Gra is quo

Glad to be free: rokwise om Iett: Kubichck!. Roy's Iron DNA, Luva Anna and Operahouse

Camilla Pia rifles through the raft of most excellent talent on show at the Duty Free season of free entry gigs at Edinburgh's Cabaret Voltaire this month

(Nix heralth the arrixal ol a hrantl \panktnj.‘ nett

htineh ol' hantlx tor ll\ to \ink our teeth into. Hut

\thieh one\ \\iiI re in\eltl new rate. \\Iltt \\iii ottttlo 'l‘he llorrorx in the hair tlepartinent. otttkook Kate .\'a\h or heat tlte .\retie \Ittllkt‘}\ in a pith_\ hrie hattle to eteh then \\;i_\ into the nation\ e‘ttll\L'lt\tl\ltt‘\\ .’ .\l’ter tlte IlItIt'tlll\IIC\\ lltat \\;l\ l.eon .laekxoitK .\ l‘ilt {or \\lll. )ttll ean he \ttre that realtt} IV \Iltt\\\ \ton‘t tell _\on. htit perhapx lint} I-ree ean a tlnerxe rttn ol lree entrt eigx at ('aharet \oltaire \Ilt\\\e;t\lll_‘_‘ tlte line\t tip antl eoining lttlll‘lllg aetx antl honieerottn talent. \thieh in the paxt hax \een l'rightenetl lx’ahhit. IIlL‘ \.l\i;tll\. IIlL‘ \Iagttilieetth '.tlltI [IiIlL' \etllL‘ IiII’xk' lit tlte \taee.

‘I'hix _\ear\ line tip kieketl ol'l' earlier thix inottth \\llIi ('htttex atttl Iirokltnitex l,e\_\ .Illti etlllllllllt‘x \\llil aptwaraneex l'roni (ieot'tlie po\t roeket\ Ktihieheek'. tlte latext Ioeal minnow ol' the It‘lltI tllllt‘IrItillti genre (‘rt ()\er Billionaire» ntenaeing eleetroniea»tingetl “Wmmk‘ I‘m.“ IN” I)-\it\~ “H‘Cti till inerehantx 'I‘he I);ll'It\IttllL‘\ .tlltI I)IIII\ICC.\ t‘e‘et‘llll‘te lttIk ttlltI lttix‘tltt eontho l.ti\a .\nna. \Itlillvill\ll'tllllt‘tll;tii\l ehantethe lott llieke} ix alxo perlornttng alongxitle (iI.t\j_‘t\\\ [\u‘CL‘UI'C \\\CCIItC;tl'l\ IAIlL‘ I'L‘Il 'Iiipx \\hile /.ane I.H\\ C and Jonathan Rtixx-itppi‘ttxetl (‘anitlen intlie quartet ()perahottxe p|a_\ \\llIl the atntoxpherie I'ntlor. antl unheliemhlt. tltere are \till more aetx to he announeetl.

l{\eitetl _\et'.’ You \IIUUILI he. (‘aharet \oltanex |‘\ent\ (‘U‘UI'LIIIIJIUI‘ Solen ('ollet eertatnlt l\. ‘\\'e‘\e hatl \eter'al l’llli\ ol' thexe \Ilt\\\\ o\ er the laxt eottl‘le ot _\e'ar\ and there hate heen \onte reth great \he e\l‘lain\. "l‘he litt\\l ntentorahle \o tar lot the itax to he

I'i‘tehtenetl Ix’ahhit\ ln'xt Iztlinhttreh \Iltt\\. l loxe them so I nearl_\ \tet int\ell. and we had a et'a/_\ meat} elf: mm the .\etite antl I'lte \'i\ian\ thix tinte Iaxt teat \\ hieh ended in an onstage pile on. (IHHtI tiniex.‘

Sotintlx like l'tin. So. \that are ('olletk leelingx on [Ill\ _\ear\ ollerinex’

‘\\ere real|_\ looking; lorttartl to another run ol I)ttt_\ I‘ree \Iltt\\\ a\ \te're leattiring; \onie atria/in}: Seottixh hanth ax \\ ell a\ the return to otti \taee ol nitteh IH\L'tI \twnxnlie i;ltI\ Klii‘le'llt'ki ltiithei alieltl plating their lptlinhttreh tlehtttx. Hopelttllt lotx ol people \\lIi eonie alone .IIItI \tipport the I‘.llitI\. a\ _\oti neter knott. _\oti lllljJIlI ;_'et to we

and a le\\ f_'tlt'\l\ liotn

~\otir next la\otirite hantl lor lree.‘

Snott} Ilt\\L‘tI. lontl niotithetl pttnk \ittine aloitjgxitle \tt.tlll‘tj.‘ inthe. eleetro roek. \tiateht tip pop and \a\\_\ prime \\a\ the llatotir ol Still". and [Ill\ etilttnal eitmoter l\ \tirelt wt to eontintte into Itltix. In laet. \then it eoniex to genre I‘ll\llllf_‘. the nut tett tnonth\ l‘l'ttlllht‘ to he e\en hatinier \\liil wine ol the HM“! antieipatetl nett releaxo eonthining; a thrilling; hlentl ol \I}It‘\. Il'tllll I‘tt.tI\ 1H IIlL‘ lICL‘lltthIN. I)ttL‘\ II ()Iit'llti \ott. \eah.’. Hot ('hip. \I(i.\I'l antl \latlonna In keeping; \tith thtx. l)ttt_\ tree I\ the perleet e\antple ol ait etent hoasting \‘eotlantl‘x tnxt trttl} lllllltIlllCIIlllj.‘ llll\ ol the _\ear and l\ therelore lilgilvttll L'\\L'll[l.tI lot an} tan ot inotlern llltl\le. .Itl\l he \lll'L‘ to lea\e _\onr preettneeptionx at the tloor.

Cabaret Voltaire, Edinburgh, Sat 19, Mon 21, Fri 25 & Mon 28 Jan. See listings for full details of each gig.

Vice Tour Vi ‘e on ; «Jim's;

tintttea :nttw «am- tault ‘.’.tii‘. a

vitizttlrtzitze Iii: nit-'\\,-.r~.is:.a tit t‘nintjlt‘», l“.lt}t]t"i‘%. an it"! at». Black hails, l riter‘.t?‘,'l '~-::. li cm lattto anti lltak l-‘iioot :. J: toiiiitt- (‘T ‘.‘.'l.r,~itt am so (itii‘. i" Il‘,’ Hip tI‘i‘:, 17v." iIhIIli‘; "‘.:t.'<én't ‘?\.'t'.". :itfi‘t'i tovnteui wt We knots. Black Kitts, are worth {l ittint so get (lown tlttErtr. (“to to 'ifitll' fl’ill‘. for that: titiktzis‘. ABC; ’. Hiring}. v.1, int/KR} (NA/(1H. «Hot/j»? (‘i Hip; :I Duty Free Yes. tit-so are also free how rioori a: this; tortnirittt. eh? 8M; i)l(“‘.t‘?‘.‘/. tett. (:{ll}{)/'{;’i Vinita/H9, [(I'ti'PIJt/rtm. SJ! N), twin/7 i, [it 2.": a; info/2v .98 Jun. (Hook f; Pom

" Explosions in the Sky ltuar‘ttireiwitgl; (p’fli instrumental ‘)’)tll‘.(If/,éi[;‘?fi trorn This tirtztsstiininr; quartet twin tiit; heart of Texas 800 ornate/.1. page of, Bt’il'l'()'.’.’/{ilit]. (i/(lijtflv‘i’. (Hock é: Pom

' Celtic Connections So. where (to we start? lm page i anoint)? Jock Tanison's Balms? lint O'Brien and Punch Brothers? Trilok Gurtn’? Kris Ural/(20‘ lint,- CilOltXt is; mom: there's rat‘soigh good stuff to go aroaivl. Set: orevio/x. page 1"). ‘t/C’ir'itrm; moi/es. Gi't’l.‘.7’]')-.‘./, until SUN 3 felt tf-o/k. Rock 8 Pop; -. Stars Astute. Canadian pop scrotum polisi‘iinf; up {NIH vocals .‘rth shale" of Drefat; Snront. Pet Show Boys and int}. miths If, Shanna. 9 effect. 80‘: wet/IQW. wage 55F). Oran i‘I/ior. Giacgow. Sun 22' Jim. flock 8 Pop) 7 : Pharoah Sanders earning his; stripe-r; as part of John Coitrane's Dime-error; grooms in the 6933. Sanders rmsec remains indebeteo to rrs mentor but as his rare show r/iil illustrate. he coptzt'ues to strike om. in his own COSlTilC directnn See ore/ten. page :36. Voodoo Rooms, Edinburgh. Tue 29 Jan. U817.)