e\ en Ihnugh he and (inldxmiIh \xei'e \xni'king \\ iIli a pi‘npei‘ hudgel and a pi‘nlexxinnal um and ei'e\\. Ihe experienee \\ ax. aeeni'ding In Ihe \xI'iIei'—direeIni'. 'ax elnxe In making liliiix ax l l- M‘ar—nhh ax \\ e‘\ e e\ eI‘ heen.‘

Sun n] li’ImI/mu‘ \xax xhnl nxei‘ IhI‘ee \xeekx in and ai'nund leal'_\. xuhui‘han Bei'khamxIed in lleI'Il'ni'dxhiI'e. \inhnuI I'eenui'xe In nn lnealinn \iden pla_\haek and enml'} Ii‘ailei‘ laeiliIiex. .\'e\\eninei'x Bill .\lilnei and \\'ill l’nuIei' IhnIh L‘\L‘L‘llelll ax. l'expL‘Cllu‘l}. \Vlll Illlil (‘Ill‘lL‘l‘l \\ L‘l‘L‘ Ihi'nu n inIn Ihe deep end (and al nne pninI inIn an enni‘mnux pnnl nl lake nili h} .lenningx and (inldxinilh. \\hn Iheinxehex enaehed Ihe hn_\x' aeIing. 'l‘he xpeeial el'l'eeIx nl \xhieh Ihere are quiIe a lnI. ineluding Ihe eaIapulIing Ihi'nugh II'eex nl i‘ed handana—elml pie-teen \\;ll'l‘l0l‘\ \xei‘e enmpleIed in-hnuxe. ni‘ I'thei‘ nn a xeennd hai‘ge ne\I dnni' In Ihe llammei‘ Ik 'l'nngx qudin. ("\Ve iuxI hi‘nughl in a lnad nl' inaIex \xhn \xei'e gnnd aI ('(if .lenningx xa}x. ‘and Ihe} xaI nn Ihe harge [here and did I'\ei"\lliiiig.’l .-\nd linaII}. Ihe lilm \\;lx L‘IlllL‘d IngeIheI‘ in II pilxl—pI'ULlllL‘llUlI xllllL‘ adjaeenl In .lenningx' In) mndel-xII‘enn dexk h_\ llammei' Ik 'l‘nngx‘ xIalleI' l)nminie l.eung.

‘\\'e made Sun nl' RIHII/H’ll‘ in a hnuquue—_\ \\a_\.' xa)x .lenningx. ‘l ln\ed making a hig lilm like lliIr/I/IILI'r'x (iIII'I/I' In [/I(' (ill/(Iii. huI Ihe II'nuhle \\iIh gning higgei' ix mni'e geIx deleI'I‘ed. 'l‘hingx geI Iaken a\\a) l‘i‘nm _\nu. Ynu‘i‘e ne\er dning iI l‘ni' _\nui'xell. 'l'he limiIaIinnx. linaneial

and praeIieal. \\ e \\ ere \xni'king \inh nn .8} in (if

Rum/Inn eei'lainl} inxpii'ed a hiI mni‘e ereaIix iI_\. Ynu ean'I heaI a hiI nl ximple in\enIi\enexx.‘

.lenningx linixhex. Iaking a mnthl‘ul nl'

hnmemade eake.

'l‘hix i.x Ihe exxenee nl‘ llammei‘ & 'l‘nngx. lI'x him and uh} .lenningx and (inldxmiIh puI .l;II'\ ix (‘nek'er in a slair-lill. .lnan (‘nllinx in a hthIuh and Supergraxx in puppet nuIl‘iIx. l"nnned in

l‘)‘)(i h} a handlul nl l.nndnn aI‘I xehnnl gi'aduaIex. Ihe ni‘iginal hig liIIle idea l‘ni' llammei' & ’l‘nngx \\;Ix In make muxie \idenx lill' MTV in an independenI ei‘ealne emii‘nnmenI \\ilh nn eni‘pni‘ale inIeI'l'eI‘enee. ’l\\n hundred \idenx and a rah nl' anarle laIeI‘. .lenningx. (inldxmiIh and Iheii' gang are ennIinuing In dniuxI Ihal.

ReeenIl} i'eIuI'ned l‘i‘nm xnme mueh-needed Iime nl‘l‘ xui'ling anI in ('ni‘nuall. (inldxmilli piekx up Ihe llammer a 'l‘nngx xInI'_\. ‘.‘\l'Iei' \xe gI‘aduaIed. m} xell. (iai'Ih and l)nminie deeided In heenme a dii'eeling Irin. We eame up \\ iIh Ihe name llaminei' «k 'lniigx. \xhieh meanx In gn aI iI \inh all _\nui' mighI. and graduth \xe l'ell inIn lllL‘ dll'L‘Cllllg. pi'ndueing and ediIing I'Iilex. Sinee lllCll (iIIl'lll and lll}\L‘lli lI;I\ e \xni'ked L'liixel) IngeIhei' nn merflhing \\L‘.\ e made. li'nm Ihe er'ipI nnxxai‘dx. YnuKe xeen Ihe hnal. We in haek-In—lmek. \Ve Iil\\;i}x knn\\ \xhaI Ihe nIhei‘ nne ix dning. ;\nd \\ e remain \ei'} liandx-nn. Sn.‘ (inldxmiIh xa}x \inh a xmile. 'm_\ l'axnui‘iIe da_\ nl' Ihe Sun nl Rum/um- xhnnI \\;Ix \\ hen I \\;1x Ihe \IIlL‘I} Ill\Cl‘ ll] lllL‘ lIleL‘ \CL‘IIL‘. lk‘e‘IIlle‘ l \\ ax geIIing m} handx dii‘I}. ’l‘haI'x \xhaI making a lihn ix all ahnuI.‘

(inldxmiIh xa}x Ihe Ii'anininn ll‘Hlll making muxie \idenx In making lilmx \\ ax a pi‘eII} xmnnIh nne. lai'gel} heeaIIxe he and .lenningx l'nund Ihe pi'neexx nl making \ idenx and making lilmx In he nnI all Ihal dillei‘enl. ‘.\laking muxie \ idenx \\ ax a gi'eaI Ii'aining gi'nund l'ni' lilmmakingf (inldxmllll xa} x. ‘heeauxe in Iei‘mx nl~ Ihe aelual xhnnI. erIing up Ihe eaIIIeI'ax. dii‘eeIing [k‘l‘lUl'lllLlllL‘LN eIe. a lilm ix pm a \ei'_\


Top left, Will Poulter and Bill Milner star as Carter and Will. the unlikely heroes of Son of Rambow, which is directed by Garth Jennings, bottom left

lnng muxie \iden Sn gniiig inIn Ill/l ll/II/xi‘l"\ (/III'I/I’ we were pleaxanll} xIII‘pI'Ixed In liiid \\ e aeIuall_\ knexx uhaI \\e \\CI'L' dning. dexpiIe penph' II'}iIig In Iell Iix llll\\ \xe enuld and enuldn'I dn Ihingx. lhen. \xhen \\ e \\ enI inIn XII/I nl Rum/mu \\ e deeided \\ e I'eall} enuld dn \xhal \\ e \xanIed iuxI Ihe \xa} \\ e \xanled.‘

'l‘he llammei‘ & 'l'nngx \\a_\ nl \xni'king hax paid nll. lhe I'expnlixe In Sun u! Rum/uni hax heen eexIaIie nn hnIh xidex nl Ihe .-\IlanIie and amnng Ihe einema gniiig puhlie and ei‘iIiex alike. .r\nd. ax .lenningx inlni'mx me \inh e\IdenI delighl. .lnhn Ramhn hnnxell. S} l\exlei' Slallnne. hax xeen Ihe lihn and ix happil} endnixing il. 'l le Ihnughl il \\;l\ gi‘eaI.‘ .lenningx xa}x. 'lhil Ihen iI \\ax ne\ei‘ xuppnxed In he a xliIeh up. | Ihmk Ihe lii‘xl lilm'x pi‘eII} hlnnd} gnnd. lI \\;Ix IIIIl} laIei \\llll Ihe xL'LlllL‘lx Ihal Rum/m gnI a hiI mni'e xlll} and mu Ihe Inp and lan IIx ua} a hiI. lluI Ihe lii‘xI nne had xueh a hig elleeI nn me and \iek. lI‘x \xh} \xe \H'HlL‘ Ihe lihn. I‘ea|l_\. Sn ha\ing SI} SI;I|lniie"x hlexxing ix |lel lanIaine'

'l \\ ax I‘eall} pi‘nud uhen \xe \xalehed Ihe linixhed lilmf (inldxmilh xa_\x. ‘heeauxe iI eame nuI xn elnxe In \\ll;ll \xe named. .'\n_\Ihing alIei‘ Ihal ix a hniiux. 'l‘he lael Ihal iI did xn well at Sundanee ix a hiI xui'I'eal. 'l‘he idea IhaI xiii: ean make a l’ilm and he pai'I nl hixIni‘}. like 12/. \xhieh \xill al\\a_\x he ai‘nund. ix ama/ing. lI ma} nnI he Ihe eaxe \\ iIh Sun u! Rum/mu. hul Ihe idea nl leming xnIIIe xni‘l nl legae} ix. lnl' IIIe. xnmeIhing IhaI’x \ei‘} exeiIing ahnuI making llllllxd Son of Rambow is out on Fri 4 Apr. See review, page 46.

2’ ' 'I " THE LIST 19