:5: '5 -m.lI5t.CO.Uimwc

G I John Taylor and Gwilym Simcock Ruinii (it‘lILL'll 2 Saiichichall Sticct. ‘5‘ «\‘MH Spiii LII l\‘.ti tilll\I.tlltllll‘_'l K i.i// [\l.tlll\l\. hoth [‘I;l}lllj._' a wlo \ct thcii ioinin; loiccx Ior


.t Illlltlllk' luii plant! tIllL‘I. \t'L' PICHCW. pagr' (i—


I The Rat Pack: Live from Las Vegas I’I.i_\hoii\c. IS 33 (ilt‘t'lhltlt' I’Luc. trait M" [mo 3 top”. .\

" illpiii Ll” 5H L11 5” Scc \loii iI

I Guest Band Night lhc .l.i// Hai. I (‘haiiihcn Sticcl. SSH-1305. Sillpiii Li it’li (illt'\l\ \llll thc htit c\pcct toiitciiipoiai} |a// and \oiiic hackhcat Iiiiik

a a: -: i;- .. i I diiiburgh

FEES The Apocalypse Funk Trio lhc ,lax/ Bar. I (’haiiihcix Strch 22” AlZ‘IH 5pm, Scc in SS

I The Rat Pack: Live from Las Vegas l’la}hou\c. IS 22 (il'L't'llSItlt‘ I’lacc. trait at" limo. "..ttipm

[liflll L‘Z-lfit), St‘t' \ltlll ii.

I John Taylor and Gwilym Simcock ()ticcn'x lIaII. S7 3‘) (‘lci‘k Sticct. (itiS lel‘). Spin U5. Scc 'I'hti 3. I Public Information 'l'hc .Ia// Bar. 1 (’haiiihcix Strcct. Ill) 4203. H.3(Ipiii. L5 it'll .\ \\\lllf._‘lll;_' prograiiiiiic lroin thc tan} and hackhcat lotir—piccc,

I Skunk Funk 'l‘hc .Ia// liar. I ('hainhcrx Sti'cct. 230 .1308. I lpiii iaiii. L5 (L5). SL‘C l'l‘l LS.

r Ill-"35d


FREE Jazz Main lil'L‘l. W 43 .-\\hton Iaiic. HZ JUN». 3 (ipiii. Sa\<ch quarlcl playng a \xidc \arict} oi lllll\lt' lroin \ltilllx to \lilcx.

FREE Jazz Dot Co 'I‘hc Hiittcrl'l} t\' lhc I’ig. I53 Bath Sti‘ccl. Ill 77] I. S..‘~(lpiii. Suingiiig ia/I gromcx.


FREE Trio Jazz 'l'hc .lal/ Bar. l ('hainhci'x Sti‘cct. Ill) 4208. 3.30pm. Scc Sat 3‘).

I The Rat Pack: Live from Las V8938 I’I;I}Iititl\t‘. IS :2 (it'L‘L‘lhidC l’lacc, tlSJ-l 8-37 ltitit). .1..‘~()piii & Spin.

9; I 7.5” [34.50. .SCL‘ \ltill 5 I.

I World Premiere 'l‘hc .Ia// Bar. 1 (‘hainhci'x Strcct. Ill) 4308. H.3(Ipni. £3 tL'II. .-\ dlIIL‘l'L‘lll \L‘IL‘CllUll til? Iixc Icading ia/l pla_\cr\ conic togcthcr l‘or cach \c‘\\ltill \\ ith no rchcai‘xal.

I Fish Fry 'l'hc .la// Bar. I ('hanihcrx Strccl. Ill) 43%. I I5“le 3am. £5 (£3). SL‘L‘ Sat 3‘).

r 1"” i «"~l,4"3~:1§'~5' ' ' S‘


FREE Michael Deans Slo;iii\. h: :\r:_'_\ Ic .-\rcadc. HIS .-\l‘:_"\ lc Strcct. Ill SUI". 5 Spin. Scc Stiii fit).

I The National Children‘s Orchestra of Scotland 8. The National Youth Jazz Orchestra of Scotland Ro}a| ('onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strch 353 Still”. “pin.

[Ill (I4. 'l‘hc National (‘hildrcn'x ()rchcxtra of Scotland pci'l'oriii Bcrho/\ popular ()i't'rrurt' lc ('tii-iiii'ti/ Romain and R Vaughn \Villiatnx' Si'iiip/ium .Vu 3. (I lulu/on Si'nip/ioni' alongxidc 'l‘hc National Youth Jan ()rchcxtra of Scotland \\ ho \\ ill pcrlorin a \clcction ol‘ .»\iiicrican hi3; hand tamuritcx.


FREE Lorna Reid and Ant Law (‘al‘c (ii'andc. IS-l Briintxlicld l’lacc. 238 IISS. ' 0pm. Prmiding thc |i\ c ja/I \Ulllltl\ to diiic to thix \\ cck ix cool and claxx} \ocali\t Rcid.

I Sunday Singers Session The Jan Bar. l (‘hamhcrx Strcct. 320 4308. 8.30pm. £3 (£2). Scc Sun 30.

.-_ 1. . ,-. ,. : . w


I The Jazz Bar Big Band II‘r.‘ .l.i// Hat. I (‘haiiihch Sticct.::‘l~1:‘l\

S 1Hpni :1 til» Scc \lon 12

FREE The Late Great Jazz Jam Session lhc J.i// Hat. 1 (‘haiiihcix Sticct. SSH-13‘“ Illpiii Scc \loii zI

WM"? :ipcit. via-ck -_ ._ ~ .; c. - .1


I The Offenders lhc- .Ia/l Hat. 1 ('hanihch Sticct. 22H 42‘” -\ l5piii 1‘ it: i. Iliin tpi.i|it_\ I‘Illt'\

FREE Funk Session Ihc .l.l// Hat. 1 ('hariihcix Slicct. 32H JZWS ll zHpiii Scc Itic I

-.xfimtxt‘fivmx 5.2-32.2. ..- _ .... _ .. Edinburgh

I Will Pickvance 'l hc Jan Hai. I (‘haiiihcix Sticct. 331! 42‘” .\ l5piii L5 It: i. l’iaiiht and pcrtoiiiiaiicc .ll'IlSI

pIa_\ my original coinpmitionx ictcicnciiig; cwrymc lioiii Rachiiianinott to l‘.il\ \Vallci‘ and 'Ioiii \\ait\,

F735 Organism 'Ihc .Ia// liar. I ('haiiihci'x Strcct. 33H VIEWS I l5lll‘lll Scc \Vcd 2.


I The Kings of Swing I’.i\ ilioii Ilillt'illl't‘. III RL‘llIiCId Sll't‘t‘l. i“: INN» 7.30pm. No.50. .\ rollcrcoaxlci i'idc ot Iillgt'l'vt‘llt‘hlllgl tun cclchi'atiiig thc I‘L'\l oI thc Rat Pack ci'a \\Illl thc \chon Riddlc 'I'rihtitc ()l'L'Ilt‘Sll'd and \pccial gut-\t I.) an KL‘llllL‘tl}.


I Guest Band Night 'I‘lic .IaI/ Hai'. I ('haiiihci‘x Strch 23“ 43M. Sillpin. L5 it‘ll Scc Thu 3.

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to henry@list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Henry Northmore and Norman Chalmers.

:3: Indicates Listpicks entry

a 3 ;;»rd;-»',a afar:z,;3{§geg 5;;- _ akamqm Z. .4: ,


I Martyn Wyndham-Read St .-\iidrc\\ \ in thc Squarc. St Andrcu \ Squarc. 55‘) 5002. 7.30pm. [7 i£5 i. \ctcran \oiiguritci‘. traditional \ingcr and c\pcrt on traditional .-\u\traliaii lllll\lL‘.

I EastFest I’Iatl'oi‘iii. 'l'hc Bridgc. \chtci‘houxc Road. Iiaxtcrhouxc. 2'70 Ohm». 7.30pm, L5 L5. Night oI local indic. acouxtic and \ingcr-xoiiguritiiig lcaturing .\lac\ c ()‘Boflc. I)aiiicI IIcaI}. ‘I'hc .\lt\\'\ and .-\\llIL"\ I.a\\ \ott.

I Aye: An Affirmation of Martyn Bennett liaxtuood l’ark 'I'hcali‘c. liaxtuood Park. Roukcn (iIcn Road. (illllltk‘h. 5"." 4070. '.‘._‘~()piii. L‘IZ iLS'i. .\lr .\lcl"all\ (‘hanihctz thc cclcctic cnxcnihlc lroiii thc S('(). lllSC thc \Ulllltl\ ol'ja/I. l'olk. tango. cI;i\\icaI and rock iii a prograiiiinc oI lllllSlL‘ including plL‘CL'S h_\ Bcnnctt. thc Iatc Scotx lllll\lL‘lglll.

I Gaelic Night Club (‘(‘.-\. Sauchichall Strcct. 553 Jiltitl. Spin. lenL‘C and Mill; \Hit'k\lltip\ ItiIItm Cd h} a dam in; of thc (‘olax IV pi'ograininc ‘('coIa\ aig a'Dcich'. l.atcr a ('cihdh and Daiicc \iith lllll\l(l;lll\ including Kilphcdar Sound. Kathlccii .\laclniic\. Sarah .\lacl\'a}. Allan MacDonald and Rona Lightloot.

Edinburgh Lau and Ainslie/Henderson Trio Quccii'x Hall. (‘lcrk Strcct. N18 201‘). Spin. £15i£12i. l)ouhlc hill ot~ Scottixh and Irish coiitcmporar)

., New Scottish singer-songwriter sensation who has

already cut her chops providing vocals for Runrig and counts Tom Waits, Jim Lauderdale and Shane McGowan among her fans. Here she performs the Scottish premiere of her own ‘Arbroath Suite‘, which traces the history of Scotland through music and words, as part of the Tartan Day Scotland celebrations.

.1 ()fil" 3cm" (him; .).i' 'i M.’

tradition ax part ol Rcimciitiiig: thc Rch. 'l’op iiixti'uinciitalixtx all. Ian on liddlc. accordion and guitar \\ ith \oiigx ll'tllll Kl'l\ l)rc\cr. \\llllt‘ thc .\lll\llt‘/ llt‘lltlt‘l'vill 'I'i'io dccoiixtiiict lllllSlt' lor hagpipcx. hoth Iriin and Scottixh Scc prc\ icxx. pagc (is I’m! u/ ('wilit/li ('u/Iiirt'.

I Luath Ceilidh 'l'lic \‘illagc. South I-'oi't Strcct. |.cith. VS TSIH. 7pm, L5 (Ur. l’l'L‘St'lllL'tl hi l.tiath I’tihlhhcix. .-\ progi‘ainnic ol poctr}. iiitixic. \Itll'} and iinagcx lroiii lhc \oi'thcrii lxlcx Iliixlt'tl h} (‘hrixtinc dc I.tica and Rohcrt :\I;tll .latiichin. I’d/'1 n/ ('t'I/rt/li ('u/lim'.

I Sangstream Siockhridgc l’amli ('hui‘ch. Sa\c (‘ohtirg Strcct. “I III 23. Split. [S lUH. 'I'Iic hig: ladinhui‘jgh haxcd Scoh loIk ititl\tc choir. l’ul'l u/ (ti/till) ('it/i'm't‘.


I Jenna Reid Band with Bellevue Rendezvous 'l'olhtmih. .lail \V} nd. (II-'Sti Zilllllll. Spin. 9; I 3 it Illi. l‘i'oin Shctlaiid. thc Iicr} l‘llShtt and I)ocha\ liddlcr pl‘tillltiIL‘S hcr llL'\\ alhtitii \\llll a hand including: Iiddlcr Hcthan} Rcid; Ilarri\ I’Ia} lair. piano; .Iaiiic\ 'I'honixoii. lIiitc; Iain Sandilandx pcrctnwon. and Duncan I._\aI|. ha“. Acouxtic trio Bcllcuic RL‘IMIC/Mith IS l'rontcd h} (iauii \laruick. liddlc. \kllll Ruth .\loi'ri\. inckclharpa.

tScandInm tan kc}cd liddlci and ('ainci'on Rohxoii on hoii/oiiki. pla}rrig pan-Iiuropcan lllll\lL'. |.atcr 'Ihc Blcnd I)J lllI midnight. l’rc-conccrt hat \upport troiii )ouiig local hand Sgiohalta. Part u; [I]! If/t‘ntl.

i, —».' ,- I... .’, '-

-‘:.3'.:".:'::::::'. “2:”. ... ..- ,_


I Martin Stephenson 'l‘ron 'l'licairc. 'l‘rongatc. 552 420". 9.30pm. L‘ Ill.

liax} -on-thc-car l);llllICC\ troiitinan Stcphcnxon and hix Iatcxt hand \xith \ong\ troni hi\ latcxt alhuiii. Il’t'sn'm ling/c.


I Learn to Play the Bagpipes ’l‘hc I)rill Ilall. |)a|iiicii§ Strcct. 555 7(i(iH.

l Ipiii. L5 iUi. \Vorkxhop loi all aggcx iii llll\\ to pIa_\ thc hagpipcx/chanlct'. \\|lll l.Hlll\L‘ \laixhall \lilliiiggtoii. ’ur! ii/ (‘c'i/itlli (ii/Irma

I Guid Crack Club \Vawrlc} liar. Si \l;it'_\ ‘\ Sll'ct'l. .550 957‘). 75llptll. L5 donation. Izdiiihiiiyh'x iiionthl} \tor}tcllin;_' cltih \xclcoincx all. (illL'SI \toi'}tcllci cach iiioiith. l'tirt u/ ('t'i/it/li ("ii/Irma

I Columcille Ceilidh Band Si lll‘ltlLVS ('L'llll't'. ()l'\\ C” 'lt‘l‘l'ut‘t'. i-Ui lJll5_ Spin. L“) it"x'i. .\lti\ic h} Il'lClltlS ol ('oltiiiicillc ('cntrc. inadc up ol inuxiciaiix unit and without Icarniiig: dimhiliticx. I’urr u/ ('t'ilitlli ('u/tim'.

I North Sea Gas (iraiiai‘) Bar. ()Ht't'lhlt‘l'l‘} Sti'cct. 32” 055”. ‘)pin. U). I;iitcrtaiiiing_' Izdiiihurgh IoIL hand conihiiic Scotx gtiitarx. iiiandolinx. hodhraiix. haiiim. \tllhllcx and iiiandolax \\ itli \ocalx. l’url u! (‘t'i/u/li ("u/tim'.

I Maire Ni Chathasaigh and Chris Newman \lcrclllxltin (‘axilc School. (‘olintoii Road. 47X 34%.

5. illpiii. {Ill i {Si Traditional. and sonic coiitcniporar} ll'lSII. Scottiin and .-\iiici'icaii lllll\lL‘ on \lllttll harp and guitar chixcrcd h} mo \pcctacular inxtruinciitalixtx. I’urt u! ('t'ilitlli ("u/rim:

Stirling I Friday Night Fling 'I‘olhooth. Jail \\'_\iid. (IV/Sh 274000. 5.30pm. £6. Includcx Siohhan .\IiIIcr. Jcana Leslic 8; Brian \lillcr. ’tu'! Hf 'I‘lit' lily/rd. Lau and Ainslie/Henderson Trio 'liilhooth. JaiI \V}nd. Ill-736 3740M). Spin. £13 tiIUi. Scc Thu 27. I’ur! u/ l/It’ lf/cml.

Glasgow ' i-jf—Z Kilphedar Sound l’ark Bar. :\r:_'_\Ic Strcct. 9pm. Highland sounds.

I4 ' '.‘.::'—‘ 2 AU 2/}: THE LIST 81