I Optimo.1i('.1l1.1i1-i11111.1111-

I Ipiii 3.1111 1.!!! 33 I111 II11‘ 111111! 111111111\I1 11111-11!111-1l11hmgh!11181111I.1111! 1.1!.1'\ 111.11 .1 11111 I111iii1' .11 ()[11111111 1111111'\ .111‘11\\ 11111.1! 111 HM" 11111

I Shoot the Pump .11 1111- (il<\

Illpiii 3.1111 £5111-l111‘1- 1111111111111. £3151 .11111 33 I111 “1.1111! 111'11 mph! 111 11111I1'igi1111111I 1hx1‘11. 1'I1'1'11111111' 1111111 .1111! “.1 11-11 \111111'1111‘111111-x'1111111\nki'uill 1%11I1'x1i1'1111-i .1111! (i.ii11I1 811111111111. l!!1' iI'Ili.1‘_'l1111\1'l

I Spiced .1! .\I1'1hii.1 Ilipm 3.1111 £3. 33 I111 .\I111g.111\ 811111-1Ihiiiig 1h1-11 li.111'!Iiiij_' i‘11.11!\hi111 l11.\1'11l!.ili1I 11.1!!! .1 \1'1 11! 1I1'1'[) Il1)1l\1' I11llli \ I’l1'\\ 311lllIl1‘ 111-11.x .1111! .1 1.111111 11! 111111! .1111! 1111111I1'1111I1111'11I.1!111g11111111111111.

I Stereotype .1! I11'1I111 Ili1'i‘h.1ii\ 11111111... 11.”. Liiiiui 331-111 Iliigg1’xl11i11111i1hI111iix1'iiighl 111'I1'111111-x IIit' l\1l\I1‘1I1‘I1'1I111Il1tllx1‘1ll \111'11.1I g111‘xl. III/111111111111 \I.1ili|11 I1'11\1'I1I1'ii. I Tease Age .1! ('il111\(‘|11h.

I Ipiii 3.1111 I111 h1'l11i1' I I.3ll[1m; £11 .11111 \\1'1~I1I1 IIlI\ iii1I11' \!.1I11.11! 1I|\I11‘\ 11111-11‘111111111: 1111111 \11iiigiiig (11h IilI\ 111 h.1gg1 .\I.1111'h1'\11'1 1.111-\ .1\ 111'II.1\.1I111\1 111 11111111! .1!/[2111.111 h111!111'1'i\ 1111h I)! .\Ii111|1.1'1- \Ii1'k1‘1: Iz1linhiii'gh\ I1111g1'xl 1'1111111111.1II1 i'iiniiing1111111'nighl.

I This is Music .1! II1'111'1'x (‘1'||.1i I!.ii. I lpm 3.1111. £-ll11‘1111'1-ini1Iiiiglil; £5 .1111-1‘. I(1I1‘h I111I11'111gh! 111!I1 I111' 11111111 1111111 'I'h1‘ I.1111 \llll\ .1111! I'.iiii111.i,

I 2 Much 2 Mix .1! ('i!_\ Nightcliih.

I ID”! 3.1111. £hi£-11.\\'1-1'I1!1. S.1!1111!.1_1 nighl1'i' .1! ('i!_1 11\ I)! I).111111111‘\1111lh1‘ hex! 111 liink} Il1lll\t'. R1\I1.1I1\1'11. 1111I11‘ .1111! hip hop.

I Ultragroove .11 (“.il1.1i1-1 1111!.111'12

I Ipiii 3.1111. £8 1£(1i. I11I-1'l1.(i.11'11h S111111111‘i1iII1-‘x 11'.1I Iitill\1‘ [1.1111 11 11111111! h} I1‘!1‘Itlllk1‘ll\ .1\I.111 (11.1).

I Velvet .1! lh1‘ .-\1I1. ‘lpiii |.1111. £51£-!l. 33 I111. 'I‘Iiix 11111iilli‘x i11\1.1|1n111!111 lh1‘ 1‘1'g11|.1i 111111i1'11‘x 1'I11h nigh! ix .1 hig L'1‘I1‘Iil'.ll1il'_\ 11111‘\[)1‘L'I.III_\ I111 Iii!1'1'11.i!11111.1l \\‘111111‘11\ I).i1 .1111! Hi” !' II1\1111'1 .\I11iilh \Vilh lh1' 11x11.1!1'1‘!1‘1‘111' 111i\11l l11111'x 1111111 I).|\ R.in1!11iii. I.1‘.1!I111‘I.11‘1‘ .1111! I.111'1 I111.

I VIP Saturdays .1! ('Iiih I’iii'pI1‘.

Illpm 3.1111. £3 I11‘l111‘1' 11111lnighl; £5 .0111. “111111. .\'1‘11 nigh! .1! IIll\ 11111 11111111 111111 1111 R1\Ii. hip hop .1111! 1'Iil\\l1‘ [1.1111 gi'111111‘x 1111111 I)! I5.1hiil11/. I'.111.11I 1'Iiihpiii'pl1'11!l1111111.ii|.1‘11111 1111 g111-xilixl/pi‘i11iil1 11111}.

“if Volume! .1! I2g11 IIpiii 3.1111 L" “6‘ I11I-1-h \11I11m1" 1x1111111'1!h_1 11111- 11! !I11- 11‘111- 11111111'1'ix111 1I11-1111h\!111 \11'111'. “11111.11 [111111.11

e- “Ewan? u! flgshnrsiwemi‘ .m - i‘

I All Back to Mine .1! “11.1! |.111111g1' Illpiii 3.1m I‘i'1‘1-h1‘11111'midnight. £3 .1111'1‘ \\'1'1-I1.|j. I:1Iinh111gh\ h1-~! I).l\1!1g iii lh111 1'1'.1!1'\ 1111 .1111'1I1'1’111 11111111 111-“1111.1! 1.1111111111'\

27:11:22 Back to Basics .11 1111111111 "11111 3.1111 \\1‘1-I.|} R11111 1!.1111'1- .1111! 1!1\1'11 1111111 I.111 .\Il1l1'l\1iil .1111! Iil\1illI I) I Booty .1! \I1'1!111.1 I Ipiii 3.1111 £3 \\1'1‘I1I_\. I\I11 I!!lf_‘1‘ lj.‘1'1I1IlI 'l. I)! I).1I1‘ I.11\I1.1111I 5111111111111' I’1I.11I1. 1111111111'1h1' llll\11I R1kll. I1111I111i1. mm! .1111! 11ml. .1! IIll\ Siiii1!.i1 \111'1.1I ICarbon.11811-i1-11 Illpiii 3.1111 £1 1£31.\\'1'1'I1!_1. \ighl11l 1111I11' 1.1111111111'\ 1111111 .‘\l1‘ll1' \I11iil11'1 \ 111 I 'ii1I1'i'11111I1l .-\!I dun! 11111111'} 1\ 1I11ii.i!1'1I 111 1111\11 1111111‘.iih11111111111111111.\11'!Ii1-iii11i1- Illl11‘\ 11111 l'.’i\1‘. IIl1‘ lll111'1' I11‘1‘\ _\11ll \.’I\1'..

Hi1; Easy Sunday .11 1111- .l.1// 11.11. II.3llpiii 3.1111. \\1'1-I.|1. I.1111ng1'11111\i1‘. 1‘11111111-1'x .1111! 11111 |i\11'iiing 1111111 8.1111 .I11x1' lVC‘L'ttH .1111! In” I’.111I1(i11(i111.

I Hiti .1! (‘1!!!) 1113011111 3.1111. £-l 3! .11111‘ I 111111: 1111' I)1'I1ll'1‘. \\'1‘1'kI_1. I'llll\Il !I11' 11 11111111! 111 \11 I|\Il 1I1-I1.1111'I11‘11. 11 1!!! I)! .\Ii1‘!11'|!1'[11'11111Iiiig .1 1111\ 111 illllllt'llh .1111! 1111111'1‘ 1'I11\\11'\.

I Hobo .il lh1' li1111g11(‘|11h.

Illpm 3.1111. £ 3. “111111. ‘I,i11‘iiiii\i1' .1111! .1Il1'1'11.11i11‘ 1I1\1'11 111i |ll\IlIl1'1I \111111'1'x'.1\II11h1111111111x111i 31lll.\. I.i11‘ gllL‘\I\ lh1'.

.Tcii'u‘; Neon/Bang .11 11111 111112

I Ipm 3.1111. \\'1'1‘kI1..-\ 1'111'I1'11'1'11II 111111111'1 111!!! .1!! the I11'\l L‘ll!\ 1111111 1‘|.i\\i1' 11111.1! .1111! I11111Il'111‘Ix 0111111in 111 Hlls gI.iin .1111! g111h.

Pixel Perfect .11 l‘,\[)l1lll.1j_‘1‘. 711111 3.1111. \\'1‘1'!1|1. Ii1'I1-1111~ 1111\111 Xllx. ‘lllx. ()Il\ .1111! 111111 iiink.

I Playgirl Mansion .1! 1.11111.

Spin 3.1111. £5.\‘1'1'1-I1I_1..»\ nightnl I.ii1I h.11‘k |1111ng1' lllll\l1‘ .1111! g111I1_1 pl1'.1\111'1'\. ('iilliiig 1'1Ig1‘ 1‘I1'1‘li'1111i1' 1I1\1'11.1111I 1'Ii|\\l1' I11111\1*I11‘i11g\.1111111'I1111'Stii1li11 54 111I~.1I111hi1i‘gh1‘11-1'1 Silii1!.1_1 mm H! 'I‘1'1‘111I_1 “111111 .1111! lelL'\I\.

EEK-Z Pushin’ Buttons .11 111-11. lllpin 3.1111. “1111). Sh11111'.1\1'111' 1'I1'1‘11‘111Ii\1‘11. punk 1111111 .1111! hip Ii11p

hi'1‘.1l11~ 1111111 .11‘111“ I'.1!1nhiirgh\ 1'I11h I.1111I 11'.1!1111i1g II11hh1's 1'I'r1111hl1‘l. I!.ih1‘\ 1811.1!1‘I11.1111I811111111111111\I11!h1'rliink1. I Supa Sundays .11 H.1~1‘

I Ipin 3.1111 £3 h1'111i'1' 11111Iiiighl. £5 .1111‘1 \\1'1'I1.I_1 ('Iiih h.111g1'1\ .1111! 111h.1n 11.111} 1111‘I11'rx 1111111 !I11' .\Ii\kii1g\ I)!\ I)i//I1'. I311111_1 .1111! P4?

I Club VERSiON .1! (ill!)

I 111111 3.1111 I111 h1'11111' iiii1I111gI11‘. £3 1131.1111'1 “111111. I .111111'hing Ilil\ 11111111h 11ilh .1 g1‘1*.il1'\1 IllI\ \1'I1'1‘1111n 11111111111' "llx. Hllx .1111! ‘le. 1'111111111'1'1'1.1I RNH. 111111.11111 111111.1111I !111'.iI Ringing \1'11\.i!i1111‘ (1.1111 (iiI11111111.'I1'\1 I)! 1I11‘ I’i'1n1‘1‘ 111 I’11i111111111'11111‘\1\11nll"‘l311 31131135

FREE Happy Mondays .11 1’11 .\'.1 \11. I I[)l|l 3.1m. \\'1'1'I1.|1.('Itihmgh! l1ix1ng 111-11 .1111! 1'I.i\\11' 1111111: 1111111. 111nk.!11p I111i1.1111I .\I11!111111.

ENE-LE Mish-Mash-Mosh .11 11111 II111' Ilpiii 3.1111 \\'1-1-I1I_1. :\ 1'i'.1/_1 lili\ 1)! 1‘Il.il'I. 1'I1‘1‘ll‘1). lll.l\Il til“. 1!.1111‘1‘ .1111! Il1lll\1‘ iii lh1‘ 111.1111 11111111 1111I1 i‘111'k .1111! 11111.1! 1111111111111111.

I Out .1! (Elk). lllpiii 3.1111. £41£31 .11111‘ I Ipiii; 11'1'1' h1'l111'1'. \\'1'1'I1I1. $1.11! 1h1' 111‘1'l1. 111!h .1 hung 1111' .1! I1‘.1\1 11ilh .1 hi! 11! 1h} humping 1111 1h1'1!.1111'1' 11111111 111!I1 I)! .I.11111'\ 'I'1'Il1'i 11ii 1I11'1I1'1‘I11x. FREE Pussy Galore .1! l-.\pi1111.ig1-. 711111 3.1111. \\'1-1-I1l_1. 811111111! .1111h1-iiix. I Trade Union .11 ('.1l1.11‘1-1 \‘11111111'1:

I Ipiii 3.1111. £3. \V1'1‘I1I1. .\'igh!111gi11‘ \1111111I1i11g h.i1'l1 111 1111- h.11' .1111! 1‘I11h 11111k11'x 11ilh 1'11'1’_1!hing 1'11‘111! 1'h1'1'x1‘ 1111111 I)! I111!) .1111! \VUIIIiI/l.

.1 _ .1 H: .u... 'Aufifl 1931: _HI ,.. . , _ A .

FREE Antics .1! 1h1' II111‘. I Ipm 3.1m. Weekly R111'I1. 111111. punk .1111! 11111.1! 1Ii\p.1l1'h1'\ 1111111 I',1Iinhiii'gh\ .1I!.\1‘1'111‘. I Apprentice Edinburgh .11 1111- I11111g11('|11h. I1).3llpm 3.1111. £1h1‘. 3(1 I-1-h. 8111111111! 1‘11111p11ili1111 111111‘1111‘ .1111! \!.ig1' .1 hig 1‘I11h iiigI1!.1‘11in1' .1I1111g .1111! x11 Min! 011‘} 1'111111' 11p 11i1h.

I Fab .1! (i!!!) l!).3(lpiii 3.1111. Iii‘1-1' h1‘1‘11i'1‘ I Ipiii; £4 1£3l .1111'1'. Weekly. You 1.111 1.1k1- 111111 11.11 1111' .1\ I)! I).1I1‘ I.11\h \1'1‘11'x 1111’I'1i1w1l.1'1 11ig111\(iII()-\!1|1-. FREE Indie Mix .11 I’i111 (3111312

7pm 3.1111. \\'1-1‘I1I_1. Iii1!i1'..1I111‘n.11i11' .1111! 111.1xh 11px 1111111 Nick .-\K.-\.

FREE Late, Live’n'Funky .11 1111' !.1// 8.11. ll 31111111 3.1111. \Vcckl) I)!/g111!.1r1~1 .1\I11 11!.11x 1'11'111 ~1111I. funk. R1kB. hip 111111 .1111! hlucx

FREE Split .1! (‘.1I1.1r11 \'11l!.1ir1'.

l lpin 3.1m. \Vcckl}. I)riiii1 1& ha“. 1'I1'11r11. 11'1‘I11111 .1111! hr1‘.1kh1‘.11 1111h 811.1111111 \kill. the I)r11p1111! I)!\. I)11g111.1 .1111! .1 \in.i!!1'r1ng 111’ 111) 1.1!1‘1111‘1! I111‘.iI gllc\l\

I Synthetic Love .1! l.llIll, Spin 3.1111. I-r1'1' h1'111r1' lllpin; £4 .11111. “111.11. S1111I111I. 1'1‘l1'1111‘ \11\1.1I11ng 111 1'11'111I1111g 1111111 11111 11.111' 111 1.111' gi'111111' 1111111 Ii1I1nhurgh'x lines! 1111111-i'gi'1111n1l I)!\ II11hh1'x 1'I‘r1111hl1‘1 .1111! I).11.11II1-.11I~piiii.

I Vibe .11 Iig11. Illpiii 3.1111. £4. “111-kl). 'I'h1‘ IUUCIhIUliL‘ 111' Ii1lii1hiirgh'x 11111'11 1‘I11h «1111-. lithhlliig .1 \Ulltl 11111 111' 1!.1111‘1‘.1hl1‘ 111111-\ .1111! 1‘h1'.1p drinks llllll! !h1' 1111!} hours 111 \\'1'1!ii1'\1l.11 morning, \'1h1~ l\ the 11111111111. 1‘I11hhing 1'1111111'111‘1' that 1111 11111 1111 1111.

FREE Black Spring Rocks .11 1111' !.i// H.111 I I.31)pin 3.1111. \\'1-1'I1I_1. A I)! s11 1111111 \[)|llilt'r\ 1111 !I11' Black Springs R1‘1‘1H'1l I..1I)1'I.

I Compact Disco .11 1.11111.

h’pm 3.1111. I-‘i'1'1' h1‘1'1ir1' l Ipin; £5 .11‘11'r. Weekly I’.i\1 .1111! 1'1111111' 1'I1‘111111111' L‘I.i\\l1‘\.

I lndi-Go .il lIi1‘ Liquid R111iill. l(l.31)piii 3.1111. £3 1£l 1. Weekly. 'I'I11‘ 1.11m! iii1li1- night 111 111! 1111' 1‘.1pi!.1l 11.1111 lh1' ha! 111 111-11 11111111‘ 1.1111! 1h1' I)!\ .111‘ happ} 111 1.1I11' 1'1'11111'xtxl.

FREE The Pit .1! the Hive.

l Ipin 3.1111. \\'1-1-I11|_1'. Rock .1111! 11111.1! nigh! h_1' rock .1111! 11111.1! 1.111s 1111 111111 .1111! 11111.1! huh.

I Wanted .1! (iIIQ. ll).3(lpin 3.1111. 1111: below I 1pm; £4 1£3l .11‘11-1. Weekly. .\li1I111-1'k 1‘I11hhing 1111111 I)! .\Ii1‘h1‘|l1‘. I.111'k 1111111111 students.

I We Are . . . Electric .11 ('.1h.1111 \'11I1.1ii‘1‘. I 1pm 3.1111. Iir1‘1' h1'1'1ir1' midnighl; £3 111111nh11'x 111-1') .1111. Weekly. (R111 Mac 1'11111111111's 111 champion the 1!1‘1‘p 1‘I1'1‘tr111111‘ minimal gi'111111' 111.11 is 1.1king Iiiiriipc h} 11111111. 1111I1 .1 double hiII 111'gu1-stx lh.11 i111‘Iu1l1'x “in! .1111! 81111111 M11111. H111 1111 .1 night 1111115111! h1'.11x13ll I'1'hl 11i1h punk} 111111111 l11111x1' 1111111 'I'iin Henley 137 I'1'hl.


Club venues

11; El Barrio

119 Rose Street. 226 4311. Spanish fiesta every night of the week. now on Rose Street.

11*. Berlin

3 Oueensferry Street Lane. 467 7215. Selection of cool house nights. See listings for details.

.211 The Bongo Club Moray House. 37 Holyrood Road. 558 7604. One of the coolest and most eclectic clubs in town. See listings for details.

512 Cabaret Voltaire 36-38 Blair Street. 220 6176. Mixed bag from house and techno to drum 8. bass and indie. See listings for details.

H13 The Caves

Niddry Street South. 225 5440. Great subterranean venue (as the name suggests) getting more and more popular due to its unique atmosphere. See listings for details. a CC Blooms

23-24 Greenside Place. 556 9331. One of the

City's most enduring gay Clubs. With hi-NRG tracks every night of the week.

“‘1; The Citrus Club Grindlay Street. 622 7086. Mainly studenty venuethatgoesforan indie Vibe as well as a dash of punk. new wave and 805 cla551cs. See listings for selected highlights.

5111 City: Edinburgh

la Market Street. 226 9560. From student nights to big house and guest DJs. See listings for selected highlights. Club Pivo

2-6 Calton Road. 557 2925. A selection of the best Edinburgh DJS play every night 10r free.

1.1:: Ego

Picardy Place. 478 7434.

Home to some of the capital‘s best loved nights as well as a selection of big gay clubs. See listings for details.

E Espionage

4 India Buildings. Victor1a Street. 477 7007. Five floors of varied chart and dancey action.


4 Picardy Place. 550 1780. New swish gay club. See listings for details.


7 Guthrie Street, 220 2987. Intimate club venue mixing art and beats. See listings for details. Henry’s Cellar Bar 8-16a Morrison Street. 228 9393. Eclectic and experimental night form Surf rock to electro. See listings for details.

31 Hive

15-17 Niddry Street. 556 0444. New home for most of the Subway Cowgate‘s nights of rock. indie and electronica. See listings for details.

111 The Hudson Club Hope Street Lane. 247 7000. Quality eclectic nights from big house to student nights from some of Scotland‘s best DJs.

a Jam House

5 Queen Street. 226 4380. Primarily a live music and jazz venue open until 3am, but home to the odd club special. including Club Noir. See listings for details.

I The Jazz Bar

1 Chambers Street. 467 2539. Cool beats from global sounds to straight ahead Jazz. See listings for details.

m The Liquid Room 9c Victoria Street. 225 2564. One of the top venues in town for guest DJs and live mUSIC. See listings for details.

1:11 Lulu (under Tiger Lily) 125D George Street. 561 2245. Cool funk. house and other grooves from the people who brought you the Opal L0unge.

s Mariners

CommerCial Street. Leith. 555 5622. Semi regular nights in this old church from lesbian club Velvet to techno and house. See listings for details.

I Massa

36-39 Market Street. 226 4224. Glam house. party nights and hip hop and R818 on a Sunday with Tipsy.


45-47 Lothian Street. 225 6313. Laid back Vibes With cool hip hop and other scunds. See listings for details.

I Le Monde

16 George Street. 270

3900. New slick and stylish venue in the heart of Edinburgh.

a Mood

Omni, Greenside Place. 550 1640. Chart and party tunes.

Opal Lounge

51 George Street. 226 2275. House and funky beats for a dressed up crowd.

I Opium

71 Cowgate. 225 8382. Rock. punk and metal, no messing.

a P0 Na Na

43b Frederick Street, 226 2224. Student nights. funky beats, house and more. See listings for selected highlights.

I Potterrow

Teviot. Bristo Square, 650 9195. Student heaven.

5 RED Vodka Club

73 Cowgate. 225 1757. From house to reggae. See listings for details.

I Siglo

184 Cowgate. 240 2850. Charty, party, indie nights until 3am.

I Stereo

King Stables Road. 229 7986. More big party tunes and drunken dancing.

I Studio 24

Calton Road. 558 3758. Down and dirty club nights. speCIaliSing in techno and rock. See listings for details.

I The Subway West End

Lothian Road. 229 9197. Another one for the after office crowd.

I Time

24a Frederick Street. 220 1226. Chart songs and plenty of booze all night long.

I Mist

26b Dublin Street. 538 7775. Gay bar With a club space in the basement. I The Voodoo Rooms 193 West Register Street. 556 7060. New venue promismg sophisticated Clubbing and entertainment. See listings for details.

I The Wee Red Bar Edinburgh College of Art. Lauriston Place. 229 1442. Student nights for the arty set including dub and techno. See listings for details.

I Why Not?

14 George Street, 624 8311. Hits from the 805 to last week.

14—28 Feb 2008 THE LIST 41