

(12A) 106mm .... Hannah Montana & Miley

' Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert 30 (U) 75mm

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x :--::. c ' MisterLonely(15)112mm :1: -~ ~-»'w ' .rz xv; .000 *iw". ..~. '~

i I I \ 'i '1 y p, '9 . l 1. ‘i l 1, v l'r t]: v [1“ ‘lr.‘ b” r

w : :N- 2' :'°. r; w Er' ‘. The 11th Hour (PG) 92min I'1 an,” tr. :,\I,~o‘.":"1“,.v cv rt ),, "1v1 in:

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i .V: 1. Love in the Time of f : :v :' ' ‘v< w. Cholera (15) 138mm 00

Ill) i’lt"' q o o 6 0 [Stick 'ro NORMANDY j T.’ * i, ,“",',‘,":,‘ ,, “q.- ll 1% k, v’ :li‘f. ~f'ri', (12A) 113mm 00.0 . . . . t . .)"' r‘/'L:!‘; - I -- 1(‘ll‘x " 'vri‘iit‘f': " .lil r)? "W". “\I For this quietly compelling, multilayered documentary, French filmmaker <;»;-:,‘.»- 1'“: ‘J- I 3/“ . I'ln' unviww m: w: :~.:.:' ' v m. Nicholas Philibert (Etre et Avoir) returned to the same Normandy Wyn. " " ;r ,." m f ,. m. PM." 12.1w v z .w 2' '

agricultural community where, some 30 years earlier, he had served as an 12:" ;: ;' 1, . “i :-- “run, w (LN (1.”le r‘ 11‘»: w v . assistant director on Rene Allio’s period drama I, Pierre Riviere, Having .: 91.4» n . .:' 4‘; 'wmrxi “I J [I'm : . M H. Slaughtered My Mother, My Sister and My Brother. The latter explored a f'w .;' w r _:' I: .‘ 1'” ; in. if :' 1w real-life triple murder committed by a young man in the 18305, which had ,t'w-vu z 2" .z' i) :7" «z (w .w w " ~ " . ' '. already inspired a research project led by the philosopher Michel Foucault. (Xu'humr‘ f' w ,' T.’ » v x ' Step Up 2 the Streets (PG) One of the many distinctive aspects of Allio’s film is that non-professional 'I<i~'-;/<:r"1-" ‘. .1“ z z : ' 97min 0. [J : : .- actors from the region where the killings took place were asked to play the my " B. t" .. . z' : . x r :y w ~ :' .81" key roles of the murderer and his relatives and friends. In Back to "‘7<i"-'i} :' w: '. '- " (Ii (w .I w " ~ " Normandy Philibert goes back to this same area to examine the impact I, ,< 2. fa 7m Pierre Riviere . . . had on these individuals’ lives and to ask how they f " ,t i a ' . ' Still Life (PG) 113mm .00 remembered the actual shoot. fix”: :am: i: trv- 1mm. x E; m Murmur» x (w "w...- Philbert proves himself to be a patient, perceptive interviewer and a fluid min; f’ f; i)" 7' l w M: 1M: ".r"'1zaw:r .J (a .“vwx; ,' / i storyteller, shifting between locations and time-frames, and weaving w:.a:1;ri: " i an: " , r: w ' q‘ 1.1:,- 2 a' : together clips from I, Pierre Riviere. . . , historical documents, production Ma, -.-.: ' ' --: .xw'p: .z, ,m" ' I; " stills, and images of landscapes and livestock. Back to Normandy provides 1’,(ir‘.gil;‘;frzu ‘1',' v w r r 2" 2 wwfw' :wm. (J v ,a .1 ;vz' an unsentimental vision of everyday country life, not least in its depiction of murgz‘ m 1.." :' x ,-.« :l/ifi‘v’y’, .' z x’ ' :w '1'. x a pig having its throat slit by a farmer. Most hearteningly however it proves (W ° : v x . ,.~ 'wi .atw 1"."?’/{,"“"

that cinema has the capacity to bring together people of different ages and it 1 . , x [I . . H . I ' ' , I 1' r x i ' backgrounds in the pursuit of a common goal. (Tom Dawson) I (ii 7. (L: I; ~ x ." '.7 ' .Ccc‘z'ift‘.) _,' g '..;'.-..,,y.." " 5' _ ' 'I'I' FLIGHT OF THE RED BALLOON (PG) 113mm 0.. YA: i“; ya lJ' 7 f ' {7; Hit.) 2»:‘ x 119‘. {",It,/«'("i"'.‘ " , 1“ ' ,o , ,4 y '1', 1),}. t) o ,n, , o, l‘IHY 1/1" x: Maw. " ‘° z r i H r [ii/’1' >1) I ‘r I. ' "i’ v. ' w ' ' :i ' 1' ‘r " xxx/w: ' n .' .. H ‘. ' ' ~ '0.» z x HM .' "m x :,;:' x i H .wr ,JSHx S n T”:(:' A ' t ' I V ' . t N / I I ’1' {1.1. {/r‘Iljlzl/liz ‘3’: H ’/?r‘{:(. (’1 (“LI/:35? "?i"‘-'"} ' ‘.' J. ‘:' ' f4/X/f/fi I), H ": ' (:3. 3' UN 3' 0", w . ' '2: t L'Q’ .":’, 9‘ 1a.. ':;:, ‘i; C ./I:' "I; ' ' Q } <) I F ' 1’1“ 19‘.” ' ‘:’ 0’5 ‘:’,":’1 ’1' H r t i /’ .): , / .T'lr “(1, ‘7 (I, ‘1 . r': r/(, 1‘ ill] 1' "l V i 3 .E'JW 'kccS'U/r t' i i v I r ’I I' ’7 If ( {:v ‘rf. 11" ‘r ‘{ r I {I ‘t 1’ ’r (I. I ' < < ' ’11} [1. .( A 1: ’d‘ .1} ‘r 1‘ ' ' z ' : Var," / ya at: 2‘ Pawar seam/3 2 2: .::'_' ‘1 : (2' 2’,“ Lu" .Iz' . C, E' 97“; " are: ‘V C Fig?“ of .‘N: 3 . . ' ' ; (a ;(;!’)(’ I F ' ' E- c x ; , e : wease W; L' 4 241/

50 THE LIST .' '