I Palmstar Poppy: Songs in Search of Love Lost at Sea (Illnclu' II IlL'.III‘.' (HIIII‘IIII‘JC \ltt‘t" 335 Hill Split t,\ 11* IIIIIIII.‘.I1'.IIIII lllllSlLdI lltlllllt‘:. tlolll I).l'.ltI I’.:III Ionqx ax a \calatct '.«l}.l;'t'\ In to“ tIIchlaltc I \L'1I\III\L'illklll'l .IIIIInIcthItt-IIlozc . The Jack .mtl Unknown

Hagana \\ IIISIII'I‘II‘II‘JI‘S. l South Bridge. *<" *I I I 'lpln Inc IlillllIL' SIMISIL'IS I Ill.lllt'.‘-Il ll.lL'.lll.l

Make Model .tIlII Chutes IIctlolr\\alt I Illxclxlll I Illon. Rlualloll. 4*I i ii ‘lplll I p I‘I'.Il llllllt' i'lk'klll'lllt .l \I‘lll.\ Ilkl' \I.lltt' \Illklk'l are one ol tIlc tlppctl .l\I\ lot UNIS I’In\ eplc ;_'Illt.ll IIltIIc lIolnl IIIIIIN . Scar my Eyes II.lIllchlIl.IIl\. \IIIIII} Stlccl. Sill ‘3‘; ‘lpnt 2.1 IIc.l\} llllSII metal

The Freaky Family lht- I..// liar. I (‘Ilalllllclx Stlccl. 33H 13‘“ I I, illplll ()IjJanIt hip hop and l.l//_\


I 32 Miles to Breakfast and Ali‘Ship ( .I.l\\l\ (ll.lllll. IN .l.lIII.ll\ .I Street. S4“ USN) “le1 LS Illlk'tlllllh alttock llolll lIll\ _\otlIl;.' Ilantl. lll.l\\lllf_‘ lllllllk'llL'I‘S llolll IIlc I’ollcc .llIlI ( 'llIlI I’eppclx,

I Desert Hearts and Servant "DISC SIL'IC'U. 3“ :5 I\)\‘lllll'lll I .lllk'. 333 3354 “put, (illlxelm I.lIch (ial‘elcllllul plcxcnt IIcIl.l\l llltllc lock trio I)c\cll IIcal‘tx \\llU .ll'c plonlotllle then He“ alllulll [lulu lulu \uagtmlll. I Dillinger Escape Plan, Between the Buried & Me and Stolen Babies lllt' (‘atholma IS

wh stle


live music bar

0pm mm: .5}! anomaly

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6&1 fit. Glal’fillc‘e (:1 {gig :_,. é‘é‘CLQE Elia)? I" REE~~ mare BEECRZS 9W6 [élflfitr [M Y 1' W " I/l 1' lift NIT I/l / I! 'I fill)!

\‘ . . . wwwhstlebmluesrom infogwhistlebinlllescom teleollone: 0131 557 5114

72 THE LIST ‘-1 .‘S‘ “91‘

I :ltwr; Slice? 31‘ will“ ~pit. Slll I)

III I (lug: ILx \Illt‘J. I ‘\.t:etl;c .Ingtllat it .i. front Iclxcx Ilillelllift‘i‘CS ‘.".Ilt Ezlc to pl: \ l:.pt .2 Iterattxc reactIoll

lll'llz IIlc .Io'mI It. \IlthJIiL' (Ilctl l.lt'\\'\ IIIII' IIII' llll‘SItl‘ll \\ Il.:I I.III\\ \CC ply: 2c p.;_'c MI

I Mark Ronson 8. the Version Players, Rumble Strips and Dan le Sac vs the Scroobious Pip (.IIIIII: \tatlcln} (llaxeom. I3I IL'IlllIl‘ll \IIL'I‘I HSll l““31ltl1l “put LI\ *11 IN and IIIIHIIICCI \III lotll. \klllt It.” \onpcll up \Illj» \\IlchlotI\c\ .III\I III). \IIcll\ Ik'tllItIlIIi'S. I‘I‘IIHIIIIS Ill\ li'.‘.ll \t'IH SIIH‘.‘.

I The Merchants, Loose Kites, Dirty Weekend, New Noise Pollution and Delgetti ( '.lpllol. 1m \JlltIllt'lMII Stlect. ii Illltl ‘pln L“ I IIL'} IIK Lin" pIInI. tloln tIlc \IcIcIlaIltx I Nick Harper .lIIll Gavin Moore \II( 3. ‘11! \AIICIIIC‘IIJII Sllcct. H3

33 *3 put L It) \ lIttIow _‘_'ll|l.ll l‘I.l_\lll_‘_’ Ill‘lll \II R \oll ol Ix’o}~ II.lecI

I Self-Cancellation lhc \lt hm. 2‘1 \I:,'_\lt-Stlcct.*1\* Illllll il‘lll tlll pct Ila}. 9.3i lot II‘SIIMII l‘.l\\. \ \Ilcctal c\.cllt tlcatctl Il_\ Ix’IIoIIII I).l\l\'\. Inxpllctl ll} .lIItI Ill collallolatloll \xltIl (ilISI.t\ \It't/gjcl. .Illd It'.llllllll_'_‘ ,lolln IIIIchIcI. SaIaIl \\.I\Illn;'ton. I cc l’llllk‘lv‘ll .lllll IIIIIL‘IS I’ll/I 4'1 /\ \l \l

Sons 8. Daughters and Black

Kids \Ii( I Hll SatIcIlIcIlaII Stl'ccl. H3 33 :3 "put. L") 51) Sollx t\' Hallelltclx IIIl\cII tIlc ;:Ioo\ Icl. popplcl‘ SI‘IIIIII ol the” llc\\ .llllulll l/IH (ll/I. \uppollctl I\_\ the lunch lallclctl Black Kl\l\. I Elmo Ildlll}. 3N) ( \ll'C‘L‘l. (Ix-ill 1’1!" WM" Spin. L5, (ilaxgjoxx tlual’tct.

it it”.







FEEL-'2 Racingreen, Sheryl Hunter and Peri Ilo\. ~1:l SautIIIeIIaII Street. 1‘3 ‘4 ‘l Split I’op Iotlx quartet tI‘oIIl Klillldlfllkh headline

I Wake the President, Andrea Marini, The Just Joans and Miyagi \Iaeelc \I.:}‘\.1l1l \iI‘lHIl Stlect. \IcIcIlaIIt (‘It_\. SH l 15” Spin ’51:“ \Iclothc lIldlc I‘I'I‘SICH Ileadllllc. \uppottetl ll} tllc I‘lllL‘hWL'CI Ilat‘nlolllcx ot IIlc lthl .lIktllS and thc \tlt't-tullk ot \ll}.l_‘_‘l

5: Crisis Sanlucl I)o\\\.1l_ “I \IIIIMIJIC Road. 43§1ll1l" S illpltl I l\c

I Lightspeed Champion, Semifinalists .mtl Endor King Itll\ \\.III \\.III IIIII. 333.: St \ Itlccllt Sheet. 331 53‘" S zllpnl t“ I'\ Iexl IcIcIe\ lllcnlllcl I)c\ II}Ilc~. Ilo\\ Illaklllg tIlc ullllkcI} Illo\c Illto \llIllCldl‘IC de'lfllSllLH u ItIl Ill\ llcu IIICJIIIJIIHH I.I;_'Ilt\pccd (‘Ilalnploll

I Voices in the Dark, The Dougie Potters and The Four Skynyrds \Icc‘ll'SIcal}. 431 SaucIlIeIlaII Stleet. H‘s ll‘lllll. S itlplll I l\e lllllSlC'

I Lost n Motion, Ben Sturrock and Niall Morrison '1 Ion 'l‘heatl‘e. hi Ilolleatc. i53 431W ‘l illpln LS \Iclotllc I‘IL'lltl ol pop. coIIIltl'}. toll and Illucx lIoIll I.o\t II \Iotloll. \\Ih\ are launching; their new Izl’ .\l1\ ll/IIH loll III It'll. .lt IIIlS \couxtlc :\Il.lll' night

I INSTAL Festival Club Slelco.

3H 33 RL‘IIIIL‘III I..lllk'.

Ill. illplll ianl, £5 Itlcc \lItIl le\tl\al Ilelxk‘ll .\ Ialc Illelll hang; out With the Ilext ol local talent and a ten International .IC'IS tIlI'o\\Il In, 'I'otllglll IL'.lIl|lt‘\ Illcapacltantx. \IicIlt}o Yagl. Illootl Stcl'co and IIaI‘IlI‘lIlgeI‘ Sound l’urt or IVS/Ill. US.

I The Meatloaf Trilogy Ro}.t| (‘ollcet‘l Hall. 3 SaucIlleIlaII Street. 353‘ .S'llllll. (‘.-\.\‘(’lil.l.lil).


I Rock Nite The .-\l'k. 3 '7 Waterloo I’Iace. 33S 03‘)? ".illpnl. L'tllc. I‘IHIIIIS II‘L'.

I Palmstar Poppy: Songs in Search of Love Lost at Sea 'I'I‘axel‘xe 'I‘Ileall'e. ('anllll'ldge Street. 33.’ l4ll4. .S’plll. CS CIR. See 'I'Ilu I4.

I Secret Architecture The .Ia/I liar. I (‘Ilalllllerx Street. 33” 43W. S3llpnl. L41L3l. ‘( )t'gallhell C‘IlilllS. Il\ llllh. t‘IlL'Ix alld pop are tuned up ll) Illultillatiollal tl'lo IIaIl \'aI‘-l.a\i Iguital'l. I‘t'axel' (‘alllpllell l\;t\l;tllIl/.;1L'Il \Iatlgatl ldI'uIllxl.

I Strange Brew and Bannockburn Wlllxtlelllllkles. 4 (l South Hrldge. 557 51l4.‘)pnl.(il‘ullge§ rock.


I Music Roundabout Cumbernauld ('ulllllel'llauld 'I‘Ileatl'e. Kildl'ulll. “1330 “$3587, Splll. U). The Ilext ol local lllll\IC‘ Ill a \L‘l'lL'S ol‘ iIltilllaIc gIgS taking place Ill a \tudio theatre


I The Karpenters I’aixle} 'l'oun IIaII. :\IlIlc_\ ('onc. SS" llllll. Spill. £14 IL'I3I. Starring: Laurie Ill'iggx ;l\ Karen aIld .Iaxoll Scott ax RIcIlal‘d. lIllS xix-piece ll'll‘llIL‘ act pl'exellt .l IllSlUl'} ol' the lilllllllIS duo.


I Volts and Led Zeppelin Tribute .'\II‘C‘I'I IIallx. Ihllllllal'toll Road. Ill-1'36 4-3 544. ".45 I Ipttt. LI-l £15 on door H; I 3 l. The countl'iex lIllL‘SI I.ed Zeppelin ll'll‘llIL‘ hand lake to the \tage illllllgSILlC .-\("‘I)(' tI'iIltIte act \oltx.

Tiff—:3.-- ..,:'~ 12,3- 1“, Tr "l $1.12.;L4ILLJ / I. a '- A, ‘f lg: :,2-._g;i_rr,; Glasgow

FREE INSTAL Talks The (ilzlxglm School ot’ :\l‘l. In" Rellt're“ Street. 353 45%. llalll l3..‘~llplll & 1.31) 3pm. Serlex ol talk about alterllatne lilUSlC’ and art. looking at Sell'-(‘allcellation Ill a \\ Ider conte\t. l’url Hf MIST-H.051

I Translation and Energy Births Form The Archex. 353 Arg} Ie Street.

5M IINN' 4pm illl. textual I‘ll“ :35 Kenneth (ioldxlllltIl .tIIL‘llll‘IS to apploprlate one an tol'nl l\_\ ,llll‘lllt‘l Willi lldllSIdIll‘ll at the L‘\l‘el'lltlelll.tl lllllSIe IC‘SIHJI I’ll/f u' /\.\l-ll 1"

I Colette McKendrick and Candy 8 the Raincloud ('I.I\\lc (ilalld. IS .Ialllalca Street. S4" ll.\3ll “put ‘5

I ocal \lllgct'-\ollg\\lltel “ho ILIS Ileell likened to (‘_\Ildl I aupcl \lllgx Ream I Standing Order, The Highways and Sinking Cities -\ll('_‘. WI SaucIlIcIlaII Stteel. 3‘3 3313 ‘plll to ()\cl l4\ \IIUW I ocal Illdle tIIplc I‘lII I Still, Capstin Pole, Muggers Lane and Audiofixx ll.llll\\\l.lll\l 3. 34-4 (i.tlIll\\f_‘.lle_ 40H] TPIH {h (hel- l4x \Ih‘“ lineup ot lllclodlc llldlc lock I‘.lllll\

3,39: Willy Campbell, Rico Franchi

0 and No 1 Son Stereo. .‘H .‘S‘ Renlicld lane. 333 3354 “pm LS I'oIlIlcl' tIoIltIllaIl ol \Slllll \Iill\\\‘.t\e\ lllatcl‘lal tl'oIIl IllS dellut \olo .lIl‘lllll I Elle Sappelle, Gofaster, Cold Dog Soup and Pharmacy Halllx. 3N) ('I-ch Strch llSqll ill)" (NW) Spill £5 Iloxx pop tl‘olll I.l\el‘pool I The Last Corinthians, Motion Gallery and Rodan \Iaeglc Mal \. Ml .-\IIlloll Stl'ect. \Iel‘cllant ('Il}. 54H 1 WI) 8pm £5 It‘ll local llllllL' ltk‘le'IS Ileadlllle IIIIS l‘lll I Mama Mayhem, Red Mongoose and Jamie Size IIaI'lI} lllpSldllSl. 3h“ ('I-nlc Street. llH-‘(I VI)" (N‘N Spin .-\ Ilullcll oI' local Itldle Iocltelx FREE Smoked Glass, The Cider Spiders, Sonorous, The 1,2,3s and Last Tuesday Box. 4” SaucIlIeIlaII Street. H3 54H. h'pnl IMUII t'IlClx illltl llllllk‘ ;IL'I\

I Whitefire, Cortex, Side Effects alld Magnets & Medicine (‘apllol 4M Sauclllcllall Street. “I lll4ll .Spnl. L5. See llltl I4.

FREE grnr The Hall liar. IN) Woodlandx Road. i53 09‘)!» lell

II‘l'e\ eI'eIlt eIectl‘olllca at IIil\ \xccklx IIaIt liar Illiack lllgllt.

I Amongst the Arrows Nice-Il'Slea/y 43I SaucIlIeIlaIl Stl'eet. 333001)”. 8.30pm. IiIllo lock

FREE Lou Hickey and The Miss’s The ()Inerlatol'}; I41) lilllL‘l'SIlU Street. 353 (“)3 l. Sillplll. .-\cou\tlc \llljJL'l'r \ollglxritel‘ [k‘l'llll‘lllllllet'S at the \wckl} (‘ollcl‘ele ('alllplirc lllgllt.

FREE-i Perfect Remedy Salmch I)o\\'\. (l7 7| \llIlStlllIC Road. 43i ()lllT. 3.31lplll. Local rock band.

I Royworld, Opportunity Club and Kessler King; 'I'ut‘x Wall Wall IItlt. 373a St Vincent Street. 33l 537‘). Sillplll. £5. The IlL‘LlllIlliL’l'\ are a London quartet with a host ol \th‘lIll}; liL‘W wile lllllllL‘llCL‘S.

I Hyena, The 18 Wheels and Sellotape I3tIl Note ('ale. 5” (ll) Kill}.I Street. 553 1033, Uplll. (ilaxgou punk rockel'x \Hlll grunge alld Illathl‘ock IIllIuellees.

I INSTAI. Festival Club Stereo.

3f) 38 Relllield Lane. 333 3354 ll).3()plll 3am. £5 ttree Willi textual tleketl. .-\Iterllatl\e late night hang: out. 'I‘olllgllt leaturex I'xurper. Nell

I)a\ Itlxllll. Aileen ('alllphell alld Rollin Ila} ward. K}Ile \llllolxe \\ \zlckt IllSL'L‘lL‘li and IIarhrIllger Sound. I’m! my l.\'.S”IL-ll. UH.


I Blues Devils, Servant, The Desert Hearts and Dignan, Dowell 8: White \VlllxlIL‘hllille'S. 4 (l South Bridge. 557 5| l4. ()pm. Free helore Illidllight; £4 alter. Blues. rock and

I The Cinematics, Beatnic Prestige and Alfonso The llixe.

I577 l7 .\'Iddr) Street. 556 0444. 7pm. £7. Tipped (ilasgov. heat combo inllueneed h) the like\ ol Wire.

Telex isioll. The (we and The Smiths. I Jennifer Gentle, Stuffy and the Un-Americans ('aharel Voltaire. 36—38 Blair Street. 320 MW). 7pm. £7. Psychedelic alum-pop from the Italian headliners.