
Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale

* Indicates Listpicks entry

All About Eve «Pm oooo tJoxeph l. Mankiewicl. l'S. I‘l50i Bette l)ayix. Anne Baxter. (ieorgc Sanderx. Marilyn Monroe. HKmin. l)ayix and Baxter are on top lorin iii tllix tale of backvxtage back-biting and conniyiiig. and a young Marilyn makex a big entrance in a xinall part. A witty and intelligent film. Now on re-releaxe in

digital Part of Belle l)a\ ix xeaxon. (i/iiyemi'

I‘ll"! Illl'(lll'l'.' Si ultmiui Si reunite Rimm. Iii/Hilmre/l.

American Blackout ll'.l ilan lnaba. t‘S.

200m (‘ynthia McKinney. 80min. l)ocuiiienting the dixenlraiichixement of African .»\mericaii \oterx and other minority groupx witnexxed during the IS electionx frotll 2000 to 2004, Amerii'im Il/m Anti! foctixex on the may of (ieorgia coiigrexxwoman ('yiitliia McKinney. who took an actiye role iii the inyextigationx.

.il( ‘Ii. Iii/inliiu'eli.

Annie Leibovitz: Life Through a Lens t l5) 0.. tBarbara I.eibo\ it/. l'S. 200m 90min. Documentary tracing the life arid work of legendary photographer Atiiiie l.eibo\ it/. Reiiaixxaiice l’rincexx ol the photography world. l.eiboy it/ liax produced Rolling Stone alld limily l'ilfl‘ co\‘ct‘\ ax well ax turning her lenx lo the war horrorx in Rwanda arid Sarajey'o. 'l‘hix ix an intimate portrait of the anixt with footage from the “US and eoiitributioiix from llillary (‘linton. Mick Jagger and (ieot‘ge ('looney. Him/tome. Iz'i/i'riliiuje/i. Assembly t IS) ooo (‘hina/lloiig Kong. 2007) Zhang llanyu. Yuan Wenkang. Deng (‘hao. l23min. See review. page 43. I-‘ilmhome. Edinburgh. Awake 4 l5) 0.. (Joby Harold. l'S. 2007) llaydeii (‘hrixtenxeiL Jexxica Alba. 'l‘ereiice lloward. 84min. ('lay t('hrixtenxeii) cylwriencex 'anaextlletic aw arenexx' tiiieaiiing he ix ftilly conxcioux but paralyxed during xurgery). which liax far-reaching conxeqtiencex for him and hix fiancee Sam (Alba). In lexxer handx. Awake would liaye been a law dry iiielodiama. but the film workx well on xeyeral leyelx. 'l'ltix ix. llli\\'c\ er. not for the xqtletttlttxh. (ienel‘u/ release.

The Bank Job t l5) oo (Roger l)onaldxon. l'K. 2008) Jaxon Stalliam. Saffron Burrow x. Stephen (‘ampbell Moore. I l lmin. Roger (‘m-kmil l)onaldxon‘.x low-


elcome Aboard Toxic Airlines

tl-‘eng Xiaogang.

key thriller tixex the purportedly true xlory of a 70x heixl. with Stratham ax tixetlcir dealer Terry. w hoxe clean getaway ix impeded by Jamaican drug-lordx. xeedy pornographer l,ew Vogel that id Suchet) and Britixh extablitheiil Iackey \lilex l‘rquhan tl’eter Bow lexl. The lcthlttn mountx btit w ill) xlack xcripting and a dexcenl into cliche. the lllllt ultimately playx out ax a truxtratingly lightweight game ot copx and robberx, Si'li'i lei/ ri'li'iiyi'

Be Kind Rewind t ISA) ooo

t.\ltche| (iondry, l'S. 2003’) Jack Black. .\lox l)el. llllllllllt. Mike tl)ef) workx ma

\ ideo xtore where hix pal Jerry tBlack) accidentally eraxex eyery tape. 'l‘hey attetnpt to coyer-up thix mixhap by creating their own \erxionx of well-known filmx. winning them the admiration of their neighbourhood and the wrath of Hollywood copy right law. (iondry 'x ideax are alwayx original and there are inoinenlx of magic here. but He Kim! Rl’ll mil ix a collection of cool idcax itl xearch of a moy ie. ('uii'iiurlil ReIl/I't'lt Slreel. (i/ityeim.

Beat The Devil «I’m oooo tJohii lluxton. [S 1053) Humphrey Bogart. (iina l.o||obrigida. l’eter Lorre. l00min. Truman ('apole had a hand in the xcripting of lhix hugely en‘ioy able eyercixe in xelf-parody.

w herein a group of paxxengerx on a xhip croxxing the Mediterranean plan to biiy land known to contain uranium. 'l'lie lilm'x wry xelf-relleyiy ity nieanx lolx of fliii lor genre addictx. Seotymim Sereening Rmmi. Iii/iriliiujeli.

Beauty in Trouble (Kraska v Nesnazich) t IS) oooo (Jim llrcbeik. (’Iech Republic. 2000) Aria (ieixleroya. Jana Brejchoy a. liiiii'lia \'ax;iyoya. l l0miii. Seyy arid elegant ('Iccli drama inxpired by the poem by Robert (ira\ ex. Part of the New littrope l‘iltil l'cxtiyal. I'i/mlmuye. Iz'i/iiilimjeli.

Bee Movie tl') ooo (Sic-ye llickner/Simon J Smith. l'S. 2007) Jerry Seinfeld. Renee Zellweger. Matthew Broderick. 90min. Barry B Benxon graduatex from college to find that lie xtill only hax one poxxible career: making honey. l)ixilluxioned. he tiioy'cx to Manhattan where he dixcoyei'x that humanx xleal and eat honey and rexolyex to file a law xuit againxt the honey giant. Big lloney. An oddly conceiyed Vehicle for a reluctant ,xlttl'. Bt't' .llm-ii' dexery'ex a B-minux for effort. Seleelei/ I'e/euye.

Birthday ( l5) (Ning Jingwu. ('hina. 2007) l.ei l.ao.xheng. lle ('aifei. (ie Zliijliii. ‘)linin. A family gather to celebrate their father'x

“7-”??? t

This fascinating feature documentary tells the

story of possibly the biggest cover up in aviation history. For nearly 50 years, passengers and crews have been supplied with unfiltered air taken directly from the engines, even though this air supply is contaminated with neurotoxins, carcinogens and other hazardous chemicals. With unique access to the aviation industry, the filmmaker, and a former airline captain reveal for the first time the serious consequences for flight safety, passenger and crew health. This is a special one off screening. Visit www.we|comeaboardtoxicairlines.com

for more information.

I Cameo, Edinburgh, Mon 27 Apr. 7pm.

binhday but the celebration ix clouded by the fact lltill the home I\ tlllc ll) be knocked down to make way for a new induxtrial lone lixhibiting a \aried array ot reactionx and opinionx. Jingwti‘x film neatly illuxtratex the current polarixation between a younger generation witli \Vexteriiixed idealx and a firm toolhold on the new ('hma. and an older generation w lioxe traditional \aluex are tallmg \ iclini to the rapid changex l’arl Ul New (.lllllcu‘ (‘lttcllttt \Ctholl l'l/nl/lnuu‘. Inhn/mrdt. Blind Husbands d’( it oooo yon Stroheim. l'S. I‘ll‘h lzrich \oti Stroheim. l‘litllL‘L‘lltt Billinglon. ‘l‘ltttlll When a luxtful .-\iixtriaii army officer i\'on Stroheiin) attemptx to xeduce the w ite ol .i xurgeon tBillington). a lengthy confrontation enxiiex in thix morally ambiguoux tale of xeyual obxexxion 'l‘he Alixtrian l‘llm Mtixeutn hax found an e\tra eight minutex of footage and added a new xeore to rc-extablixhed thix film ax an authentic elaxxic ol xilent cinema. (iliiyeuu I’llm 'l'lieulri'. Botched l l5) .0 tlx'il Ryan. (ierniany/lreland/l'K/l'S. 2007) Hand Heap. Alan Smyth. Stephen l)orff. 04min SL‘L‘ I'L‘\lt‘\\. Pilgt‘ 45. General I'e/erlyr‘ [Hi/ll IVI'i II Al": The Bucket List I DA) oo tRoh Reiner. l'S. 2007) Jack .\'icliolxon. .\lorgaii Freudian). Sean llayex. Utiiiim. Ideally caxt ax lllllty rich old codger ltdwtlt‘d ('olc. .\'icholxon and hix fellow patient ('arter ('hamberx tlireeman) find themxely ex diagnoxed w ill) terminal cancer. and decide to go otit with a balig rather that) a w himper. working their way through a bucket lixt' ol male-bonding actiy iliex. Jiixtii) Zackhaiii'x xcript runx through the poxxibilitiex mechanically. btil Reiner'x tilm deriy ex ilx power from Nicholxon‘x let-it-all—liaiig-out performance for an indulgent greatext liitx reprixc. BI'HIHUII 'l'lieiilri'. Iii/inliiirell. Cars tl’(i) 0.. tJohn |.axxeter. l'S. Zoom \"oiCL'x of ()wen Wilxoii. Paul Newman. Bonnie Hunt. Larry The ('able (itiy. l2|inin. Racecar Lightning McQueen lo.xex hix way en route to the final race of the xeaxon arid lllltl\ himxelf marooiied in the xleepy' town of Radiator Springx. which ix populated by an array of iiiixlit carx. l)expite the many poxitiy'ex. ('ury doexn't quite make the highext grade mainly becauxe it'x the leaxt original l’iyar lilm yet. lint/tire ( 'Iine/mnk. ( ‘ly'i/elimik. Changing Times t IZA) tl’riil l’jarn/( iarry Bardin/Jaii Sy ankmajer. lixtonia/RtixxiaK'Iech Republic. 200(1) (iSmin. Three animated lilmx from Riixxia. lixtonia and (‘Iech Republic. all made in the early l‘)‘)0x. that rey ixil the iiilluencex of communixm and xpeculate on the impact of the free market. Part of the Puppet and Animation xeaxon. I'i/ni/muye. Iii/inbureli. Children of Glory t l5) ooo (Krix/tina (ioda. Hungary. 2006) Kala l)obo. lyan l‘enyo. Sandor (‘xaiiyi. I20inin. ()ld-faxhioned. melodramatic accotinl of the 50th anniverxary of the doomed Hungarian uprixing againxt Soviet rule in l‘)5(i. which priyilegex action and xpectacle oy er analy'xix and moral ambiguity and ix at ilx bext in ilx Visual recreation of the attempted revolution. I'l'liiiliutN'. Edinburgh. The Class tl’(i) tllliiar Raag. lixlonia. 2007) Vallo Kirx. l’iirt l'lixberg. Lauri Pedaja. 97min. Kaxpar (Kirx) accidentally iny'olyex himself iii defending a fellow high .xchool pupil who ix being bullied. The .xituation only worxenx until the Violence excalalex in lhix indictment of the cruelty of boyx. in particular. and humanx in general. Part of the New liurope Fextiy‘al. Film/muse. Edinburgh.

The Conformist (ll

Conformista) t IS) ooooo tBemardo Bertolucci. llaly’/France/(iermany. I970) Jean-Louix Trintigant. Stefania Sandrelli. (iaxtonne Moxehin. l l3min. Bertolucci'x brilliant 1970 pxycliological thriller about one collaborator'x troubling journey through Nazi-occupied Europe gelx a limited releaxe on new 35mm print from a rextored negative. A cla.x.xic froin an Italian maxler. Selected release. Crazy Stone ( IZA) tNing Hao. China/Hung Kong. 2006) Guo Tao. Huang


Bo. lltio Shu lttomin ('omtc hetxt tiliii iiiyol\ trig a pricelexx etnerald. .i troop ot dumb guardx. two gangx ot thiey ex and .i \axl array ot uneypected charactelx Set iii ('hina‘x S/echw an proy mce. lhix film prolterx all intriguing take on the ‘\ew ('hina' Part of \ew ('liinexe (‘mema xeaxon I'i/ni/iuuu film/lurch

Crumb t lb) 0... tlerry /wigotl. l'S. I‘M-l) ll‘liiiin (‘oniic .ittixt Robert ('itiiiib hax remained rexoltitely part of the counter culture xmce he xtaited drawing in the box In lhix laxcinattng and perxonal llllll. long time friend /wigott trtex to e\p|.im the cartoonixt‘x dixtiirbing output. finding .i caxtial connection between childhood. madnexx and cream ity Show mg lll coiiitinction with the Bouilg l'ianxlationx comic book woikxliop II/Nl/li'llu. [thrilling/i

Dance on Screen tl‘ ) t\ariouxi ‘ltlmiii A programme of liixtotical liliiix e\.iiniiiing the relatioiixliip between dance. moyenient and the cattlela I’leaxe check w w \\ cca glaxgowcom lot piogiaiiime detailx ('t l. (i/iiyemi.

DarkBlueAlmostBlack I I5) ll).tlllt'l Satiche/ .-\t'ey.ilo. Spain. 200m (‘lllllll (intrerrel. \larta l‘lllld. .\ntonio de la 'l‘orre l05tiim \\ith big uniyerxity ideax. young Jorge l(iiitiei'tc/) doexii't picttiie home“ in hix tallier'x ianiloiial poxition \\'lien hix latlier lallx ill. liow ey er. .loige becomex trapped in liix boring lob (‘omedy -drama that clironiclex the complicated life of the protagonixt. litx e\ eon brother. liix xotiliiiate and hix biotliei 'x incarcerated girlfriend, Part of \'i\a' Spanixli aiid l..ititi :\lllt'llc.tlt l‘lllll I'extt\al (i/uyeim I'I/IH I/ii'iilri'

Dead by Dawn t\'arioiixi Scotlaiid‘x number one goi'etexl i'etiiiiix. More detailx neyl ixxue, w w wdeadbydaw iico tik I'i/mliuuye. [Jilin/Hugh

Deep Sea 30 (Hi) tllowald Ilall. (‘anada/l'S. 200m \'oicex of Johnny llepp. Kate \\'iiixlet. Jlinin. A 3-D digital e\p|oratioti ol the occaii'x depthx and itx L'I‘L‘dltll‘c‘x. /.l/.'l.\’ Hteull‘e. (i/ilyuuii.


"llSl. lltllll m lllllll Kl'HAI’

Watch out horror tans! Scary vampire film 30 Days of Night ts about to be released on DVD and Blue Ray courtesy of Icon Home Entertainment. The two-disc specual edttton DVD Wlll also include an exclusuve 30 Days of Night graphtc novel wrttten by Creator Steve Niles and Illustrated by Ben Templesmtlh. The film adaptation of 30 Days of Night stars Josh Hartnett. IS directed by Davrd Slade and produced by Sam Spiderman Raimt. The List has five copies of the speoal edition DVD to gtve away. To be In with a chance of winning one. please visit www.list.co.uk/offers

10—24 Apr 2008 THE LIST 47