
1101/11“ 2'} 1111;1”1111‘1" 1,

Be Kind Rewind1 12.1\1

111111} 12111k 145111111 511111. 11211, ()1111

."\1\11 11111" 111 (K 5.11 11 111 HandsoiTheHippenlm

1,.‘111‘1‘11 11 45 Jun01121 111111} 40011111! 811111. (145. ‘1 15

A1x11 1:111' 1'111t Sal 11 45

The Lady Vanishes (2008) 111 1).'11|_\ 111111 811111 125

$1111 12 111

x\1\11 1.111‘ 3111 11 411 TheScienceotSleep1I511 Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind 1 151 Sun 1 111

There Will Be Blood1151

111111}. 1411. 5.25. 15411

Gineworld Edinburgh

1-111111lal1111a111. 111111111‘1' Sirccl. 24111 1111011119 1&11111111H71 21111 201111. (2111111111; :\111111\ {11.10115 50 M1111 1"r1 111'11111' 2111111;1‘11111‘1'xxl11nx [4.111. liall} 111111 1:111 111'1'1111111a111'cx 111-11111' 111111111: £4. 3111111-11111J11111111x1SalaI111. {1.1011111} 1111111 117. Ycall} [1;1\\1111111111111'11 11111111-x1 L' 111‘)” [11-1 1111111111.

11111111511AY 21-1; TheBankJob1I51 5.511. 11.55.

BeKind Hewind1l2.1\1 12.111. 1.20. (1.1111 11.411. TheBucket List1l2.1\1 12.15. 2.511. 5.25.


Definitely, Maybe112.1\1 1.111. 3.15. Gamerz1l51 11.1111. 11.35. 11.111. Jumper112.-\1 1111511111. 12.211. 1.25.

2.511. 1.511 11.21), x511

Juno1121 111111111. 1.111. 11.1111. 11.111. 11.1111.

MyBlueberry Nights112.1\1 12.45. 5.15. 5.511. H25.

National neasure:BookotSecretsd’(;1 11.20am. 2.15. 5.10. 8.10. NocountryiorDIdMen1151 12.311. 11.1111. Penelope1171 11.00.1111.

Hamb01l1\'1 11.05.1111. 1.25. 5.45. 11.115. 3.111.

ThereWfllBeBlood1I51 1.211. 4.511. 3.211.

023011'1 1111111111. 1.1111. 1.1111. 5.1111 7.111. 11.211.

Water Horse: Legend oi the Deep 111131 1105;1111. 1.10. WAZ1IX1 12.15. 2.55. 5.35. 8.15.

11111)AY 19‘.) 1111111811AY1‘1

The Accidental Husband 1 12.-\1 Daily: 11.00am. 1.05. 3.20. 5.40. 3.00. .-\l.\111'1'1 1Q Sal: 111.211.

The Bank Job 1 151

hail): 12.30. 3.10. 5.50. 3.30. .-\1\11 1011‘ 1‘11 1Q Sill: 1 1.111.

Be Kind Rewind1l2.-\1

|)ai|_\: 12.40. 3.50. 11.20. 8.55. .-\1.\11 Ialc 1:1‘1 & Sal: 1 1.20.

The Bucket List 1 l2.-\1

11:10}: 2.50. 8.10.

Definitely, Maybe 1 12.-\1

11:111): 12.211. 5.45. Gamerz1l51

hail): 11.15am.

Jumper 1 12.-\1

hail): 11111111. 2.211. 5.20. 8.115. :\1\111.1ic 1'11 1% Sat: 111.411. Juno 1 121

Hail}: 11.00am. 1.20. 3.40. 11.15. 3.45. Margot at the Wedding 1 I51 Hail): 1.30. 5.45. (1.00. 8.25. Also lalc 1'11 1& Sal: 10.511.

Mr Bean‘s Holiday 11’111

Sal: 10.0011111.

My Blueberry Nights 1 12A) Daily: 11.30am. Nahmlneasme:BookotSecrets11’(i1 l)ai|_\: 11.50am. 5.20. NoGountrytorOldMemlfl hail}: 2.55. 8.35.

Rambo 1181

Dail}: 1.40. 4.10. (1.25. 8.40. .-\|.\11 lalc Fri & Sal: 11.110. Hatatouil|e1l'1

Sal: 10.00am.


Hall} 11111111111. 1 I”. .1\1\11 11111“ 111 A; \.11 111 ‘5 Stardust1111'11

Sal 101111.110

There Be 1 151

11.111} 1220. 4 W. 1‘52“


[)1111). 415. 11“”. 15.511 Untraceabledm

11.111}: 1105.1111. l :11. 41111. 11111. 111111 :\1\111;11C1'T11K 8111. 11.111 WaterHorsezlegendottheDeepd’u. 11ml). 11.20am. 1.45

IH \1'1111411111' '11'1'1111’1'. (’(' 111111111111: 111 ‘1 447 4771, 1111110111 447 2111111 .1111] 447 H450 .-\dull: Slanda1d L5 "'0. 51111111111 U111“. (211161110 V4 1.11.1111 M1111 I'rl 11Cl111k' (111111: Slandard L4 711. 80111-11111 1244111. (1111-11141 ’1/4 1'5 110 ('11111‘1-xx11111x/1'11111111‘11: Slandard L420. 80111-11111 £5 (10, ('1111'111a V4 £4.20. 1’111111111111: «111111111111 £11,911. 1111-1111132 1211.511. S111ax/R1‘1‘11111'1‘x: MIL-111111111; {7.511.1111'1111132 £12.50. (‘lllL'lliil 2 S111;1\1 .'\111‘l'11111111 [7.511. 1111-1111132 £3.50. Sludcnlx 181111 111111 £4,110 1111'111111'x a 11111111. 1";111111} 11111-0 1r11111 H.411 1111' 111-1111”. 1’a1‘1‘111 and 11:01} \1‘1‘1'1'11111353 U 1111‘ 1'111'11 :11‘1‘11111pal11111g adull.

‘1411. 5<<‘ \1<

1111111131)AY 211

The BankJob1I51 7.511. Gloverfleld1l51 4.511. Definitely, Maybe112.-\1 2.111. 5.111.


In theValleyotElah1l51 2.111. 11.15. H.511.

National Treasure:Bookot Secretsd’m 1.50. 7.511.

Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber oi Fleet Street1lx1 1.1111. (1.1111. 3,311.

111117AY '2‘.) 111111181)AY1‘1

The Accidental Husband 1 mm

Hail}: 1.501111111111111 Wch 4.00. (1.15. 8.311.

The Bank Job 1 151

[)1111}: 5.30. H.111.

.-\1x11 111 1% 11111: 2.30.

Cloveriield 1 151

Daily 7.50.

Definitely, Maybe 1 12.-\1

1)ai|_\: 5.10.

Mm 111 & 11111: 2.11).

National Treasure: Book oi Secrets 11’( 11 Sal 1% Sun: 2.10.

Penelope 11'1

Sal: 3.31).

81111: 2.30.

Untraceable 1 181

l)ail_\: 5.411111111 81111. 8.40.

A1x1115ri 1% 11111: 2.40.

Water Horse: Legend of the Deep 111(11 Sat 1% 81111: 2411.

Edinburgh Film Guild

1'1111111111uxc. XX 11111111111 R11ad.11131 (125 8027. Munhcrxhip £25 111;!11xcilx11n1. (1111M 111‘k1‘1x pcr \crccning: £11. 1’11'axc 111111: [11:11 lhcrc arc 1111 lrailcrx 111‘ adwrlx and sum-1111113 \1111’1 at (1pm 17pm \N'cd1 \11arp. Mcmhcrx arc alw 1110111111 111 allcnd 11111‘ 1111111: 111111x 111-1111; wrccncd 11} 1111' 1511111111111»: cach Sun 1111-1111112. 1-‘11r 1‘ur111cr dclailx we 11 11 11.cdinhurghfi|111g111|d.c11111

SUNDAY 12 MAR Why we Fight 11i1 11.1111.

WEDNESDAY MAR Jacquot de Nantes 11’(11 7.1111. SUNDAY 9 MAR

Jesus at Montreal 1 131 (1.1111.


2‘1 11111115111'1‘1.111‘1 55“ 24"" 1‘11‘1' i .1: ;’ ,2. .

Negativnights 1 1 1

11111 7 011


XX11111111111101.111.1111] 2.75 21155 11.11 Rulauumi 1'11'111111' \1’11'1'1111135 11111111 5111111. {11114 5111 \1.111111'1'\ 1111'11111' 5111111 {45111151.1'1‘111.11;.1111111.111111'1'\ U 511


1.111 111311111 1 1 1%

1. My Blueberry Nights 1 1.‘ 1\1 2 111. 11.211. H.111

2. Singapore Sling 1 1.\1 111111

The Diving Bell and the Butterfly 1 l2.1\1 1.1111 3,111.

Beiore the Devil Knows You’re Dead 1 151 1111. 111111

3. Escapeirom Luanda 1 12.1\1 11111. 11.1111.

Pickpocket11’11131111 111111AYIN1111

1.ThererllBeBlood11512.1111.315. Kandahar11’1i1 5.45.

2. My Blueberry Nights 1 I2.\1 1.111. 8.45.

TheDlving Bell and the Butterfly1l2.1\1 1.45. 11.15.

3.Trlck otthe Light1l‘1 11111. 11111. The MilkWoman1151 x111.

SA1U1111AY 1 MAR

1.ThereWillBeBlood1151 2011.11.15. Blade Runner: The Final Cut 1 151 5.45. 2.TheDiving Bell and the Butterfly1121\1 1.311. 3.45.

My Blueberry Nights-1112M 4.1111. 11.15 3. Aighan Archive 1 151 1.1111. TrickottheUght1l'1 1.1111.

KingsoiThe Hoad1151 5.1111

Strawberry Shortcakes1l51 3.111.

SUNDAY 2 MAN 1. Four Minutes (Vier Minuten) 1 | 51

ThereWillBeBlood11512.15.x.15. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly112.1\1 5.111.

2.TheDiving Bell and the Butterfly112.\1 1.10.

My Blueberry Nights 1 I2.-\1 H5. 5.111. KingsotThe Hoad1151 7.15. 3.WingsoiDesire1151 1,1111. 3.111. ViewtromaGrainoiSand1I51 1.45. ThecatleavesHome1151 11.15.


1.ThereWillBeBlood1151 2.1111. 3.15. My Blueberry Nights 1 12.11 (1.1111. 2.MyBlueberryNightS1l2A1 1.111. TheDlving Bell andtheButterfly112.-\1 3.35. (1.15. H45.

3. Wings at Desire1l51 1.1111. 3.311. TheManwhoShotLibertyValance1l'1

5.45. TUESDAY 1‘. MAR

1.ThereWillBeBlood1151211113.15. My Blueberry Nights 1 12m 11.1111.

2. My Blueberry Nights 1 12.11 1.311. TheDiving Bell andtheButterfly112.-\1 1.35. 3.25.

HussianArt11'1 11.15.

3.Wlngs otDesire1151 1.1111. 11.1111. Kaza-Hanauhu 3.411.

WEDNESDAY MAP. 1.ThereWillBeBlood1151211113.15. Sigur Hos:Heima1I51 11.1111.

2.MyBlueberry Night51I2A1 1.30. (1.1.5. TheDlvingBellandtheButterfly1I2.-\1 3.35. 8.45.

3. BuenaVista Social Diub1l'1 3.1111. 3.311.

No Dne’sArk1151 (1.1111.

1.ThereWillBeBlood-15 .‘1111. \15 MyBlueberryNights11.‘\1 111111 2.MyBlueberryNights11.‘\1 1:11 TheDlvingBeilandmeButterny11.‘\1 115. (‘ l§~ \ 1" 3.8uenaVlstaSocialClub111 11111

Kamikaze Girls 1.‘ \1 \ :11

1. Hunting and Gathering (Ensemble, c'esttout)1151 .‘ <11. 5.15 BattieiorHaditha1151111111 2.MyBlueberryNights1I.‘\1 115.1115 The EdgeoiHeaven1151 1111,5111 3.ThereWiilBeBlood1l511:5.51111. x15

1.ConvoyotDeath1151 11111 BattieiorHaditha115. 11111111111 Those who Remain (Ceux Oui Hestent) 1151x15

2. MY Blueberry ngl'ltS 1 1.‘ \1 1 1‘. The EdgeolHeaven1151 1:11. x111 3.ThereWillBeBlood1151 111.115 Land oi Plenty1151 <15


:11 01111511 11.175111 1.The Magnificent Seven 111111 1111 Captain Ahab (Capitaine Achab) 1 I 21 1.1a

Boxes 1 151 111111

Just About Love? (Et toi, t'es sur qui?) 112:\1 K 111

2.The Edge 01 Heaven 1 151 111111115 Land otPlenty1I51 1111

My Blueberry Nights 1 1.‘ 1\1 x 511 3.ThereWillBeBlood1I51 215.515 Battle for Haditha1l51 5 45

M1 114111‘1‘1/ ' , 1.111311 1.LaFrance1lx12111. 3111 Summer of 62 (Cartouches Gauloises) 1151 11,111

2. The Edge oi Heaven (Parent and Baby) 1151 10.10.1111

The Edge oi Heaven 1 151 11111. 1115 My Blueberry Nights 1 12.1\1 x 511 3.ThereWillBeBlood1151 215.115 High Noon 111 111111


1. Poison Friends 1 131 2111. x111 Intimate Enemies (L'Ennemi intime) 1 151 (1.1111.

2.The Edge oi Heaven1151 11111. H111 My Blueberry Nights 1 12.1\1 11 15 3.ThereWillBeBlood1151215.x15 Goodbye Lenin! 1151 5.45

W1 11N1 SUV ‘1.“ MAN

1. Conversation with my Gardener 1 BM 3111. 111111.

The Premonition (Le Pressentiment) 1 | 51 11.1111.

2. The Edge oi Heaven 1 151 11111. H.111 My Blueberry Nights 1 12-11 11. I 5 3.ThereWillBeBlood11511..15.11'15. Shoot First 1 151 11.111.

11111115511/11/ 1'11/1/111

1.ThereWillBeBlood11512.15.5.111. Priceless (Hors de prix)1151 H45.

2. The EdgeotHeaven1151 1.111. 11111 MyBlueberry Nights112.1\1 1115

3. Priceless(Horsdeprix)1151 H11. Jonah who Will Be 25in the Year 2000 1131 5.45. lnTheWhiteCity1151>1515

1111‘ 1.111111a11 R11ad. 111 11 221 1477 24111 1111111111135 1% 111111: 01171 22 44 0117 11:11. :\11l111\ 17 1th 111'11111- 21111111111110 L5.


TheBanlrJob1151 11.15. BeKind Rewind112A1 1.111. 112.311.

Cloverneld1151 11.1111. Jumper112A1 2.1111. 4.111. 11.15. 8.211. Juno1121 1.45. 4.1111. (1.111. 11.211. Nationalheasure:BookoiSecrets1P(i1


1.511. 11.15.

2‘: 11:11 '1 Mar 21/18 THE LIST 59