxidcntx pl.i_\ dancchall. grimc and diihxtcp lor _\oiii' plcaxitrc. .liiiiihlcxalc Soiiiidx} xtctn gct tlic riddimx going dounxtairx.

I National Pop League at \Voodxidc Social ('liih. S45pni Iain. £4. 35 Jan l’oxt-punk. ('So. llltlltVPttp. laughing. good pcoplc. dancing. lictli'lx oii xlcc\cx and in iiioiitlix. tcarx. kixxing. handxhaking and xmiling.

I Old School at thc Butt.

lil.,5llplll 3am. £(i, \Vcckl}, l'lllL‘\l old xchool .la//. tiink aiid xoiil trom ('raig ct al.

I Pinup Nights at lhc Bcat (‘liih 0pm 5am. £5 t£4i. \Vccklx lndic. punk. xotil aiid clcctropop.

I Popshop at :\B(‘2. llpiii 5am. L‘o t£4i. \Vcckl}. .\'ci\ night .it .-\B(‘2 \\llll I’aiil} t.\l} l.alcxt .\'o\c|i xpiiiiiiiig tlic likcx ol' l‘Nllx. licho it thc Bunn}nicn and liS(i pliix a ll\ c hand at midnight cach \\ cck.

iii Pressure at thc .-\i'chcx. ltlpm 3am. US. 35 Jan, Slam launch into INNS mm a niaxxiic linc~iip oi l)ci‘rick .\la_\. Rohct't llood. Jack dc Xltit‘xctllc. .-\lc\ l'lidci‘ tliici ()niir ()/cr and lint .\laxtci'x. Scc prci ic\\. pagc fit).

I Spit Fire at R.»\l".-\. 3.45pm lam. £4. IS .lan. Dclcctahlc Soundtrack ol MC“ and claxxic indic. punk. pop. rock and clcctro l'rom :\rcadc l'irc to \cll} l'ttrtado.

I Toxic Pop at Bainhoo. lllpm 3am. £5. \Vcckl}. (icoll .\l atid ('raig l.a\\x pla} qiialit} houxc iiiuxic pltix Rth and hip hop l'roin (iai in Soinincri illc. Rock and indic \\ itli clcctro trom Soxc iti thc l.oungc.

I Vice at thc (‘athotixc l lpiii lam. £5 t£3i. \Vcckl}; D] Martin Batcx t.\'l".\li lioxtx an indic rock pull} on lL‘\ cl tiio

\\ itli tiincx old atid llL'\\. lrom Arctic Motikc} x to /.cppclin.

I XXL at (‘rih ltlpm 3am. £(i t£4 i. \Vcckl}. llcxk) and Big Al pla} hip hop. dancchall and giiiiic \\llll Ra} \Voodx pl;i_\ ittg old xkool claxxicx.

Glasgow Saturdays

I ABC Saturday at .’\B(’. l lpiii 3am. £" t£5i. \Vcckl}. Soul. rock'n'roll. indic atid clcctro \\ itli (ici'i‘) l._\onx atid l)a\ id Sinclair.

I The Beat Club Saturdays at lhc Bcat ('luh. l lpiii 3am. £5 ttrcc hctorc midnight i. \Vcckl). ln thc Bcat Room Brian .\lc(iill pla_\x thc hcxt iii indic. clcctro. rock. and cicr}thing lll-hL'l\\L'Cll. ln thc l)uplc\ Bar l)Jx KC\ Slcicnx and (’raig tRccon l’riiicctx/Moogromci \iill hc pla) ing thc hcxt in t'unk. at'ro hcat and ja/I.

I Bedlam at ()iiccn Margarct l'nion. 9pm 3am. £4. 26 Jan. .-\ goth-punk and nu nictal xoundtrack inciting ritual mortilicatioti and croxx-hiirning among thc black—clad hordcx. Ma} hc.

I Blacktrackin’ at \Voodxidc Social (‘luh Sfitipin lain. £5. 1‘) Jan. .\'orthcrn Soul rcturnx to thc \Vood} \Hlll a ncii. night or \orthcrn. .\loio\in and old xchool RckB. courtcx} ot' gucxt l)Jx Alan McKcn/ic. Jim Sim. and Kcith chdic. I Bunker Saturdays at thc Bunkcr Bar. Uplir 3am. li‘rcc. \Vcckl}. XFM'x

.\l.ixh ix on hand “till .i lli‘\\ \xcckl) icxidciic}. pla_\ing .iiixtliiiig \\llll d good haxxlinc .ind .m clcctionic hotixc tip ICanvas Club at \rta lllpiii \iin £5

Ill'L‘C' \\ t‘c‘kl} \c‘t‘ ill

I Club Antics .it lidlll} llpiii “.llll

£5 «£4i \\cckl§ \cix Satiiida) night rcxidciic}. xci\ itig tip .i dclcct.ihl_\ unprcdictahlc llll\ ot iiidic. punk. clcctro and ciilt claxxch dcxigncd to gct ki‘tl dancing

I Death Disco .ti tltc \ichcx

llpiii Kim £12 1" Jan |)c.itli llixco thix iiioiith oltcrx iip d hiiiiipci linc tip ot l)Jx. \\llll .loc tioiii llot t'hip. \ ic.iiioux Bltxx. lliixli l’upp}. l).l \liiigo go. .lohnni \\oop and lhc \licioxlittx xci\ ing up tlic tiincx lot tlic xtiaight ga} \\hatc\ci

cioix d lliink. dancc. .ind lic taliiiloux

I Firewater at l iicixatci noon 5.llll l’lt't' l‘t‘ltilc lll 5“pm. {4 it it .lllt'l \\cckl} llic iixual xclcctioii ot iock .iiid iiidic claxxch to gct _\oii thioiigh kottl \xcckcnd

I Funky Baby at llic \Mmd} 3 5pm £5 tkidx £5. prc \\.ilkcix ticc. l.lllllk\ lickct £ l 5i 2o .l.in .~\n .ittciiioon nightcliih loi tlic iiiidci tcnx ciou d that iiicorpoiatcx l‘llllk) l).incc (lixxi'x. Sophic lioiii Sopliic'x l'llll .iiid .i cliilloiit

I Glamorama .it Bolio. ‘l itlpiii 5.llll £8. \Vcckl} chidcnt l il Rich pla_\x a mu ot titix lioiixc. Hllx claxxicx. RikB and lug chart xongx tor )oiii plcaxuic

I I Love the Garage Saturdays at tlic (iaragc, ll). itlpni i.iiii £5 t£5i \Vcckl}. Biiaii .\lc.\l.ixtci play all _\oiii la\oiiritc claxxch iii thc main hall \xliilc Kcnn} xoai‘x through altcinatixc indic and rum claxxch in thc :\ttic

I Inside Out at tlic .'\l£‘llt‘\

ltlpm iam. £thc. 3o Jan lt‘x hccn rcxidciit at thc .'\lcllt'\ xiiicc I‘No and ix xtill going xtiong. llll\ tnoiitli‘x liiic iip includcx Jiidgc liilcx.

I Kaput at tlic llold tl'ndcrncatli lhc .-\dniira|i llpiii lain. £4. 2o .lan Ritckttlilll}. rock'n'roll. kiaiil lock and all tliiiigx px}chc lioin Kid l\\l\l. l)uncan l);tli;llliiii;lliit}ki‘o}d and loiii Big \\'o\\.

I Karbon Saturdays at Kaihon |t)._it)piii iani. £8 1 £(ii. \Vcckl). Rth. hip hop and xoullitl liink troiii thix night at thc llL'\\ cit} ccnti‘c \ciittc,

I Melting Pot at thc llold tl'ndci'ncatli lhc .-\diiiira|i. llpiii iani. H”. In .laii .-\|l thingx dixco \\ itli i'cxidcntx :\lltllt'\\ l’iric and Simon (‘ordinciz

I The Mix Element at Sirathclidc Stiidcntx' l'nion. lttpm lain. £7». \Vcckl}. (ilaxgou ‘x lli‘xl cicr xtiidcnt :\\lillt inuxic night. an cclcctic llll\ ol hhangra. hip hop. Boll}\\ood and RM; \ttllt l)Jx Bohh} B and la) Jagpal. aiid Shand},

I Monox at Souiidhaiix. llpiii 5am £l2 t£llli l‘) Jan. :\ ltill night’x hill ol iindci'gi‘oiind tcclitio and clcctro. lcatiiring xpccial gucxtx l)}narcc .iiid l'anc} and Spook. \iith rcxidcntx :\tltllll .\'. l)an Monm and lackinaxtcr

I Nu Skool at thc Bull. lll.5ilplll lain. U). \VL'L'kl}. Nick l’cacock. ('l'aig 'l‘hompxon. John Roxx and .'\lt‘\.

pl't)\ idiiig a tinc liiic in dixco. northcrn xiitll and all tliiiigx limk}.

I Saturdays at thc ('aihoiixc.

“hillle 3am. £(i i£4i. \Vcckl}, l)Jx laric oltcrx claxxic and currcnt rock. glam. mctal. liiiik mctal. goth and hrcak hcatx \xhilc [)1 Bill} hcltx out hix rcgiilar hlcnd ol hip hop. nu tnctal. altcrnatiic rock and indiixtrial.

I Singles Night at thc l'l}lllj.' Duck. llpiii 3am. £5 t£4i. 1‘) Jan. Andrcii

l)l\ inc and (‘hrix (icddcx pla} thcir rarc 45x coicring lit/l. xoiil. lunk. hoogaloo and Latin.

I Souldiggin’ at ('laxxic (irand.

l lpiii 3am. £5 t£3i. \Vcckl}. 'l’hc tcam hchind l)ccodancc bring yin ll\C handx and a xclcction ol xoul. l'iink. hip-hop. dancchall and rarc grooi c. With l)Jx Jocho}. l)a\id ('raig. (iai Sommcriillc and Yaxmin.

3:3 Spiced at Box. 9pm» 3am. £3. 26 Jan. Morgan'x Spiccd rcturnx to Scotland mth a maxhcd-up xct lrom Dan Le Sac VS. ScroohiUx Pip. l‘caturing thc Xl‘M l)Jx.

1‘ )2” 233‘: THE LIST 31