Scottixh litcrar} giantx. including ian Rankin Scc l.ixtpickx

Ceilidh Club 'l llL‘xda} \. 'l lii.‘ l,t ii. 4 (iraxxinarkct. 225 ‘N22 Spin Ur (‘ctiidh dant tug. lurioux iiddictx and callct'x to lcad you through thc xlcpx icaturing lilt't'llll ll \pi i and llL't'llL‘jJHlL'L’l'lL‘ lb :\pii I’m! u/ ( r'l/llfll (ill/HIM

VoxBox 'i hu 1 \pr. 1 ltc \icrcat. 23x \chi Maitlaiid Sliccl. 225 4H»! bpin Li \cu xpokcn mud and inuxic night. drcatncd up lioni iltc ic\ct‘cd hiamx ol izdinbuigh pciiorniancc poctx Anita (i(i\illi and

Km Ill ('adwillcndcr and running on thc iiixt 'lhurxda} oi cxcr) nionth lookout ior xiantx. gucxt nightx. and ncu \ti'iling


FREE Celebrating Scottish Folktales Scottixh Stor}tc|iing (critic. 4* 45 High Sliccl. 55!) U5"). l'ntil Sat 5 Apr inot Suni. Iliani (spin. |)ood|cx. xkctchcx and otitci' \ ixuai rcpicxcntauonx oi xloi‘lcx liiai track litc xiol’} oi ihc plciuic hook lrotu conccption to iinixhcd obiccl. ct'calcd h} illuxtiator Sth .i (‘olluix and xloi'}tci|cr and author Jud} l’atci’xon in collaboration

Royal Museum Project: Your Museum is Changing Ro_\a| Mtixcum ('ralt Uallcr}. 2 ('hambcrx Succt. 247 42W. l'ntil Stiti 27 Apr. illain 5pm. .-\n c\iuhttion dctatling lhc 15” )car iuxtor} oi ihc Ro_\ai .\iuxcuni building and thc pianncd icnmationx. .\ cotnputcr gcncralcd 'll} through “i” dcli\cr )ou to 20! I ior a pm icxx oi lhc rcuunpcd

Silver: Made in Scotland National .\luxcuni oi Scotland. (‘hamhcrx Strcct. 247 4422. l'ntil Sun 27 Apr. lllain 5pm; noon 5pm. lt5; mcuibct'x and undcr l2x lrccl. .'\|| ntanncr ol' i\\llil\l_\. xparkl} obicctx arc on dixplai in an c\hibition to mark thc 550th amincrxar} oi hailinat'ktng in Scotland. (iuidcd tourx a\atiah|c.

Food & Drink

FREE Edinburgh Farmers’ Market Stlitll‘du} x. ('axllc 'lct‘t'acc. (X52 594i).

‘iain 2pm. .\iorc local. qualit). cthical producc than iou cotiid xhakc a xtick at. Jolly Toper Whisky Tastings Thu 3 Apr. ‘l'hc 'l‘oibooth 'i‘awrn. Hi7 ('anongatc. 550 5348. 7.30pm. U7 £20. |.ong»running bi—montiil} \ihixk} taxting xcxxion at onc ol' thc bcxt-xtockcd barx in toun. t_\pica|h including liw malt \\lii\le‘\ at caxk xtrcngth. 'i'ickctx muxt bc hookcd in adxancc: call (ll 3| 55o 5864 or cmail ch“ xtu \\ to

Ceilidh Collective Balkan Feast Sat 5 Apr. Rudoli Stcincr Hall. hi) Sp) Ian Road. 337 34 l(). 5.30pm. L'll). 'i'xto— cout'xc organic. \cgclat'ian icaxi \\ ith hall thc prolitx going to Balkan .\luxic (‘amp for 'I'raumatixcd and Spccial .\'ccdx ('hildrcn. 'l'hcrc'x a xcparatc ('cilidh cxcnt. \x ith xpccial gucxtx l.itt|c Tim and thc \\'ol\cx. in thc cwning. l’uri oft 't-ilidli ('u/lurt'.

Wine Tasting 'l'hu ll) Apr. iidinburgh Zoo. ('orxtorphinc Road. 334 ‘)I7 I.

7 0pm. HS. .\'oxc a i‘cu ('hilcan and Argcntincan bouquctx \\ ith thc hpr oi an L‘\pcl'l. .-\gcx lb'+. Booking L‘.\\L‘llllill.


FREE Edinburgh Fur Free City: Fur Free Drinks Hi 4 Apr. :\(‘l{. 17 \\'c.xt Montgomcr) i’lacc. 557 6242. 7pm. Fur- lrcc drinkx (not that thcrc'x tixuall} l‘ur in our drink. btit )ou kno\\ \\ hat the} meant and dixcuxxion about putting a xtop to thc global l'ur tradc. on thc lirxt Frida) oi cwr) month. Thch arc aixo ncckl} protcxts at Multrcc‘x \Valk cxcr) Saturda}: axxcmblc at chixtr) iiouxc at noon.


FREE IMF World Cross Country Championships 2008 Sat 2‘) ck Sun 30 Mar. Hol) rood Park. 556 NM. i’arachutc di.xpla_\ x. iacc paintcrx. a lixc concert. athicticx. xchoolx rcla} rach. a maxx 5k road racc. ()h. and thc i.-\.-\i: \\'or|d (‘roxx (‘ountn (‘hampionxhipx

"rt .4

ltdfltr i~d-‘iir~ ivii:«y


scoping out life on Mars (no, not the one wi

Scientists: officially cooler and wealthier than you. You spend your evenings staring at Corrie; they're out there th John Sim) and getting paid for it. All the seats have already gone

for the hot ticket of the Edinburgh International Science Festival, the almighty (no pun intended) showdown between god~defier Richard Dawkins and the Most Reverend Richard Holloway, but there are plenty of other brilliant-sounding talks in the programme. See our listings for a few of the best (below). or check out for the full programme. These talks promise much, with fabulous titles like ‘Postcards From Mars’, ‘Gases to Gases; Dust to Dust‘, ‘How Hormones Rule our Lives’. and ‘Quantum Theory

Cannot Hurt You’.

2! t'Et/rnlnngh //lit.‘lli(1i/()l’(li .‘i‘tworit go furl/u tar/r to: mom,


The Hot Topic ’l’hu 27 Mai. National .\luxcuni of Scotland. (’hanibcrx Strcct. 247 4422. opiu. L'S (UH. \Vorld rcnouncd xcicntixt arid c\pcrt on cluuatc changc Sir |)a\ id King. i'ornicr (‘hici Scicntilic

.'\d\ ixor to thc Blair gmcriuncnt. tcllx ux hon \\c can makc a diilcrcncc. I’m-r of [/It' Iz'rlm/mrc/i Inn'muuonu/ St it'm (' I‘iwum/ 2mm.

Postcards from Mars iii 28 Mar. National .\iiixcum ol~ Scotland. (‘hambcrx Sll'L‘L‘l. 247 4422. (iptti. {71(5), lx thct‘c Iiiiilc on Maaaaai'x‘.’ 'lihc qucxi to iind midcncc continucx l)r .loim .\iaxon. axtronomcr. author. ht‘oadcaxlct' and poxxihlc Bo“ ic cnthuxiaxt. xcndx a poxtcat'd. I’ttr! o/ [/N' l'jtliit/im‘c'lt lllll'l'llillil’lltl/ .SY‘IY’IHY' l'ht'Ul‘l'tl/ :UUN. Gases to Gases; Dust to Dust Hi 33 Mar. National Muxcum ol' Scotland. ('hambcrx Strcct. 247 4422. Split. £7 t£5i ll;t\ c _\otl cxcr uondcrcd him to go to iltc toiict in xpacc‘.’ ()r uh} cx cr) human hax thc .\'—l'actor and ix madc ol‘ ‘xtai'-xttili"'.’ l)l' llClL'll l‘i‘axc‘l‘ oi lltL‘ Scottixh l‘ni\crxiticx i’h) xicx ;\liiancc xctx oil on a colouriul land intcractnciiournc} to undcrxtand thc cm ironmcntx in \\ hich xtarx. planctx and poxxibl} iilc itxcil ix i'orniing. Part of [In lz'tliit/mru/i Illlt'l‘lltlllollrll .St‘rt'm‘r' l-t'xtii'u/ 2005'. Quantum Theory Cannot Hurt You: A Guide for the Perplexed inc 1 Apr. National .\ltixctuu oi' Scotland. (‘hambcrx Strcct. 247 4422. 7pm. £7 i925 i. Winning both cht-Titicd iixcnt l.ixting in thc Around Tomi Scction thix l‘ottnight. and our co\ ctcd cht Job 'l'itic iiwr a\\ard ix Marcux (‘houtL (‘oxinolog_\ ('onxultant i'oi' .Vr'n St'it'nltsi. ilc'x hct'c to c\plain to )titi dundcrhcadcd non-xcicncc t} pcx uactl} \\ hat quantam ihcot‘) ix. although \\ L' L‘\[k‘c‘l liL‘lll lk‘ a lilllc‘ lL‘\\ condCxccnding than tix. \Vc'rc alrcad} quantum thcor} ctpcrlx. natch. Part of Illt' Iz'tliIt/mruli Inicrnulionul St 1cm t' I't'UIiU/ 2005‘.

Richard Dawkins 8. Richard Holloway on Religion, God and Science inc 1 Apr. (icorgc Squarc 'l'hcatrc. l'nixcrxit} oi iidinburgh. (icot‘gc

Stiuaic. S. illpni. S( )i .l) ( N "If i.adiuticx and gcnullincn' Roll up ior thc light ol ihc ccntur}? liiiiti ihc t'cd cornci. ccicbitt} illlit‘i\i tllid lL‘lL‘\ I\L‘d (iod tlt'll}t‘l'. l’roicxxorl Richard? l)a\\kinx7 lunn ihc bluc cornct'. conlrmcrxial chuicluuan iiic .\ioxt Rcwrcnd Richard ilollmxa}. lornici iiixhop ol Ipdinhurghl I’m! oi l/It' lat/m/m/‘u/i III/('I'Ilrllllilltl/ St lt’llt t‘ I'r'xiiiu/ 3mm

Can We Predict the Future? \Vcd 2 .-\pr. St ('ccilia‘x iiall. \iddr) Strcct. 05“ 2427. 7pm. £7 (£5). llo\\ do \tc pt'cdict thc \xa} ihc uorid \\lll bc in 2” or .iii _\carx'.’ \Viil tnachincx that lcarn hc c\ ct pl‘c‘xc'iil in ihc houic and at \tot‘k" \Vill tncdicincx bc tailorcd to our llltll\ idtiai gcnctic uccdx.’ \Vill \\ c Inc llll uc'rc |5li .ioin thc iuturoiogixtx to dixcuxx thc challcngcx oi prcdicting \klidl licx bclorc ux. \thn \\c grim up. uc “ant to bc a iuturologixt loo. l’tut of [/I(' film/rural: Inlt'ntttliouu/ St'it'ut (' l‘r‘UIltl/ 21"”.

Are you Wrong About Your Rights? 'l‘hu 3 .-\pr. Ro_\al ('olicgc ()l l’inxicianx. () ()uccn Strcct. (rpm. lt-l l. .\ pancl oi high ialutin‘ c\pcrtx including i’rolcxxoi iicin/ Wolll. i,ord iianulton ll.ot'd ('hicl .ltlxiicc. Scotlandl and Kalianl l.)lc look at a world \xhcrc litigation ix on thc incrcaxc. ttlitl axk \kliL‘lliL‘l' \\ L‘ L‘ttll L'lixtli'c ittll' trcattncnt ironi iargc corporationx" Do it c knou our rightx .’ \Vhat arc our l‘L‘\poli\llillillL‘x" llo\\ do \\ L' c‘ollipltilll’ :\lid \xlto kccpx an C} c on His [furl/n1 tcct'taini} not thc (‘hanncl 4 audicnccxl 'l'hankx \cr} much. \xc'rc hcrc a|| iorinight . . .i I’rtrl Hi [In l‘J/Hl/Hll‘Q/l llllr'l‘mlllullu/ St 1cm (' l'¢'\llltl/ 211/18. What Makes Us Unique? in 4 Apr. National .\lll\L‘lllti oi Scotland. ('hambcrx Strcct. 24" 4422. (min. £7 «£5i. l;\pcrtx in cxoiutionar} thcor} C\Plitlli uhat dixtinguixhcx ux irorn thc aniinaix. i('iuc: it'x imagination. Oh no. l'w xpoiicd ihc cnding ior _\ou non Yi I’url o/ {In [Lt/tn/mrgli Illlc'nmlimtu/ St l¢'ll( r’ I'('\Ilitl/. Challenges of Climate Change 'l‘hu iii Apr. National .\ltixcuui oi Scotland. ('hambcrx Strcct. 24~ 4422. opm. £5

ii‘rcc £4 i. .-\ panci ol' cxpcrtx dixcuxx thc poxxiblc courxcx oi action that cart bc

lakcn to light citinatc changc l’icaxc tlxc iothian Slit-ct cntiant c


Learn to Play the Bagpipes I ll 35' Mai. ihc Drill Hall. it) i)a|nicn_\ Sticcl. .555 7(iiiS l 2pm [5 tic it \\iilk\littp lol ail agcx in hon to plat lhc bagptpcx/chantci. \xith iotnxc \iaixhall \iillington. in! o/ (kiln/Ii ('u/Imc Colliding Genres Sat 3‘) Mar. 1 l.i\t‘l\t‘ 'l'llt'dilt'. (killilil'ldgc Silt't'l. 223 l-lll-l

2 5pm. tilt-1i l’l;i_\\\iititig \xothhop on hlcnding gcntcx mth i)oug|ax .\ia\\\ci|. to tic ill \iith hix curtcnl pla}. llu' .llllI/lr'l .\/ll/i \klilL'li nu\cx thc \xoild oi xci li \xith thc 'ical' uorld. l.llli|lt'tl placcx. xo carlx booking ad\ixcd loi iurthcr inloiination contact l1 iuixc Stcphcnx on

lttlll\c.\ic[ilit'll\‘” ii;t\t'l'\L'.ctt.llk or Ni ii 223 i22 i. Dougitix .\l;i\\\cll \xax oltct‘ dcxcribcd b} thix \cr} publication ax ‘tiic llallx Solo oi llicttll'd \Vc don‘t know. what it incanx. \kL' itixt thought it xoundcd cool

Shoe Swing \\L’tllit'\tlil}\. ('ounting llotlxc. \chi \ic‘olxolt Str'cct. £4.51) xuiglcx L'H couplcx 1L2 xocial dancing old} i. .«\ xv. ing dancc \toikxhop run h} ladinhop cxcr} \Vcdncxda} night ‘Iulorcd claxxcx lroin 7pm and xociai dancing iroiu 0pm. Suing danccrx. lind} iiiippcl‘x and ll\L'l'\ oi all pcrxuaxioux \ct'}

\\ clcouic. \o nccd to hook. and _\otl don‘t c\cn haw to ha\ c a pattncr.

Dr Sketchy’s Anti-Art School Sun (i Apr. 'l‘liL' Voodoo Roolth. l‘Iu \Vc‘xi chixtcr Sti‘ccl. 55o 7lloli. ’s 5pm. L7 tH to \Htlc'll/tll‘llilk l. \Viicrc cabarct nicctx Iiic drau ing lhc tnodclx arc buriqutic dixax. xtrapping hunkx oi manhood and ctrcux ircakx.

Check out the


f/V' '.‘::' {4:1 7/}: THE LIST 31