


disintegration of a dysfunctional family.

I ngt/ l tt‘twr‘ Hunt/e. [thefttx'g/X

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25 Albert l)rt\e. 0345 Kit) 3501. |\\’('. \VAI

The National Review of Live Art \Vetl (t Sun Ill l‘elt. 'l‘tntex MIT}. The annual NRIA return\ to (ilttxgtm \\ llll in e tl;t_\ \ ttl' tnnm ;ttt\e. e\pertntent.tl and international ll\ e art. ()t't (it'l\lll. Julia

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littt'tlxle} illltl lttt'ntet' glamour model l.l\;l \Vexle) are amongst tltme tn t'exttlent'e See \\\\\\.llL‘\\llltl\t‘\.\‘tl.lll\ lur lull ltxttnex.


(t3 'l‘t‘ttngule. 553 420". Ill. \\'( ‘. \\'.>\| Act One 'l‘ltu 3| Jun Spin. {H it" l, Vineent l);tnee l‘lteatt'e prexentx .t tltllll‘lt‘ ltlll leuttn'tng In! Run. tl battle ltetueen l\\tl lllll\lL‘l;lll\ illltl a tlilllk'k'l'. .tntl [.4‘4’A (H .llt Mm. \Immm . an emotional mltt e\plur1n;_' the tltletnnmx untl tlentttntlx (ll mnmuhmul

Static lllll l-l Sat lb l'elt Spin. '4" Stixpeet ('ttlture untl (imeae present .t lllll\lL' \[CCPCtl mm (ll lm e. In“ and mu tapex. .-\ )ttung \mtnun ultu hm lmt her

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Trapped l’l'l l l't'l‘, SL'L‘ Kltl\ ll\llllf_‘\ 73 1/2 Minutes to Make a Good Impression Sal 3 l-t-h “Turpin t In W «U» LN 5H: ('nntpun} ('ltuttlelm the tlttnee. theatre and \\ II In e\plute uttt need In nnprexx other people

Over The Rainbow Huh -1 l-eh

". illptn. L H H; I It \ tnuxteal .ltldllldllnll

Tennessee Williams’ classic is presented in a new production at the Lyceum, with a greater than usual emphasis on the comedy of the piece. Jemima Levick’s production boasts some strong performances in this journey through the

ml the ltle HI I \.t( .l\\ltl\ \l.tllll!‘.' l.t_\t' Inlet llHlll \lepx \k'\. tlt.tt\ llz'lll Illt‘

l‘lHlltlt' Hllt‘

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3 l t'\t‘ll \llt't‘l. *3" (“NW “(H \\ \l Blonde Bombshells of 1943 lut-

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I illptnt LIH Utll llaxetl on the llllll lllt Iu'\l 4" [In ll/I'Ilt/t “HUI/HIV: /l/\ \l.lll|ll;' ltttlt l)k'll\ll. llllx ll!ll\lt .ll tntnt'tlj. l\ ltlletl \kllll ll\t‘ Pk'lllllllltlll\k'\ ml I‘llllx ll|l\ pet'lutntetl It} .lll eight pine \‘.‘.lll'.,' l‘.llltl

Thursday 7 Friday 8 Saturday 9 Sunday 10 Monday 11 Tuesday 12 Wednesday 13 Thursday 14 Creative Lab Creative Lab Creative Lab CCA Citzens Dr Dolittle Dr Doltttle Dr Doltttle Wizard of Oz Wizard of Oz Wtzam of )2 King's . ~- ~: - a: ~ Oran Mor " Tempest Tempest Tempest Tempest Tempest Tempest T601095? Ramshorn 1 Theatre Royal NRLA NRLA NRLA NRLA Tramway "'- Tron " Aspects of Love Aspects of Love Aspects otLove See Classical La La La Human , . La La La Human . . . Swan Lake FestivaI Pb“ :2 e4 -- ~- - King's E L ; That'lt Be The Day NutCracker Nutcracker mavhouse g ,_ , , a udSS \‘ty‘ltlt" t“ \:\::‘~S Vii-“.33! 2 Testing the Echo Testing the Echo s Testing the Echo - _ i F E y _ 568 Rock 8- 900 Traverse

'~ THE LIST 91