Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to sport© for sport or aroundtown© tor all other events. Listings compiled by Kirstin Innes.

Indicates Listpicks entry


ACE/WU; (/1 l .01

Kimono Mackintosh 2008 Hm IS

I I-h Sun .‘. \l.II \lm kIIIImlI ( ‘lIIIIIlI. UIII'I'IIKl ll|\\. \"II (\\ ulw anl. ‘l 1“ NIH“ lllllI'S '-.Il:- \ll '\"-k'lll\ 9.1 SI'I' [‘l\l|llt'. iHlL'k' *1 lHl IIIkt'h .lllIl IIIlIIIIImII-II: \I‘lllJtl lll\ll lll'_'l.IHl on ill 1] ‘l “I (Will III I'llI.Ill

llllH' I lllISI't II'I; \I'lll

The Art of Japanese Dance Hm .‘.\ lI'lI. \lm l.llllii\ll( lIIIII ll. UnwnK ('Imx S'H ( min ulu' lx’ImIl. ‘l-lh NIH“ (IpIII 2-1

l \pII'\\I‘.I‘ l.l[‘.lllk'\k'l1'll\ \l.lll\\' [‘k'llllllllJllLk' v. IIlI \mlIIc ( IIIIIplIcll llllll'\‘.k'tl in Hl\illl\llHH .lllIl \lllk'\l|l'll\ loI Ilimc ulio .III' lk'k‘llll‘.‘ \Hllllllt'lll I’m! ul A/mII/m \Im iIIIIm/I 3”!”

Leonard Cohen Supper Hm .‘\ l cl». Skunk (I3 \I:'\lI‘ \Itmlt'. IllIS \Ij:\lt' SIII‘I'I. 33! S‘ll; 3 :“pm LlllIL<I-\I'\. lI‘.I .IHIl HI.IH§.'C\ .IlL' [‘lm Iklk'kl \t'L' [‘ILW IL'\\. I‘JL'I' 3‘) ll\ kt'lx .I\.IIl.Il\lt' UH lllI' IlIIIII Family History Day S.II l .\l.II. l’I-IIplI-‘x l’.I|.III- .\ \\ llllI'l (i.llIlL'll\. ( il.I\;_'o\\ (iIu'II. .‘i‘l 3‘NI3 \HHH ipIII l-II'I' l-I‘L'IIII; .I lllllk‘. k'l. lIlHllL'\\ ' \\.IIII lH pIIm- _\IIIII' L'lilllll III lllk' llllIlllt' In _\Hlll lll.llk'\ onu' .llltl lIII

.Ill ' | .IIIIII_\ llISII‘l) l).I} lk'IlllllL'S \I.Ill\ lIIIIII \.lllllll\ lotul l.IIIIIl} lIhIoI} mat-um loI .III}IIIII' cht'un'lun; IIII'II l.llllll_\ Iicc. Merchant City Historic Walking Tour Sun 3 \l.II, ( ILngnu \\IIIIII'II\ l ll‘l.ll'_\. 3nd l'll‘l‘l. Sl l’lllllL‘ SII'I't-I. 553 .S‘ H5

Ill.IIII l illpIII llk'k‘. l uIIII .Il‘Hlll lllk' lllllIlk'll llhlIH} ol loyal \KIllllk'll .lllIl l.lllllllt‘\ III IlIc .ll‘IlllllIlll IIIIIwIIII-III .ll'HlHlIl

(ll.l\_‘_'ll\\ \ \II‘It'lMIII ('Il_\ \\ IIh .\IIII.I SIII'IIIIII

Kimono Fashion Show SIIII _‘ .\l;II. \l.l\'l\llllIl\ll ('lIIIn'lI. ()uccn‘x ('I'Im. «Sqll (i.Il\tlll\L' RILIII. ‘l-lh (INN). l ll‘lll Ll. Show .m‘ ol ll.lIllllHll.'ll .IIIIl t'IIIIII'IIIpoIaI') kimono \lcxrunx. lllll(l\\L'\l h} .I pcIloIIIMIII‘c l\_\ .l.Ip;IIII‘\c tl.lll\\'l\ .lIuI;I .\l;II .llhll lo I III'II\.I\I.I. .llltl linm pl.I_\cI l\_\IIkII\I'I k.II;I}.IIII.I. .Ill pI‘I'loI‘IIIIII; loI Ihc lll\l IIIIII' III lhc l'l\'. I’m! 1” All/III'IIU


DiScOmBoBuLaTe lllL' ll \l.II. (".IlIIImxx .IIIIl lx'IIng. 5 Iiycx Road.

.S IHpIII ll\'\' 1 III'I.IIIIIc .IIIIl (\llllk‘tl} I‘IIIIIIlc .II .I um Hllell Ilt'xt‘I‘IhIIIg: lecll .II 'IlIc |III‘I.II} llleJI' ol (il.I\;_'o\\ \ \"I‘lllL'kl_\ l\‘\ll\.ll. lllk' I'IIIIII'Il} lIIIIgc ol (i|.I\;_'II\I '\ IIII‘I.II_\ lt'\II\.Il‘. l’cI'loIIImIIt‘cx lI'oIII .\l;lj_‘l (iIiImu. \l.IH liIxxt‘II. |;IIII Huggu'. Rob

\\ llllf3ll.llll .lllIl Kllxllll lllllL‘S. .IIIIoII; \llllk'l\. \\llll mIIIpI‘II‘ |;III .\l.l\'l)llk'l\tlll


Glimmers in Limbo 'l'I.IIII\I.I}. 35 \ller llnw. IlS-15 “ll iSlll. l'IIIIl Sun 3 \l.II‘. Inc in lll.uII 5pm; S;II & Sun noon 5pm, \ \k'l III lll\l.lll.lllHH\. IIIIt‘I'wnIIIIIh .llltl cwnlx \‘clclimung lllL‘ lIleuI') III l‘I'.IIII\\.I_\. .Ill pIII IIIgI'IlIcI in (ilmgmx .ll'llSl .\lIIII_\ Iluimkl l‘\\‘lllll:3l}. Ihcrt' .IIc Hollow li‘ IlInc .llI‘llllIl on. [‘lk‘lk‘llxllll; Iou‘rc ;I II';IIII \lll\L'l lI'_\ IIIII In IIIgtNI L'vllllllll‘t'l'S l‘k'll‘lk'llJlltl ll'x .Hl. IIIII IlIc Ilmlgcnix, Scc \\ \\ \\ glIIIIIIIcI\IIIIIIIIlIo m uk

Me, Art and the Garden (LIlIt-I'} III \lIItch'II .»\I‘I. Rom] l'.\(ll.lll:_‘L‘ Square. 33‘) I‘NII. l'IIIIl Sun 3" .\pI'. \lun \VcIl & S.II lILIIII 5pm; 'l'hu llLIIII SpIII; l‘l'l .\ Sun

1 1.1m 5pm; Ill.IIII lpIII. .\ group III )Isung gll'lS ll'IllH lllL‘ l’UllI‘kSlllCltlS-l‘du‘xl III‘g;IIII~.IIIoII \'(‘S.~\. \xnrkctl \\ IIlI IlIc [III/I111: (I‘li"(1'(’:\‘ .II’IN III I'LNIIlL‘IIcL‘. Ruchcl \llllllk‘x‘. Io crmIc Illl\ L‘\llll‘lll\‘ll IIprII‘cIl l\_\ IlIcII' t‘\pcI‘Icncc~ III being III Ihc (LII‘IchIx.

A Moment in Time (‘mllcn \‘l \lIIIch'II .4\l‘l. Ro}.Il l'.\\‘ll.lll:.1c Squaw. 33*) 19%. [mil Sun 3" .\[‘l'. \lIIII \M‘Il & S.II

lIl;IIII 5pm; l‘hu likun SpIII. l-I'I & Sun ll.lHl 5pm; llkllll lpIII. l'IIuI' llll\L‘\l- lllL‘tllJ collugcx l‘} puple \‘l SI (ircgor) \

30 THE LIST {5 ;-v: - . _~

.ziiIi “radium I"

.\ .t .I'...'. \!.II_\.\.

lllt .';I..‘ II'.I'.:II::I_' will.

( ~'ll.ll.l\\II|llg'IT.I\".117


Inf r.;".\ I:II.:;.'\ I~l \l.::j.?1212 \lufi‘fi'illi

of Iii; \\\~\:.IT:- pIII:I.IIIII:;I' Science in the Dock I ll.l\;""~" \. mu.- (I'llllt‘. “I Hunk l‘)ll.1\."\~l <1" lIHI

l IIIII l II 3" I up ill.IIII <pin \IlHHSSII‘ll .ll‘l‘llk'S t" W; '1‘ "*I \II mluluIIon IlI.II t'lIullt'Iiyt'x ‘. I\IIIII\‘ \.llll\‘\ .lllIl untoumgm lllt‘lll In IlIIIIk .ll‘I‘lll toIIIIIIthul l\\ll\'\ III

A Scots Helikon ( il.I\_~_'II\\ \\IIIIII-II\ lIlII.II}. 3nd l-lImI. S‘. l).lllllL' Slit-vi. << Si-l,‘ l'll MI 33 \l.II 'HHI Sun \lilll' ‘LIIII <pIII.‘l.IIII Spin llk'k' l’oIII.III\IIl IIIIII' Ullllt'llll‘llldl} StIIIIleI V-I‘lllt'll \KlllL'h l\_\ \IIII.I ( '.IIII IIIII mull/Ilium" Hmm I.‘ '\ HI IA

14"." I'l

Fairs Fairtrade Experience S.II 1 \Im 3.\l.II. l<II_\.Il (‘IIIIt'I'II ll.Ill. 3 S.Iut'lIIclI.Ill SIIUI'I. “i SHHH ll.IIII Ll lllllIlL‘l l3x lI'I'cI. SI'L' lllllhl Creative Stitches 8. Hobbycrafts Show 'l lIII (I Sun ‘) .\l.II. Sl ('( '. l'llllllk‘SlHll (Jun). HSWI H.1H JHHH ‘) ilkIIII S. illpin. (US It i Il llIlL‘l If“ l’II'I'I (5 5i, \lml .Ilmul lll.l\'l.llllk" (‘I.It'kci\ loI lllk' t'I'otlIcI l\'IIo\\ _\Hlll lelllllj.‘ ’()l\\c\\ul \\ IIlI IIII;.IIIII Wm. IIIII gt'l IlII' pIIIIII. lllllllllk'IlS ol \I;I|l\ \t'llllljJ kilx I.IIIIl lllllSllL‘Il jJIll\ Il _\ou \\.Illl Io than I. plux .I (huncc III t'lI;II Io lllt' t‘I.IlII-I\ \\I‘ luau IlIt‘)'II' /uII-/\ pcoplu

Foorl & Drink

Sushi Demo and Tasting ill 3*) | ch. \lIIL'lxlllIHSil ( 'lIurt'lI. ()IIcL'II‘x ( 'I'oxx. K‘H (Luxt'uhc Ro.IIl.‘l-1(I(I(IHH. ifillpln. t i. lx'uIIIIko Halon I;Ikc\ _\ou IlII'ouglI k'\\'l_\\l.l'\ lk't'llllltlllk'S III IloIIII'int‘ \llSlll :IIIIl .|;Ip;IIIc\c loud III;IkIII;_'. ‘.\loII Ihc I';I\\ llSll' ’Iu/II/ A'IIIIII/III.lIIIILIIIIm/I311118. Queen’s Park Farmers’ Market SM 1 .\l.II. ()uccu'x l’;IIk. 53H l.;IIIg_'\IIlc l’urk. 3S" "33*. “um 3pm. Spule \\I' I'IIII‘I \llll on 'cIII. .'\l‘l'l'. Mansfield Park Farmers’ Market Sui S .\l;II'. l)o\\.IIIlIIII l’I‘IIIIuI'} St‘lhml. lluu'lot'k SlI'L‘L‘l loll lllghhul'gll RIIIIIII. lllTiS ~H‘HRH. ‘lgun 3pm. l-‘I'cc. \\ lIIII’x llll\.' \luuxlicld l’ul'lx lurincrx' Murkcl II!!! III IIIIINI [Ill/l/ll'IHIIL‘ III .UIIIIIriI'lI/ l’Iu‘k \Vcll. chungv L'HHIL‘S Io gill «H u\. darling» |)IIII'I \IIII'I‘}. llll\ I\ IIle :I lL‘IllPUl'ul'}

It'lIoIIxIIIg ;I IIIIlIIlu}. Il )IIII \\i|| \IlIIlI‘


\l.I:I\::I-1Ii l’.-.rk gun .I l’\:'. I»: .1: ilL'\\ nioiittix llui \III; knnu

Unix to

my. in: c in c :II;;\I. nut» ( Izcck (III \Il .IIIIl l‘1\\‘;‘.1l:ll\'l\:ll.1lli“ll;\l I'm-l". \I.-.l‘:\ I’IcII \\c'1i. 'mu tin 'qux

Vli: «‘1

Three Generations of Cuban Revolutionaries Hm .‘x | I-lI.I'I-IIII.I1 llul.'l.( cIIII.:l \l.lllI‘ll. I iIIIIlIIn \Iit'cl. 33! WISH (lll.lll\lI' Hunt-co. ( 'lit' ( iIIt‘\.II.:\ I lmwl \l‘llllelk' IluIIII; lllL' ( ‘ulmn Rt‘M‘lllllwll .lllIl \llll .I lllglll} ch;.IIIchl k'xl‘llI‘llllk .IIl\l\I‘l Io lllk' (‘ulqu .lllIl \t‘llL'/ll\'l.lll L'I“-\'llllll'\'lll\. l\ lllL' kc} \pmkci .ll llll\ Rka \IounIl lllL' lilnt kmlc viginmul I'M-III, lc.IIuIIII_~..‘ \l‘k'Ilek'IS llHlll IlIII'c j.'L'll\'l.:llI'll\ III lk'\IllllllI‘ll. lllll\l\ .lllxl Il.IIItIII§; (inII lk'xk'lll «\I'nlx. \w IlIIIIk llll\ \IIll IIIIII ouI mun lllIllL' IIIII'II‘xtIII;'l§ Sci"

"Ann lull‘HlfJ uk l“! IIIoIt' Ich.IIl\

Jed Rubenfeld in Conversation \lHH i\l.u. l .leuoml l’.IIk llImIIc.

l .I\l\\IIHIl l’.lll\. RHHkL‘H ( llL‘H l\’U.IIl. (iIllIonk. <‘q-l‘fll illpin Lad-l SUI IlIc .IIIIliIII ol Ru ll.ll\l .IIIIl .IIIIl} \ lit-\I RL'Jll Ill lilk' \t'ui. I/II IIIII I/m {III/III: ml \III/I/I I \IIll lw III \‘IllHt‘lSIlllUll \IIIlI \ (inn lIIogquplIcI l{l‘\l_‘_'k' ( ll.l\\. IlI\I'II\\IIIj_' lll\ mum-I .l\ .I nowlixl .lllIl I’Iolcxwi HI I .I\\ .II \.III' l lll\L‘l'\ll_\ lioIlI .IlllllIHS mil .Ilw lII' \llelllljJ t'IIpII'x ol lllt'll lmokx “MS I\ Ruin-Invle IIIII} St‘oIIleI ILII.‘ on .I ll_\lH_‘_' \ l\ll llHlll IlIc

l S.\

Composer Talk Hm l i \l.II. l<S.\.\ll). lllll RcIIlII-u SIII'I'I. H3 SUV 3 inIII l‘Icc IIIt‘kle'tlI S.I|l§ llL’IHHISll Lllle .Ilmul llk'l ncu t'cllo (HIHPIHIIIHHS I’IIII II!

/\'\ \ \Il) Sill/14h \/ fill/S

" lllpin :3 1‘


From Puppets to Poetry, Paper Plates to Parachutes . . . l‘ll " .\1.II. (iluxgmx \\IIIIII'II\ I.Il\I‘.II‘_\. 3nd l‘lHHl. .Sl l’ui‘nic SIIct‘I. 553 .S Us.

Ill. {(lIIIII 3. illpin. l'rt'c. lLIkc p;II'I H) .I \Mll'lellIll‘ .IlI'cuIl} I'\pcrit‘nt'ul h} \wIIII-II ll'UlH l’;II\|c_\ .IIIIl SU\\L'(()_ SIIIIIII Ali-IN [Ii t'onnu'l IlIcII' conu'rux :Ihoul powrt}. llL‘.IlllI. t‘klllL'illlIlll. \MllllL'll ;lllIl IIIc


Write-Tron for All S.Il S .\l;II'. ’lIuII 'l‘lIt‘IIlI‘c. (I3 'I‘I'ongult‘. 553130". I”. illIIIII. till) I Lilli. ('It'IIIIw \II‘IIIIIg \IIII‘kxlIIIIu lor .ltlllllS [ill] b} SIcplII'II liuI‘IIt'x. Hooking cxxcnIIIIl.

Bear with me

A talk by 2007 Turner Prize winner Mark Wallinger (pictured. No, really, that’s him! In the bear suit!

Artists, eh?), as he takes up the position of Artist in Residence at

Edinburgh College of Art. I A

Dr Sketchy‘s Anti-Art School SuII H \l.:l. llzc \I.lIc~. 3“ \Ifgxlc \llk‘k‘l. 5h‘ 1"“ J ‘pIII L~ It" Inc lllll\l\. Inc inc .III' lllk' l‘uik‘xgut' lllk‘ Iii.:'.\::I§; \ l.:\\c\ Ilu {liinjgx .I lIIIic Ilillczcruh ‘.l‘. IlII~ \M‘xl. “uh .I in: or .I talc luci l~~I \IIIII \IIIIIl.:\ .IlIt‘IIIooII ll‘u HlI‘l‘Illl. yniii 53.21 \cIIIchI.I \.IIII gt'h .zll I. [inn on \ou l \tcpi \\llll IIIIIII' :IIIIlII\ l‘IIIl\.Ii‘l_\ Funny Women Comedy Workshop llIu31\1.II.HI.III\1III. “l ‘5 IiImI \\’\‘\l\‘lll Rinnl. HS 3“ Ill 1 Hui 1pm 21* Ho. tun I'IIcIc' llo wu lccl luIIIn ‘\\I-Il, Ilo 5.x. punk I'Imc II llll\ _-.'IIl\ I‘lll\ ‘.\Illk\llI'[‘. \\ lII'IlulI'Il .lS p.III III lllk' (iluxfgmx llllL'lllJllI‘lLIl (‘IIIIIcIlk lk'Sll\.ll. l\.1ll .ll‘I‘lll \iMllt‘lljflllL' IlI.‘ Imlioux III.IlI' \II.In:lI'lIIIlIl «In lllk' \l.lll\l up I III llll 'l \‘llllk'l IIIIIII'IlI.III' IIIIIII'Il \\lll\'l .IIIIl It'lmmon PllNlllkk'l ( Ix IlI.I SIII.III lI'.IIl\ lllk' \ll.ll_L'L'


Aullxilios; 8. lvonls;

Fairtrade Fortnight l mu \Im *i \l.II. ltlllll‘lllt‘ll /lNl‘ ( 'lll\[|llphlllt' Rum]. §§.l ‘llfil ‘kIIII «1 inIII \klllll\\lllll .Ipplu'\ U” R“ 1" ‘ll LS. llllilk'l K lict‘l lIIloIIII.IIIoII .lllIl .II‘IIx lllt‘S IllIIxII.IIIII;' lIIm l'.lllll.l\lk‘ jgoollx lII'lp l‘IIlll l.lllllk'l\ .IIIIl llu' \\ IIIllIlI‘ .llI‘llllIl lllI‘lll

Giant Leap Frog Hm 3.\ l ch. l'.IllHl‘lllj3ll /IIII. (‘ohIIIIplIIIII' Roml. iil ‘ll3l lll ll NLIIII MINUS” LS. llllklk'l K llt'k" lL‘.I[‘ IIIlH lllt' 3”“ \I'.” III lllL' l-Ioj; \‘.l|ll[‘.llf_‘ll in IoIIIIIIg: IlIc /IIII'\ kt't'pcix .IIIII \l.lll loI Ilux luIIIlI.II\III§: mum on lllk' ( ).I\I\ l .mn SIIcIIuIIIIx plI_\\It‘;I| .It‘In IIch \Klll lw Inllmxul in .I \IIIIIlIIII): i‘t'nIlIIIon ol '\\'t‘ .-\l| SLIIIIl lllL'L'lllL'l'. ()kII}. \w lllllklt' IlI.II l.l\l lIII up. lllll}(lllL'IllllIllI‘II1/Il\ gel ;l\\;l} \IIIlI II Owls by Moonlight 1 'l llll 2.x l'k'l‘. I'.IlIIIlIIII'}_'lI /IIo. ('oI'xIIII‘pIIIIIt' Rinul. il-l lliSll. 3 S 15pm.t3llIIIIcIIIlII'Ixtl3I \Vult'li IlIc \\l\t' hII‘I|\ H} .II llllSlx 'IIIImlIoII' .chx 1M. Hooking: canlml The Jekyll and Hyde City Tour l Hlll Sul l .\1.II‘. l’;II‘lI.IIIII-III Squaw. oll llIglI Slit-cl. "pin. ‘5 IUI l)l\t'H\L‘l lutlInhuI‘glIK IIIIIIk} p.I\I. up I'lmcx :IIIIl IlImH \\}IIIl\. .-\_L'I‘\ 7 ‘_\Ullk'llll.ll‘L'1/llll IIIuI'k}. I’IIrI u/ ()m Iliml ()m- /'.I/III/IIII'3/I.

One Book One Edinburgh \‘IIIIImx \‘cnucx. 7IS Shhi, lllllL'S \III'} l’llu'S \gII'}. l~.IlIIIhIII_«_'lI\ \ct‘oIIIl \ ll}\\ltlk‘ thIIIpIIIuII III I-IIt'oquggc It-IIIlIugg

'l lltlUSQlllllS III lit-c t'opIL-x ol louI llt‘“ L‘tllllllHS ill Rulk'l'l l.I)lH\ SIL‘H'HMIHS l/Ir' Sirunge' (Ilu' III I)! ./I'k\// Inn! 1/! Huh :II'I' lIt'IIIy uncn .mgn .IS p.II'I ol :I \KllHlI' hml ol Iic III cwnlx ()l}'éllll\t‘kl in liIlIIIlIuI'glI. l'\|~.S( 'I) ( 'II} ol I .IIcI'quIc Silver: Made in Scotland: Exhibition Guided Tours \uIIoIIuI \luwuin ol ScoIIIIIIIl. (liallll‘CI'S SIIu'I. 335 35 ;.1. I'I‘IIl;I}\ :IIIIl 'luI-uIInx l'll noon IpIII. 'luc i ~lpIII. l'l't‘t' (llllilL‘Il [Illll'S ol IlIc lelllL'lllljJ L'\llllllllHH L'IlllllHL'lllHl'ulal lllt‘ SSHIII .IIIIIIII'Ixm} ol lIulIIIIIII‘kIIIgJ III StIIIlgIIIIl. ()IIlI. \purkl} l-I'cc uIIlI \.IlIIl L'\llll\lllHH Iit'kcI. Book III :ulmncc .IIIIl lHL‘L‘l _\ouI guulc ill IlIc ’l’oIcIII l’olc III lllL' \liIIII Hull l’lucu l.llllllL‘Il.

Grow Your Own Pumpkin SzII l

.\1;II‘ \Vul ill .-\pr. l',IlIIIhIII‘j;lI /.on. ('III'\IIII'plIIIIc Road. 114917! ‘JIIIn hpin. £3 pcr pIIt‘kcI. llci'cK HHL' lor IlIc loruurtl plunncrx: gcl Ilomi Io lllL' loo Io pick up \(llllL’ puIIkaIII \ccdx I£3I lllL‘ll hrIIII.’ II buck L'er\L'kl on Sul 35 and Sun 36 (hi lor lI'cc L'llll'} Io lllL‘ Am 'I hurt \I III hc prI/cx lor IlIc l‘lfJfJCSI and but puIIkainx IIII .\loII 37 (kt. \Vc S\\L';Il'. uc arc not making: llll\ \Iull up.

Stevenson’s Edinburgh: In the Footsteps of Stevenson Sat 1 a: Sun 3 Mar. \VrIIcrx' .\lU\ClllH. Lad} SILIIr'x ('lmc. l.;I\IIIIII;IrkcI. 53‘) 490i. 13.30pm ck 3.30pm. £5 IBI. A lIIcrzir} gUIdcd tour ol the \cr} ground Robert l.()lllS SIcwanI ongc \mlkcd. \Vcll. Ina} he not the \(’I'\ ground. but prohuhl} \(Hllcihlllg prcu} glow III II. Par! 0/ Our [in/:1; ()m' [LI/III/IIII'u/I.

moat-Ix an“.