

For all Celtic Connections tickets call 0141 353 8000, Ticketmaster on 0844 499 9990 or online at www.celtic connections.com. See feature, page 15.

Thursday 1 7


I Benbecula Nightt‘in llallx Reeital Roomx. ('andletiggx. ‘5‘ Sllltll (iprn L'lll 'lraditronal muxie xtudentx and tutor'x lrorn l.L'\\S (‘ollege. llenbeeula. xhoxieaxe the ixlarid'x mtixieal heritage. \trth perlormaneex lrom l'limg l‘iddlex. laiti .\lael)onald. \riria‘Vend} Ste\enxon and \\ lll lamb

I Flook and Damien Dempsey .’\l‘(‘. “H Sauehiehall Street. ‘5‘ .Stlllll 7.‘llpm {l5 .\riglo/lr‘txh tour-pieee. appearing lor‘ the lir'xt time with tlte l-Iook ling Hand. ax \xell .ix xe\eral guext muxieiarix hour then laxt l\\tt albumx. li’u/nu and lltlH'Il.

I Steve Earle and Allison Moorer Ro}al (‘orieert Hall: .\lam .'\lltlllttl'lllllt.3 Sauehrehall Street. ‘5‘ Stltltl, ‘. ‘llpm. £32 l£3llr liai'le reeentl} eelebrated lnx moxe lr'oiri \exx York to \.ixh\ille‘ \xrth lttx latexl xlttdlo releaxe lliti/rurerun .St/llrlli' .S‘l'l't'lllltli'. it ll'll‘lllk' It) lllL' eit} .S I‘Nillx lolk re\ i\al he}da}. ax \\ ell ax to itx eurrent xeerie.

I Luke Daniels and Donald Grant and The Shee Roxal (‘orieert Hall: Strathel_\de Suite. 3 Sauehiehall Street. ‘5‘ Stillll, .S'pni. U351). ;\ neix xurte ol muxie b} auardwxmmng aeeordroinxt and eoiiipoxer l.uke l)aiiielx and Highland l‘iddler l)ona|d (irant. lx/umlx e\p|orex the eommon threadx among the mtixreal traditionx ol lrelarid. Seotland. Shetland and \orthuiiiberlaiid.

I While and Matthews and Edwina Hayes St .'\iidre\\ 'x m the Square. St .-\ridre\\ 'x Square. ‘5‘ .Slltltl, .S'pm. U35“. lrtterriallottall} aeelatrrted \oeal/xorig\\ritmg partnerxhip \iho I'L‘L‘L‘llll} (L‘lL'l‘t'aletl l—l }L‘;tl'S ltthlllL‘l'. lztiiergiiig lrixh xinger l'.d\\ma Ha}ex operix the xlioxx.

I Liam Clancy and members of Dana and Archie Fisher llte ()ld l'rurtiiiar'ket. (Hitldle‘i'iggx. ‘5‘ Slltlll. ‘tpni. L'lh. I.ram ('larie} uax hailed b} D} lari ax ‘the bext ballad xiiigei' I met heard in m_\ lil‘e'. 'l'onight he hoxtx a muxieal gathering ol l'amil} and lriendx. ax \\ ell ax meiiibet'x ot \Valer‘lor‘d po\\ei‘liotixe l)anti. 'l‘hix eoneert \xill air ax a xpeeial edition ol [hire/line I'D/k. I Celtic Connections Festival Club (Jitalit) Hotel: logie Baird Suite. ‘N (iordori Street. ‘5‘ Slltlll. Ill.‘(lpm. {‘50 (".50. Speeial late night elub running e\er‘_\ night ol the (‘eltie ('onneetiotix textual. proxrdiiig _\ou \\llll xome\\ here to hear e\ en more muxie UHCC the gtgx are Uu‘l‘.

Friday 18


I The Cast and Theresa Kavanagh (at) Halle Recital lx'oorrtx. ('andleriggx ‘5‘ Slltltl (rpm. 9; Ill. 'l'he Seottixh duo \\lttt r'eleaxed their litltg—;t\\alletl third album. (iret'neo/d in Bill)". xupported b} Donegal tiddler' 'l‘herexa Kamnagh.

I Bellowhead and Lisa Knapp .-\B('. .‘.‘(l Sauehiehall Street. .‘5‘ Silllll. “.‘ttpm. U5. l'iriglixh t‘olk lirebrandx

\\ ho ha\ e earned a li\ e reputation ax a d)ttamie and innmatix e outlit.

I The Burnsong Song House ()ran

.\lor. "‘l “‘5 (heat \Vextern Road. ‘5‘ 8000. 7..‘llpm. L'll.5ll. Burnxong ix a

Seotlarid-u rde progreet to promote original xoriguritmg \xrth partieipantx eomiug trom the \mrldx or roek. pop. eleetroniea and traditional t‘olk. 'l‘oiiight'x line-up t‘eaturex Idle“ ild'x Rodd} \\'oomble. ’l‘eenage l‘anelub'x \orman Blake. l‘ound'x Zigg} (‘ariipbelk ax \\ ell

ax \uala Kenned}. louixe Quinn and l - \larie

I Cherish the Ladies altd Lazy Boy Chair Ro}.tl ('oneert Hall \lam \udrlorium. I Satiehiehall Street. ‘5‘ SUN“ ' ‘ltpm 1th i LlSI Irixh- \rnetieati xupergroup ( herrxh the ladtex return to ('eltte (it’llllL'ellHltS. tronted b_\ the

tlute \xhrxtle \irtuoxo Joanie \ladden

I Daimh and Anxo Lorenzo and TNT (‘laxxie (irarid. IS .l.tlll.tl\.t Street. ‘5‘ Still“ 5 ‘ltpm Ll: 5H l)airnh meludex irierriberx trom (‘ariada. the l'S. Ireland and Seotland.

I Classic Albums: Lauren MacColl and Maeve Mackinnon S'r \ttdr'exi \ m the Square. St \ndreu ‘x Square. ‘5‘ Sllllll Spin LI: 5” ‘\ ('laxxie \lbuni doubleibrll leattirmg t\\o bright }otiiig Seolttxlt laletttx \\ rth l.atrr'etl \lae( 'oll'x Hillel! /.t'i1\¢'\ [ti/l .tlltl \idLWC \laekirinon'x [hm ‘r Sm: ll'lt \oiiex

I Lewis and Harris Night Ro}al (’orieert Hall: Strathel_\de Suite. 3 Satiehrehall Street. ‘5‘ Slllll) Spin. £13.50. .\ prograrrnne ol muxie lr'om the neighlmurmg (iaelie xtrongholdx ol

l.e\\ ix arid Harrix. meludmg all-girl quartet 'l‘eme and teen aeeordion prodig} larri ;\llf.!llS .\lael.eod.

I Punch Brothers and The Bills lhe ()ld l~ruitmarket. (Kindleriggx. ‘5‘ Still“. ‘).‘llpm. L'lh. .kuar'd-mnrnng nu: bluegraxx xmger and eoiitpoxer ('hrix 'l'hile pla}x \Hlll the l’tmeh l‘t'olltL‘lS. \xhoxe tirxt album ix dtie to be r‘eleaxed in l'ebruat'} lellS.

I Celtic Connections Festival Club ()ualit) Hotel: l.ogie Baird Surte. (N (iordon Street. ‘5‘ Sllllll. Ill.‘llpm. L".5ll US”. See lliltll l7.

I Celtic Connections Festival Ceilidhs Royil ('orteert Hall: l'.\llll\lllttll Hall. 3 Sauehiehall Street. ‘5‘ Stlllll. LBS. lanro} a poxt-eoneert llmg or a pre—eoneert “arm-up \\ ttli 'l‘he Serixational .lriiii Sharidri\ l'.\|k'rietiee. led b_\ Sand} Breehin.

Saturday 1 9


I Come&Try Bodhran Ro}al ('oneert Hall: l.omorid l"o_\ er. 3 Sattehiehall Street. ‘5‘ Stlllll. llam. Ur. :\nd_\ Ma) guidex ion through the baxtex ol' liodhran.

I Celtic Connections Festival Orchestra Ro}al ('oneert Hall: .\lairi .'\lltlllttl‘llllll. 3 Sauehiehall Street. ‘5‘ Sllllll. ll..‘llprii. U351). l.arge—xeale erixeritble ol Seottixh lolk and elaxxieal talent. dir‘eeted b} (ilaxgou vbaxed eompoxer .\lark Sheridan.

I Beginner Fiddle Ro)al (‘orteert Hall: ('l)de l-‘o.\ er. 3 Sauehiehall Street. ‘5‘ Slltll). l.‘(lpm. Lb. learn the baxiex ol tiddle pla}ing \\lllt Lune} 'l'ait, Suitable l'or thoxe \\ ho ha\ e been pla_\irig tor a eouple ol' monthx.

I Spencer Bohren (‘itx llallx: Reeital Roonix. (’andleriggx. ‘5‘ .S'lllll). opm. L'lll. Veteran lolk/bluex troubadour \\ ho eame ol age during the (illx lolk boom. and hax xinee \xon l‘anx \\llll hix grittil} atmoxpherie xorigx.

I Kevin McDermott and Colin Hay .-\H(‘. “(l Satiehiehall Street. .‘5‘ Stlllll. ".‘llpm. [l5 (ilaxgtm xiriget‘-xong\\riter lx'e\m .\lel)erriiott launehex hix ne\\ xolo album

I Old Blind Dogs and The Alan Kelly Quartet ()ran .\lot'. 7‘l "‘5 (ireat \\'extern Road. ‘5‘ S'llllll. T‘llpm. Ll2.5ll. ll;tl'lllUlt_\—t'le‘lt t'olk outlit “lto xiiapped tip Baud ol' the Year at the lellJ Seotx ’l‘rad .\luxie .-\\\ardx. .~\lan Kell} ix one or lrelarid‘x loremoxt piano aeeordion e\poneutx.

I Paul Burch and Diana Jones (‘laxxie (iratid. lS Jamaiea Street. S4" 08le ".‘ltpm. “2.51). .\'axh\ille-baxed xiriger-xong“riter draix ing on [S xotithern rootx muxie,

I Ronald Stevenson with the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra and .S‘tltlll. T‘tlpm, L‘ lh. In the tirxt in a xeriex of international exentx to mark Ste\enxon'x .S’ttth birthda}. the Cit} Hallx

pla}x hoxr to the long a\\alled premiere or lnx epie x}mplionie uork l'iam

If: 1: Huron:

I Shetland Night with Fiddlers’ Bid Ro}al ("oneert Hall \lain \uditorium. I Sauehiehall Street. ‘5‘ xootl ' ‘Hptn LlS '1 lot \ paeked programme “th xttong eriiphaxix on the riddle Shetland'x 'natrorial' mxtrument \\ \\ ell ax the nixtrumental pou erhouxe ot liddlerx' l‘rd. \l_\ Halli. l‘llxka. Horn l‘rti and lhe ('tillrxoe l iddletx \xill alxo make an appeatariee

I Lau and Uiscedwr Ro}al (‘oneen Hall Strathel}de Suite. _‘ Sauehiehall Street. ‘5‘ MN)” Spin L135” lati return to ('eltre (‘onneetiotix alter their debut releaxe laxt )e'ai \a\\ them xtormmg the lextixal eir'emt

I Travellers’ Day Out Si \rtdre\\ \ m the Square. St \ndreu 'x Square. ‘5‘ Stlllll .Spm ill 5” Share in the traditionx ol xong and xtor}tellmg prexerx ed b} .Seotland'x traxelling people. l-eaturmg Slierla Steixart. Stanle} Robertxon. lzli/abeth Stexxart. ,lexx Smith and erm} \Villrariixoii

I Galician Night lhe ()ld l'llllllllalkt‘l. (aridler'iggx. ‘5‘ SUN) ‘l‘llpm Lt!» (iet a taxte ol the Spanrxh ('eltre experienee. \\ itli three or (ialieia'x top eoltlerttporar) artixtx. (ialreian bagprpe pla_\ei \oxe \lanuel Hudmo. xmger \ler'eeded l’eon and e\perniienta| group the .-\ri\o loren/o Hand Ieattrt'e.

I Celtic Connections Festival Club ()tialit} Hotel: l,ogre Hand Stiite. ‘N (iordon Street. ‘5‘ Still“. ll). ‘llpm L‘5ll L551). See Hm I".

I Celtic Connections Festival Ceilidhs l{o_\al ('orieert Hall: |-.\hibrtiori Hall. 3 Sauehiehall Street. ‘5‘ Stltlll, L'S. See l'ri IS.


I Women’s Samba Workshop l<o_\al ('oneert Hall: l-.\lnbition Hall.) Sauehiehall Street. ‘5‘ Sllllll, llam, to Big (ir‘oo\ e lead a \iomen'x onl} \\or'kxltop. introdueirig xome lunk} xamba drumriiiug.

I New Voices: Gavin Marwick Ro}al (‘oneert Hall: Strathel_\de Suite. 2 Sauehiehall Street. ‘5‘ Slltlll. lprii. L'lll5ll. lzdinbur'gh-bor'n liddler. \\lto hax pla) ed mm the l‘nuxual Suxpeetx and l‘L'llL‘Hte Relttle/Mittx.

I Big Ballad Ro}al ('oiieert Hall: l.omond l‘o_\er. 2 Sauehiehall Street. ‘. . Slltltl. l.‘tlpm. Ur. (iordeanna .\le(‘ulloeh and .'\rine .\'ei|xon teaeh partieiparitx about the heaut} ol the big tiat'r'ati\ e ballad. l‘eel tree to bring )our' ti\\ll perxonal reeording equipment.

I “N0 Tall Girls (at) Hallx: Reettal Roomx. ('aridleriggx. ‘5‘ Stilltl. (‘l‘m U”. The 'l'uo 'l'all (irrlx are run and lolk xiiiger'-xorig\\riter Sophie l‘anerolt and (‘anadian-borii eellixt (’hrixtirie llanxon. \\ ho preriiiered at the IUD" lzdmburgh l'ringe \\ itli three xell-out \lltiux.

I Altan and The Brendan Voyage featuring Liam O’Flynn with the Orchestra of Scottish Opera Ro};il (‘orieer't Hall: .\lam :\tttlilot‘ttlttl. 3 Sauehiehall Street. ‘5‘ Stilltl. T‘llpm. £3” 1 HM. 'I'he lirxt maror' \wi'k to integrate traditional muxie \\ itli elaxxieal orehextra. Shaun l)a\e} 'x l'lu' [hem/(m Hittite reeei\ex llx ('elllL' (‘UHHL'L'lIUHS premiere. eondueted b_\ l)a\ id l‘t'oplt}. 'l‘he ()rehextra ol Seottixh ()pera \\ ill return in the xeeorid halt to aeeortipatt} lreland‘x top traditional band. Altair.

I The Pearlfishers and Finniston (’laxxte (ir'atid. IS Jamarea Street. .‘5‘ Slllltl. ".‘llpm. “2.5”. The l’earllixherx perl'or'm traekx trom their lelf album I]: it till l/Ir' lat/1.x, turned h} l-mmxton \\ ho r'eeeritl} r'eleaxed their debut album. ()I'eurriu'r/ for Ht ['1.

I Harp Heaven Ro}al ('oneert Hall: Strathehde Suite. 2 Sauehiehall Street. ‘5‘ soon. .Spm. £13.50. 'l‘ixent} top ('eltie harpixtx xhare the xtage tor a xpeeiall) -ereated pertormanee.

I Solas and Antje Duvekot The Old l'TUlllllekCl. (‘andleriggx ‘5‘ SUM).

Spin 1 lb Solax eornbine their low ot

lrrxl‘. tradition \irth ran.’ inxpned

improx rxational llan and an atia_\ ot global inlluerieex

I Songs of Scotland: Political Songs lhe l ni\erxal. 5“ 5" Satuhrehall lane. ‘5‘ SUN“ ‘l‘lll LS 5” lloxted b_\ l‘otix Rougne arid teatutme \lixtait Huletl. l‘llall \le\eill and \iiite l orne (illllt'S

I Tayside Tae Tennessee St

\ridrexx 'x in the Square. St \ndre\\ ix Square. ‘51 .Slltltt .xprn 1l.‘ 5” xmgei xongurttei and tiddler l atria \le(iliee ix tomed b} l S rootx and bluex xtarx .lllll

l auderdale. .loxh \\ hrte .ll. km in \\elth and l atx lxaplm

I Celtic Connections Festival Club ()ualrt} Hotel logre Hand Smte. ‘l" (iordon Street. ‘5‘ SUN” llt ‘ltpm

1‘5“ LN 5" \Ck' lllll l


I Baaba Maal and The Jenna Cumming Trio Roxal ('ontert llall \lam \uditorrtirri. I Satulireliall Street. ‘5‘ SUN“ 5 ‘ltpm L33 He‘ll: Seriegalexe xmger guitarrxt Ilaaba \laal peilormx lroiii hix tottheommg llllllll album. \\ltlell loigex nexx linkx betxxeen \lriean and eoritemporar} urban xouridx Ill eollabotation \xith l’lnladelpliia hip hop ere“ lllt' RHUIS

I Julie Fowlis and Chris Wood \lfl‘. “ll Satiehreliall Street. ‘5‘ Sltllll " ‘llpm Ll5 Double bill ol tuo dixtmgutxhed eonteinpoian e\ponentx ol their rexpeetixe traditionx

I Teddy Thompson \ltt ‘. “ll Sauehrehall Street. ‘5‘ Still” ‘llpm [l5 Singer xongxxrrter \\llit \\olt \xidexpiead prarxe tor hix lrrxt l\\o albumx er latext. made up ol elaxxre eouiitr} eo\er‘x. releaxe ix ealled I p [min (\ [)4IHH [UH

I Tom Paxton and Karan Casey ('n} llallx. (‘antllenggx. 5‘ anon

5. ‘llpm. (It) IS xiiigei xongmiter \xho hax been honoured \iith mo l.iletirne .-\elne\ement \ixardx lrom the North :\lllL'llL‘;tlt l'olk \luxie \lliatu e and the Radio I l'olk .-\\\ardx

I Accordion Hell Rout ('orieei't Hall: Strathel_\de Suite. 3 Sauehiehall Street. ‘5‘ Stillll. Spin. {l3 5H. .\ urnqtte xhoxx lot adrriirerx ol the inxtruiiierit m rtx \arioux xi/ex and guixex. “fill a diabolieall} talented lirie up ol aeeordioii \irtuoxox liom Seotland. lreland. lziigland and the [8,

I Songs of Scotland: Norman Buchan’s The Wee Red Book 'I lie l'rir\er'xal. 55 5‘) Sauehiehall lane. ‘5‘ .S'tlllll Spin. (SSH. ,\ eelebratiorr ol I/rr' Ht (’ He'll Hunk. lioxtetl li_\ l)or|x Rougne and leaturtiig l‘mla) .\|lrxori. (ior'deanua .\le( 'ulloeh. .-\dam \leNaughtotr arid .-\nne \erlxon

I Celtic Connections Festival Club ()ualit} Hotel: l.ogre Hand Suite. 9‘) (iottlotl Street. ‘5‘ SHHH lll. ‘(lprrr L".5ll £5.50, See 'lhu l~

Tuesday 22


I Steve Forbert 8- the Soundbenders and Jim Lauderdale .'\l‘(.. “(l Sauelilehall Street. ‘5‘ SUN”. "firtpm. U5. \eterari xtaliiar'tx ol lettlield l'S rootx muxie. \llSSISSlpItlvlttil‘ll l‘orbert and .\'axh\ille xongurrter Lauderdale

I The Unusual Suspects and Alyth l<o}al ('otieer't Hall. Mam .»\uditoriuiii. 2 Sauehiehall Street. ‘5‘ Sllllll. 7.‘tlpm. L'IS itlm. 'l‘uent} -l\\t)-PICL'L' muxieal ruggerriaut 'lhe l'nuxual Stixpeetx r'etttr'ttx to the textiial that lauriehed their eareer m 200‘ urth an all-next. xet.

I A’ Adam's Bairns Roxal (‘uneeri Hall: Strathehde Surte. I Sauehiehall Street. ‘5‘ Sllllll. Spm. U250. Blending xougx and iiarratne. thix xhoii e\plorex Seotland‘x hixtor} ax a iriultieultural xoeiet} xtrugglirig to maintain rtx egalitarian \aluex. With a xtar-xtudded line-up or xrrigerx. and eorrirrieritar} b} l-red l-‘reedman.

“11' I! 23"}: THE LIST 59