
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to gay@list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.

Ill Indicates Listpicks entry


I Speed Dating 1)e1iiiniiie.i\, (ii‘x

\ iij.'iiii.i Sheet. 553 lhlli " lllpin L1H \pt'i'i1}iilii up 1HC\L'['1.|\IIHI_'1l1|\\tiil' .it 1t‘.t\l .i 11111L'\k'11111‘_'1\\1111.l111C” niil_\ Iliiee iiiiiiiile I1.l11llj._' merit lit ketx linin 11111t'l\\\\'k'1t'\t'111\(”llllllllil|1\Ulll .llltl |11L111t1L‘ \1l;t\ 1w and .i think 1'.\L‘ll l1 ('iipii1\ .iiinu llll\\L‘\ .il 1L‘.t\1 .i11

Plth t't‘t1\ gii ltl \( ‘11 Seiilltilltl


I Robopop (111‘). l 1’ie.ii'i1_\ 1’1;iee. ifill [731) ll). itlpin Min,1‘iee1ie1ni'e 11piii. H it 3i iillei lit-nil} \\eiiil_\ itlltl lllt‘lltl\ Itll\ t‘1.l\\lL‘[lll[‘1llllt'\.tllt1 elet’li'ii‘ 1ieiit\ lnI 1110\t' uhn eiin‘t \xult .iiinIher ilgi} ltl\1.'tl'1 their \ieekeiitl. "II CC’s Karaoke (‘(‘ lilnniiix. 3* 3-1 (ilt‘k'll\ltlt' 1’1.it L'. 350 1) i i 1. 1'l't't1t11t' llii\l\ \xeekl} t’itlL‘l'\\;tllllllf3 \t'\\liill\ ll|)\1.'lll\_ \\1lllt' Sligi/Ai keepx Ihe lllllt'\ _L‘Hlllj_‘ tltl\\1l\1;lll\ lni’ lhnxe \\1liiplt‘1t'l iinI In he their nun t‘lllt'l'lilllllllt'lll. ll \eeiiiy penple inuke Ilt‘lilllxelt lnn1\ n1 lllL'lll\L‘1\t'\ tlnt'xtl'l appeal. )011 can head drum and ilgiiiee In the hurt nl an III'Iii} nl 1).1\. met} night linin llpiii.


I Audioaerobics (Hit). «1 1’ieun1} Place. 5511 1781), Ill.3tlpni 3am. l'i'ee helnie 1 1pm; L5 it-li ;ilIei‘. .lnii l’leuxed .llltl 1.1iek} 1.tlL‘l;lllti tiring: an iiilei'ii;itinii;i1 iiItiIIiile In electi‘n lltltINL‘. \xhile 1)ei;i_\1iin1 li'nin 1'lll' Burger \plllx Indie. hip linpiiiid e1;i\\iet1;mee tunex In L’t‘lt‘ltl'ult' the L'lltl til the \\ eek.


OSQOW Lea DeLaria 'l'i'nn 'l‘lieuIi‘e. (i3 ’l‘i'nnuiile. 553 -l3(i7. 8pm. [13 Mel”). 111CttL'll'L‘\\tllltlt‘tllllL‘tllilll. \xhn e1;iiiii\ In lie Ilie 1lt'\1 en} eninediuii In ;ippe;ii' nii .\iiierie;iii '1‘\'. prn\ 1t1L'\ iin t‘\L‘lllll:_' nl' niiti'ugeniix enined} and \\\lllj_‘lll;_' igi/l. I’url n/ .lluem'rx (i/memi liili'rnulinnu/ ('nnii'i/r I‘i'\ll\'(ll.

Glasgow Death Disco lltL‘ .'\I‘L‘1le\. 31) \llt11illlt1 Stl't'L‘l. 5(i5 llllltl. lll..‘~llpin -l;iin. £13. Belgian duneel‘lnnr ehuiinei'x. '1‘he (iltltlltlL‘l'\. illltl Ii 1)] \et li‘nin llt‘lt‘l11L‘\;lll\1 1.U\L‘.'\1lttll'.


I Boutique (ill(). 4 l’iegiitl} Place. .5511 1730. 1(l.3llpni 3am. liree hel'nre 1 lpni; {3 IUH alter, 1i1eeti'niiiii1 lltlll\L' lrnin luek} 1.Iiei;inn and 1)n\\/er. \xith llt'|.i}1iii't1 lll\llltlllll:_‘ it \ti‘iet nn-eheexe PU11C_\.


I Hifi(i11(). «l 1’ie;ii‘t1) Place. 5511 1‘81). 111.5(1Plll 3am. 15i'ee het'ni'e 1 1pm; (4 i133) .ilIei'. 1"iiiixh Ihe \xeekeiid in

\l_\ ll\1l dehuuehei‘}. \inh 1)] Michelle pi'n\ itliiig ;i ttll\ nl' tilll1tL‘lll\ and lulure



I Passionality 1i}1\1n\. t'nii Q. Merchant Square. ‘1 Alhinn SIreeI. 553 3805. 11.30pm 3am. £3 i£3i. like an ageing pnp slur uhn rel'uxex In gn e in. the \\CL‘1\L‘llt1 luunehex ;i lusI-minute eninehaek ttl 1i}1‘10\ “111) 1)] Rttl‘cnx plgi) in; chart hitx for the g;i_\i’iiii\ed ennui.


I Outtilll‘). 1 1’ie.iitl_\ 1’1.iee.55lv‘:"\tl ltlpin 3.1m l'ree helnie 11pm. :4 it; .ilter Sun the week ‘AiIh .11‘.t11j_' MW at 1L‘.t\1'i\1111.11‘1ll‘1\1l} hiiiiipin: nn the t1.tll\'k' 111)tll1\\1111 1)] .1.Illlt'\ 1L'11L‘l i‘l‘i 111C ilt'eio

I Club VERSiON (1110. »1 1’it.iiil§ l’1ilkk'. 551' 15M) 11pm ;.t111 1-iee helnie ltlltllllj3111. Li iL3i .ilIei (ilt'.t1L'\11111\ \eleeIinii linin the "Us. \lk .t11t1 ‘le. tniiiiiienidl Rtkli,pnp.iiiilieIin.iiit1lnt.i1 \iiigiiie \eiimIinii‘ (Lin) (iiliiiniii Int [)1 the Prime nl 1’np_\nur It'\)11\'\1\\111 n‘tizii firijtjfi

Tuesday 18


I Vibe 1',§_‘n. 1‘1 1’it';ii't1} 1’1.iee. 35.5 71” lllpin ‘mm H 11ie liltlt'lhlitllL' nl 11t1nihureh\queer eliih \t'ene lithhllllffi I \Il1lt1 tlll\ n1 (litllL‘L‘JltlL‘lllllL'\;llltl(1lL'.l[) t11'lll1\\ until Ihe mil} ltiltth nl \\et1ne\i1. iiiniiiiiig. MN 1\ the llllt1\\L'L'1\ ehihhine e\pei'ieiiee that )nii (till i‘e|_\ nn.

I Fab (NH). -1 Fraud) Place. 5511 1731). 1l1.511[)lll iitlll. 1-i'ee helnre llpiii. L11 it3i .tllL‘l'. Ynu (till Izike _\niir hiit nll .l\ [)1 Dale 1.u\h \eiwex up 'l'Iiextlii) lllf3111\(i11(‘) \l}1t‘,

Wednesday 19


I Allure ’l'he 'l'uiiiiel. N-l Milehell Street. 304 llltltl. 11.30pm 3.iiii. L3 lxllltlt'llh tun litll' niiei. (’hee\'\ pnp \Illllltl\ li'niii 1)] Darren :iiitl the gun hehiiiil 1’;i\\inii;ilil_\.


I Wanted (ill(). 4 l’ieiinl} Place. 550 1731). ll). illpin 3am. 1'i'ee helni‘e 11pm; U it'3i :ilIei'. .\11t1\\L‘C1\ ehihhiiig: 1mm 1)] Miehelle. 1.nek up )nui' \ltltlt‘11l\.


I Robopop (MK). 4 1’ieiin1} Place. 5511 1780. ll).3()pm 3am. 1'i‘ee helnre llpiii; £4 1L3) alter. See 'l’hu l3.

CC’S Karaoke (‘(' 1i1nnttt\.

33 34 (it‘L‘L‘tl\lt1L‘ 1’1IIL'L‘. 550 "551. SL‘L' 11m 13.


I Audioaerobics (illt‘). 4 l’ieiml} Place. 550 1781). 103er 3am. 1'i'ee helnre 1 1pm; £5 (£4) utter. See Hi 14.


I Velvet The Ark. 3 7 \Viiterlnn l’lziee. 33X 0393. ‘lpm lum. £5 (£41. The ll\llttl eeleetie llll\ nl' ltltlL‘\ lrnm 1)J\ Ruiitlniii. 1.e;ilherl;iee and 1.Iie_\ 1"iir lplth guext IIiiiuge 1TH”) JL‘t'L‘ltl} nl 1’|;ineI ()iiIi ill llll\ eluh iiighI l'nr girlx uhn like girls.

I Boutique (MK). 4 Pieui'tl} Place. 551) 1780. ltl.3()pm 3am. 1-‘ree hel‘nre llpin; £7 IUH alter. See 5:11 15.


I Hifi (i1l(‘). 4 1’Ieui‘i1} Place. 5511 1780. ltl.3()piii 3am. 1-'ree hel'nre 1 1pm; £4 iL'3i :ilter. See Sun lfi.

I Taste Sttitlin 34. 3-1 36 ('Iiltnii Rnutl. 558 3753. 11pm 3am. L'll) iiiieinhei'x L'M. 15ixher & 1’riee bring their best Iintlergrnund dunee In the llnnr nne ninre Iiiiie l‘nr llll\ 1i;i\Ier 1'.:_':_'\lftt\;l:_';lll/il.

Monday 24


I Passionality 1i}h1n\. t'nii Q. .\1ereh;inl Square. 3| .'\1hltlll Street. 553 3895. 11.3llpm 3am. £3 i£3i. See .\lnn 17


I Out (i110. 4 Pieurtl} Place. 5511 I'M). “trim—3.1m. l-‘ree helan 1 1pm; £4 iL‘3i alter. See Mnn l7.

worav'eia' '

Various venues. Glasgow. Thu 27 8 Fri 28 Mar

The name may bring to mind the nonchalant brush-off of disaffected youth. but Wotever is in fact a lively, long-running London-based club and arts movement run by LGBT performers and activists. This month. Scots revellers will get the chance to sample its delights when the circus arrives north of the border for a series of events in Glasgow.

The programme kicks off with a special screening of Zem Moffat's film Mirror Mirror. which documents Wotever‘s four-year history. focusing on some of the queer club's larger-than-Iife movers and shakers. including Lazlo, ‘transman extraordinaire with burlesque desires'. There will be a post-film discussion with producer and club promoter lngo Andersson. entitled: “How do we create our own spaces' (Woodside Halls. Glenfarg

Street. Thu 27 Mar. 8pm. 24/23).

lngo returns the following day to head up an all-day gender and performance workshop. which allows participants to explore gender issues. whether on stage or in the wider world. The fee is £30 (£20 concession). For venue details and to book. email woteverwortd©gmailcom with ‘Glasgow WS' in the subject field before Wed 26 Mar.

Top off your two-day introduction to Wotever by dressing up and enjoying a flavour of the club at a special event at the Winchester Club on Bell Street (opposite the LGBT centre) on Fri 28 Mar at 8pm. The theme of the night is ‘Watching the Detectives a Night for Gangsters and Molls‘ and there‘s a discount on entry for those who embrace the spirit of the night. dress up and get down to the fabulous music and live floorshow. As the club‘s promoters make clear: “all gender-bending. LGBT, trans. queer. hippie and


in’pi ,L’f"‘. r

I Club (illQ. >1 1’tL‘;it‘t1_\ Place. 5511 1330. 1 1pm 3am, 1111‘ helnie iiiiilnight; L3 i£3i giltei'. See Mini 1".

Tuesday 25


I GOT ll - The Second Coming 't'lie Sl'.iiit1.5 ank l’liiee. 55X 3353. H.3llpin. {the (Ln ~lrienill_\ eninetl}. hut \lrill}._'111\ \xeleniiie. ;l\ (‘ruig Hill .tllt1 Jill 1’e.ienek pi‘e\eiil \tllllL‘ line L'tllllt't11i111\. \Iieli ;t\ Innight'x xiieriliee Suhi'ingi .\1;itIhe\\\

I Vibe 1:;_'n. 14 1’iegiri1} 1’1;iee. 43H "-1 i.1 ltlpin 3am. L-l. See Tue 13.

I Fab (illt). J 1’ieui'i1} 1’1iiee. 55H 17m. lll.3tlpin 3am, 1'ree helnre 11pm; £4 i£,3i alter. See 'l‘UL‘ 13.

Wednesday 26


I Allure 11k“ 'ltlllttt'l. 3-41 .\1|1L‘11L'11 Street. 3114 MINI. 11.30pm 3am L3 l\1tltlL'lll\1\‘-H lnr nttL't. SL‘L‘ \VL'tl 1‘),


"II Icebreakers ('(‘ lilnnim. 33 24 (ireenside Place. 556 95.51. ._..i11pltt. Sneiul grnup lnr penple uhn want In make next ll1CllL1\ in LGBT eninpun}. This

(and their friends) are welcome.‘ (Allan Radcliffe)

\\ L‘1L'tlllllll_L' and iiiiii-threatening pinup. tll'fJitIIINL'tl h) Ihe |.nIhi;iii (iii} and 1.exhi;iii Suitehhniird. 1\ Meal il }.nIi‘re he“ In the en} nr reeeiiII} nut.

I Wanted (i110. ‘1 Heard} Plate. 5511 1781). 1113tlpin 3am. 1'i‘ee helnre llpiii; L31 113M itllL'l' See “ed 1‘).

Thursday 27


Mirror Mirror \Vnnilxldc Hulls. V)

(ilL'lllitl'fJ Sher-1.3 1 1pm. £4 19.3). .-\ \L't'L’L'lllll}! nl /.ein \liillul'x 1L'itlllrt’ l\1tii\l.tt it\ part nl the 1.Hllt1()ll 1.L'\blilll and (in) 1'11111 l‘L‘\Il\;11 in 3tltl7i.'1'he lilm tlL'plL‘l\ \(llllL‘ nl the perlnrnierx and (rL‘itltll‘x nl ('liih \Vi itex er. :ihezid iii the 1.(lllt1()ll eluh'x Irip In (i1&l\;_’()\‘~. lnr it iiighI nl gender and \L‘X’llitlll}' hnundar) lrttll\:._'rL'\\lHll. l’rnilueer. 1nin Anderxsnn. “I” he zirnunil In (11\L'U\\ the film. See prex It“.


I Robopop (illf). 4 Piezird} Place. 550 1731). 111.3Upin 3am. 1'ree belnre 11pm; H 11.3: :ilIer. See Thu 13.

'III CC’S Karaoke (T' Blnnms.

33 3—1 (iTL‘Cll\lt1C Place. 556 9331. See Thu 13.

' '17 2/ ‘/::' THE LIST 85