
The List, 14 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1TE 0 The List at the CCA MaIIbOX 350 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow 62 3J0 ousoow mo EDINBURGH email editor© EVENTS GUIQL


WINTER WARMER diff" c. «a: l \r’. " Publisher & General Editor

Re: Film (593) put .t at are a: . "‘ " ‘T‘ " 1'

Tharik ."iu .er, hitch fur L 5 ' 5“ " v "1 'i' EDITORIAL

rjragyirir} ',;,g' Jilli’fl‘flOTl TU it‘ll; Re: comics fj'qwix“ :5 iii“ Ed'tor IV. V.

Willi .".":.'i’t‘:.", 'Jra‘ml‘ at The 't .'.a‘1":axt. ll‘T‘r":STil"l 1" am tt i firm ;5; semen " iu' as’ ackhsnie._t:te"‘s-"t meet 4‘ Few” um"

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with Par/n, [wax at a.“ earl. ’w 1" ' MT "‘ i‘.' I" r%‘ J01! V "Mu? ‘% 14W: 3'” Jade Research Manager

age. the new". i t ‘HYI‘ a '.'.”i',7','w' .',ft/7i:' :l" t {Ti/L") 7.7 7- we", ,x.'i(t‘;i"l'15;;i1l‘l Ni vi, 8. O'i‘a'l ~ E‘ 9 -

(L’)llll)lf:ilf:l‘.‘ ii:t'rm;;e(.ti.’e an“ View"; ‘ii’V'W‘Tl‘i-“ul (Wis t" .‘.."iat c asuaiir. TSZi’U" a "tax Reseam' in “T H

arrives like :i HUI/iii -I’)llllllélif:(I llllt’IrLllYl Just a shavine ,“)il Lti::‘i‘,'t 'eaii. ‘u l ‘tir‘ MUSICAL _

E r(; '..l' gritt'hirik rll‘,“.'.’ilt:l‘:‘:l';f:l"I'i("",'(‘ .' .

Illl tllirt l ‘l ll). 1 i ~ 1 . di D|FFERENCE Editorial Assistant

()T a hetter via, tr, spend a Tamasrne Re; Records (593) a” V :x

lilack Jaiiuai‘, thaii .2!th \‘."‘."lll‘.,i it, ’:ll‘.(tll m “A” n; my SALES

Wduldtilll"dtlt<;rf)ti,itetgdiri ()z‘i'iiiliaFMmim ““tw- MARKETING

the interest ()T iiuakiiig the Gmwm. i'i,\.(,,,rt, gin Advertrsrng Sales Manager

t‘ i. .'\“ l' .

Media Sales Executive

.‘ “up '4 t ‘1‘ It ' ,‘t,,

world a hettei place Please alhuiiz; .Iil(:1.ll<‘fxeifim‘ her g0 and watith these filiiis;.

Rosy By email

and cririgewirthj.

ddii't even get me startet iw


Media Sales Support

that ridiculous; slap tum; Ba. k ~ .. t. ~ M “w {NW/M; “mm W. M, Business Development CRITICAL THE FAMOUS GROUSE WHISKY it x; N < v-- 4 {1y - vane..." _ _ at 5;. 0w. <‘T)ll(:(li 'iiei hi Eh, ., 3 in III ,, RECEP‘HON The Famous Grousev Scouand 5 favounte Wh'Sky merir hut (:ziivtilia a.“ S onsorsliip 8 Promotions


vxnvrl CriWrr‘

Circulation Executive such lyrical ’litl'l‘» a“, t. wait i,i :r :.»-_ l. H

Re: Records (593) Please can vriu give the (iraeiiie Meaiiit; Alhum the

axdxred a't'Mu" ‘ixifi- Elite"

HAPPY HOUSE Re: Clubs (593)

altimek hand The (3r'e;rriie ltdur star rem-"x. smite

Meariis Baird haxe vtxui'ked

review and the l(?\.’|(,".'/(,‘l it hard ill Ldiiihuigh ()‘.f?l the last lwas glad to see the *.'.el|r I must eat : l'i.ili, :witriiis; mm deserves. Camilla Pia seems; year deiiig great (lltlf; which deserved support given to 'ie‘: I Eil'l hitter ! he Art Director

N'sta ii Production Manager

Slim ll u"lllli Designer i ll‘ . |.‘iiiii DIGI IAL

General Manager :illstdl' i'rE

i() think that ameiie whe deer; have had ( ieat reat‘tictiis; llOll‘i lekvehlu lli our last issue. I'm ihviiied r'iatw . i

ll()I like (Birls; Aloud does not the puhlie. They .‘.’(?lll ‘I()‘.‘.'li a a great tail of these guys and 'mueh tittizi’ i'tllillil“ .:;"is:

have ears. l rem her reviewl sterm at the Queen's; l lall for as one dt the iiiin decent aim gay; (Till?) Ali ."2 7!."

think the same could he said the Sl)(3(iil'tllll Festival and house rights iii Edinburgh td stars. ‘.‘./hile the. are rtl‘

about her! Mayhe it's met her there was; li() l()\.l(:‘.‘.” ithat I was ge aleiig ti) and get seme exceiieht imp hand. they 'ld

fault as she likes Britney aux/are ef‘. iii The list. seizeus gredve Oh it's great tr) not provide till-(Zilfgi‘itjti lyrics.

Spears and the like. so really Eddie Cousins see them finally getting the S Leverton Senior Developer

should ridt he reviewuig am By email recognition thev deserve. By email ""“3' 7”“1“ "'1" Senior Designer it" Hi H'erio-

Software Developer

What did you think? ADMINISTRATION Accounts Manager Office Hit Manager Nut”?! h" ";«:i

Glasgow Office Manager S’vir'm Qumrai Reception

Lgf' :Iri'1r-,'.'j,,r'i

SECTION EDITORS Around Town Kirstin inries Books Brian D'maiitsrin

‘rli’, 1'2""

Joan Eardley Exhibition RSA. Edinburgh, Wed 9 Jan I’m Not There Cameo. Edinburgh, Thu 10 Jan

Moira Stuart

Bob Jeanette I really loved the sea scapes and I thought it was really beautiful Tedlous' u could have been l-m confused_ if I knew more Clubs hem ,' hortnmci» the landscapes. particularly the and honest and really reflected Short“ about Bob Dyian men i wouid imm Darid paltrle

use of grit and seeds. Great to see so much work by Joan Eardley and great to see her getting the recognition she deserves.

what the time must have been

lk have understood it but you

need to know a bit about him before gomg to see the film.

Comedy Erich Lcrzaidsan Comics "Lem, .‘iorfnrrir,rr; Dance V-Ei‘ ,' Litter

Eat 8 Drink Sepals Rev: Film Paul Daie

LGBT Sandra Marror Kids “ell; t-cter

Music ‘v‘ara Roberson

'i. f' human Chalmers

Ca", Ur; r Vern, Mathiezcr an: ’meprerdi

News Lnrra Miller

Play he”, ‘icv'thrrr/r; Iv’fi as" Dcr’CSCE

Shop ir'stm lone: Television 8' a.” See dean Theatre Steie Cramer Travel Kirstin Innes Visual Art

Alexander Kennedy



It was too long and a lot of it was superflu0us. i found it interesting but if you're not a fan of Dylan then a lot of the material is irrelevant. The acting was very good.



Absolutley marvellous. I particularly liked the Glasgow kids and some of the big sea paintings. particularly the ones with snow on the ground.

I found it a bit boring and a little overSImplified. It's a shame. l found it was a bit like a lot of short films thrown together - and not very interesting ones at that.

I've appreciated Joan Eardley's work for a very long time so it's fantastic to see it there in the flesh. Wonderful.