

Events are listed by city, day, type then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to clubsglasgoWhotmail.com. Glasgow listings are compiled by David Pollock.

Indicates Listpicks entry

Glasgow Thursdays

I Alternative Nation at Bamhoo

l lpiii lain £13 «£2i. “ct-kl}. Run h} tuo tiiaiiixt.i_\x ol thc (ilaxgou alt xccnc. l)J Barr} and llar\c) Kartcl. tliix ncu \icckl} cltih ix tlcxotcd to c\cr_\thing lioin iuddcring clcctro and xlcal} cock rock to hounc} hip hop and tcrocioux inctal.

I The Beat Club at tlic Hcai ('luh. ()pm iam. l’riccx \ar}, \Vcckl}. (iood muxic. good drinkx and good pcoplc. l.i\c inuxic \cnuc and cluh \iith rooltop xiiiokitig tcrracc. pla} ing lioxt to a \\ idc rangc ol iiiuxical xt}lcx lroin rock to dixco. ’l'hc locux hcrc ix \cr_\ iiiticli on cuxtoincr cai'c and Inn ing a good timc. I Calling All Disco Kids at Karhon. llpiii 3am. £4 tlrcci. \Vcckl}. llcxkc} and llig Al drop hip hop and Rtkll \\ hilc Rau ll and liuan .\lcl.cod pla} claxxicx and hand otit caxh pi'i/cx at thix xtudcnt night. Scott .\lclx'a_\ plaix houxc in thc Ioungc.

I Dig! at l‘ur} .\lurr}'x. l Ipm .‘aiii. £4 (£3). chkl}. IU .\'oir pro\ idcx )olll' li\ ol rock. punk. mctal and xka.

I Freakmoves at (ilaxgtm School ot’ Art. llpiii 3am. £4 (£3). \Vcckl}. l'ltra» linc hip hop night tor thc xtudciitx. \\ ith l)Jx Dcma and Nicc. £l l'or (iSA xtudcntx at'tcr midnight. l'rcc hcl'orc. FREE Hi-Fi at thc llunkcr Bar.

0pm 3am. \Vcckl}. l)a\c Sinclair pla}x indic and rock. (i .\lar ix a xpccial lourth hirthda} part} l'or Hunkcr. \\ ith Adam l-icck (Bah) xhamhlcxi joinng all thc har'x rcxidciit l)Jx tor an cwning ol' lt'cc lun.

I How’s Your Party? at lllL' Siih (lab. I lptii 3am. £3. chkl). 'l'hc Suhhic'x clcctro-houxc 'l'hurxda} tiiglit xliiiidig (il;l\L‘”\\ ‘x o\\ n Art of l’ai'ticx at cach ol' thcir datcx thix l'oi'tnight. xx ith Boom .\lonk llcn joining in on (i A 13 Mar. But "W hill :Jucxt xtar ix Radio ()nc'x Annic Mac. on (i .\lar.

I Loaded at Bamhoo. lllpm 3am. £4 (£3). \Vcckl}. l.il' Rich “llll xonic damn linc R&B. lilcctro-houxc. lunk and will pliix rock'n'roll \\ ith Roxx .\l.

I Record Player: at (ilaxgou School ol' Art. I Ipm 3am. £4 t£.‘~i. \Vcckl}. Skcncd hut dccpl} danccahlc houxc and tcchno t‘roin thc l’la_\cr/. \\ ith rcxidcntx lluxhpuppy. Boiijour Boi and .lackxon Slal'x.

I Rubbermensch al .-\B(‘3.

l Ipm 3am. £4 t£.‘~i. \Vcckl}. A night tor indic kidx and indic loxcrx. And} \Vilxon ix in chargc. and Paul .\'ccd|cx pllt}\ thc l’olar Bar.

I Skint at thc ('atliotixc. l Ipm 3am. £4 (£2). \Vcckl}. limo. lunk. punk.

Cl'llSSl“ L‘l‘. l'tk‘k. gollt and hardcorc lllllL‘\ from 1)] Bill) Mom.

I Star.Dot.Star at thc Butt.

llpiii 3am. £3. \Vcckl}. l)a\c liaraharoxa pit“ idcx a li\L‘l} \L‘lL‘clion ol' rock'n'roll \\ ith northcrn xoul.

I Super Duper Thursdays at lhc (iaragc. l lpm 3am. £5 t£3i \\'c‘c'kl). 'l‘hc (laragc'x popular xtudcnt night \\ ith (it‘l‘l') l._\ottx. Stmcn Mood) and D] And}.

I Throb at thc l-‘|_\ing Duck. 5pm 3am. £3 t£2i. ZS l5ch. A multi-nicdia group art c\hihition \\ ith pcrt'ormanccx. inxtallationx. li\ c handx including .\likcl .\la.xx and l)Jx.

I Up The Racket al l-‘ircxxatcr. ltl..‘~(lpm-.‘~ani. Frcc hct'orc lll.3llplll2 £4 l£5l illilL‘l'. \VCL‘k‘l}. l).l 'l‘oaxt pla-Vx indic. .xoul. Britpop. rock and punk.

I Zero Thursdays at Boho. 9.3(lpin-—3am. £3. \Vcckl}. DJ .\'ornixk’i. founding nicnihcr ot' the night Burn.

pla}x tuixtcd lunk. dirt} clcctio and lunk) houxc

Glasgow Fridays

I Autokrat at llai‘tl} llpiii 1am £5 .\lar 'l‘hc local tcchno and clcctio night pitchcx up at itx higgcxt \cnuc xc't. lcaturing .1 Inc xct tioiii l’ipclicid and xupport tioiii 'lcrr_\ \thtc

I Back Tae Mine at ilic l‘l}lll:_' Duck llpiii 5am. £5 I£Ji “ct-kl} (loing out ix thc llL'\\ xta_\ing in. ax thix ncxi night ollct'x hoo/c. tca. loaxl. hattdx and l)Jx to ct'catc a lititlxcpttl'l} \ ll‘c

I Ballers Social Club at lllc (ilaxgou School ol Art. llpiii iain. £5 l~l .\lai Hallcrx gocx tioiii xtrciigth to xticngth

\\ ith a xt/cahlc lclt-olvlcltlicld lL‘t'lllltl/k‘le'll'Ulllk'/lll|‘*lltlp hill liom gllL‘\l\ Kclpc alltl l)cl\l'tlll. alongxidc t'cxldctil lltidxon \loltau kc i\\'arpi. FREE Bunker Fridays at lhc Hunkcr liar. ‘lpm iam. \Vcckl}. lam ('o_\ lc play thc hcxt lrotii ncix and cxtahlixhcd handx until midnight \\ll|lL' And} \Vilxon dropx xoiuc nc\\ and claxxic indic la\ouritcx until chucking otit tinic. no“ 3am.

I Burly at thc Archcx. llpiii ‘aiii, UN. 7 Mar. (ict out )tllll‘ lcatlicrx. ruhhcrx. cammo trouxcrx and unitormx toi thix lricndl} cluh l’oi hutch ga} and hi nicn agcd 35+. Aural titillatioii coiiicx tioiii rcxidcnt l).l .\lix|ika and gucxtx.

I Canvas Club at Arta. lllpm 3am. £5 ll'l'L‘t‘l. \VL'L‘kl}. l.t\ c littlltlx pltlx l).l .loc l)cchan pla}ing lunk and part} claxxicx. I Cathouse at lllc (‘aihoiixc

lllfillpni 3am. £5 l£~ll. \Vcckl}. Riding high on thc nu nictal “aw. tliix ix oiic ol thc huxicxt iiiglitx in lti\\ll. Rock. grungc. indic and a daxh ol ht'cakhcal aci‘oxx lht'cc lillltll-S til (ilttxgtm '\ lop \cltllL‘ lol' rockcrx and altcrnatccnx.

I Children of the 805 at ('Iaxxic (irand. l Ipm 3am. £~l. \Vcckl). Anothcr trip doun anincxia laiic ax \\ c go hack to lhc tSllx. l'ol' lhoxc ol‘ )ott \\lto tlitllt'l gct cnough til it thc lirxt tinic around.

I Choose Fridays at liur) .\lurr} 'x. llpiii 3am. £5 t£—li. \Vcckl}. (II pla_\x a iiii\ ol xtul‘l' lo gct )ou in thc \xcckcnd mood.

I Dannix at ('rih. l Ipm 3am. £(i (Hi. \Vcckl). l).l inn and DJ Ahcna pla} a iiii\ ol~ Alrican. rcggac. ragga. danccliall. Rtkli and hip hop.

I Dollymixtures at (iuru. ‘lpm 3am. £(i t£-li. \Vcckl}. .\'c\\ night at (iuru tiiot to hc nii\cd up \\llll Doll} .\li\turci l‘caturing indic. rock. clcctro and pop in thc main room hoxtcd h} I).|x Bill} Milligan thixliioii/Vipcri and (’aincron (‘raig t('ampuxi pltix \\cckl_\ xpccial gucxtx.

I End of the Line Fridays at thc (iaragc. llpiii 3am. £5 t£5i \Vcckl}. ('raig and Brian pla) pop. chart. claxxicx and anthcmx in thc Main Hall. \ihilc .\'ico|a hoxtx anothcr night ot' ('iaragc karaokc. [p in tlic .Attic. l)ixco l)a\ c pla}x indic anthcinx. \\llllL‘ in (i2 (icot‘gc Bo“ ic iiiixcx tip hip hop. Rtkll and xoul throughout thc night. Scc "l‘hc (iaragc Birthda} l’art} .\lardi ('irax' tor 3‘) l‘ch. I Fear and Loathing in Glasvegas at Karhon. l Ipm 3am. £5 tl‘rcci. \Vcckl}. chi l-‘rida_\ night at Karhon \xith indic and rock claxxicx. hip hop. Rxll and liouxc.

I Flirtini Fridays at Boho.

9.30pm 3am. £(i. \\'cckl_\. ‘Jim l)a licxt' kickxtartx iour \icckcnd \\ ith hix o\\n hrand ot‘ part} tuncx and tloor tillcrx.

I Friday Street at Blacklt‘iai'x.

Ilani 3am. £5. 3‘) l-ch. ('laxxic mod xoundx. (illx px} ch and .\'orthcrn xoul at

Scotland'x prcniicr mod cluh \\ ith rcgular

l)Jx .\likc} ('ollinx and Paul .\lollo_\.

I Funhouse at Bartl}. l lpm 3am. £5 t£~ll. \\'c‘c'kl}. DJ Paul \ccdlcx and Alpha .\litchcll xpin px} ch. punk. xoul and nia\iinuni rock‘n'roll.

I The Garage Birthday Party Mardi Gras at thc (iaragc. l lpm 4am. £5 i£.‘~i. 3‘) l-‘ch. A xpccial l-ltl: hirthda} haxh \\ ith a .\lardi (irax thcnic. t'caturing a lixc xct t‘roin SainhaYaBainha. a tanc} drcxx compctition. lacc paintcrx. and much morc.

I Horrorshow at l‘llc'\\.tlc‘l ‘lpni 1am 14 ‘1 1' \\t'k‘kl} l llL‘\\.thl' ll‘k" ll\ lttlk‘ llc'c'llc C IN gli'lli‘lh L'llL'cl ‘A llll llll\ llL‘\\ night I l\ c handx loin I).| (‘taig .\lc( icc c\ci} \kcck I Inspiral Carpets Aftershow at hot} lllackx llpiii ‘aiii £o \lai \n attcithx [‘atl} toi tltc l‘agg} lcgcndx' \\ ith thc hand lltcttixcl\cx manning lllL' tlk'clx‘

Kinky Afro at lltc Suh ('luh

llpiii ‘ain L l“ i U: I" l‘ch \ lcxxon tioiii a tllll‘rlk'tllllt‘ inaxtcr. ax thc \tro \iclcoiiicx lhoniax l cliliiianii l'hc ()ih. licxoi. lx'ompacti I National Pop League at \\oodxidc Social (‘luh .\ ~l5pin 2am. £1 3" l-ch l’oxt-pnnk. (Mi. HltllL‘l‘UP. laughing. good pcoplc. dancing. licaitx on xlcc\cx and iii iiiouthx. tcaix. kixxing. liandxhaking .iiid xiiiiling

Numbers at tlic Suh (‘luh

llpiii 5d”) £11) i LM 5 Mai .luxt onc \icck .iltci hi‘inging \ulcchic to (ilaxgou. \umhcix .iic hack loi thcii Siihhic icxidcnc} \Hlll gucxt Rcdxhapc i|)clxiii. \luxic .\lan. l’rcxcnt I. a ( icrnian produch \\ ho lakcx hix cuc lrom thc old xchool ('hicago xouiid I Old School al thc Hull. Illillpm Run. £o \\cckl_\. l'lllL‘\l old xchool |a//. lunk and xoul tioiii (‘taig ct al. I Pangea .il lltc (ilaxgou School ol Art. llpiii 3am. £3, " .\lar. l)undcc drum .\ haxx lll_‘_'lll. making itx (ilaxgoxi dchut. I Pinup Nights at lltc Ilcai ('luh. ‘lpiii iaui. £5 i£-li. \Vcckl}. Indic. punk. xotll lllltl L‘lccll'opiip. I Popshop at AIK'Z. llpiii 3am, £(i i£-l l. \Vcckl}. \c‘\\ night at All('3 \\ ith l’aul} i.\l_\ |.alcxl \mcli and Simon tlirrorxi xpinning tlic likcx ol I‘Nllx. lacho & tlic llunn} mm and l-.S(i plux a li\c hand at midnight cacli \\ cck. I Pressure at thc Aiclicx. lllpm 3am. U”. 3‘) l'ch. Anotlici‘ cuxtomaril} liugc night ol \aricd tcchno lrom l’rcxxurc. u ith gucxtx .lctl .\lillx. llcn Sinix. Alc\ Smokc tli\ci. .liiii llutcliixon. loin (‘hurcliill tll\L‘l. Siliconc Soul and l.cc \itlll l)ti\\xkl. FREE SoCo Social al lllc \Vinchcxtci: Spin midnight. 'l‘ickctcd. 2‘) l‘ch. An carl} dooi'x c\cnl. \xith Stc\c Angcllo xpinning thc tuncx \ihilc puntcrx xlurp Southcrn (‘omt'ort t'or licc ha“. \\llll xupport lroin l)J llcnr} Rclph and thc \cu ()i'lcanx llol IS Hraxx Band. ('hcck otit \\ \xu.xocoxocial.co.uk loi‘ lrcc tickclx. I Toxic Pop at llamhoo. Illpni 3am. £5. \Vcckl}. (icoll .\l and ('t'aig l.a\\x p|a_\ qualit} houxc muxic pltix Rtkll and hip hop l'roin (ia\ in Somiiicrx illc. Rock and indic \\ ith clcctro lroin Soxc in thc l.oungc. I Vice at tlic (‘athouxc llpiii 3am. £5 l£.“l. \VL'ckl}. l).l \lttl‘lllt littlcx l.\l‘i.\ll hoxtx an indic rock part} on |c\ cl l\\o \\ ith tuncx old and iicix. lrom Arctic .\lonkc_\ x to /.cppc|in. I XXL at (‘rih. lllpm 3am. £(i lbll. \Vcckl}. llcxk) and llig Al pla} hip hop. dancchall and griiiic \xhilc Ra} \\'ootlx pla} x old xkool claxxlcx.

I ABC Saturday at ABC l lpiii 3am. £7 (£5). \\cckl}. Soul. rock'n'roll. indic and clcctro \\ ith (icrr) l.)onx and l)a\ id Sinclair.

Backstage at lltc \Viiichcxtcr.

9pm 3am. £Itt. l Mar. 'l'hc hurlcxtiuc night xlipx into xoincthing 'l lilllc Itiot‘c cotttlot'lahlc lot a parcd do“ n. intimatc. xpin-ott' night \xith thc xanic glainoroux cthox hut no hurlqutic Slltl\\\. No icanx and lt‘atncrx. plcaxc. Scc pt‘c\ icix. pagc 3o. I The Beat Club Saturdays at thc Bcat ('luh. l Ipm 3am. £5 itrcc hcl'orc midnighti. \Vcckl}. In thc Bcat Room Brian .\lc(}ill pla}x thc hcxt in indic. clcctro. rock. and c\cr_\thing in-hctuccn. ln thc l)uplc\ Bar l)Jx Kc\ Stc\cnx and ('raig tRccon l’roicctx/Moiigromci \xill hc pla} ing thc hcxt in t'unk. al‘ro hcal and ja/I.

FREE Bunker Saturdays at thc liunkci llai "pin ‘xiin \\cckl_\ \l‘\l'x \laxh ix on hand “fill a ncu \xccklx icxidcnc}. pla} mg an_\tliing “till a good haxxlinc and an clct tioiiic houxc tip ICanvas Club at \ita ltlpiii iaiu £5 iticci \\cckl\ \cc l ii I Club Antics at liaitl} llpiii ‘ain £5 tic-1i \\cckl_\ \c\\ Satiiida_\ night icxidcnc}. xci\ ing up .i dclcctahh unpicdictahlc int\ ot indic. punk. clcctio and cult claxxic x dcxigncd to gct xou \l.lll\ mg I Colours .it tlic \iclicx lllpni ‘~.iin LlS l \lai liig night ol houxc ax (‘olouix arc ioincd h} l‘llc l‘t§tl/. llannx llo\\cllx. loni \c\illc and thc llcd Randi [in I Divine at lllc (ilaxgou \‘chool oi \ii llpiii iattt 1-1 it il l \lat (ilaxgmx 'x longcxt running cluh lt‘Sltlt'llt'A picxciitx a unitiuc hlcnd ot \oul. ltiiik. xka and px_\cli dug dccp tioiii thc llixinc xoiiiid aicliixcx I El Rancho Picante .it tlic l‘lklllg' l)ll\l\ llpiii iani H S \lai lll’ation and lco \lahania picxcnt a night ot gaiagc punk and rock‘n‘ioll l-l Ranclio Rcl.i\o‘x ‘c\il tnm‘. lcatuiing .i gucxt l).| .ll‘l‘catancc lioiii \c\\ \oik ('II} .\ \t'.t\.t)t‘l I Firewater at l iicuatct noon ialll l'lk't' l‘cliilt' lll illi‘lll. Ll it .tllt'l \\L't‘kl_\ lllt' ll\tl.tl \t‘lt‘clli'll i'l rock and indic claxxicx to gcl )ou through _\oui \H'L‘kt‘lltl. I Freetall at tlic .\ichcx lllpiii ‘am £thc .S \lat .-\ \cr_\ lmc. popular night ol liaid houxc and tiancc \\ ith icxidcntx Simon lo} and Alan llclxliaxx. and .iii aria} ol gucxtx o\ci tliicc roomx. including .\lauio l’icotto. I Glamorama at Hoho 0. lllpm iam. £8. \Vcckl} chidcnt |.il‘ Rich pl:i}x .l tilt\ ol ‘lllx houxc. h'llx claxxlcx. RA’H .ittd hig chart xongx lor )oiir plcaxutc I Homegrown at llamhoo. lllpin Jam Li“ l£.i l, \\ t't'kl}. .Slt'\ IL' Solc pl;l_\\ .t lunk). xoiillul houxc xct \xitli Migucl pl;i}iiig Rtin and Dominic .\lartin xiiiiii|}iiig thc lunk and ran. I I Love the Garage Saturdays at tlic (iaragc. Ill. illpm iam £7 i£5i. \Vcckl}. Brian .\lc,\laxtci p|a_\x all )tllll ta\ouritc claxxicx iii thc main hall uhilc lx'cnn} xoarx through altcrnatixc indic and rctro claxxicx in lhc Attic. I lnfexious at lmr} lilackx. ‘lpiii lam. £l5 “it. I .\l.’tl'. lltll'tl tlttllct‘. lt'cllllo and hardxt} lc \i ith gucxtx l’aul (ila/h) and .\l-/.onc. \otc thc ncu \cnuc. l'ol|o\\ing thc onx ot ('Iuh ('liiiic"x llct'llSL‘.

Inner City Acid at Souiidhaux

llpiii Jain. £|l t£‘)i. X Mar. ('orimall‘x maxtct ol trippcd<out acid l.ukc Vihcrt i‘cturnx to (ilaxgim. \\ ilh xupport lroin l)irt} lloxpital l)Jx and Kon\-()in-l’an\. I Karbon Saturdays at Kat‘hon. lllfillpm iain. £S l£lll. \Vcckl}. Rik”. hip hop and xoullul ltiiik lrom thix night at thc ncu cit} ccntrc \ciiuc. I Melting Pot at lltc Hold tl'ndcrncath 'l‘hc Adiiiirali. llpiii 4am. £lll. I Mar. All thingx dixco \\ ith rcxidcntx Andrcu. l’iric and Simon ('ordincr I Miso at lltc l\_\. Spin midnight. £4, H Mar. lligh-qualit} clcctroiiic cclccttcixin. thix tiinc lcaturing xpccial gucxtx .\likc l)rcd aka 'l‘hc Koxmic Komiiiando. \iith (ilaxgim 'x Dirt} lloxpital l)Jx and Korn- ()m-l’ax I The Mix Element at Sti';itltc‘l}dc‘ Studcntx' l'nion. lllpm 3am. £3. chkl}. (ilaxgim 'x tirxt c\ct‘ xtudcnt Axian inuxic night. an cclcctic mix ot hhangra. hip hop. Boll}\\ood and Rckll \xith l)Jx Bohh} B and la} Jagpal and Shand). I Nu Skool at thc Butt. lll.3llpin 3am. £(i. \Vcckl}. Nick l’cacock. ('raig 'l‘hompxon. John Roxx and Alcx. prmrdiiig a linc linc in dixco. northcrn mid and all thingx lunk}.

Numbers at thc (ilaxgov. School

ol Art. llpiii 3am. £l4. l Mar. A iiionumcntal night ot tcchno and clcctronica in thc colllpitn} ol thc lcgcndar} Autcchrc tWarpi. playing ll\C in xupport ol thcir ncii album Qiuiri‘siiir. Scc prcxicxi. pagc 36.

' ': Ua' 2'7}: THE LIST 37