Around Town

Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to for sport or for all other events. Listings compiled by Kirstin lnnes.

* Indicates Listpicks entry


tivrttes 8 Events

FREE Chinese New Year Tue

1‘) Feb. Kt'l\ Ittgrtne An (ialler) 3K Museum. Ar‘g}Ie Street. 27h 959‘) noon iprn. See pieture eaption. page it). I Speed Climbing! 'l'hu 21 Feb. ladinburgh lntetn.’ittona| (‘liiiibtng Arena. Ratho. Hi (iiH. (i. i0 9. “mm. 1.20 Where xix-ed-dattng meets roek t‘llllll‘lllg'. See prettiie eaptton. page ‘1 'lo r'exerie a plate. L'Httlael e\ent\ eteat" edtubut'ghletxur'e eo ttk or “ill Hi (ii2ir FREE Revealing our Roots .S'un 2-1 Feb. l’eople'x l’alaee A Winter (iat'denx. (ilaxgou (ir'een. 271 2‘lb2. Find otit more about modern da_\ (ilaxgmk \ roots or' l)1‘lll}._'_\()lll ottn laniil} the look titto )our' own past. l’er'hapx _\ou'|| dixeox er _\out great gr'andlather \\;l\ in\ol\ed in a plot to tISSHSSIIlilit' .Abraharn l.tneo|n1 ()h. \orr‘}. \\ e eonluxed _\ou \\ itlt .\'teo|a\ (‘age there.


I Glimmers in Limbo ‘Fl'tllll\\;l'\. 25 Albert l)r'i\ e. 0845 330 $501. Sat lb

l'eb Sttii 2 Mar tnot Mont 'l‘ue Fri

10am 5pm; Sat it Stiti noon 5pm. See pr‘ex IL‘\\. page 2‘),

FREE Lives in Motion Mitsettut ol' 'l‘r‘amport. Keltin Hall. 1 llllllllttllSt‘ Road. 237 2720. l'ntil Fri 2‘) Feb. Mon 'l'hu & Sat 10am 5pm; Fri it Sttn llarit 5pm; 10am lprit. An exhibition eo-or'dinated by the Research ('entr‘e lor Mttxeumx and (itlllt‘l'lt‘S. l'nner'sit} ol Leicester. abottt the role ol tt‘ampot‘t ill the li\e\ ol tllSill‘lCti people.

I Me, Art and the Garden (iallery of Modern Art. Roial lixehange Square. 22‘) 10W». l'ttttl Stilt 27 Apr. Mon Wed & Sat 10am 5pm; 'l'hu 10am h’pnt; Fr'i (k Sun 11am 5pm; 10am lprtt. lixhibition b} _\oung \HtlIlL‘lt l'rotii l’ollokxhieldx irt axxoeiation \\ ith [Ill/(It'll (inn/em' artist itt t‘exltlellcc. Raehel Mintiee.

I A Moment in Time (iallery of Modern Art. Ro}a| lixehange Square. 22‘) 1‘)‘)(i. l'ntil Stiii 27 Apr. Mon Wed & Sat 10am 5pm; 'l'hu 10am 8pm; Fri & Sun llant 5pm: 10am 1pm. Mixed media eollagex b) loeal printar} \ehools leaturing old arid 11C“ iniagex o1 Marflull. I Science in the Dock (ilaxgtm Seienee ('entr‘e. 50 l’aeil'te Qua); 0871 540 1000. l'ntil Fri 2‘) Feb. 10am 5pm. Admission appliex £7.95 (£5.95). .An exhibition that ehallenges \‘ixllotS' \‘illllL‘S and encourages them to think about eontrm ersial issues irt \eiettee.

Festivals and Fairs

I Lentfest l'ntil Sat 22 Mar. Various \'enue\. 433 0553. Times \ar'}. l’t'ieex \ar}. Art annual l'exthal ol' laith arid arts. tneorporattng theatre. lilni \er'eeningx. lllllSlC. poetr} arid \ l\ll;l1 arts. aertm the .-\rehdtoee\e ol(il;t\go\\. l’rexuntabl} 40 da_\\ ol high eulture means ware allou ed to gorge )tttit‘xt‘ll' on realtt) TV and seatidal rags again come Faster. See

it xx \\ .agapor‘

I The Scottish Wedding Show Sat 1b & Stttt 17 Feb. SF.(‘('. Finniexton Qua). 0870 013 2(i52. 10am hpm. £10.50; group of 4 £40 tadxanee: U); group ol~ 4 £341. Aer} lie llilllS. eo- ordinated buttortholex and endless identikit \tt‘;tple.\'.\ nter'iitguex’.’ Paradise. \Vh) not round tip )our bridexniaidx and make a da} of it‘.’ Tip: get 'ern drunk lwtorehand the peaeh satin ruffles u ill go do“ it all the easier.

I Model Ball Scotland 2008 Fri 22- Sttn 24 Feb. SECC‘. Finnieston Qua). 0870 040 4000. 1 1am—8pm. £8 (£4426). (‘elebrate the strikes. dela} s. irritation and foul-tasting eol‘l‘ee of )our' dail) commute

30 THE LIST 1 ‘—28 Feb 2008

iii riitniature' lleeatlw ext-none need~ .: hitl‘l‘} I Sufi Bazaar l rt 22-Surt 24 Feb. Sl:(‘(‘. l‘llltllt‘SlUll ()tta}. 0S701L404II )0 L2 1L1) \it'attulttlt‘. those 1‘11\ Hi llit‘ S1-,( '(' not toxered rtt traekx and tin} little I‘ldSIle passengerx will be 11.tll\littlllt‘t1 into ‘l \er'tex ol international market StlllillL'S.\\lllllllll\1\.\lttllet‘.\l.lllS..111S. traits. l.t\ltltttl. poetr}. theatre arid liltri. arid ix-rlortnen trotn l’alelall. India. Alghantxtan. lr‘an. 'lurke}. Senegal attd Settllantl I Body and Soul Fair .Sat Six Sun 24 Feb. Ro}al ('oneer‘t Hall. 2 Sattehtehall .Slt't‘t'l. “1 Huh Sb2~lq Ham 5 z“pill U 50 meekend tteket L5: l‘nlog the lttture. \xtth tarot teadet\. \ latr\o_\aitt\. astrologers arid \tallx \ellittg ieueller}. eandlex artd .‘itoiitatltetap_\ produttx llopelull} our laxourtte .Seottidt P\'\Llll\ Ruth the 'lr'uth \klll be iiiaktng art tll‘l‘t'tll‘attt‘e. \VL‘ tltttt'l Alton. l‘t'edlISt' \xe‘t'e riot (lilll'\t)_\.’l111

Food & Drink

I Glasgow Farmers Markets llapp} baeon. or'gattie \eg and \pttdx \\ itli the tnttd \llll oit em. all Sll‘dlgjlll ll'ttllt the producer.

I Queen‘s Park Farmers’ Market Sat 16 Feb. Queen's Park. 520 langxtde Park. 287 7273. 9am 2pm.

FREE Mansfield Park Farmers’ Market Sat 22‘ Feb. Manxlield l’ar'k. Par-trek 017 ts 440430. ()ani iptit.


FREE INSTAL Talks Sat to A Sun 17 Feb. 'llte (ilaxgou School ol At't. 1ft" Renl'retx Street. 353 452a llaiii l2 i0prit tfi 1.31) 3pm. Series o1 talks abottt e\per'intenta1 llltl\le‘ arid art int n) [AS/ill. US. See Mttxte. page 72. and u\\'\\.;irik;i.or'g.ttk lor lull lt\llttg\. FREE GoMA Artists Talks 'l‘hu 21 Feb (ialler) ol Modern Art. Ro}a1 lixehange Square. 22‘) I‘)()(i. (i_3t)piii. A (’ur‘ator'x tour ol' the NM (‘enrurr ('u/lt't‘ltmt exhibition.

I The Race to Save the Albatross Wed 27 Feb. Kel\ingro\ e Art ('ialler} & Alttxeutit. Arg}1e Street. 331 09*)3.

12.30 1.30pm. £3. Fiitd out l'roni liuan Dunn ol' the RSI’B what IS being dorte to \a\ e the 1‘) out 22 species o1 itllttttt‘ttxx

Chinese New Year

th 1 are threatened ‘~\lll1;‘\tllltil\‘11 Three Generations of Cuban Revolutionaries Hit; 2\ l'L'l‘.

(‘entral Hotel. (‘eritral \1.ti!i\11.(iitlt1itll

Street. 221 "MW " 10pm 12 L: See

I \i“l\k\

* FREE Words Against War Sim I‘leb.\lotto.12krngkt‘ourt.l§tng

\I.\1k-!\k]\111[(.lk.\,R<1:‘1'Nl See 1 ISIl‘tekS


FREE String Quartet Masterclass l 11 2: l'k‘i‘. R\ \\1l). lUH RL'llllL'\\ Sllt‘t'l. :2‘2 505" 2 Wptii \\ith tltt‘llth'h ot the Stotttsh l‘llSL'llll‘lL‘

FREE Adult Art Classes at GMRC Sat 2“ l‘eb. ( ilaxgou \luxeurth Rewurte (t‘llllt'.2lN1\\i\iklltt'.ti1Rit.ttl.\ll\lllll. .270 (Ht)“ 10 45am 1245prrt A l‘.l\l\ ttitioduttion to \xatertoloutx t21 l'ebu and drau trig teehnttiuex :1 \1ar' Please book 111.1tl\.ittt\' ilnill~11 :qi\‘l;1l\ti|

(i,\1R( ‘llookingU-I exglaxgou org


Activities & Events

I Waste Week l'nul lit 15 Feb. thnburgh /.oo_ (‘oixiorphmt- Ran Ht 0171. ‘litltl Jplll..‘\tlllll\\1t)‘ilt'S L 10 50 1‘23. age\ 3 14 £2.50. ttttdet is ltee. tatin1_\ llelu‘l L‘ ‘4 L535”). .-\ \thole \\ t‘t'k Hl \\a\1t' lSSllCS. attd tllSL’llSSlttll thereol l'ind out about toptex \ueh as r'ee}eltng. \‘ttlllPHSllllL‘ and or'gante gardening And \top xiiiggering at the baek tltere. This 1\ a \urum ISSllt‘

I Costumed Performances i‘l'ltlit} \ .Sunda\ \. ltdtitbur‘gh (listle. Rotal \1tle. 225 ‘)S4o, ‘Htlatn 5pm. £11 H2550 L"). under 5x lreer. Hear about lllSltH'} straight trotit the lllttllllh (ll lltttxt‘ \\ ho \\ ere there lront klllg'S arid queens to peasants and the klllg'\ e\eeutiotter We assume that the} '11 be pla}ed b} aetor's attd are not aetual reantiiiated eor'pxex. beeauxe \\ e tliittk that tittgltt write the lttlll‘l\1\ oil.

I I AM Thu 14 Feb. 'l‘he (iRV. ‘2 (iutht’te Street. 220 2987. 8pm 3am. ()ne ol those era/y llllt'l'dlSL‘lplllltll'} inulti»artlorrn crown er e\ L‘ltl\ that all the lttp kltlS are doing these da)» Young .Seottixh daneer'x. photographer's. l)J\. lllllSlL‘litllS. 11\ e A digital art arid pt'obabl} eteri a \ltlldgettn o1 eorited}. JUSl don't ttxk US to deline tt.

.Sk'llk'S that t«‘\ k'lS

It's the Year of the Rat, and Scotland is celebrating. See page 9 for other events in the nationwide China Now project, or just mosey on down to Kelvingrove Museum for a day of music dance and craft.

I Ke/V/NngL'e Art Ga/leri’ 8 Museum Grasgoiic Tue 79 Far).

t~k.i\ 'Seeu'a‘a :.i:‘.‘ \i'."l'..'i'.\i‘1'.‘.'.f \ULKte \tii'. u‘ttllix‘d

I Observing Evenings i'llti.t\\_ Rout ()bxenaterx \1\1li‘1 ('etttre. lilat ktord lltll. ftbS S4|L1 S-15ptt1 :4 I: i. lanttlx tteket 2.1051“ l‘ttt‘ \1t‘\\l1 to the obxet\atoi\ and get all \!.i!Y\ exed .it the \lg‘lll ot the te\ol\tne \ t. li‘11.ill telexope dome and one ot tlte lateext telextopex tit Stotlarid \ou tan \ ease. 11 IFS

t loud} handle a \pate rm k \ \pate tot k' lithtklllg‘ t‘\\t'

I Teannaich 1 11 1S 1 el‘. l‘oiiot k ll.ill\ llolitood Park Road. 1).ittt e \out buttoeks \lettdet “1111.1 tutik\ \L‘llltiill‘.lll\1\\1llllll.tllx1i‘llllllllStillt'l lt'eilidh ('lub luexdatx. lhe 1 wt. 1 (il.t\\111.tlkt‘1. 225 22"” \t‘tll 1b ('etlidh \iJllklllfl.illlll‘ll\ll\i\iillli"\.l11lltit‘\\ll. thetet and t .tllt'h to lead \ou through the steps leatttiitig S.irtd_\ liiet 1111‘. l" l ebt arid l tee Range Ch 1 ebt

FREE The Golden Hour lue It) 1 eh. litlt‘Sl (hlik'. 2t‘ll\[lll,1.l\k‘..‘.“l 3‘ {5 Spin looxe. lout he tabatet e\eutri:' \ik'\\lll‘k'\i ax \pokeri \Kitttl\. 1\\lllk1111‘.‘ titttxte and \tdeutublttxh 111 a beauttlul ‘l‘deo llte ‘\ tdeo rubbish" \ t'lllt'S tourtex} o1 tult \.lli\‘\‘ll\ \leth \ltttitte lltittg )ttlll ouit boo/e and itl‘lllli‘HS. _\eah’

I The Flaming Nora Ceilidh l 11 .‘.‘ 1eb. (‘lllt'L‘HS llall. .S~ S" ( ’letk Street. («is 201*) " input :10 \\1llii\ll\k'il|\iil lot the uhole taitiilt. arid the u. inner o1 llll\ lottritght'x liest \aiiied l \t'ltl \l‘lllpk'illll‘ll

I One Book - One Edinburgh 1 1| .‘.‘ l'eb. \artou\ \ettuex. 21S 5hhi lllllt'S \ar} l’iiee\ \at_\ ldittbutelh \etond \ll'\\\l\ik‘\iillllpillgllil‘k'1l\1‘lliil}'k' reading 'l’houxatidx o1 ltee t'opie\ or tour llt'\\ L'tllllHllS ol Robert I HUIS Stexetiwri'x lit. .Slltllte'r‘ ('uu til/)1 .lil't/liim/ \II Hti/t are being gnen a\\a_\ during a \xhole llHSl ol tie trt e\ettt\ ()\ed hi 1 drnbutgh. 1'.\'l'.S('()('tt} ol 1 ttetaluie See leatute. page IS. attd \\\\\\ eittollttetature \Hlll lot more tnlortitation.

FREE Deacon Brodie‘s Old Town Tour Sat 2“ l't‘l). .Stitllhlt \il'lAlt'lillllf ('etttt'e. 4“ 45 lltgh Street. 550 “5"” llattt. lpttt A ipttt l’eer into the ttitttk} \tot'ld ol l)eaeott llrodie a\ 1111\ \tor'}te|ling \talk e\plote\ the winds ot the Old loan through l.ile\ ol l-tribra\ la\our'tte tuodaeed \' the lllSpllillltHI lot .lf'lK\//' a Hit/t I’m! or (m. Him/t ()Irt'l'r/rIr/true/r

I The Jekyll and Hyde City Tour Sat 2‘ Feb Sat | \1at.1’atltatiiettt Square. oll lltglt Street. "pm L512}. l)l\\t)\t'l the darker. lttddeti l.t1|lll‘111_‘_‘ll 111 the t lmex arid \xitttlx (‘ontatt

lottt'l“ ett}olluer.itute \lllll to bool. I'd/[H1 ()III‘ Hunk Um lilrrrltmzilr

FREE Jekyll & Hyde Week Sat 2* Feb Sun 2 Mar. ()tean lettuirial. letth. 555 Shh-(H, 'l'iiitex \at} A \M't'lx ol lel.)ll and “>th lL‘lalL‘tl .‘it’1t\tllt'\ heat il’kili attlltot'x. \ee etmlttttted at lotx Ht take part iii the treasure lttiitt to ‘J. 111 a .1e1»._\ 11 A ll}tlt' le'tlpllle ttttM'l \t‘t' \\\k\\.tK'L'dlllt‘llllllldl tout lino/t ()Ill'lJ/lIl/llllifll

'itlpttt tS«:!~~

in! II/ ()Hl


FREE Here’s Tae Us! Aluxeurit ol ladtnburgh. lluntl} House. 142 ('aitoiigate. 52‘) 414i. l'rittl .\lon iAlar triot Surtt Mon Sat 10am 5pm A \tKlttl lllxlttl} o1 drinking Ill lidinburgh We Lillld think lt/ll’l'l‘ the} get illL'SL‘ tdeax lrottt

I Royal Museum Project: Your Museum is Changing Rina] \1llxclllll (‘ralt (iilllCl'). 2 (‘harriberx Street. 247 421‘). [mil Sun 27 Apr 10am 5pm An e\htbitton detailing the 150 'xear hhtor} ot the Ro}al Museum building and the planned rL‘lltHdllHllS A U>lllplllUl generated 'll}-throttglr uttll delixer )oti to 2011 lot a pretiett ot the retarriped lllllSL'lllll. but getting baek again IS all dr v.1. it to )ou. the l)e|orian arid a bolt ot lightening Slillklll}: the eka toner We made that last bit tip I Silver: Made in Scotland National .\1U\eumol Seotland. ('hamberx Street. 247 4422 l'nttl Sun 2" Apr. 10anir5prn;noon 5pm. 1.615; trtemberx and under 12\ New All manner ol