
I The Piktures .md 2 Way Traffic Bunncrmiin'x. \iddr} Sin-cl. “6 ‘3.“ 9pm L4. i-unk rmk trnm 'lhu PlhIUFCN

Thursday 14


I Babyshambles “dirtnk Lind. 244 (igillimggailc. 553 4601 7pm {3“ h“ Su- \Vt'ii I z

I John Hinshelwood Band 51 Andra-u '\ ill the Squaw. Si Mum-xx \ Squaw. 55‘) 5902. 7' Wpiii £7 MS» 8!.” iii lhc SL‘nllhh rimh. ummr} and lnlk llllhlL' \L‘cnc play (irlleli;l|\ and wwr» I Tom Hingley and Mick Drain Bur”). 2N) (lHic Stu-cl. “570 907 099‘) Hpin. L‘X. Ix ll mcrcl} wingidcncc [hill Ihh cwmng u iih lhc luriiicr lnxpirul ('urpcix lrnnliiiain I\ also Vulcnlinc‘x nighl’

I Los Campesinos! and Inspector Tapehead King: 'lul‘x Wuh \Vuh Hui. 373u SI Vina-m Slrccl. III 527‘). 8pm. £7.50. ()xcr- Hx \hli“, (Kirdlll \cplcl \th u hux) imhc wund,

I The Shambolic Wardrobe 'l'chui Hum. 43 (Mayo lunc. 357 4524. 3pm. £2. I.|\L' muxic. prcwnlcd h} Tum Snimhull. I The Parsonage MucSnrlcy Miixic Bur. ~12 Jamaica Slit-ct. ZJH 35M. 8pm. l"iirt}'-\lrniig munlr} /hluc\ choir pcrinrin mugs of mm and hczirlhi‘cuk u! lhix zillcrnutiw Vailcnlinc'x Du) gig.

I Ross Clark, Arca Felix and This July Nicc'n'Slcu/_\. 421 Sgiuchichull Sirccl. 333 (Mil). 3.30pm. Acuuuic \ingcr- \nngurilcr likcncd In :i quirk) Scuttixh Bright ii}c\.

I Vialka, Vars ol Litchi and Wounded Knee Hih Nuic (MC. 50 (ii) King Sli‘ccl. 553 I638. 0pm. £4. llincrnnl lurhu l'nlk dun.


I The Loose Kites, Fox Gang and Sprouting Nigs (‘uhurct \Mluirc.

36 38 Blair Slrccl. 320 (ii 7(3. 7pm. £3. .-\ mix of pxy‘hcdclic rock and \hnc-gu/c

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:mhc Hum (‘holcr hand Ihc lvmc Kiltw .li lhh idUnLh part} inr ncu .mx tuhurc liliL' \i.'1inI:Mi\/';

I Magic Mojo Jam Session I‘m- \rk. 1 q “ulcrlun })l.l\L'. "1": - 1“I‘m Llht Suul.1unk and “MM [HU\I\. ,i‘i inum'mnx \wlgnmc

I LiMbO ll ht \i N K100 Rmimx I‘M \\ L'\i chmcr \Ircct. 55h "HM 5pm lam L4 SL'L‘ Hill ,-

I Lorna Luft ()uccn'x Hull. \' .W ('lcik Sum-1mm 201‘) Rpm Li‘) M {2‘ ‘Snnp M} Muthcr Taught \1k" \ ('L'lchrdlmn Hi liiL' \1U\1( Hi Jud} (inland I Mystery Juice, The Phantom Band, Sara & the Snakes .md Keith Douglas & the Corps of Discovery Hcm} \ ('cllui' Bur. .\ Hm \iui‘i'iwn Sil'L‘L‘I. 33H WW} hpm L4 An ingiuhhlc llll\lli:._‘ nl llill\lL'.ll gcmcx lli.th'\ up the ncu mnc (‘cllit‘ wund nl .\1_\\Icr} Juu‘c I Palmstar Poppy: Songs in Search of Love Lost at Sea iiuwrw 'l hmlrc. (’gunhndgc Slrccl. 323 l-ili—i. Hpm

{H £13. lnliumlc and llilINIL‘ul inurnc} lmiii l);i\ id l’uul .lnncx ;l\ ;i wulurci \H_\Alf_'k‘\ ;IL‘l'H\\ unchurlcd \L'.l\ in \L'Jlk'h iii an unrcquilcd low.

I The Jack and Unknown Hagana Whhllchinkicx 4 (i South Bi‘idgc. 557 511-1. 0pm. l‘rcc. Including \kuxlus l‘nkmmn Hugunu.

I Make Model and Chutes Hermi- Wull l’nixcrxil} l'ninn. Riccurtun. 45! 5333. 9pm. l'iu', l'phcul llidlL‘ clcclrnnicu cullccliw Mal“- Mudcl ui'c out nl lhc lippcd ilL'h lor 20W. plm cpic glilllll' indic t'rnm ('hiiltx.

I Scar my Eyes Bunncriiiun'x. Nitldi'} Slim-I. 550 .‘QSJ. 9pm. H. Hch mom]. I The Freaky Family The Jun Bur. I ('Iigimhcrx Slim-I. 220 42%. 11.30pm. l‘i'cc. Stu ‘l‘hu 3|.


I Barbara Dickson (‘urncgic Hull. Izuxl Purl. (H383 (ilililll. 7.30pm. £31.50. 500 \VL‘d (i.



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