itntncthtttcl). ti'uin green to i'ctl. uhitc. hhic anti Hint}. chilling. hillilk'lifltt’t'liltl [Nil'li'itil\ with lilt‘liitL‘ilifJ j.‘l'lli\. Htigh I'L'iiittilh L'iti’L'illH} ilL'llii'iti tht‘ntighunt Httt' HIP, HL' nnl} t'C\L‘;tl\ \ihcn hc'x tthtittt tn th‘tip UN till ill (inc til- the man} htixtch‘im cluitning tn hc 'Ht‘lltth Hitlt‘\i tutti tittixl hhtm'it [with that hc spent 35 _\c;n\ teaching at St ('tithct'inc'x St‘html on tho l'ullx Ruttti; thtit hc tatttght tun tit thc htingt't‘ \tt'ikci‘x [)L'l'\tili;tli}. It'\ ;i itilt. I‘L'ttit\tltg itt\l him L'|(l\L' it) the

\lll'iilk'L' thc sun's tint] litigc \wllx (it

hurt arc in thi\ cit}.

()lll‘ lust [mint tit Cit” is Skihnnn} t u xx \\ .xkihtinn) L'illh.L'(l.ll|\ i. an intlic-clcctt‘tinit‘u night l'llli h} I).i\ Mark and Tanya thinner iitlinhtti‘gh l'niwt‘xit} \lllth‘lil\i. tintl nnc til~ thc Uliiit'\l t'ltihx in thc cit}. This is thc nun. licliuxt. mtg} and optimistic thc tin} llp\l;tii'\ i'tmni (it the hu- liill\ik' ptth :\lliil .-\nnic\ ix packed Ulli. tittti lltL‘t'CK illi L‘\L‘ilcti. \\\L‘itl}. itchingl} cntil itlliltt\[iiici't‘. (IL'\PilC ()ptiinn‘x 'l‘u itch Llliti Wilkcx Iiit\ ing tinnc \tiincthing \illlilitl' tit t'i\;i| L‘Itlh Stilt Kittcn itixt thc night lk‘ittl't‘.

FACTFILE Getting there

Bargain breaks

~ .‘t- Hf...» r--‘ a

Flying visit

("n.tlititit titttw He’itittiiii ttenttt: It‘ t;t>t t‘M‘iit‘t‘hi‘ti t“. ‘.‘.t’"t‘i\t‘iiti tittitiktn' i“.[‘t‘.‘§ .'.ttit‘ti t:;\)‘~\ij\1i‘K;“.I.TiiiH gtttt. (it; Httitigiti .Ht‘ ‘tiiwnfix, tittwinti fittihts; 7't‘iii tilttruit‘xt. Prtit‘tt'unt‘k tt‘ Brussels titti'i STAN t‘ttt" It unit. hiker; n‘f» niintitos. two. Brussels; it‘iitifl tn tw tii‘thiiii‘. fittiittiiithi tit; tinting" PM it}: ti \t'tittint Ftiraptnit‘ «xttilttil WM, ‘.'.|°tii :zottw txwt shops.

I t'. L‘. ".J’Xth‘tV“

Kiss me quick

Ii \t‘ii'iK‘ t‘i‘t‘ Oi Ii‘t‘St" it\.t‘-itiSi

titttn ititittlrl '.‘.1'ttt tttitét‘st"! Suffer txiiht‘nttmttwrint Eind: tihotn thing i." iiittliiitii‘wi Britain. ti tztwtxtx taunt down to CUU‘THiti to' seaside t'olit‘txinti 'nttthf he HST the things Flme's titi-an £739 9:" flights trcvi‘ Gtttsgov. and Edinburgh to Newquay some v.1” trio {Vomisc at Stiitint). t‘ettctmg ttnti great t‘wghtiit’e tnt‘ttititng hzg-nttme DJS.

I t'. t’t Deco":

("i'i't '2' Hit. t ' t,‘./\tt:/ " v v. ft; :- 3:; Whereto stay twv‘fflut'»:":'\‘:w':":Uf, H43 r- "o [ ' it" o' i i)” H '1" t‘ ' {'lt'li" : t‘ i i' :. {twait'w ,

:itw. m [nth-.1" "

Min-:5 H'nm: " fr‘t: U"‘.‘?i‘§ti,

‘.'.".'.'.'..i?t.‘ttt'i<"‘rtiif fifltt‘.‘

Where to eat 8. drink

For more travel www.|

Belfast boasts a thriving independent shopping scene as well as several bustling markets. including St George's on May Street. pictured

Underexposed, under £30, and within easy reach of Scotland. Kirstin lnnes offers a round-up of some quick, cheap break options you might not have considered before

Treat your inne child 0km. this; it; «hunting; {1 'liili‘: tit; it takes; 'ttfii mum tin 'i’)tti tt) (](:i ‘:> Billund ‘(tkél t (EUOL’HMi HO. t>tit R\Etiitt|t haw nth; throat flights; tmin Fitiiiihtii'gh tn the Déiiilfiit town '.'.’ii(}t'(‘: the i‘ti‘.‘(?tti(?tii63 titti- diiitiétii‘, ivigittt: (Ji tutti. starting git (t tizttititmsh é‘tt), itw ;}(t‘.(tttt0itif§ timn't (itifttéili‘, With“: it i any. Ntit tilt ’Ti thorn»

I tl‘itinuw'. ~13 thin/“'1‘

French without tears

Jun/sf SCVGDIHU in at the widenin—

nonr' mark tttet‘End'ng on t'tc- "43"”. Jet 2's retake-it, Ed'tTL);.fg"- Toulouse route. ‘.'.t7.i'7 CtTCES

if“) ’i‘.) Alt t‘it- "i'hifi’ -: 1t" 1. (h’ilw

)titnui'i' . "Au. rl A’,‘

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Hanging Tough

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".‘a' ' V", THE LIST 15