
Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to suzanneOlist.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.


ACIIVIlleS and Fun

Winter Animals Sat ll) Jan.

ll 30am 12.30pm tk 2 3pm l'ree. KL'l\lll}._'lH\L'x\l1(iitllL‘U 8t .\lu\cum. Arg}le Street. 37“ 959‘). ()lllSltlt‘ lltc itlllllli'tlS ha\e gone into hibernation. btit can _\ou Silll liiid them lllSltlL' the lllllSL'lllll llurit them doun then take part in an art .tL‘llHl). Ages 4 l3.

Kids Percussion Workshop Sat It) Jan. lllllL‘S \ar} H. Ro}al ('oncert Hall: laxhibition Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000 See premeu Ages 4 (i at l lam;

7 ll) at noon. l’ur! of (‘i'lm (inn/in IIHIH. Kids @ Citz Sat/Sun. limes \ar}. L5 per SL‘SSItlll. ('tlI/enx‘ 'l‘llealre. I l‘) (iorbalx Street. 43‘) 0023. Weekl} drama L‘litSSLN loi ages 4 l5. ('heck \tebsile lor inlormation.

Interactive Theatrical Fun Sat ll) iv 30 Jan. l0.30am noon. £3.50 per \L‘\\I()ll (£3.50i. 'l'he (iiant \Vol'leliop Space. l2l Saltmarkel. 357 5000. litteractixe drama workshops lor ages (i «S that l'ocux on the

Springtime Creative Play Sat I‘) it 26 .laii. l.30 2.30pm. £3 per \L‘sxltm (£2). The (iiant Workshop Space. Ill Sallmarket. 357 5000. A chance l'or \iee ltilx to L‘XL‘I'L‘ISL' their llllilg'lllttllttllS \iith an hour ol stor) telling. puppets. \ ixual art and \titlgS. Ages 3 5. Children’s Art Spark Sun 30 Jan.

3 5pm. £20 (£30 for [no children). (lather iii (ilaxgtm, 37 Rullnen Lane. 07907 le’S l 3. (ie'. the gllllel' read) “if crall aclix itiex l'or ages 5 S and S l3. GMRC Family Club Sun 20 & 37 Jan. I lam lpiii. Free. (ilaxgoii Mtixeuinx Rexottrce (t‘llllt‘. 200 \Voodlicad Road. \leliill. 370 9303. ('hildren aged .5 l2 and their families can take part in art\. games and acti\ itiex. All exentx must be booked b} 5pm the pre\ lllllS da}.

After School Drama Group Tue 22 it 2‘) Jan. 4 0pm. £3 per session (£3 l. The (iiant \‘i'orkxhop Space. l2l l27 Saltinarket. 357 5000. Drama games. nioxement and dorfielling l‘or ages 7 l I. Funky Baby Sal 3(i Jan. 3 5pm. £5 tkidx £5; pre-“alkerx lree: tailiin ticket

[ I 5 l. The \Vttod}. 32‘) North “outbith Road. 337 lb—l3. An afternoon nightclub lor the under tenx crowd that incorporate\ hunk) Dance (‘laxxes with Sophie l'rom Sophie‘s l‘un and an lilepliant (‘hillout Kittie.

Rails and Sails Weekend Sat 2o & Stiti 27 Jan. Sat l0ain 5pm; Sun

I lain 5pm. Free. Museum oli'l‘l'anxpurl. l liunhouxe Road. 3S7 2720. A weekend ol‘ boat and track-related tun. \\ ith model rail display and hands-on model boating fun on a giant indoor pond.

Art on a Mat Sun 37 Jan. lptii. (ialler) of Modern Art. Roytl li\change Square. 23‘) two. A \c\\l0ll for children under xix and their parents/guardianx exploring artwork. storytelling and creatix e pla}. lior information call (ll-1| 2S7 305‘).


Music for Early Ears Sat ll) Jan «k Sat 20 Jan. 'l‘inies \ar}: {IS tor \i\ necks. ('it} llall\. (‘andleriggx 35.3 S000. A \i\ “eek block ot~ creati\e mu~ic claxxex tor )oung children and their parentx/carerx. Ages 3 3 at l.30pni. 3 4 at 2.l5pni and 4 5 at 3.l5pin.

Theatre & Dance

Jason and The Argonauts liri IS Jan. l0.30ain & 1.30pm. Tron Theatre. 03 'l‘rongate. 32S I404. Visible Fictions presents this innovative and fun reworking of the L‘l'dSSlL‘ tale. in which Jason embarks on an epic journey to recox er the Golden Fleece. Ages 9+. llighl} recommended.

Three Wishes Sat 19 Jan. 2pm & 3.45pm. £4.75 tt'4.50i. Scottish Mask and

Puppet (‘entre S 10 Balcariex Axeiiue. Kelnndale. 33‘) blS5 l’a\la\ l’tlppch pl'L'SL’lll llth lighthearted talc. lttlltt‘A ctl l‘} an adaptation ol Martin \Vaddell's ( in! .' \uu .S/H'], [ill/r [it til '.-\j_‘L'\ 3* Disney's High School Musical: The Ice Tour Wed 2‘ Sun 2“ Jan. “ed

" 30pm. 'l‘hu & l‘l‘l 4pm «k 7 30pm. Sat noon.3.-15pmtk 7 30pm. Sun ll.tlll. 2.45pm ik b.30pm. {1-150 L3: 50 liraehead Arena. Kingx liich Road. SS!» S300. 'l‘he itll-Slllglllg'. all-dancing hit mo\ie takes to the ice. perloriiied h} “(WM-claw skitlct‘S

Looking for Nessie Sat 2!. Jan. 2pm £475 it-i.5lli. Scottixlt .\la\k and l’tippct ('entre. S l0 Balcarrex A\enue. Kelxindale. 33‘) (ilb5 Keeper ol the loch. Angux .\lc( iregor gocx on a tun hunt toi NL‘SSlL‘. l‘or age\ 3+.

The Man Who Planted Trees Sat 2!» Jan. 3.30pm. Ui.50 it'3.50 9.4.50: l’lallorm. The Bridge. l000 \Vederliomc- Rllilti. i',;t\lct'lltttl\c. :70 WHO Puppet State Theatre presents llll\ mtilti \t'llSttl'} tale abotil a simple \hepherd \xho tranxlormx a tic‘xtlldlt‘ area b} planting hundreds of trees. Age\ 7+.


Activities and Fun

Science at the Museum Sat/Sun ll.45ani. l3.-l5pin. l.45pm it 3.45pm. l'ree. National Mitxeum ol Scotland. (‘hamberx Street. 247 4422. Come lace to lace \xith \cience and \t'lL‘llllSIS e\er_\ \teekend. l’leaxe note there are limited spaces. Ach 5+.

Bags of Art Stiii 30 Jan. 2 4pm. l-rce. National (ialler) ol' Modern Art. 75 Bellord Road. (iZ-l (i200. ('ollcct a bag ol actix itiex from the Art Station at the top ol the stairs. then e\plore the collection and create )Ulll' own artuork. Agcx 3 l3. Beading and Jewellery Sun 20 .k 37 Jan. 3.30 5pm. L'l5. Imagination Workshop. I36 Marchinont Road. loo (ll-1S A new bead project is on oll'er e\'er} week \\ ilh bead\ and \\ ire on hand tor )iiti to e\periment u ith. Age\

l0 adult.

Family Tree Canvas Art Sat 2o Jan. Illam noon. £35 per adult and child it; Ill per additional person). Imagination Workshop. l3(i Marchinont Road. 4N» (ll-18. A chance for _\ou and _\our child to work together to create _\our laiiiil} tree on a large stretched camas. Ages adult. Doodles and Tales Sun 27 Jan.

3 4pm. l'TL‘C. National (killer) ol' Scotland. The Mound. 624 (i200. .-\l'li\l Juliana ('apes and \lot'} teller l‘t‘l'glh .\lc.\'icol bring pillllllllgN and sculptures to life with \toriex and art actix iliex. Meet at

the main entrance. Ages 5 l).

Books and Storytelling Talking Trees Storytelling Sun 20

Jan. 2- 3pm. liree. Royil Botanic (i;tl'tlL‘ll\.

Arboretum Place. NS 2068. Storytellerx transport adults and children alike to a magical land tar. lar tma}. Suitable for anyone “llll an imagination (ages 5+ l. Burns for Balms Sat 26 Jan. 3.30pm. £4. Scottish Slor}lelling Centre. 43 45 High Street. 556 957‘). An allernoon of Robert Burns-related songs. \torie\ arid

gitlilCS for age\ 5 and o\ er.

Outside the Cites

Theatre & Dance

The Gmflalo and Friends Stiii 37 Jan. lpiii it 4pm. £6125). MacRobeit. l'nixerxit} of Stirling. Stirling. 017m tritium». Author .ltilia Donaldson acts otit her \toriex and \ingx \ongx. \\ itli plent) of audience participation. Agex 3+.

KLiLS' ‘.'.”fiiMSti’/Uf; CELTIC CONNECTIONS Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow. Sat 19 Jan (percussion) & Sat 26 Jan (singing)

Given that most children derive pleasure from 3) making lots of noise and b) hitting things, a drumming workshop for kids seems like a match made in heaven. For the past three years, Helen Smith of Samba company Big Groove has been running sell-out percussion workshops at Celtic Connections, and is about to pull out her Tom-tom drums for the fourth time.

‘Children can pick rhythms up really quickly and they’re usually drumming within ten or 15 minutes,’ says Smith. ‘I teach them a little word pattern, which will help them remember the beat once we start drumming, and then we just go for it.’ Smith will be running two children’s workshops at Celtic Connections, aimed at ages 4-6 and 7-10, and will provide drums and sticks for every child and any adults itching to get involved.

Later on in the Celtic Connections programme, Chrissie Stewart-Skinner will dust off a few pre-school classics in ‘Singin on yer Mammy’s Knee'. Highlighting the developmental benefits singing with young children can bring, the workshop will feature interactive songs and games for under fives, which parents, carers and playworkers can enjoy with their young charges.

One of the key enjoyment factors with both workshops, is creating music with other people - something Smith feels holds huge appeal. ‘lt’s a group music-making process,’ she says. ‘So everyone is producing a sound and making a tune together - and that's definitely something that the kids enjoy.’ (Kelly Apter)

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