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Rejecting magic's cliches, Barry & Stuart courted controversy with their biblical illusions. They reassure Brian Donaldson that Mohammad is not in their sights

ome magicians spend their liy es trying to convince its that they can walk on water. Metaphorically speaking. \Vith l.ondon-hased. Aherdeenshire-raised douhle act Barry Jones and Stuart .\lacl.eod. there's one thing you should know: they actually can walk on water. ()r at least they gaye that impression in the name of \lttm'htlsiness as part

of their 2005 (‘hannel 4 (‘hristmas special. .llugit- of

Jesus. during which they helped make a \irgin pregnant. fed 5()()() football fans with scraps and temporarily cured a woman‘s hlindness.

"l‘he most satisfying trick w e‘ye eyer done was when we walked on water] insists Barry Jones (the taller. slender one). ‘liy'eryonc who had done it tip till then had stood on water or had water that was really cloudy so you couldn‘t see under it. Our challenge was that we would walk on the water and you could see underneath it.‘ Predictably. tediously. the church. in the shape of Bishop Michael Reid from TV watchdog the (‘hristian ('ongress for 'l‘raditional Values. was outraged. So outraged that he released a statement which wailed: ‘Mayhe these fraudsters could try being crucified to see if they can rise three days later.‘

‘\'ery Christian words.‘ hemoans Stuart .\lacl.eod (the smaller. less slender one). ‘We Use that quote in the liy'e show. \Vithout giying anything away. we don‘t crucify ourselves onstage. but we do deal with that.‘ Having also later performed 'l'ric/ts pom the Bible where they turned sticks into snakes. t'emm ed the strength from a body builder and unleashed the plagues on two fans ('we hayen't heard from them since‘ says Jones). what could be next: Tricks from

42 THE LIST :8 Feb—‘3 .‘Ja' .‘CCE

l/It' Kora/11’ ‘I certainly think it would he unwise for any magician to eyen make the assertion that the Prophet Mohammad could haye been a tricksterf states .\lacl.eod. rather sensihly.

The pair first started doing magic tricks as kids. growing up on a 'l'\' diet of l)a\'id (‘opperfield‘s wildly ambitious theatrics and Paul Daniels‘ cheeky charm. finally meeting at a magicians society where they were the only ones not of an elderly persuasion. By \irtue of being the sole teenage tricksters in the area. they hecamc friendly riyals hut eyentually realised they shared the same \iews on magic tit needed a kick up the sleeye) and so joined forces. 'lt wasn't our initial goal to create a new magic. hut we both felt that it was quite an old-fashioned art.' recalls Jones. '\\'e were interested in narratiye and making short films; we just w antcd to entertain ottrsel\ es.‘

.\lacl.eod recalls further: "l‘here‘s Lluite a few

magicians w ho haye done things under the heading of

punk magic. if you like. those who were anti- estahlishment within the magic world: John Lenahan. Jerry SadowiU. Paul Xenon. those comic magicians. But that neyer really appealed to its. we were more interested in darker themes and creating a suhyersiye or uneomfortahle feelingf .-\nd while the pair haye a natural comedic way about them. they promise that things will get a hit sinister for their date in (ilasgow which marks Barry ck Stuart‘s dehut public performance in Scotland. "l‘here‘ll he splashes of blood here and there.‘ sa}‘\ Jones. 'liyen more if the tricks go w rong.’ There seems little chance of that.

Universal, Glasgow, Sun 9 Mar.


Natalie Haynes llli‘ ’itillllt‘, ant) .‘nttt point; this

tor a couple ot shuns; iinttor the V'Jiclwtl \‘(ont ‘t‘rh; utnt troll.) Anti who it; ancont‘ to «litaiti'wo ‘.‘.’lill that llitfllllsi‘l «‘ [he Marni. Glasgow loo-1AM; li’Tt‘ Stand. [dinning/i, Wei} C) Mir

Dwight Slade the old schoolyard l)thltl\, ot Hill lll’ilsf» (toes tnorr: of his own prertm‘tlj; excellent stand up, ()ran fti'tir, G/asgott’, fr) / Mar

Reginald D Hunter ls he the coolest cat in contort, or what? Well, luck \’()t/ If) the Age of Consequence it )u l)(3ll0‘.’(: otherwise. the Stand. (’3/asgow, In / Mr”.

Richard Herring Another cursory comic here. as Stow lees former running; mate it; aghast at his ago. Oh luck /'/n «10 is a further example oi the tiny dynaniite's narrative genius. iron he'itre. Glasgow. Sun 5) Mar.

The Barry and Stuart Magick Show See J)f(}‘.’lt:V/. left. Uri/versal. (5/(’i.‘;(}()t‘./. Sun Y) Mar.

Wil Hodgson You should know his schtrck by now: Care Bears. lad roads and growmg up among neanrlerthals. Familiar. yet still brilliant. Hrel. Glasgrm. Sun F) Mar.

Dara O’Briain Ireland's Mr Nice steps out from his gentle Mock the l‘./(,>el< persona to rip the peiesus out of all and sundry. Mainly horrible people who present 'W shows. See feature page 26. P/ayhouse. Edinburgh, Sun 9 f/i't’ir: Hoya/ Concert Ha/t, Glasgow. Wed 72 Mar,

Fat Tongue The london- raised. Edinburgh-higher educated trio return after Fringe glory last /ear .‘Jith some highly funny skits featuring saucy aliens. loudmouth lawyers and wannabe lapdancers. See feature. page 23. The Stand, G/asgow, Mon 70 Mar.