I Exposed 'I hu J.x// Bur. I (‘lmmlwrx Sum. 33II~13UH H I‘pru L3 \iunllll} \lllfJL'r wrrpurucrx/ncu humlx night Vviilkil \ccx prcrxclcglul LlLl\ «leplayng; Ihcu lincxl 11ququ \mm

' Paranoize 'I In- (iR\. ‘~" (ithrIc Slrccl. 33H 3937 ‘Ipm ('lull nu! \wxmn

I Reuben .ImI Baddies 'I hc (Image. 4%) Smuluclmll Slrccl. H3 II3II 7pm L3 fill (her IJx \Inm. Mn HI mclml} uml Imnlturc Irnru Surrc) [rm Rculwn I Adrianne and Neil Sturgeon Hrcl. W 4‘ Axhluu lunc. H3 JUN» Rpm. Snumlx Ill lhc Suhurhx prcwnlx an l.x\» lmxul \Ingcr \ml}:\klllcr‘ uhu hm \hurcd \Iugm \Nllil lhc llixL'\ uI liunruc Rum and Jut‘kwn Brmxnc. \th Incul \uppnrl lrnm lhc (illltlt‘lllltllll‘ lmnunun \xhu l\ rczulyn}: Ill\ \nlu :Ilhuru (imam/rim um/

I The Decent Souls, The Scarlet, The Backwards High 53 and Eye Contact Leads To . . . Muggu-

Mu) 'x. N) Allmm Slrccl. .\lcrcll;1nl(‘u_\. 5-43 I I5” Hpur Imllc pup and ruck.

I John Power lxm'} lllut'lxx. 5h ()xxmld Stu-cl. 3-13 -II M. 3pm '75”. i.l\L'I'[\lltltllI;IlI m lu‘x lmxxlxl and (3le lmnlumn pcrluruls lux luppyxh pup

I Jason lsbell a. the 400 Unit and Liam Gerner King 'I‘ul'x Wall \Vull Ilul. 373d 5! VIIKCIII SII'L‘CI. 33l 537‘).

3. illpm. UH. l-‘nrmcr Imnunun ul' Drnc II} 'l‘ruckcrx \lrikcx nut nn lilx mm uilh lll\ wlu ulhum Sm'm u/ Ilu' INN/I.

I The Flight Ons, Electric Drugstore and The Hay Summers Band Nlt‘c'II'Slczil). ~13] Suuchlcllull

just! i’urzz‘ up (a Iguafifwua


76 THE LIST 37 Mar—IO Apr 3038

Slrccl. ‘33 WWI. willpm \uul quk rwkcrx. \uppurtcd h} (il.i\;ju\\ unlu- rnclwrx

I Midnight Juggernauts .md Big Face 'I'hc Hm! ('luh. ‘35 Sdut’luchall SlrL'L'l. \lcllmurnc \[ML'L' \IIM’H lI‘IH 5LT prcx no“. page (W


I Josh Ritter I‘hc |.Iquul Rmuu. ‘lt \Iclnrm Slrccl. 335 3504. "pm LI ‘~ iH Much :uluurul )(rung l'S Iulk Irnuhmlnur m munmu- \clung

I Napier Live ‘i‘iit' iiullgn (.llll‘. \iwld} Huuw. ‘7 iiul}r‘nml Ruml. 553 “fill-1 7pm t" ‘5‘). A mqu Hi ncu mum lculurmg \ludcnlx Irum llu' \IpIL-r ll.v\ I’upulur Mka dcgrcc cnurw

I Missing Cat The Ark. ‘~ “nu-Ill... l’lzicc. 33H 9W3. 7. illpm. {thy

l’\} L‘llL‘le‘llL‘ hlllt‘x.

I Kid Canaveral and The

Asthmatic Scene The VIIIan Runmx.

I‘M \VL'xl chlxlcr Slrccl. 55h “UNI

Hpm lam, £5 «£41: Scc Thu 37.

I Crash my Model Car, Zoe Van Goey, Ainslie Henderson and Ewan Butler chr} "s (‘cllgu' Bur. .\' Hm Murnwn Sum. 338 0303. 8pm. £5: Melodic. \nlul gullzu' ruck lrnm (‘.\l.\l('. ' l ' Dropkick I)ruulh} \cclmurx.

I 3 \Vt'xl i’i'L'\lUll SII‘CL‘I. (‘03 9017: X.M)pm. Sec Hi 38.

I I I The Freaky Family Ihc .lu/l Bur. I ('humhcrx Slrccl. 330-1303.

I INIpm. ch Thu 37.


Amy MacDonald 'I‘mun ('unccrl Hull. Suulh Burch. :\_\ r Slim-I 'I'nmn. (II 393 hl I333: 'I‘Ickclcd. Sumll 'l‘hnm/K'I" 'l'unxlull wrupuriwnx gulnrc Inf lhi\ )(rung (llnxglm \lngcr-

stereo cafe/har/vmm

Mar 28: Achren + kaleb

Apr 02: Breakout Scotland 08 Launch Night: Anna Meldrum + Cancel The Astronauts + Conor Mason + Dirty Hearts

Apr 05: pcl presents: holy fuck

Apr 09: pcl presents: future of the left

Mil“ Mum.” aw

\uugxxrucr '.‘.I1~'Ii.:\IIL\Ih'luxklk'l It'l‘u' .III‘UIII In.» w .‘a'. ls'.

,l\ [XIII nI Ix’mk \QIIII‘AI l\),:\2\f‘.l I Iltlxcl\.:\:21l.:l‘lcIrwux

xxxxv. Riki:\:.IIII\IR,1tI\IIZIIIlr‘

:x'I furutzzxc lur-

Glasgow I The Being .lllxl Loki l‘-HI_\ Ill.‘.\l\\. <h ()\\\.Il\i \Irccl. 31\ 11 I1 "I‘m 1‘ lle Imp I Eileen Rose, Michael McDermott and James Apollo llIC 'Iurxlul \\ lu'cl. " Uuwu \IIu'I. 3.‘ -1.\*l “pm :\ limlnuk .quxwr In H ll.u\t'} llk"l\l\ Ilux \Iugcr wucxxuur lull, uullulluj; Ilu‘ IquI [mu l1 lll‘t‘lrllltllwl} HI :i,llilk'\ \[NIIIH Elbow .llltl No Gallants \II( I

11H \uullwlmll \Iu'cl “3 3.‘ i.‘ ~pm Ll:< ()wr I I\ \llrm \u.:u:x-l_\ upllluuf; unlu' IIII\\'I.II‘III\I\ Irum \luuglu'xu'l l‘.u Ix \KIIII uvu .:ll\uru In VII/um \( r I.’ AM \m' lCJIlIIt'. Ixuft' 3” I ldlewild ll}l\lm. l ruI I). \lcltlmul 5ququ “I \lluuu \uu-I. “.3 W‘” 7 ;“pm L I i \t'ulx unlu' rm kcrx l‘lllllllj.‘ III .I \pu‘ml uluumu- \lln\\ I Sia ( )I.Iu \iHI. ‘l 3' W ( luau \M'xu'ru Rudd. ‘5“ h3llll §Ilpru LII lllc /cIn \\.ul\lcr \upplu-x wruc .uulm'ul [mp luucx HI lm nun. \ik'll\t'lk'\l ru .lllk'\ Iml \mul \I} it" I Coconut University IIII- \Im- II”. I-IX IIHILIIhI Sllccl. H3 3|“) 5pm Ll :\t‘Hll\lI\ t'nunu}. I Everytime I Die, Drop Dead Gorgeous .uul Scary Kids Scaring Kids Km; lul\ \\.III \\.III Ilul. 3“3.I \I \‘Inu'nl Sllm'l. 33] i3"” .\pru I_l3 ‘II ()wr l-lx \hmx. |’.ul_\um* llmllluu-rx lrmu liulluln. \c“ \urk. \\lIH Imu- Inulul \\ Ill] \1} (‘lu'uutul lx’numuu' I The Lost Generation, The Tenants .Iml Seneka .\I.I;;;:u- .\i.l_\ 'x. (ill :\Il\|un Slrccl. \lculmul ('II}. ‘15 USU 3pm. L5 IL' H I'llc uuhc rm'knx haul llux lull, I Post Scriptum uml Cortez II.IIII\. 2m (lulu Sum. «Nu UH" WM spur £5. (‘lnwu‘ ruck lllllllt‘llk't'\ llHIlI Humlxu'lnn Im'kcrx ( 'anc/V

Sol Diablos, Alex Wayt, The Towers and Playtone Hm. I {I Suuduchrrll Sum. “3 *Iil Mun lurlu- rm‘k lluc up. I Cry Girl Cry, Black Alley Screens and Mister Manana \It‘t"l1'Slc;I/}. -13l Saut‘hu'lmll Slum-I. ‘33 INIIII. Nillplu. Intul Imlu- ruck

Kansai Suluucl I).m '\_ (F “I \llllMléllL‘ lx’nml. -13 i lllll“ 3 :“pm Inc I Bayan .Iml Alix | IIII \uu- (1m: 5” MI King: Slit-cl. 55‘ HRS 0pm Huym'x mcmlwrx lI.uI Irnru |I;Il_\.ll1c I’lullpplncx ;uul Sculluutl .‘Iml Ilu'u \uuml hlcmlx hllx gamut :uul hqu unm mllucm‘c» I The Teenagers Slum. 3H 3.\ chllcldl.;u1c. 333 3331 If l-rcrull L‘IL‘CII‘U pup II'IH \\ IIH Il.ulc HII lhuw \L'\

Hingu‘tl (idllIL' t'llt‘lIL'N


I Acoustic Café ( )ul 0! Hit IIIuc Drill Hull. 31! I).Ilulcu_\ Sum. lull). 555 "llll. "pm. My ()uI uI Ilu' llluc pr'cwnl llux liililil’.li'i\ (alum-I

I Little Green Machine, The Fire 8. i tllltl Beat \VUL' RL'tl i’ml. Izdrnhurgh (‘ullcgc nI \rI. Iaurmmr I’lucc. 33‘) 14—13 "pm. Lil :\Ilcrn.lu\c ruck and Imllc .ll Ilux \cu Inutul \uuml night.

I Midnight Juggernauts .Ilhl Dollskabeat (‘gllxu‘cl \lrllau'c. if» ‘3 Blair Strccl. 33H (Ilqh. ."pur LUSH Sec Thu 3.

I 96 Tears .1an After Me The Flood IIIL‘ AIR. 3 \VJIUI‘IHH I’lut‘L'. 335 ‘1“)? 73”pm. L4, «\ll\-III\PII'L'\I clct'u'n rwk.


I Conflict, Sham 69, The Wall, Holly Racket, The Scabs, Fire Exit, Instant Agony and Buzzbomb


He’s the real McCoy (and then some) Iw I‘

mrlfl". I‘ll luf' HI' I} my, n'Iy'w n

\‘ II-m".

VIVID-#78. lilflarrm II I'I NII‘.".‘1v"\." Illi‘ l‘ Iv'n Al ,I l‘_l"r:IIlllr.l tru. k ‘1?wa :;I7¢‘II:1 4:; ,I ‘IIVI“".IrI,l, :MIIM, M 1m IIIII'I. .1:er I.I."Iln-' 'u:ll unwrkw I’m Irlrll l‘.'.'(‘ ‘I'I: Iv". II IIII‘ mum.

He’s also, incidentally, the bee’s knees .vam 1:: Illélllt'ii‘x'JI Ill'.Ill‘r.'I."1I7MII Sum-r3. r; Irma I} {Ii/fl». I'I ‘lln Wm: M; war; (I l(l.'I(lll‘.iIl\ III t‘Iw 'l LII'II-x.‘ (II‘LIIIII‘,"' IIII'TJJIIIL'III, mlurrxrur; Irw- muf‘m‘ in It:; umla All“! Hurt; (I? fslwwlll.’ ‘%II(];IIIIIIII (ZIInlI. [MINI IIrrI l, Inu: Imw r<:<:r>r:llell III" :mm. luv,

He’s a visionary In IIWI, III Nzltalwllle, III llirl‘y‘thifll (ill{if}"II] azimuuu, (II)III<) Ilrugz; (Irul sulnkrru) Camel «Igurullos, ll(.‘ :uw; :quuf; lSLIlIumquuull‘; “.‘.’I|IIII(_} Ilu: (Imam: I'm Just (III ( )Irl (Illuuk 0f (erl. but I'm (50mm he .‘I l)léllII().’I(l Some Day").

When it comes to a lyric, BJS has it licked 'IIIr: «Ir».er mark-:- mr; rlu ll rm,» fun? tum; Im: secondIrvrlelrlrmulHurry/(v.21:

How often do you come across someone called ‘Billy Joe’ in an Edinburgh bar? IIw. Ii; 0m; of those legend m :I *;ru;III mom ()l)l)<)IiIIIIIII(:f.. III) IIHA,‘ rerIusrm. anruzm D'IIIIIU {I

P/()('I:;.’1nr;r,> Culmrr .‘I Bur, Erhnburg/I, Fri 4 Apr.

ll.uIl_\. 31m ( Inlv \Ilt'k‘l. IIVII ‘lll ll‘l‘l‘) \Imu L I * l’nluu m-«l puukx killlllllllk‘ In myt' ll.ll\i .ll Ilu' Imp HI .I lull \kllu ll .II\H Hit ililit'\ \clcmu l.li‘I‘lt'lHll\\'l\ \lmru (N .unl I\ \lliiipik'iklli h} \qlmu' I’m' I Glasgow lmplodes III I III: \Hln' (".m: 5” (III Kill: \IICCI. “i ll!“ lplu L" \quml (l.l_\ Imuml \k'lk'l‘lJllllL' mpcruuvuml quxu Irnru .unurnl UK I K llux )uuK «IMHIII .unl \lIHllk' lull uu lllllk'\ Rum ('lnull. \Inml quu. l uumu [.mc. ("hm-Ix} I’r'qu \vppulu. “Lula \uu :uul Hung: .uuun; UllIL'h

Fivefifteen \uc'u'SIt-JA~ l3l Suuplua'lmll \IIn-I. HHI‘NIII 3pm \lwulunmu Iurlu- Imlxrx ‘.‘-.ulr .l \lruuuucr I.lll_\ In II‘».II \puml lap I Next Big Thing (urlluj: .‘\\ .ulcul} (iluvimx. I3I i'._'_'llliillil\llL'k'i.“h'1'1‘1—‘N :Hllll (\pIII LIII llulupcr \hmahm' HI lmul .lLl\. unlmlul: 'l lu- lilutl. \rrmax. 'I IIL' SIIIIlt-I I’I‘HIu'I. ‘I lu- (irlrlul \ugclx 'I he i)li‘.\. u & Huh. 'I he i‘IlH\\HlII. 'I In: \iéllllixt'tW. i’k'lld.\lltil1l('llll‘. \UIIIL'UIIL'.\ \HII :IIIII iIIL' illL',Il\ I Chimaira, Maroon .uul The Sorrow lulu Hitlki.\. VI ()\'-'-;lltl Slum-I. 343.1114 *pln um <u (hurl-1x mm» ()lti \phnnl rut-LII lrnru IIIL‘ cut-r rclmhlc anlrunucr Rct'nrxlx \Igrungx (‘luuuru uhn haw prmcd Ihcu \urrtll nu Inurx \kllll lilC IILLN HI ~Sl,1_\L‘I'. i‘L‘IIl I'uglnl'}. \luclunc llcml and Dun/lg.