

‘lh lilL'LIIlI Strut-t. 553 UN) ll’. \\('. 11,1111 \1

The Tempest l 1111! 8.11 I11I1-Ir \II.1Ilttl}1lt' ll11'.1t11'(i11111p :t't lllL'lll\L‘l‘~t'\ \lrtp'.~rt'tl11-1l1111 Shukuxptuuc'x hr.1\ 1' new ‘-‘.Hll1l

3 W111“ U1 L‘ML‘ 151



3 III H.1lt.1111'\ \11-11111'. K1'l\1111l.1l1'. 5“) 111111111111

\tl :5 l‘L'l‘ \L'C Kltl\



333 Han \lrcct. “1‘53” ‘Wl (tit-13 Ill. \1111. \11'. \1 \1

Equusl ltlll \11 Hr l‘ch 3 illplll Il'11t1l 'lhu l-l l'ch .\ \.11 I!) lch 111.1t 3 illptur L Ill L3i 5” Itht'xl l1111l1c\1\.1l1rltl1c Pill} lll‘lllll lllk' lltl} \Klltl l1)\C\ l]11|\g'\ ‘1 lllllL' tun 111111l1 1111mm t1» Stnllutul lhmp'x thcxp 811111111 (‘.1ll11\1 \l.lI\. \xtth '\|I'11' 'hrnthcr HI ill}. \1111 HI Kt'tth‘ .v\l|1'11 1111l11' 11rl1'lhg11 l11-lp1-1l l).11111-| l<.11|1'htlc gum 11p. Srguul PL'lllllllLlllL'L' 1111 33 l'ch 111 75llpr11.1111l1'.1pt11>111-1l pct‘t11111111111'1‘ 3l l't'h .1t 3’ 5llplll

She Stoops to Conquer 'I 111-

I‘) Sat 3* l‘1-h. 3 lllprn t'l’hu 1k Sat 111111 3.“)[11111 L' III {3| |,1/;1 (i1r1l1l111‘1l .1111l l111'1111-1 l.111l1\1l\11‘ll1-1 ('1rht1 linker \t;11 111 th1x \1111l11-1l Rt'gcut'} 1'111111‘11} 111

Scottish Dance Theatre 'I‘I111 DH .& l't‘t3‘H'1'l13illpm{USU H850. Scotland's 11.1111111;1| 1‘1111t1'111p1r1'111'} 1l;1111‘t' 1'11111p;111} ptcxcntx l.1\ l.111'1‘111\ \tutuuug 11‘111/1'r/r1mA. .1111l .1 111'“ \1111'l1 h} lxruch t‘l11u‘1'1tutuphcr. llUlL'\ll Shcchtct. Sue pt1'\1c\\. [1.13:1‘ 33


35 .»\|hc1t l)11\1‘.lt.\tl5 3311 35m. |\\‘('. \\;\l

La Pocha Nostra: Divino Corp l'nul 8.11 lb l-1'h. Ill11111 (1pm. l’1'1'I1u'11111111'1' 111\I.1ll;1t11111 1‘\|‘l11l’t‘\ hmx the bud} 1'1111 hc 11 \111‘ 1111' 1111-111111'}. pcnzutcc. \pu'1t11;1|1t_\ .1111l 1'1‘111\ 1'11111111. hr! 11] \1'11 It'l'l‘llrrl’lr‘x. Kurt Hentschlager: FEED Inc II) 1& “ml 31) l'1'h. 3’. ‘sllpru. £3 IUH. l-'lil'.l)1\ .111 11111111'1'\1\1' p1'1‘l'111‘11111111'c 111 Much the 11111l11-11t‘c 1'\p1-1‘1c111‘c\ ctlcctx 11nd \l11It111g 111111r1lx 1111111111-111111.111-11111-11111111-111 utthuut pcrlut‘ruct'x. l.ll\C much 11I ll1'11tx1'l1l;1:_'1‘1"\ 1‘1‘1'1‘111 \11I11\\1tt‘l\. l'lilzl) 1'\p|1u'1'\ tho 1111t1111‘ 11I lu11111111 pct‘t'cpltnn :1111l lhu 1111p111‘t 11I 111'“ tu'l11111l1rgicx1u1 1111l1\11l11;1|1‘1111x1‘11ruxucxx. 11x1”; pr'1111'1‘t11111\_ t11't1l'11‘1.1| lug. p11|\1‘— .11111 \lltll\1l\t'0plt' llglil. I’ll/'11)] .\'1'I1 11'11'11111'11'1.

Compagnie Thor: V Nightmares ll! 33 8111 33 l’ch. 7.30pm. {81%). ('111111111g1111‘ 'I‘hur 111111 ('111111‘11141111‘ 'l'hnr t111'11\'1\.1l1l1\ l-urrr.\'1'1runr\ 11111111

rttghtmdrc 111 IHUI III11\L'IIIL‘III\ l’.1rt\ IA 3 1111l'r'11l.1}.p.1rt~ 51‘L‘11rt1\.1t1111l.1‘\ /’.n.' U/ \(‘M [1 NH“!!! \

Rui Horta: Scope lut- Zh .\ \\1-11 3‘ l‘ch 3 thm Lh «UH lhu l’111t11;111'\c thurcugruphcr I'L'ltlrth 111 \1'\\ lcrrtturtcx \11tl1.1111»thcrl1v11l1 .1!t1111111111111t.1111111

.1111l. .1\.1l‘.1.1}\. tl1c.1111l1c11t1'l1.1\ Il\ p.111 [11 pld) Ill/[11f \1'11 [HI/{11111 \ \t'r‘ I‘IL'\IL'\\. P.1f3L‘1\3

I TRON THEATRE (ti ’lr'nngutc. .553 43113 III. “(I \\ \l Static 'l'hu l4 $111 3“ l‘1'h 111111 81111 I3 Hr M1111 lhu hpm :3 Smpu't ("ulturt' .‘1111l (31.1mm pr‘uxt'nt .1 \tnr} 11t l11\1'. luv .1111l1111\ lupcx. \\1'1It1‘11l1} l).111 Rt'l‘clluln The Wall lhu 3h l'ch 8.11 \ \l.1t 1.\'111_\'1111 \111111 35Ilpu1 Ll“ LII 1U» {1111\1111113' p111’111111lu1-1111.1111l t1rr'1111'1 [1111‘111't111111txt I)(‘ .|.11'l1\1111\ 111-\1 pl.1_\ I111 H1111lc1'l1111' 1\.11'11111c1l} .1h1111t .1 j.:11111p 11l It'cttuucn 111 .111 V\_\1\l1111‘ 1111111 81'1" Wm 11'“, p.133- Hr



l.lltl}\\L‘ll \Vgl}. \lll\\k'll‘lll}3ll. (1(1,i .334”. ll’. H. \\'('. \VAI

Great Expectations ooo I11 15 1k Sat l(1l‘t'l13.illpllt. t'lll_5lltl.'h.5ll; 11111l1'1' lh’x U11 Scc (iluxunu. l’;11\l1'_\ .-\1‘t\ ('1‘1111‘1‘.

Heelie-go-Leerie (Head Over Heels) Thu 3] Slll 3,5 l't'l‘. SL'L‘ K11l\ hxttng»


3 l.L'\L'll SII'L'CI. 53‘)(1llllll. Ill. “(1 \\..’\I She Stoops to Conquer l'nul 8.11 In l‘ch. 7.5(lpm 1\\'1‘1l 1k Sat 111.1t 350111111, L' Ill.5Il £33. A aunt-1|} 11l 1'1'1'111‘x tl1;1t h.1\ hccurnc 1111c ml the 111ml \tu1l1c1l 11I .1l| lingltxh cuntcdicx. \tgu‘rmg l.1/.1 (i111l1l1u‘1l. Scc (iluxgmx. 'l'hcutt'c R11);1l. Equus M1111 18 Sat 33 l‘ch. 7’. ‘~Ilpm 1\\'c1l & 8111 111.1t 330111111. U35“ £35 11'11111‘1'\\11u1\;1\;1t|;1h|c1. Scc(i|;1\g_'11\\, ’l‘hcult'c R11};1l.

Mack 81 Mabel Inc 31» Id» 8111 I .\I;11: 7.3()pmt$;1t 111111 330111111. (It) I; l 5. Thu Bum-11111111; 1.}1‘11' ()pct':1('11111p;111} prcxcutx .lcrr} llc1'1111111‘x hwl} musical telling the hcurt-urcnchmg lmc \lnt'} 1rt‘ t111111l'll1c \Ilt‘lll I1111\ lL‘ L'l'll.\ gl‘L‘ulLWl legends 1l1rcct1u‘ Muck Scunctt :1111l 1‘11111C1l1c1111c Muhcl \111‘111;1111l.


l5 3‘) \lcnlxtm Strcct, 530(1llllll, III, 111‘. \\'.-\l

Swan Lake 'l'hu l-l l't'h. 7.30pm.

£10 {531537 £391. St l’ctct‘shur'g Hullct 'l‘hcutt'c prcxcntx its \cr} 11'111l1111111g1l hut hunutllhll) pcrl11r111c1l \1'1'x'11111 1rt' lhc \xut'ltl'x 1111M p11p11lg1rlx1llct. \\1ll1 stunning primu hullcrmu I1‘111z1

lxwlcttt'kmu 1:: Th; r11};

LazyTown Live! I :2 Z.‘ .\ \1: . \1'1'l\1.txlz Hello, Dolly! Inc In I 14" \17 \I.=:

3 i'lg‘ft. ll‘tl; .\ \1? 1:1.1'. 3 1szt;

Ll :33 5" 11‘ L315" ll1;,'.‘l:.1:fc.‘. ()111'.'11.1»11mtf \7‘12'..1ll1‘l‘\1tt‘.;‘1\ in \kht'tc ll.1tl‘t.1 t:.‘t\.:!1.i kit 11?? :‘1tl::\

11".1\.1l11tIl11‘31111tl1ln‘..'.l111.1\1..11 alw \t.111111-_' .l1.'.l.l.:1_\ \\.1li‘li'l ll.11:.'7:ll.1\

\ct- I‘It"-I.‘\\. p.~.-.'.- W

I INSTITUT FRANQAIS D’ECOSSE l1R.1111l11lpl1(’11'xct1t. 3 FREE Rendez-vous avec la danse H111 3\ l ch h 5HI‘III l 1.x" \11 111111~1lutt11~11 11~l11'11.h.l1n11'111'1.1ph\ \1.1

I.IIL‘ \I1l1‘11l1'1‘l.‘.'.'1'


lx (llk'k'll\l\lk' l'l.1\1'. 'l\ i»: \ 1 3 III. \11; \\ \1

The Nutcracker I 11111 \11 In I .-I\

3 illl‘llll ll111.\ \.11111.11 3 ‘Hpml

Ll‘ 1 ill .5“ lIlt'11l\1'11l|1111'111.1111111.1l plum‘lth l1'll.1ll\1r\ \k} \ l.1|111~tt\ l‘.1ll1‘l Disney’s High School Musical \I1111 lh l't‘h \.1l l \l.11 111111 \11111 ‘pt111\.1t 111.1t 3 lllptut. 5pm .\ -\ zHpur

Ll3.5ll L 5” |l.1\1'1l1»11|)1\111'1\l 1111111 “11111111:Itl111uttht-\.11111-11.111112H1w'1 .\1lylr'1'/ l/!1\I11I1'I1'll\ll11‘ \lt‘l} I‘l \\ lll'l'l \tu1lcttl\ I111} .1111l ( 1.1l111cll.1 who 111-31'1th lI_\ 11111 I111 lk'1lll p.1tt\ 111 tl11'11 \1h1111l\ \ll11\\


I ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE (it‘llltlld) Sllt't'l. 313 11\1\ ll). ll. \\ l 3. \1.\|

Six Characters in Search of an Author In l5l-1‘h 8.115 \I.1r 111ml St111»\l11111 3 »15pt11 1\\1'1l 1\ \'.1t 111.11

3. Hip”)! {h {35 11'11111'1'xx11111x.1\.11l.1l\l1'1 I);1\11l ll.11111\\1'1 .11l.1pt\ I 111311 l’11.1111|1'|l11\ ;1\.1111 3:;111l1'1'\.1111111.111111111l lhu 11.111111-11I 1111tl1.1111l11-.1|11_\.111\1h11'h \1\ It1'111111.1|1‘l1.11'.11't1‘1\.1111\1‘.1t .1 th1'.1111' \xhct‘t' .11l11'ct't1u .1111l.11‘t111;_' 11111111411} .111- Icht‘ut‘xtug 11111.11, lhu \1-1'11111l1rl 111111 11111111111 k3ll'lll'llllllk'llllll\ hum 1'1'11 lhc \11l1111141l l ht'.1tt’c 111 St‘ntlutul. ll11' l.}L‘L‘tIIll 'l'hmtt‘c .1111l'll11- ('111/1'1tx' 'l'hcutt‘c.1l11'1'1'11'1lh} tl11' l )1‘1'11111‘x .\l.11l1 'l'h11111x1111. Sec I1-.1t111'1'. p.1jsc 3”

I TRAVERSE THEATRE ('11111hr11lgc Strut-l. 33h llttl [I’. ll. \\(3. \\‘.v\|

New Art Club: The Visible

Men Sul l(1l'1‘l1,35llptu.{litthr .\l;1|c1l1111. \1-11 .'\I'l (‘luh 1111\ t'111111'1l}. Inc .111 111111 1'111111-111p111;11‘_\ t'hnrcnumph} 111 tl11x 111-u \l111\\, Scc pr'1'\11'\\. puuu hh Static “ml 33 l'ch hat I .\l.11 3 illpm [l 3 H481. Sue (il;1\g_'11\\. l 11111 'I l11'.1I11' Palmstar Poppy: Songs in Search of Love Lost at Sea 'I I111 II 5.11 It» l'L'l‘. Xpm. LN {I l. Stu Plk'\lL'\\. p.1;:1- \‘l

Outside the Cities

I CUMBERNAULD THEATRE l\:..1:;;" l “fl‘lt‘ 3:3“. l‘ H \\( \\ \ Coppelia l‘ l 5:“ 1" t\ 1" lluf \\;\’ ;".‘\1""\'."‘\ 1 1‘1‘;‘..:.:I l‘tl .1' .i “.x


l.1'. \.,.;.1v.~ ll.;".l.‘.' '1\‘ “15:11 I‘, H. \\l '\\\

Scottish Dance Theatre I‘::.; \11 711.41 \p» e" l".-.1::.~ l\’«1'..1‘.


\lV'u‘x \ff.‘.'I \' \\1\ M? ii: I' II \\1 \\ \

It All the World Were Paper I 12::1 \.11 In I \1'1' l\'1‘:\ Home to Neverland \11 In I 35"1111. fill !\ 9'11 \11.“.\ \IZH'.\ 1311111

\l‘tlltl.'l\ l’111.l‘1.1;«111\ 7.'l1:11:'tl1.-\'1~1\11I

l\lli.1':1.' flz.‘ l1! 1111111 l’\IIII‘1‘II/.:!I


‘.\ lll‘ l1 \ Z.'.1.l111,' pl.1\\\.!::'ltt

f |11.

Endgame I11; I‘) I \11111 21,‘ \1'1' (11.1\:'11'.*. (tilflt1tt1‘lttlll1l3

Little Shop of Horrors \\.‘.I ,‘H I 11 1‘.‘ l ch 3pm !\1U~1 ll21‘ 11:17

1'I\ tl1.1t l‘.1\ t.:'.1\11111.'

llll;\i1 .1'1 .1l11111I .1 lll‘lhl \kll1‘1ll\11“~ pl.111t1\.1!l.‘\l111.1‘.111:'.1l1.'11111»1111111t1-1 \l‘.I\1'

Byre Youth Theatre Present . . . \11 .‘5l1‘l1 lllp111.\ {1111111 IMHH lh1- l” l l1.1\1' l\.'1'11 \1'l1'1I1'1l tn p.1111. 1p.1t1~ 111 \ l \ l \.1l1.1tt:‘1‘ .‘WW .1I l 1l1't1( 11111l ll11x1tt1'111|11\1'1111-\\ lh1' 1'11111p 11111xt 1l1'\1\1'.11111111111'1111'11‘11I tl11‘.1t11‘n111l11' ll11'1111'uI ‘\l\ \p.1.1”. \kl111l1 Il11'\ \tlll I11\t p1'1l111111 1111l11' l{\11- lhu pt111l111t11111\11.11111'1\ \11ll t1-l11- .1111111111111'1l

Hail The Bride l111' .‘h | 1~l1 \.11 l \l.11

3 lltptu 1\.1t 111.1t 3 “1111111 23 ll 12% \ 111'11 pt1~1l11111111111111111l11-\t \111111-u ()[K‘Lllh

Wee Fairy Tales ll1113\l1'l\ \11 l \l.11 \1-1‘ Kl1l\ll\llllt'\


l111\1'1\11\ 11! \lIIllIl‘J. \t11l111;'. It 1111111111. 111 11‘ \111 \\ \1 Looking for JJl 1111! I11 I5I1-I1

l illltlll .\ 3 i‘lpm fullerrt l’rlnt ll11'.1tr1' ('11111p.111} I‘l1'\1‘lll\ tl11' \t1111 wt .1 1111\\111:' ;,'11l. _l1‘11111l1'1 I11111'x..1111ltl11'11111‘p1-1\1111 M111 ltrtmu \xl11-11' \l11- 1x \1'1'5 llo

King Matt lhu .‘l I1'h \1-1- k11lxl1\1111:'\ Much Ado About Nothing Hm .‘I

l1'l1 l illpu1.\ hpru Ll‘lltlw \ lx’1-1l \hllt ll11'.1111'111111p.111_\ pr111l11111111111I 11111' HI \l1.1l.1‘\pt'.11t'\111mlp1npt1l.1111~1111'1lt1'\ Great Expectations I111- .‘h I 1-I1

l lltpttt .\ \ptu {III 4111 \1'1' (1|.1\;'1»\1. l).l|\l1':~ \Il\ ( it‘llllk‘. .tIltl It". I1".‘._ Iktift‘ W”


Theatre Guide

Krds Ar0und Town

8111 Characters Stx Characters

er Characters


-. r r -. .: ~ Kinq's

er Characters

Thursday 21 Friday 22 Saturday 23 Sunday 24 Monday 25 Tuesday 26 Wednesday 27 Thursday 28 Barlegangarre B.’11!1;11a."-g;11re BHWIHY‘II'W: Arches 11.1w 1.: «1.. 1 .1» Citizens Other Vorces Other V01(:es Other Votces Other Votrtes Other Vow» OYPW' ‘I’OIC‘:‘- Freemasons Hall 5.2.11 ‘1.t'*?' \..’. 1.1 t 1.1 King's Hephaestos Hephaestos Hephaestos Hrdden Words thden Words Moder“. ‘f-Jorus Hrd'tr:rt I'll/rt”, On" Mar 1~ w 1 1 Theatre Royal V Nrghtrrtares V Nrghtmares Scope .f Tramway 1 3:. 1 Tron See Kids See Kids See Classical Hello Dolly! Hello Dotty! Hello Dotty? Festival



. . 3 Playhouse

Static Traverse

92 THE LIST '-1— 3.5 9113.136