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piillll ll) L‘Xplnl‘c lllL‘ \ltIl‘lllllf.‘ \CL‘HL‘I'} Ul- lllL‘ \nm L‘gltlll L‘Hihl. ill) get )nu in the ninntl. l‘nllnu in_\ lL‘tItl. CllL‘k'l’x itllli llIL‘ Riltll\\l)ll :\ll;lllllL‘ lliilcl alltl lill'xL‘ It \1lllllil. l‘lic \\llltl()\\ nt Ilic tnp-l‘lnni‘ i'nnin ll)()l\.\ DUI in l.ill\L‘ Bl‘L‘ILIHIlllL‘l \\illt ll\ illuininatctl l'nuntuin. lI'x [)Il\lL‘ill'll pcrlu‘t and nnI it \ icxx )nu mlch In lintl \lllP hung in the cit} ccnti‘c. The Sam cathedral lwllx iitll} illltl lit the L‘l-lL‘L‘l.

()ll lllL‘ IilllL‘I‘ \ltlL‘ iil~ lllL‘ lille‘ i\ a \xari'cn nl' pctlcxti'izin \ll'L‘L‘l\ \\llll a ini\Iui'c nl‘ intlcpcntlcnt :intl inuinxti'cani \llllp\. loading In Ihc tlllL‘l'\\. \x'atci‘l‘i'nnt hai'x and the \ll'llxlllgl} alcck nil lllll\L‘lllll. .\'nI liu‘ il\\;l_\ arc the lbi'i‘} lL‘l’llllllLtl\ In Iakc

_\nu Ilii'nugli Ilic stunning \ccncr) til

the J‘s-Inilc l._\ \cl‘ini'tl. \\llll its

islzuitlx. \xatcrlallx and dramatic granititc l‘ni'niatinnx. .-\llL‘l'llilll\L‘l}. Ilinsc \\ llll \xczikci' \ca logs can mplnrc tlic liiggci‘ l\lillltl\ h} cur lllillllx\ In [no major llllLlL‘l'-\L‘Ll Iiinncls nn lllL‘ i‘naitl nni'tli.

l)ning an) nl‘ llll\ nn a liiitlgct \\ ill lic a cliiillcngc. .-\lIliniigh \UltlL‘

llllllgs. \llL'll ;I\ ClUlllC\. tll‘L‘ uninpctitiu'l)‘ priced. it‘s

iinpnxxihlc nnI In hc llllu‘ll aback h} Ihc cnxt nl‘ drink. .-\ i'nuntl l’ni' llll'L‘C in an ni‘tlinai'} puli lct‘t inc \inh littlc change l‘i‘nin fill). \\llllL‘ a hnttlc nl‘ \\ inc in Ilic delightful (‘alL‘ Sting “ax clnxci‘ In [30. l’ci'hapx lltlx is the l'L‘LlNUll llllll \xlicn _\nIi ni‘tlcr \\ inc h) the glll\\ in llll\ cnx} cabin just nut In the Valhcrgct timer. _\nIi pa} nnt It} quantit} hut \wiglit. lllL‘ hai' stall pnui'ing nut _\nur drink on \calcx.

BIII tlnn'I ch lltl\ put )nu till: the \xclcninc l‘i‘nin Stimuli;ch npcn pni‘t ix cninpcnxatinn cnnuglt.

I btamnav' :: “5:! a signs: ’37:"

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at “$300 and wan:-

l"\‘:‘8 813.". "\t i\ It ‘8”: .\

change in Copenhagen or London. net


From craft shops to site specific performance to rock gigs, the Norwegian town of Stavanger is opening its port to culture

Useful websites

I Hurrah! The government has relaxed the restrictions on excess carry-on baggage. something this column obviously feels very strongly about. Following their lead. 22 airports, including Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Glasgow and Heathrow, have relaxed the one-bag rule, and will now allow passengers to take two bags on board. However, before you go shoving a fortnight’s worth of Hawaiian shirts into a couple of rucksacks and flipping that nice lady at baggage check-in the bird, you ought to check with your specific airline prior to flying. While some carriers are embracing the new policy, many airlines will refuse to let you board with more than one bag. Some people just can't get with the times, eh?

I MC€.lll‘.‘.’llll(}, nuath combining lllt} ioyr; of a BillllfS Siipiir-r With a ixxtaokuiitl break arm bUlllf} liiaiit bending {l(Ll|()ll, ()nnqlntit: House near Pueblos; liaf; aniiouiirnrl that they'll l)(j running a Burns; Night Murder Milastem \A‘Jfltknlltl this; year. So. aloiirinirlr: tlit; traditional DIDOFE). (trains. toasts tar: tlir-z ladies an' lélfiSI(:8_ llQlflfli. tattirzs; and Address to UK: Haggis. look out for fit/O scyrnrtars; m' murder crusted. We're not (iiiitr: sure how (also our: would orrgliestratta a S;p<;-<;ilir;£illy Burna-tnumcfl murder. but tinrlinri out SOlllltl‘; likr: quite a bit of liltlfk‘,’ fun. The guests Wlll ix: inviteo to roam the country house looking for Clues to aid the DOllCO iii lli‘fll lli*/(:Sllf}?lll’)liS after dinner, and the whole package. including dinner. luxury bud and breakfast. starts at $177,. Call 01721 728 7:30 or VISIT ~.-/w~.v.r;ririgletiergorn for more info.

, ' 222‘: THE LIST 87