
Puppet Making .\lon 31 Mar Wed 2 Apr. Ham. 1.3 t£2t Whale Learning ('entre. 30 \Vexthurn (irm e. 453 32!)" Learn to make )our oun \hadou puppet v.th the help ot lenttrng l’uppetx in! u! the I’rr/i/u'! .‘l/IIINUIIUII I'mrrtu/ Modroc Madness .\lon KI Mar Hi 4 Apr. 2 3pm. L55 lmagtnatron \Vorkxhop l3h Marchrnont Road. 4N) 0|4h (‘r'eate a tllllt)\.’tltl' and other rternx tor a tlllltlSJUI ISlttlltl o\ er the cotthe ot a week :\ge\ 2+ Edinburgh Youth Gaitherin Mon it Mar 'l hu 3 ,-\pr. £30 tor tour day. Bruntxtield l’rmrar} School. 12 Montpelier. Bruntxtield. 223 l I55. \Vorkxhopx including liddle. \ong and timed rnxtrument. tatrght h} \ome ot Br‘rtarn'x linext )oung traditional iltthlelallx. Booking exxentral. hr! of (kiln/Ir ('u/Iun' Easter Holiday Painting Workshop Tue l & Wed 2 .-\pr. l0am 4pm. L30 tL24t. Heart (ialler'). 73 Behind Road. h24 (t5o0 ('reate drau ing\ and a painting mth a little help lrom artrxt. .'\lltll't'\\ Macken/ie. Boong required. Agex H I2 FREE A Big Pile of Rubbish 'I'ue I Hi 4 .-\pr. Illam 5pm. Ro}al Botanic (iarden. lmerlerth Rou. 524 UH30 learn hou to reduce. reuse and r'ec_\c|e \\ tilt the (‘hangeuorb team. Drop—tn cxent tor kidx aged 5+. I’urr of [film/Hugh Illlr‘l‘llullnllrl/ Sr renu' /'I'\Iltrl/. FREE Climate Confessions Box 'l'ue I I’m 4 .»\pr. l0am 5pm. Ro}al Botarnc (iardt‘tt. Imerleith Rou. .524 9330. ('ont'exx all )our en\ ironment \in\ and hear the cottlexsiottx ol' otherx, .-\ge\ 8+. I’url of [fr/rulmre/r International mm. c It-m'ml. FREE Tick-ing Timebomb 'l‘ue I Hi 4 Apr. |0am 5pm. Royal Botanic (iarden. lmerlcith Rou. 524 9830. l-‘ind otrt about lilotxl—xttckittg ittxeclx and \xltether glohal “arming \xill affect their \pread ot dixeaxe. Drop-in e\'ent l'or agcx 5+. l’urr of lit/r'n/mrg/r International Science I'i'xrrml. Dr Bunhead’s Crash Test Jelly Babies 'l‘ue I hi 4 Apr. l lam Iprn. £5 t£4t. National .\lu\eum oi Scotland. (‘hamherx Street. 524 0830. Dr Bunhead talkx ux through \ptllllttllt‘tllhl) L‘tlttlllthllllg jell) hahiex. e\p|oding dollx' hrainx and dangeroux hottom hurpx. Agex 7+. I’ur! of Iz'r/rn/nu'g/r International XVI-("HT l'i'xll'l‘rll. Natural Grooves ’l‘ue l .-\pr‘. 2 3pm & 4 5pm. £3. Ro}a| Botanic (iardcn. ltnerleith Row. 524 0330. l-‘un and energetic drama and dance \Hll'kNlltlp bringing the ill} thmx and movement oi nature to lite. Ages 5+. Booking exxential. l’rrr! ol'lzklrn/nujelr International Science I-iwrn'ul. FREE Papermaking 'l‘ue I .-\pt‘. 3 3pm & 4 5pm. Rtl};ll Botartic (iardert. ln\er|eith Rim. 524 9830. Halldx-on ereathe rec} cling. Drop-in merit for ach 5+ and their t'amiliex. l’url aria/minim}: International Science I'iwlrt‘ul. Spring Daisy Bedroom Name Plate 'l'hu 3 & Mon 7 .-\pr. I030 l 1.30am. £l0. lrnagination \Vol‘kxlltlp. I36 .\larchmont Road. 466 (048. Make _\our o\\ n dtti\_\ -\haped name plate. .-\ge.\ 5+. StoryLab: Mythical Monsters Thu 3 Apr. 2 4.30pm. £10. Scottixh Storytelling Centre. 43 745 High Street. 55!» 057*). l5er'gux .\lc.\'ico| introducex unthical creatures with \hado“ puppetry and \ong. Hear his talex then make _\our o\\n. .-\ge\ l l+. I’ur! oft ‘u‘lrtlh ('ulture. Charm Bracelet l-‘ri 4 & Tue 8 .-\pr. It) I l.30am. L‘l2. Imagination \Vorkxhop, I30 Marchrnont Road. 4600143. l\e headx. string and )our imagination to create a da/lling charm bracelet. .-\ge\ l0+. Kids Percussion Workshops Sat 5 .-\pr. l0.30am & noon. £5. .\lu.\eum of Childhood. Ro)al .\lile. Booking 556 2647. Tim Skamh} from Danish group. Sullhk holds No t'un percussion uorkxhops for ages 5 7 10. Instruments supplied. but feel free to bring )our mm. Parr offer/rill: (‘ulrrm' First Impressions: Henry Moore Sat 5 Apr. l lam—noon & l—2pm. £4.50. Out Of the Blue Drill Hall. 30—36 Dalmen} Street. Leith. 555 7 I01. Fun art histor}

64 THE LIST 2.“ Mm-lO Apr 2008

\kttrl\\llttp\ tor lodx. thrx time rnxprretl h} the \tork ot Moore l-rrxt \korkxhop tor

3 (\ )L'dr5. \econd tor ach l2+ Book \ta u \\\\,|UllL'tl;t\\ \on the uk or 0""5l

l Vle

Theatre & Dance

Peter and the Wolf Thu 2‘ Mar.

lprn 8t; 5pm. No.50 US 50 @1350 £15 50. lalttll} ticket £50» l‘L'\ll\;tl lllL‘ttlrL‘. l3 2‘) \lcttlxntl Slt‘t’t’l. 52‘) (>000. .-\ dance and mth \erxton ot l’t’lr'l' (Ultl flu" Hit/f \Kllll l’rtllulllLW .\ \L'HIL' pertormed h} SUltHSlx trotn the l’hrlharmonra ()rchextra .-\gex 4+ TWO Can Toucan Thu 2" Mar. 3 30pm U) 1L4 l. ScottrxhStor'}1el|1ng(‘entte. 43 45 llrgh Street. 550 0529. Mm 'l'hu 3 Apr. l lam. L3 tL'2r. \Vhale Learning ('entre. 30 \Vexthurn (irox e. 453 32o". Puppet pla} lrorn l-oldrrrg l’uppet 'l’heatre ('o haxed on l)a\ td .\lcl\'ee\ tahle. :\1~'e\ 3 7. I’rrr! of Illt' l’u/r/u'l .Ilrrrmulmn I'ertul. Willie and the Wicked Wolf l'ri 2S .\lar. llam. L'thc. (lrlmerton ('ornmunrt) (‘entrc. 4 l)l'ttllt Street. («+4 2335. .-\|\o 'l‘hu I0 Apr. 2pm. £2 «U t. The (iat'l' 'l‘heatre. .-\rt\pace. Space. l l Hareuood Road, ()(ll H200. .-\ neu \L't‘\lttll Hi l.llllt‘ Red Riding Hood \\llll a rock'n'roll. motorbike—lining \xolt' at the helm. lior agex 4+. l’urr o/ the l’n/t/rer .-lnmmuon I‘i'tlrt'ul. Oscar and the Quest for the Underground Princess Sat 2‘) Mar. 1 lam. ithc. (ioodtreex Neighhotrrhtmd ('entre. 5 .\1oredun\a|c l’lace. (t72 2o2‘). :\l\o Wed 2 Apr. 2pm. £3 it‘ll. Whale learning ('entre. 30 \Vexthurn (it'o\e. 45S 32(t7. .\lou\etale l’uppetx prexentx the

2‘33? if

Horrid Henry Day

getting in early to capture the weekend crowd. Help celebrate the tomfoolery of Francesca Simon’s most famous character at this fun session of Horrid Henry stories and games.

I Borders Books. The Font. G/asgow. Sat 29 Mar. 7 7am

\litt‘} i‘l ()\c.tl. \\llt‘ TCc’CHCS .t ltl}\lc‘l'tt\tt\ Tltltllc‘ lit \Hl\t' '\:_'k‘\ 4* “H? r" the l’a/t/u.’ lnmrurror: It with The Black Bull of Normway Sat 2” Mar. 2pm :3 H'2r \\ hale | earning (.c'tllt't'. 5” \\L'\ll‘ttt'tl (ito\ e. 425 52h- Yugen puppeh adapt the Scottrxh tale ot the old \\ itch. the heautrtul prince“ and a terocroth hlack hull \gcx 5+ l’tur of {in [’14 wet .lnmrtrrron It mm} Olga Volt, The Electric Fairy

Sat 2” \lar. 2 30pm L" 501L5t Scotthh Stor)tellrng ('entre. 43 45 llrgh Slit‘t‘l. 55“ 9.5"” ()lg‘a \tlll Mtltlt‘tl l‘} Shona Reppe l’uppetw prepare~ to da//le another crr‘cux audience -\;_‘e\ 0+ See pt'e\te\\ I’d/Io! r/n I’u/r/nr lrrmrtrrron I'mtrttrl. Needy’s Lost Property Sun ‘0 Mar. Iprn & 4pm £ltlr£".5tlt. lx'ntg\ l’heatre. 2 l.e\en Street. 52‘) (MN). ()ne man cloumng \hoxx trorn the King\ recent pattlo \tar‘. The Gift Mon 3| Mar Sat 5 .\pr. llam. noon. 2pm. 3pm .\ 4pm. £5 tadultx tree» Scottrxh Stor}telhng ('entre. 43 45 llrgh Street. 55h 052‘). lanter a pt‘ewtit—xhaped ho\ tor a tlltlllixelhot‘} e\perrence \xrth a \mgmg angel puppet tor a guide. l‘or agex \r\ month\ three )earx. l’ttr! of Mn I’u/r/u'r .lnmrtrrron I'mr/tul. Beauty and the Beast Mon it .\lat‘. 2pm. £3 tL‘2t. \Vhale learning ('entre. 30 \Vexthurn (it‘o\ e. 458 3207. The timelexx \tor} oil a )oung prince trapped in the hod) ol a heaxt. .-\ge\ 5+. l’url of the l’u/r/u'l .-lmmulron I'c'xm'ul. The Three Billy Goats Grufl Mon 3| .\lar. 2.30pm. 1L4). Scottixh Stor}telling ('entre. 43 45 High Street. 550 057*). .'\l\t) Hi 4 Apr. 2pm. £31922).

The naughtiest boy in children's fiction has his very own day - 1 April, but Borders is

\\ hale l earning Centre. 3“ \\c\tl\tnn (iro\e. 4.55 32o~ (iarln lheatre (‘ompam prexenh a retelling ot the l.tlll\‘ll\ tale. \\llll an ecological inevage \ge 3 it I'm: {in Page); .' i It ~.'rt..'."

The Tin Soldier \lon 2 \pr. 2pm 13 it) Brunton lheatrc. l ad_\\\ell \\.r\. \luxxelhurgh. no.5 2240 Han~ t‘hrtxtran \ntlerxen'x tale ot a \er\ \pecral to} and hrx mtraordrnart lr‘ttlllc‘} llrr: o' fin I’M/3": .' and lrtrrtttxfrur: It m...“

The Well at the World‘s End lhu 3 \pt. llatn {3 it.“ \\ hale l earning (critic. 30 \\e\tl\urn (irme, 45S 33“ lntctatme puppet \tor) haxetl on an old Sc‘ttllhll lttlh l.llL' \g‘LN 5 ‘i “H! r" fitr

I’ll/,I’t'f \rrrmtrtrort It xrrttrf

l'.’l".'u'.'.'n "I


FREE Songs and Stories oi the Sea Sun 30 \lar. l2 45pm. l 45pm t\ 245ptn \atronal \luxeurn ot Stotlantl. ('hamherx Street. 24" 4422 Suntlat alternoon \tor}tel|rng ttrn

Puppet Basket lit 4 \pr. Ilarn L3 W2» \\ hale l earrnng (‘entre. 3“ “exthurn ( ito\e_ 45.\ 32h“ \Ihe l'rnlax open\ her hrg haxltet ot puppetx tor an alternoon ot lttletaelne ~tor_\ tun \gcx 4 ‘l I’urrof r/n I’u/t/nr \nmrtrrron l¢'\ll\tl/

Outside the Cities

Activities and Fun

Easter Eggcitement l 'nnl Sun 30 .-\pr. 10am 5pm. t5 (L3 5th .‘\lllltlll\l Valle) Heritage (‘entre. \lillticld.

l.l\ Ill:._'\ltlll. 0| 500 4|4 05" Springtime ad\enture\ tor the l'.a\let' lltllltl.t_\\ with a trea\ure trail. \prmgtnne crattx and gattiex.

Easter Comic Book Workshop .\lon 3| Mar lit 4 Apr. lilarrr £25 Regal ('ommunrt} 'lheatre. 24 34 .\'otth Bridge Street. Batltgate. 0|50o M2558. \rnu l.r\a l’lerning leadx )ott throttgh haxrc tllll\lt‘;tllllf_' techmtruex tor comic \trrpx FREE Nature Detectives 'ltre l .\pr. l0am noon. l.itllilllgo\\ l’alace Ranger led acln rtrex and tun lor agex M. and )ttttriger‘ clnldren rl accompanied h} an adult.

Children’s Raintorest Treasure Hunt'l‘ue l .-\pr. l0arn 5pm. .r\drm\\ron applrex £5.05 «£4.05; children L305. under 3x tree; lamrl} ticket horn LIS 50» l)ohhie\ (iardcn \Vorld. .\lel\ tllc \urxet}. l.a\\\\ade. (m3 (r778. Rarnlorext-therned dull and treaxure hunt. .-\ge\ 3 15.

Theatre & Dance Baby Balloon 'l'ue I Sat 5 Apr. 'ltte Iprn & 2.|5prn; \Ved Sat |0arn. ll 30am & 2pm. B}re 'l'heatr'e. .r\hhe_\ Street. St .'\lltll't‘\\\, 0| 334 475000 \ giant halloon \tartx to glow and No pla} llll dancerx emerge Ill thrx capttxatmg theatre c\pertcttcc horn ()rl} ('art. .-\ge\ (r month\ 2 _\ear\. Call of the Loon Bird ltte t Apr. 2pm. £2 £4. Rothex Hallx. Kingdom (t‘ttll'c‘. (ilenrothex. lH592 “I l “H. .»'\l\o Wed 2 Apr. l lam £2. ('umhernauld 'l'heatre. Krldr'um. 0|23h 7 32337. 'l hrx \tor} ltllltl\\\ a man u ho rexcuex a ‘l.oort' htrd ol \tixdom \tho then helpx hrrn on his lourne} through lite. ’url n! [he I’rt/I/N'I slnrmurrmt I'm/rial.

The Man Who Planted Trees

'lhu 3 Apr. llam. £2. ('umhernauld 'l‘heatre. Krldrurn. 012 30 732337. l’uppet State 'l'heatre (‘o pl'L'SL'IHS llttN tale til it \ttttple \llepltet'tl \\ ho tranxtormx a dexolate area h} planting hundreds ot treex. Agex 7+. I’url or 1/11’ I’ll/I/H'I sin/mutton [TU/till. Martha Sat 5 Apr. 2pm. £5 ('arnegte Hall. liaxt l’ort. Durtt‘ermlrne. (H.333 602302. ('athcrrne Wheelx return mth the tale of stuhhorn Martha. u ho lt\e\ h} the \ea all on her oun. Agex 4+. Finders Keepers Thu l0 Apr. 3pm. £5 Hamil}; rim. liast Kilhride Am ('entre. ()ld ('oach Road. liast Ktlhride. “I 330 825431. Quirk} table-top puppetry trom (’lydehuilt Puppet Theatre.