lvan Brackenbury's Hospital Radio Show lllaektnarx. Bell Street. <53 S931 Spin LS thi Join l).l llratkenhtir} ‘x 'l)ixeaxe llotir‘ where the tutiex and the gagx keep LllllllllL' iii a highl} entertaining plL'LC ol Lharattei L'Hlllt'tl} See teatuie. page 3“ Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongleinx. t'(i(' lltnlduig. ll Rentreu Street. llhqll TS? ll7ll“ Spin Ll3 Jongleurx keepx going throughout the lexll\.tl. “uh \I l’itehei. Joe lleenan. (ilenn \\ool. Smug Rohertx and Phil l)itler

Reginald D Hunter: Fuck you

in the Age of Consequence 'l he Statid. il§\\oodlaiidx Road. llh‘ll MN) 0055. Split. Llll i Lhi Reg I) hiingx liix popular l'ruige xhou haek up to Scotland. xo ( ilaxgim Lari etiio} a eoniediaii at the top ol liix game. Zoe Lyons: Fight or Flight llt‘el. 4‘ ‘1 l Axlitoii lane. H3 AWhh. ‘lpin. L" tLoi. l.}iirix hittigx haek the xlltm \iliieh “on her an iteonieddie iioiiiiiiaiioti. Stand’n’Tan ll toll ll lleatte. 0‘ 'l t‘otigate. 553 42m. lllpni. L lll. See lhu (i Magner’s Festival Club the Stand. Hi \Yootllalltlx Road, “(Sill (illll (M55 Ill, lllpin. Ll3 lLllli. Ignoring the eorporate lille. tlltx ix altotltel' eolleeliolt ol litie eomed} at the Stand. uheie pie\ iotix guextx hax e iiieltided .lohiiii} \egax and l'rattkte llo} le.

llllllGS Y0ll MIGHI NOT KNOW ABOUT . . .

The man behind the highcaded Manc is one Chris SIG/Cy. Frank was initially created to be a fan of Sievey's group the Freshres. but he became so popular that Sievey soon focused his artistic energies on Sidebottom.

Among those rho played Wltll l he Frestiios were 'l he Cult's Billy Duffy and Magazines Martin Jackson. Mark Radclttte and Jon Honson can claim to have been members oi Sidebottom's Oh BlltllOV Big Band. Perhaps best of all. Chris Evans was briefly employed as Sidebottom's driver.

Frank recenth recorded an adxcrt tor Satestyle. the nonh west ot England's “leading independent replacement wrndow and door company”. The ad concluded with this stirring endorsement: 'Yes. Satestyle Windows are t‘Cdlh,‘ fantastic. You know they are. They really are.‘

Frank wrote an episode of kids animated series Pirigu in which the Swiss penguin is spooked at night by some genuinely frightening shadows.

Tragically. his amateur tootbat: career was cut short when an opposmg manager complained that he'd be a danger when going in for a header. Manchester COunty FA enforced a ban and fined him E25. tBriari Donaldsoni

Church On the Hill Larigsoe. G/asgow. Sat 8 Mar.

44 THE LIST 3“: Feb—13 Ma' QO-QS


Jongleurs Comedy Club .lorieieiirx. ()inni ('enlie. (neenxide l’laee. “\5‘ ’— .Vll—lV .S l5pni Lll \riothei weekend. another xteiling line up tiom longleutx \klllllttllli\\.ttl\tlt1titl. Stew l)a_\. l’hil \\alkei and tort} lleridttnkx

The Stand lhe Stand. 5 York l’laLe. 55S 535‘ “pm L‘l‘LS. L5 iiiemhei» Stixan \lotrtxon llltltltltltL‘S xome line del‘ in .\oel .laniex. \latma l iaiiklin. \littliell \tideth and \iek \lt'lltl'd.


Mark Nelson: Aftershock \laggie \la} 'x. 5“ liongate. 54S IN! " -15pm L“ iL5 i. .\nothei depra\ed xhoxi. ltoiii the \xinnei ol the Stottixli ('omedian ol the Year 3”)“ \ttt lttl' tllt' eaxll} tillelltletl Frank Sidebottom 8- Charlie Chuck ('hureh on the lllll. lh .\lgie Street. l.angxide. llSVl lll i 5-lol. Spin, LS lL(t._5lll. l he papiei niaehiei legend arid the xhotit) torinet xidekiek ot \ie'n‘lloh thiou tip the moxt tinlikel} hill ot the (ilaxgou ('omed} xhehang See 5 lliiiigx Craig Hill: Makin’ a Big Song & Dance llle (iarage. itiiu Saiielneliall Street. H3 ll3tl. Spin. L‘lll.5lltL.\i 'l'erril_\ingl_\ elieeiltil eottted) tiom \li lllll lot liix adoring lanx .loll_\. liin and eamp ax a poodle emeted Ill tiner and lake taii.

John Moloney: Only Moloney llie Stttlltl. 5.55 \Ytitttllalttlx Ritatl. llh—ll (illll (ill55. Spin. Llll tL'Si. (‘oniedx dexerthed ax ahle to "\xat'iii the heart ol )our eoeklex‘. \Yho are \\ e to dixagtee Jongleurs Comedy Club .lotiglettt'x. l'( i(~ Building. ll Reiitre“ Street. 03"” “S7 (PUT Spm. LI5. See l‘i’i 3. Michael McIntyre 2008 ( )ran \loi'. 75 735 (it‘eal \Yextei'n Road. 35" 03”“. Spm. Lll tL‘li. So polite lie'x appeared on li’n'liim/ (HUI .liu/i. htit don't hold that agaiiixt Iiiiii. Yoti ma} alxo hax e xeen him on N (hi! it] It) ( im.

Aeneas Faversham Forever (illllitll'elllll (il3. ‘) t'nixerxit} .'\\ellllt‘. Bl) 5533. Sfillpm. L") tL5l. The third epixode ol' the popular xeriex l'roni Viettirian-themed xketeh trotipe The Penn} l)readt'tilx. \\llt) are no“ appearing on llll(‘ Radio 7.

Pete Firman: Hokum Blaeklriarx. 3r» llell Street. 5.53 .5934. 3.50pm. LS tUil. ’l‘he l)add§ (‘ool ol the iii;igie—eoiiied_\ \Hil‘ltl. l‘irman hridgex the gap \\ itli aploiiih and nice hair.

Jarred Christmas: The Hero Show

llrel. 3‘) ~13 .r\xhton Lane. 343 JUN». ‘lpni.

L7 tun. lixer)one likex (‘lirixtmax. right'.’ Well. there \\lll apparent!) he ‘a little hit ol' hixtor} and a little hit ol tilth' trom the exet=iiiterexting .\lr (‘.

Bruce Morton: Southside Independent Maggie Ma} ‘x. fill 'l‘roiigate. 54S l35ll. t)..‘~tlpiii, LS tUH. ('liarming eottted} limit the popular homegrown xtand-tip. \\ itli \\ it. \\ ixdoni ttlttl xonie _|til\ex.

Stand’n’Tan 'l roii ’I'heatre. (i3 'l‘rong‘ate. 553 436". lllpni. Llll. See 'l'hti (i.


Jongleurs Comedy Club .Iongletirx. ()Ilttil ('entre. (ireenxide l’laee. “hall-3 S7tl“tl7. S.l5pm. U4. See l'i‘i ".

The Stand the Stand. 5 York l’laee. 55h "3‘3. ‘lpm. Ll3. See in ".


Lemoncustard Comedy llrel. .W 43 .-\xhton Lane. 343 JUN». 3pm. £3 «L3 i. .-\tteriioon .iapex and gamex ll‘Ulll the kidx at l.emoneuxtard. \\ltll loxel} eomediaiix and \\\eet\. \Vith hoxtx Sian Benin and Dee ('tlxtallee.

Noel James: The Further Decaffination of Kofi Annan the Stand. 55.5 \Voodlandx Road. “hall N)“ htl55. 7.30pm. LT tL'hi. With a pri/e tor longext xho\\ title ahead} in the hag. Jamex _ltl\t liax to perxuade the “orld that eonied} \xith muxie and propx ix juxt the thing.

Des Clarke: Final Destiny the (ratage. ~1"l'SauLtiiehall Street. :13 l l3!l \pm L E” likal ho} made good tettitiix to home xoil tor the laxt t‘x'lli‘tlllalltt' ot In \.'H.“.

Omid Djalili Ro}al ('otieeit Hall. 3 \allelllelltill Street. ‘51SlHl \pm L iL 1 Sr \\ ith impettahle timing. ( lmid xuoopx into the ( ilaxgou lexlt\al \\ltl‘i liix

touting \lltM named. tor xome teaxoii. [In ' See ledllllt'. t‘dL‘t' Richard Herring: Oh Fuck I’m 40 lion lheatie. hi lioiigate. 5 >l3h" Spin L lll lleiimg o\ei\ie\\x lile approathmg middle age in ()1: /:n 4 / n: .111 Glenn Wool: Promises, Promises \laggte \l.i}'x. 5” liongate. 51S t 15“ S illpm LS iLoi \\ool promixex Ikind oil I“ talk .tl‘ttllt lhoxe \H\\\ that people ne\ei keep in liix oun diau lingl} heautitul xt\le The Barry and Stuart Magick Show I nixetxal. 5" 5" Saueliieliall latte. ii3 SSW" -\ illpm Lo 1L3l lhe \lwrdeenxhue e\tieme magn dtio ulio made ll hig iii lhe l oridoii drop h} toi their litxt e\et ptihln Ill Seotland See piexie“ Wil Hodgson: Straight Outta Chippenham lliel. W -1%.\xliton lane. H3 ‘1‘)(ttl *lpm Lo tL5i lle'x heeii a \\lt'\llel. eomiiiuiiixt and xkinhead hut the ho} likex a (are lleat and he ain‘t axhamed. l mo} eomed} with a poiiit and xome piiik Rhod Gilbert: Who’s Eaten Gilbert’s Grape? llie Stand. iii \Voodlandx Road. tis"ti (illll (toss. it top... if rm. ()nee )ou'\e xtopped ehuekliiig at the title. eniox xoiiie time \Kllll .\lt (iilheit ax he piekx tip “here he lelt otl \\ itli liix prei roux xlttm va, Stand’n’Tan t ion 'l lieatie. (i3 liongate. 553-13h". Llll. See lltll (i.

Edinburgh Whose Lunch is it Anyway?

'I he Stand. 5 York l’laee. 55S "3‘3. lpiii. See Sun 3

Dara O’Briain l’|a_\liouxe. IS 33

(it'eellxltle l’laee. llS-H S-l- l(i(ill, Spin. Ll‘). 'l'he xax \} .l/oiA the lll't'A xtai l’etlll'llx to xtaiidtip. See leattire. page 3!». The Sunday Night Laugh-In the Stand. 5 York I’laee. 55S 7353 S. illpm. L5tL-1; Ll nieniherxi. Seott .-\gtie\\ prexeiitx ati etid»olthe-week line-up ol (iat') l.itt|e. l)a\e Strong. Kim (irillin. Rah Broun and Hair} .\lel)onald.

Glasgow Fat Tongue 'I lie Stand. 333 \Vtititllantlx Rthltl. (LS—N) (illll (i055, "Millplli. Ll). .’\ xketeli xlitm that aeltiall) xtood otit iii the Hood ol iiotixenxe during the l'ringe. the lat 'longiie team return up .\'orth. See leature. page 33. Magners Comedy Monday .\le('huillx. 4” High Street. 553 3| ‘5 Sl5pm. L3 tLl l. See Mon 3. Big, Big lmprov Show 'l'lie Stand. 3 *3 \Yoodlandx Road. lliS-‘ll (illll (ill55, ‘1'. lllplll. U). Some ill the l‘e\t Ill the lltlxlllexx xptilltttlleUUSl) entertain _\ttll. \amel}. Ra}inoiid .\learnx. Stuart \ltii‘ph}. l’aul l’irie. (iar_\ l)ohxon. John Roxx and .v\l|en (‘halmeix Stand’n’Tan 'l‘ron 'l‘lieatre. o3 'l'ronyate. 553 4%". Llll. See 'l'hii (i.


Omid Djalili l’la)liouxe. IS 33 (ireenxtde l’laee. “34-1 34—. lhtill. lell. Ll‘). See Stiri 9.

Fit 0’ The Giggles Absolute Beginners’ Showcase 'l'lie \leredt. 3S \Yext \lattland Street. 335 iStil. .S..‘~llpiii, L l. .-\ xpeetal xhoueaxe e\erit ot the latext groiip to graduate troin the .\hxolute llegmnerx eourxe. lltll} Kirkuood ix the guext eotiipere. \\ itli a xpeeial guext headliner to make the night. )ou knou. xpeetal.

Red Raw the Stand. .5 York l’laee. 55S "3‘3. .S.3llptti. L3. .-\xpiring xtarid-upx are ottered d ehanee at the title aided h} \eteranx l’aul Pine and KeHlt Bridgex.

/\ y W I kj'eifie‘u -.

Best of Rough Cuts llle Stand. 11: \\t\\\ll_m\lx Rn‘hl. iiS‘o rioo no“

S illpm Lo I \et_\ month Rough t‘utx pertotmx xome ot the hext material xeiit into the (aimed) l nit. thtx ix the tteam ol the tieaiii

Red Raw 2008l ni\etxa|. 5’ 5" \itllelllt'lldll l ane. “I SS‘N S ltlptii L5 llie hext hour the popular \\\‘\‘l\l_\ lle\\ att xltoutaxe

Bethany Black: Beth Becomes Her lliel. i" 4‘ \xliton | ane. V13 l‘ltm ‘lpm Lti » L5i ('omed} tioiii the goth. lexhian. poxt op tianxxe\tial tome-hart See teatute. page 31 Stand'n'Tan lion llieatte. hi liongate. 553-13h“ thi See lliti ti


Phil Nichol: Hirio Worship lllt' Stand. 5 York l’laee. 55S “353. .S zllpiii L lllrL'Si l’hil \xarmx tip tor lux ( ilaxgim l ext xliou \\ltll taleon a xttange lapanexe gin

Glasgow Jason Cook: My Confessions llie Stdlltl. 5H\\Htt\ll.tlltl\ Rikttl. “bull till“ (M55 3 illpm L" «Uri llie \xell \l.lllk'\l. lllllll_\ )t't teat ieikuig dehut tiom _\oiing \laxtel ('titik giaeex ( il.txf,'ti\\ Dara O’Briain: Live 2008 Ro_\.tl (‘oiiteit Hall. 3 Sataliieliall Street. {St Siltltl Spin L I" See Still W John Gillick: Silver Tongued Drivel l lll\el\.ll. 53 5‘) Satieliieliall lane. ii3 SS‘N S. illpiii to t L5i Sutttixli L iieuit la\oiirile .lolitl ( iilliek peitoinix liix liixt texlixal \lltl\\. \\llll t\\uikl) e}ed eliaim John Scott: Uninterrupted lliel. W «ii \thon latte. H3 ~1‘loo ‘lpiu Lo tL5i. Siuptixingl}. thix ix the liixt xolo xho\\ hour the aeelaimed Seott let'x hope thix ix indeed I ‘iitrirnrii/iri'i/ Phil Nichol: Hiro Worship lhe Stand. m “warmth Road llSWl (itlll (ill55 ‘l. lelll. LllltLSi See ltie ll Stand’n’Tan 'l roii 'l lieatte. (ii liongate. 553 J3h5. Llll See lliti h


Benefit in Aid of First Step Community Project llle Stand. S York l’laee. 55S 7373. S. illpm L" iL5i l'uxt xtep ix a eouimtinit} haxed proieet. gixing a helping haiid to tlioxe \xith ehildien tinder eight }k'.ll'\ old .\ gtoiip ol eomedianx. uieltiduig the tahuloux laxoti ('ook. \iill perloriii tor nothing xo all ltitidx raixed go to ehatit}.


John Shuttleworth: With my Condiments lion 'l heatre. ()5 'lrongate. 553 ~13h7. Spin, Ll3 tLllh Songx and organ niuxie \\lllell aim to entertain the maxxex lrom Sliutllemirth.

Phil Nichol: Hiro Worship 'l he Siarid. Ni \Voodlandx Road. US?” (you truss, Spin. Llll l LSi. See 'lue ll

Rebus McTaggart ‘l ron 'l'lieatie. (it 'lrongate. 553 430". Spin. L‘) ILSi, Riehard 'lhonixon'x one-titan xlltm parodiex popular poliee eliai'aeterx to eoniie eiidx

Magner’s Festival Club 'I lie Stand. 33“ \Voodlandx Road. llS-fll (ill) 6055. alm. Llll t LSi. See in 7'.

Stand’n’Tan 'l ron 'l‘heatre. (ii i roiigate. 553 43h". lllpm. Llll. See 'l'hu (i,


lmprobabble 'l'he ()ulhouxe. l3a Bl'llllglltltl] Street Lane. .557 (mos. H.15pm. L3 «L1 t. See 'l'hu (l.

Heresy 'llie Jek}ll & ll}de. l l3 llanoxer Street. 335 3033. 0pm. £3. See 'lhti (i. The Thursday Show The Stand. 5 York l’laee. 55S 7373. ()pm. L7 th; L3 memherxi. .»\ reall} rather tahuloux treat tor a midweek gig. ax Jo (‘aultield \Vilxon Drum and Andree. O‘Neill all eome tip to pertorin tor the l2dinburgh maxxixe.