Books Events


Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.

Thursday 27


FREE Meet the Authorhouse Team BoiilCIx Bookx. ‘lh Hlltiiillldll \liccl. 333 77”“ (A will] \lL'L'l lllt' lt‘dillllj.‘ \L'll puhlixliing tonipaii} .llltl liiitl out lion to turn lhal lll.lllll\(ll[\l iiilo nioiic}. \iith .i ptI/L' packagc to hc \ton

FREE Crime Fiction Reading GI‘OUP “tilt'l'xliltlL'Ix. l5i l5“ Sauchichall Slit-ct. H3 ‘)lll5

()_ it) 7 illpin lliix month lllt' gioup \xill (ll\L'll\\ SJ Bolloli‘x Sui Illii A'


FREE Doug Johnstone \Miit-ixionc‘x. IDS l’i'int't-x Slit-ct. 330 Shoo. (ipin.

'l it‘kt'tcil, Young St‘tillhll autlioi/niiixit' iiiakt'i Doug .lohnxtonc launt‘ht'x liix nun hunk. l/IA' ()\\IAIII\. l\;t\t'tl till lllt' L'\pliillx ol a fictional ioi‘ ix it ’i band. l-.\pct‘t a wading and mun xoinc xoiigx.

Luath Ceilidh 'l‘ht' Villagc. lo South l-ortStiu'l.lath-178 ,"Nlll, 7pm. L5

ll; ii, l’iogi'aniint- ol PUG“). lllll\lk'. xtoi'_\ and iinagcx lioin tlic Scottixh l\lL'\ hoxtul h} (‘hrixtinc ilc lut‘a and Rohcrt .\|an .laniicxon. ’ml of ('A-ilnlli (ii/rim:

Meet the Editors: The Reader Scottixh l’ot'ti'} l.ihrar_\. 5 (’rit'hton'x (‘loxta ('aiiongatc. 557 2370,75le11. t5 it i). l’hilip I);i\ ix lL‘tlllUl'l and .lanc l)a\ ix lilii'ct'tor ol 'l‘lic Rcailci‘ ( )i'ganixationi. tlic L'icatiw ininilx l‘L‘llIlltl lilt'i'ar} uiaga/inc. I’ln' lx’i-mli'r. arc on hand to tlI\L'll\\ lutiii'c planx lor lllt' publication. Booking i‘t'quirt'il.

Friday 28


FREE Robert Beedham Honk-ix Bookx. ‘lh’ Buchanan Slrt‘ct. 223 77W). (iplll. (icl iour (up) ol l'lii' It'll/(Ill xigncil h} lllL‘ author llllll\L‘ll.

Saturday 29


FREE Jack ROSS Bill‘ilt‘l’x Boukx. l'tlll 2h. l'ort Kinnaird Rctiul l’ark. (A57 .104 I.

lpin, 'l'hc Scotlixh t'riiuc \xi‘itci' ili‘opx in

to xign hix lillt'\l gritt} thrillvr. li’i'i/iumr.

Sunday 30


Shore Poets Open Night .\l;ii ’l‘liai. 'l‘lic 'l‘iin. Jackxon'x linti'}. Ill “(thl'ltlltl Road. 3M 3797. 7.45pm. U it'll. 'l'hix niontli thc Show l’octx inxitc )ou to [Ulll in and xharc )our out] \xot'k \\ ith tliciu. at an incluxnc cwning lcil h} \lartin .\lcliit_\rc and \\ itli inuxic l‘roni .‘\l;l\tl;lll' ('oilona. ’url AA/ ('i'i/iil/i (ill/HUI".

Monday 31


Claire Hewitt and Margaret Collings Mcrcliixlon (lil\llt‘ School. 30—1 (‘olinton Road. 478 8440. "pm. L“ iuntlcr l2x lrccl. 'l‘railitional l'olk tale and xtiii‘icx in xong. I’uri (’f (‘A'ilul/i ('ulnm:

Tuesday 1


FREE Edinburgh Bookswap Adam llouxc. 3 (‘hamhcrx Strccl. (A50 8058.

l lam 2pm. .-\x part ol‘ thc 5lltlth anniwrxar) cclchrationx of tho Scottixli printing intluxtr}. l’ulilixliing Scotland ix hoxting an al‘tcrnoon'x litci‘ar} aniant). Bring along a cop) ol‘ a niucli-lox cd hook. \xritc a rccominmitlation card. and map it for xomchml} clxc’x old linouritc. 'l‘liL‘l'L‘ \\ ill :llxn he a chancc [U lilCCl \CiCCiCkl SL‘Ulllxll lllCl'Jl') giantx. likL‘ llk‘ \ll} and retiring Ian Rankin.

34 THE LIST QI' Mat— 4:” .f ‘5

Wednesday 2


Getting Into Poetry \oiiixli l’ocirx l.ihiar\. 5 (‘iithtou‘x ( ‘loxt'. ( 'aiiongatt‘. 55' IVA) ii lo xpni Llll loi .ill iliict- \L'\\lHll\ l‘J‘l illk' lll\l Ml llllt't‘ \t'\\l\‘ll\ ialxo \\C\l ‘l .\ ll» \pi i intiotluting pocli} .llltl lion to approath ll loi iiia\iiniiin it"A‘nlltl Booking lL'tlllllL'tl

Thursday 3


FREE Alex Gray \\.ilcixtonc'x.

l5; l5" \illlklilt'lidll \tiu't. “I ‘llll5

(i illpni lllL' \xiitt'i ol \lllllt' lhiillt-ix talkx .ll‘Hlll llL'l \killlx .lilt'Jtl (ll lllt‘ lk'lt‘.l\k' Hl

I’m Ii ll/iiiA \t-t- pit-x lL'\\. pagi- ‘3

Edinburgh FREE Dan Rhodes llic \\i.t\t'llt'.\ liltl. \l \lat} ix \llt't'l. 5;“ {Hi-1i\\'.ilt'ixlont-'xi illpiu lit'kctctl lo t'clchi‘alc thc papcrhat'k launch ol (iii/Al. hix now] about low and lit-longing in a xc.ixiilc lH\\ll. Rhotlcx thioux \.lllllllll to thc “llltl \Hlll tllllllx. ltitltl .niil pii/t'x Jackie Kay: Selected Works Scottixli l’octi} lihiai'). 5 (.llk‘lllllll.\ (‘loxtx (.illlllll‘L'AllL'. 555 357» ". illpin. L5 it; 5). .lat‘kic Ka) pit'kx \HIHL' ol hci l;l\HlllllL‘ pociux to ilixt'uxx \kllll Rol\_\ti \lalxat‘k, l’lt'aw hook in .itl\atlt‘c ax xpau' ix linntcil, Martin Atkins i‘llt' \iimltm Riiolllx. I‘la \Vt'xl Rt'g‘lxlx'l Xllt‘t'l. 550 700”. 5-l5piu lani. l‘lt‘t‘. Born to In- \Vitlc. llic lllll\|\' iiitliixti} \Ut'lill t'luh lllti\L‘\ to a nun \cnuc and giicx all litcrar}. \\ llll .\lartin :\ll\lll\ itlruiuinci iiiitl gt'ncral lllll\lL' liotli taking thc opportunit} to launt‘li liix ncn hook. pi‘oiiiixing tillt't'tlolt'x galiltt'. VOXBOX 'l'llL' \it‘l't‘ill. :H \\'C\l \iillllillltl Strcct. 335 i801. Milli. L' i. \cxx xpokcn mud and lllll\lL' night. tlrcanicil up ll‘Hlll llic lcwrctl hi‘ainx ol lzilinhurgh pcrloi'inanu' pot-tx .'\llll;l (iman antl lx'cnn ('atlxxallcntlci and running on lllt‘ lirxt 'l'liui'xtla) ol L'wi'} inonlli. lookout lor xlanix. giicxl inglitx. and non \iiiling

Monday 7


Reading Group: Nothing but the Poem St'ottixh l’oclr} l.|l\l';ll'_\. 5 (‘i‘it‘htou'x ('loxc. (linongalc. 557 337». (Mt) Still], [5 (Bl. 'l‘hix gcntlc i'catling group lul h} .lulic .lolinxtonc locuxL-x on the rcailcr'x i‘cxponxc to thc tcxt. l'oi' hooking and iuorc tlctmlx plcaxc phonc or cniail rcccptionw

FREE Andrew Greig \Vaicixionc'x.

l3 l4 l’rinu'x Strcct. 55o 30H. (Lillpni. Rcatling and xigning \\llll llic Scottiin pout. \\|ioxc lillk'\l nm cl Ronni/inn lira/gr ix a tlirillci‘ xiirrountling thc Stone ol i)L‘\llll_\.

Glasgow FREE Anthony Horowitz Bortlcrx Bookx. ‘).\‘ Buchanan Strcct. 232 "UH. lpiii. llorouit/ t'clchi'att-x liix latL-xt lll\[;lllIlL'lll ol thc .-\|c\ Ritlcr \L‘I'IL‘\. Ninth/um]. \kllll i'catlingx. law-panning and \‘UlllpL‘llllUllx.


FREE Book Group \Vaici'xionc'x. l5 l4 l’l‘lllt'LN Sll‘L‘L‘l. 5.50 5H”.

(pill 8pm. .\ i‘cgulai' hook group. tlnx month poring owr I’lii' I’l'llllt‘ of Wm .lum lirm/ii' h} \luricl Spark.

Wednesday 9 >


Storytelling Cafe: North Suinixli Siorficlling (‘cntrtx 43 45 High Struct. 550 05“). ~pin. £3. Scottixli and \or\\cgian xlor)tcllingx collitlc in a xpccial Storficlling (‘atc \\ ith Janix .\l;ick;i) and Nina \tit‘xhcim. ’AAI'I All ('A'I/I'Alli (in/Irma

Comics median"; ' JOHN ROMITA an World War Hulk

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