
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly 1: \

I :< (,1<.\;\

2.lloCountrytorOIdMenII<I 115.

and Asmar: The Princes’ Quest I I Bri’ti’sh‘Animation Awards Programme 1 Bl. on Cities and Clothes I I Ast‘erix at the Olympic Games I I _‘ \ -

Chromophobia 1<I \ :II

1. Azur and Asmar: The Princes’ Quest I1 1 311

The Diving Bell and the Butterfly I I: \I =I<. II I5. \ I<

2. British Animation Awards Programme

1.1 1 1< Azur and Asmar: The Princes’ Guest I I : :II

No Country tor Old Men I I<I i <II Black Sun I’M x III

3. Asterix at the Olympic Games I I: \I IIIII HII, .\IIII

Notebook on Cities and Clothes I i I II (III

[ 23' "111-1

1. Azur‘and Asmar: The Princes’ Ouest 1111111119 Bell and the Butterfly I I_‘,\I Count]; 1;: Old Men I I<I I IS. and Asmar: The Princes’ Duest I I I Siloht First I ISI II .15

3. Aste‘rik at the Olympic Games I I 3.\ I IlglIg‘honn‘a’Ge‘tWONe (. . . a Bude llur!) x »


1. Azur and Asmar: The Princes’ Ouest II | 311

The Diving Bell and the Butterfly I 12.\I 3 45. II,15. S45

2. No Country for Old Men I IS» IIIII. (11111

Azur and Asmar: The Princes’ Ouest I I ' I The Apartment mm mm.

3. Asterix at the Olympic Games I I 3.-\ I

I 15. V15. (Iii.

Grandhotel I 15I 3.55.

115' I IIIIIIuII RIIuI1. I1131 331 145—7. 34111 IIIIIILIIng I\ inIII II.\’7I 33 44 IIIF. Hui. .\l|ll|1\[5‘1L4‘1‘C1l11k‘3131111.(3l111\5\ L5.

11 4. 11181150. :31

Alien vs Predator: Requiem I ISI 1311. II ‘III. 8.45.

Atonement I 151 115. Charlie Wilson’s War I I 5 I II III,

PS I Love You I IZ.\I 8.3“. St Trinian’s I 1::\I 3.15. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street I I.\'I 3. 3(1. 5.15. 815.

I 30. 3.45.


Alien vs Predator: Requiem I 15I

11.111}: 3.30. S3II.

And When Did you Last See Your Father? (Parent 8. Baby Screening) I I :.-\I

luv: III3IIum.

Atonement I 15)

\\’t‘l‘1\11.l_\\i IIIIII

Charlie Wilson’s War I 15)

Hull)" 3.15. 5.40 mm Inc I\ \VCIII. S311 .'\1\l‘ Sui; IIIII.

Cloverfleld I 15I

11.111): 3. III InIII SunI. (IIIII IIIIII .\1IIIII. SCI) 11101 11111 I.

.-\1\II Sun: 1350.

Cloverfleld (Subtitled) I 151

Sui: 13.50.

Sun: 3. III.

Mon: (l.lili.

Thu: SZII.


Sui I\ Sun III. (\INI

Lions tor Lambs (Senior Screening) I < luv 11 IIIIuII‘I

Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street I Ix.

Hull} 2311.53II.\15

Odeon Wester llaiies

\\C\1\1t1k'1’1I1/u. 1:11\\t'\11‘1 11.1I1I'\ 1\)II.1I1 31111 1‘IIII1xilIf.‘\ I\ IIIIII IIS‘I I: 14 IIII‘ 111. \IIIII.\\I'I1.\ 11m \111111SLI‘311 I15ZIIIII'IIIII‘ZIIIIII.('IIII.\ :4 “II Sui. SIIII .\ 11.I111\11II11I1.I}\ LII III. (‘IIIIK ~

:4 "II 1‘.IIIII1) 11\1\L'1 L4 51' Nth IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 3III'IIII1I'I SuwIIIu} 1in 9.4.511 \L'.11\

.1' M"

Alien vs Predator: Requiem I I <I .1 14. ()311. .\ {II

Alvin and the Chipmunks II I I iII. 5.4II

Bee MovieII I 5 3Ii,

Charlie Wilson’s War I 15I KIIII. 5.1%. .S III EnchantedII’III 4.111. “15

The Golden Compass I 1:.'\I 1i lAmLegendIISI\|5 PSlLove YouI12.\I 3.111 5 :II‘ SIIII St Trinian’s I mm 3.311. 5.411. 3 III) Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet StreetIIxI 3-15. SRII. S III I III ‘IA‘I IIII 11151 M .'

Alien vs Predator: Requiem I 151 Hull). 3.45. S45.

Alvin and the Chipmunks II' I

Hull}. 4.IIII. II.15.

.‘\1\li Sui Ik Sun: 1.45.

Bee Movie II'I

\\.L'L‘1\l1;l'\\: (v.15.

Sui Ik Sim: 12.15.

Charlie Wilson’s War I I 5 I

\\I'I‘k11u}\: S45.

Cloverfleld I 15I

1);Il1_\i 3.15. 5.45. SIIII.

'\1\li Sui IK Sun; 1.I)II.

Enchanted II’( ‘II

Sui & SIIII: 1.15. 3.45.

Fred Claus I1’(’II

Sui: li.3(IuiII.

The Golden Compass I IZ.\I

Sui Ik Sun: 1.IIII.

IAm Legend I 15)

Hull): 3.3” 11101 Sui Ik SunI. 8.31). JunoIIJI

Sui Ik Sim: (1.15. S30.

Lions tor lambs (Senior Screening) I 15 I Inc: 11.15um.

Over her Dead Body I I 3.\ I

Hull}: 3.31). (1.1111, S30.

.'\1\l1 Sui & Sun: I.I)II.

Over her Dead Body (Parent 8. Baby Screening) I IZ.-\I

'I‘III-z 11.15um.

Penelope II'I

II.III_I; 3.15. 5..‘~II. mu.

PSI Love You I I:.-\I

11.111}: 3.311. 5.311. 8.15.

St Trinian’s I 12m

1)uIl_\: (IIIII.

.'\1\U Sui Ik Sun: 1.15.

Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street I IxI

Dull} IiIIIi .\1IInI: 2.30. 5.15. ISIIII. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (Subtitled) I IxI

.\1IIII: ‘.3II. 5.15. ISIIII.

Scotsman Screening Room

Scumnun HI‘ICI. III \IIi‘ih 13111123253: I‘M". LS5” IL".5III. Mcul puckugm {3‘1 St‘c \\\\\\.\L'liISIIIJIISLTL‘CII1ligSI'lilli i'IIr mIIic InIIIrmuiiIIn.

SUNDAY 3 11-13

Gone with The Wind I1)(ii xIIII. SUNDAY ’0 FEB

Breakfast at Tiffany’s I 151 ISIIII.

St Bride’sCentre

“Ilium-11 1;‘::.:..'.111 31 3~11I1711I5

11.III-i\ \IIII Robson’s Choice I 3 III

Three LittIeWordsIII :IIII

Vue Edinburgh Ocean

()kk'IIH 1L'IIIIIII.I1.()\I‘.III11Ii\1‘. I will 3-1111 1‘IIII1\111:_'\ I\ IIIIII IIVI.‘ :4II341I \I11111\ LII <11 I6 .15 \IIIII 1II1\'1IIII‘ 5(‘iIII. (‘IIIIIIII'iI L4 25 I14 III III'IIIII' 5IIIIII. \111111‘II1\I)\1)\ L1 511|t~4 1‘1‘1III1' 5I‘IIII 1‘.IIIII1\ 11(1xk‘1L1q1L11‘“11‘k'1l11k'511111' KII1\'l'|IIII Ll 511mm-.ItIIIIinuIIIIIIg .IIIIIII 11L'L'1 l uic \I‘It't‘IIIIILN IuIII‘I

III 3IIpiII Im'i 1\\I‘l11_\' L5 45. ("IIIIo L415 IIII' L4 .I11 11\1\k'1\

6:31 Ith

Alien vs Predator: Requiem I 151 I .15. 1.15. «.15. ‘HIII.

Alvin and the Chipmunks I I ' I I III. IIIII. IIIII

Balls of Fury I I: \I S511 Charlie Wilson’s War I 15I \QII

Dan in Real Lite mm 5.15

EnchantedII’l'II 1.15. .1 Ii 11%

The Golden Compass I i.‘ \I I III. S 5II lAmLegendIISI III). .13II. "gIIII. .S'_4II_ IIQII

In the Valley of Elah I 151 {I111 (IIIIL S45.

PSILoveYouIIJ.\I JIIII. 5.IIII. .\'.IIII StTrinian’sIIZAI I III. 5111. S III. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet StreetIIxI 3.15. 5 3II, SKI). Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story I 151 1.11), 4H). (III). IIIS

3.3II, S III.

IIIII. ‘15. i1*.


Alien vs Predator: Requiem I 15) Hull}: (I.4II InIII Sui Ik SIInI. ‘IQII Alvin and the Chipmunks II’I I);IIII: 2.IIII. 1.15. 7_IIII.

.'\1\l1 Sui Ik Sun: 11.30.1111.

Bee Movie Il'I

Sui I& Sim: IIIIIIIuIIi. 134”. Charlie Wilson’s War I I S I

1)uIl\: 3.45 mm Sui Ik Sum. 53”. 315'.

Cloverfleid I 151

l)ui|}: 1.15. 2.15. 3. 311. 4.311. (1.45, XIII). ‘IIIII .'\1\U Sui Ik Sun: IiiIIi SiinI.

Dan in Real Life II’III

Sui: 1II._1II.

Enchanted II’( II

Hull}: 1.45. 4.45. “.45.

.'\1\(1S111(& Sun: III-15.1111.

Evan Almighty (Senior Screening) I1’( I I “1‘11: 1 1.3I1IIIII.

IAm Legend I 151

1)ui|} i I). | 5.

In the Valley of Elah I ISI

1)ui|_\: 3.45.


Sui & Sun: (III). SKI).

Over her Dead Body I 12m

Dull}: 3.2II, (IIIII, S211

.‘\1\li Sui Ik Sun: 134“. III-III InIIi SunI. Over her Dead Body (Parent 8. Baby Screening) I 13.-\I

“1‘11. 1 1.3IIIIIII.

Penelope II'I

Dull}: 13.50. 3.311. 5.4”. H III.

.‘\1\li Sui Ik Sun: 111. 10:11”.

PS I Love You I 13m

Hull}: 25“, 5.511. S5“.

St Trinian’s I I:.-\I

\Vt'ckiiu_\\; 1.1111. 3.45. (IIIII. H.311.

Sui Ik Sun: III.|5um. IIIII. 3.45. (IIIII. Surf’s Up IP('II

Sui Ik Sun: lIIIIIIum.

Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street I ISI

Hull}: 3.10. (1.111. 9.111,

.'\1\l) Sui Ik Sun: 13 W.


[l.liliuIiI. 11mm. 11115


Underdog I 11.I:1\ ISII :flh (\:(I

\1\\‘\.11\\ Il‘__‘.l1111 I- A"

line Edinburgh Omni

.3 1111 1‘\‘\‘1\11‘.‘_'\ \\ \IIIIEI\ 11‘ 5” ‘.\11II1\'1‘.'.\11\1‘\ 115 \1I‘I‘. 1111‘t'1I‘It'5I‘ZIIu

l’IIIIIIIcu 1 1.“ :1 'III\1II:I 1!:1‘chI‘; 5I‘IIII l.:i‘I:‘.\ mkci 11‘ 13H 1” Hum 1111\‘TIII II‘\\'I 1\\ I‘II1\I

1‘1‘11Iit‘ 51‘III-

I 1111111. (11\'C11\1\1\' 1‘1ut’t'

113.1l".\‘1. \IIIII 1311‘.‘1II:.-‘;\I::


..11~.Ii 1\_;\

mkch "’5 \1IIII 1I':

\. s1‘11" (1l‘1\i( :.I\\

Alien vs Predator: Requiem I I *I .‘ III I.


Charlie Wilson’s WarIIS. 1IilI_ II lII. I11<

Dan In Real LiteII'III 1* lAmLegendIHI =1\.III~,.\1*

In the Valley at Elah I ISI IIIII. II IIII.

The Kite Runner (Gold Class) I I .‘ \I SIS. 51*. 51*

Man in the Chair (Gold Class) I I .‘ \I 3 III). 5I1II_ .\lil1

No Country for Old Men I IN .‘ .‘I I.

5 .‘II. .\ Ii

PSILoveYouII.‘\I .‘ III. \IIII. SIIII stmn'an’SI1.‘\I:311.51H Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet StreetIIxI I511. .‘ 1*. 1 III. VIII. 3II_ .\‘ 3H

Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (Gold Class) I I.\I .‘ 1*. 5.111. .\' III

11111131 111I 113141531 Alien vs Predator: Requiem I 1%»

11.1111 IIIII. ‘1 15 Mini Sui .\ SIIIII Alvin and the Chipmunks II I

Sui I\ Sun 11 IIIIuiII

Charlie Wilson’s War I 15)

Hull} 345 IIIIII I’III'I. II 15IIIII1\1IIIII\ 1111‘1. ‘13”

Charlie Wilson’s War (Subtitled) I I‘m luv 3.45

Cloverfleld I 151

|);,.|'\_ IIII. (IIIII_ .S III

.-\1\II 5.11 I\ SIIII 1.1111

.’\1\l11.'|1t' 111 III 45

Enchanted III 11

Sui Ik Sun 11 45.1111

The Golden Compass I I: »\I

Sui Ik Sun I: 15

lAm Legend I I<I

\\'L‘t'1\11;i.\\ (I 311

Sui Ik SIIII‘ 1 15

In the Valley of Elah (Gold Class) I I RI H.111}. III). 5111.31”.

The Kite Runner (Gold Class) I |.‘. -\I |);III_II I III. .1111. “.111

No Country for Old Men I I i I

I).II|_\: 3 3II. S III. xii

Over her Dead Body I 13.\I

Hull}. ilili. 5 .15, .\ IS

.‘\1\li Sui Ik Sun 12 3‘1


mi} :15. 41%. .15

.'\1\lv Sui Ik Sun 13. III

PSI Love You I 12.-\I

Hull}: 43H. 531).

.'\1\l1 Sul Ik Sun 1 31)

St Trinian’s I 13.x.

Sui: 13 311.

St Trinian’s (Subtitled) I I 3 .\ I

Sun: 1330.

Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street I IN

I).III\: ZIIII. I15. 5 IIII. II 15. h IIII. IIIIII '\|\IIS.'11 .‘\1\lil§llk' 1'I‘I

11.15uiii 111511.

Things We Lost in the Fire (Gold Class) I 15 I 1)ii11}I 3.4II. 5 4H. 5.41).

1 We: é" TNE LIST 59