
DeflCit l; ‘(hts'l (iatcla li1'1't1.1l. \chul SHUT. (1.11‘l (1.1t1111 llt'tttal "‘Inun \pnilcd snn

l1'tl111lt1l.t I .1st1lln. l u/ ( 1111111t.1 11l .1‘.1.11.1ltl1:. l.1tntly('11st11l1al1l‘l1'it1al1 thine. .1 11.111} 111l11\p.11ct1ts absence ll1c l.11111l_‘. 1111111t1y l1'llt'.tl pinncs tube .1 '.1'ttt.1l1lc l11'.1‘.1‘n I111 tl1cj.111111:'stct\1111t1l (iist11l1.1ll11s1'~ -_'tit111l ll11‘ 1.111s .1111ltl11' p.111". 1l.‘s11'tt1ls 111t11cl1a11s l11tcll1-_'1'nt [111111.111 nI .l.1ss 1l1\11l1'111 111111l1‘tl11l.1} \l1-11c11 (1/111'wm Ill/11 [/111..'/1 Delamu1l’1111I1.111/1111.111;/I111.111::. ( l1111.1, l.1p.111 .T11I1l1 llllnun llns 1l111111111't1l.1t'. lt.1'.c|s1111c1-l tl11~w11il1l s l11:'l11xt.1111l11111stdangerousl1.11l1n;'routes. tl1c l1'.1llntscl<n.11l ( l1111l1111: lt11111 \\1'~t1'1i1\111111.111 tllt11ltL'll the Himalayas 111111 l1l11t. \1‘p.1l.1111llll111l.111.tl1cliltn 111t1n1lu1 1‘sll11"..1tt11tt\ 1l1.11.11t1'1s '.1.l111l1\1' tt1t1'tn11l1'\Ill.1;}1'\.1l11tt;'ll11'\s.1y. including .1 lil11'l.111\sltnsliateslns \silc ‘.s1tl1lns l1111tl11'1. and .1 I‘ll year nl1l\11.1w11111.111 l’.11t11l \1’11. ('l11111's1-(1n1'1na season Illntltuuv. /1l111/111/gh

The Diving Bell and the

Butterfly 1 l.‘, \1 O... 1,l11l1.111 \1l111.1l1cl.l1.11111-l \ IINI'1\l.1tl111-u l unnanucllc \1'113111'1. \lattc lnscc (tn/1- ll_‘ti1111 ,lulian \1l1nal1cl's tl1u1l liltillk tclls lllt' l.tlt'11l llli 1‘1lll11l .l1‘1ttt llnininiqtic llauhy 1 \llll1lllLI whn. .1ltct


sullciing,‘ .1 debilitating sltnke .1utl1111c1l .1 shin 11111111111. //11 lllllllg‘ ll1l/11111llh1 li11ll1lll1 .lIltl\‘ll.tll1‘ll;‘lll}3 I1l111_wl11cl1Iitspctlcctly \Hlll the triumph 11l the human spirit theme that runs llunugh Ilauby is 11111-t1'\t

lhts is .111 unusual. 111l1. l11iinlcss

I’m/1111111111. /1/1n/11111\'h.

Divorce Italian Style 1 1.?1 00. 1l’11-t111(ic11111.ltaly. l‘)(1l1\l.1t1'c|ln \l1l\ll1'l.llllll. I).1111e|als’nc1'.1. Slclatna \audtclli, III-linin. Sicilian nobleman Hamn l'elcl‘clalc 1\l.1st1111.1111111attempts tn 1111111|c1 lll\ wife and make ll look like .1 1'111111-11l lintintii by training the spnttsc as .111111I11l1'l 11111t1lct I11 clear the \s.1_\ I111 .1 secondt11.1iit.1g1'. l11llls cousin \ngcla l’ait 11l \l.u1c|l11\lastiniantn season /1/111/1111111. li/IIII’lllg’ll

La Do'ce l I l't'tlt'llL'H |ell1111.|t.1|y l'tancc. I‘lolli .\l.1t1'c|l11 \lasttniannt. -\111t.1likl1cig..\n11uk \11111‘c

l ‘i111111 l’.i|1.1ta//11\lastintannt1111\cs \\llll the beautiful people ol itch Rninan society and 1s .1111l111al1'ntly shocked and lascinatcd by the \ignut 11f lhcu c\1‘css1\c 1lcca1lcn1e |-.\eiyt|1111;.:y11ue1e1 wanted I111n1.1 l'cllun 11111111' black huinntu. ginlcsqtie sc\ual1l_\. inspued \ isual u11agu1alion and the “Ulltlk'lllll \latccll11 St'k' ll. l’.tl'l Ul \lal‘cclln \lasttntantn season I'l/nthnuu'. Ill/Illl’lll'L'll. Don’t Touch the Axe 1I’( i1 0... 1.l.1cques Risctlc. l‘i'aucc/ltaly. IINIW lcannc Ilalibat. (iuillautnc l)epar1ltcu. \lichel l’11'cnl1 l ib‘tnin \1laplc1l ltntn Hal/aes Ih1' I’m/1111111/1111c11111 .lacqucs Rt\clt1"s latest film tells tl1c [1.11.111 \ltll)1ll1ll‘lL'llt'll general. \1111an1l1lc .\l11ntr1\c.111 1|)cpai1l1eui. back Itntn .1 difficult 111p 111 .\l1'1c.1 \shn lalls Int .1 111.11'11cd1l11cl1css .-\nt11111ettc dc langcais 1llal1l1ai 1. Hits great. ll11\\ aged. \ew \\.1\e filmmaker still lslltl\\\ ll11\\ [11 kt‘t‘l‘ 1tll .Illtllt‘llt't’.\ IlllL‘l'L‘sl without 1cs11i't111gt111ca1ly comcntion. llis chaiaclcis aren't qttttc so lucky. [Hm/1111111. l111’111/1111'eh,

Drillbit Taylor1 l2.-\1 O. 1Stcset1 Il11l|.l'.\.IINIMXatellartlcy. lroy (Scuttle. ()111‘11\\1ls1111. ltllnnn. 'l‘hi'cc school kids who ate being bullied lnrc .1 bodyguatd to protect them 111 llll\ attacnnc comedy. starting .1 miscast \\'1|s1111 as the titular Plt‘lk's'lt'l'1llltl tlll't'c‘ls‘tl l‘} lil'lll. lllt' 1ls'ltll'- turned»1l11'cclor who ga\c 11s the less than singular Joys of “win 1111 11 l’111l1ll1 and 1.11111 \11A1. (i1'111r11/1'1'l11111.

Enchanted 1l’( i1 0. Him 111 Luna. [8. 21ltl71.-\111y .\1lau1s. Patrick Dempsey. .laines .\lai‘s1lcn. Itl71nu1. 'l‘wo fairytale characters struggle to find each otliet and make it 111tl1c ‘i'eal' world 111 this 1111\ 11f Inc and animated action 1.1 la ll [111 [1111111111 Rl’k’Fl' Rtll’l’lll. If,“ lltlllli'tl l\ UllC \ll‘ lllL‘ nastiest. most insidious children's films iltlllll\ \\ lll ll;|\ c tl1c displeasure of \L'Clllg.‘ this year. ('hock full of pseudo (‘hristian ideas. \Vaspish unperialisnt. product placement and celebrations 11f consumer culture this is about as es 1| as Disney gets. l.ca\ e your critical faculties. reason and

humanity .1t tl1c1lnnt ( 11111111111/[LIL/111111, .1111/1l [Wu/11111411 l1lml11ugi'1 Fall Out Boy: Live in Phoenix 1 151 1\.1111111s.l \, SWIM ‘5111111 (‘1111cctt llllll nl pnptilat Illinois pnp punk rock band who .11c‘.scll ktl11\\Illiil1l1\lIlf_’.tl11l11l wnik I111 1l1.111ty U111 111: It'1111 111 1111’ [121111111 Flashbacks of a Fool 1 1‘1 .0. 1ll.11l|1c\\.1lsl1l ls. 211nm l).1t11el (1.111;. ll.111_\ l 1lcn. (ll1\1.1 \\1l|1.1111s lliintn Sec I1'\I1'\\. [late 4; (11I11I1lllil11ls1 {111/it I11 /\ l/n

The Flying Scotsman 1 151 0.0 1|)nu§_'|.1s \lac l\1111111n.l ls._‘fll1(11l111111y lcc\lil|ci.ll1lly linyd. |.1ui.1l'tasct. litian ('11s llL‘nun \ \scll 111tcnt11111e1l biopic nl (11.11'111cllbtcc. tl1cpt11less111nal \cnttish 1yc list who battled \\ itli .1 home 111.11lcl11kc. \[NilllllL' butcauctacy and depression llcspitc .\l1llet's 1nute1l. undetstated pctlnttnancc. tl1c stn1k charactcts and onussinnnl teal ltlcconlltcts result 111.1 sports lil1111ltcl1etl1.1t1ltags tlscll nyct the lllll\ll lItI1' (ill/111111 III/l (ll). (il111c1111. Fool’s Gold 1 l.‘ -\1 O. 1x\n1ly lcnnant. l S. lellxi Kate Hudson. \latlhcw \l1t‘1111.111;_'l1c_\. Donald Sutherland. Kcsm ll.tll l|_‘n11n Sec iesicw. p.13:ch (11111111! 11/11111 lmm III /.\ l/n

Found Footage 1 151 1.\t.111111 \11111I1l/\l.1lc11|111 lc(iit1‘c. l'tanccx’l'aiwan. Illll51‘lllnun .'\Ill1|l1l .1n1l lc(i11cc splice togctlict .1 selection nl cspernncnlal films using: then piuiciplc technique nl recycling cstsling lontagc lltc |u\tapos1tint1 nl liltnic phtascs sparks new 111eaumg to an often satirical ellcct. l’att nl llislnry ol '|1.1t1s§_'1css11111 season (1/111u1111 II/m

llli lllli

Four Minutes (Vier Minuten) 1 I51 0.. 1('l1ris ls'r.1us.(ictinany. 31111111 .\l111111'.1 lilcibtieu. llannah Her/sprung. Jasmin 'Ial1.1ta|1.1i ll5111111. Sec res icw. page ~l~l .ttltl Illtllllk'. page 5”. (llilsg'im I'IlIIl Illi'illl’i'.

Fred Claus 1l’(;1 O 1|).1111l |)11l1k111. [8. 211071 Vince Vaughn. l’aul (i1.1111.1tt1. Rachel \\’c1s/. Kathy llates. ll(1111111. Vaughn trades l1ca\ My 1111 his \sisc guy chann as tl1c dysfunctional l'rcd. lll this 11\ ctlong ('luislinas offering. Recently telcascd It'otn pnson. l'rc1l goes to stay with his big l1r11t|1ct \ick 1(i1an1attti who turns nut tn be inlly Saint \ick lutiiscll. Brotherly feuding ensues until c\ cntually the unpm‘tancc 11I lratcrnal bonding shines through. Real life 1111s11n1lci'sl1111d siblings are [rolled nut to unfunny elfch. and sccing \aughn .1111l(iianiatti labouring with such crudc slapstick seteups 1s cnnugh tn make a Scioogc nut of anyone. ('1111'11111'11/

(I’vtl\\'l’1'. ( .’I.‘l

\.. \\

Puppet and Animation Season

l’11ILh1 1111. ([11111'1111. (‘1!11'1111rl1lEdinburgh. [aim/11111111

Fresh Air1 l2:\1 1:\gncs Kocsis. Hungary. SWIM l/abclla llegyi. Julia .\'yako. Anita lurnc/i ItNmm .-\n intricate and disclosing portrait nt .1 tnother and daughter who share .1 cramped Budapest apartment. ()n the surface it would appear that the N11 share littlc 111 common. as tl1c tnother works as a subway toilet attendant and the daughter dreams of a |nb 111 lashion design. but as the film unras cls. .1 deep emotional bond is

res each Part of New liurnpc l'tlm l‘cstiyal. Ill/iihnuu'. I'.1ltii/1uruh

Funny Games US 1 1st oooo

1.\l1cl1.1el llanekc. l'K/l 'S/l'rancc/.-\Ustr1a. 21111"1 Naomi Watts. T1111 Roth. Dcson (icarlicart. Michael Pitt. Brad (‘11rbct.

| I lllllll Shot-by -sl111t. linghsh language remake of .-\ustr1an auteur llanckc's post- modern 1007 thriller 1' 1mm (iiinies. relocated to tl1c [‘5 The tormenting 11f a family 11f three 1\\'.1tts. Roth and (icarheartl by sociopaths Paul and Peter tl’itt and ('11rbctl \\ l11lc 1111 holiday pros 1de an interrogation 11f tl1c relationship bch ecn \ iolence and 111ycurism that remains wholly engrossing and deeply shocking. Selected release. Future Shorts tlii 1\'ari11us1. (ireat new shorts lrntn around tl1c world. The Arches. (i/ilwuu.

The Game Plan 1l'1 .00 (Andy l-1ck111an. IS. 20071 Dwayne Johnson. Madison l’ettis. Kyra Scdgwick. llllmin. I'h1' (111/111' I’lun follows the fortunes of

l‘,l\ is-obscssed .-\111erican football superstar quarterback Joc Kingsinan (Johnson) and his estranged eight-year old daughter tl’ettisi when she ci1r11|s him in ballet school. The result is nycrblown and 11\crlnng. bland and formulaic. yet its earnest brand 11f character comedy for pre- tccns pays off. (ieneru/ release.

Garage 1 tin .00 (Leonard .-\brahams11n. Ireland. 3007) Pat Shortt. .~\i111e-.\larie l)uff. (‘111111r Ryan. 84min. l.ike :\bral1an1s11i1's quirky junkie comedy zit/um 11111! I’1111l. (image is another instance 11f 111l1|balls lis ing life 1111 tl1c margins 11f lrish society. which casts stand-up comedian Short! as \illagc idiot gas station attendant Josie. whose attempts at relationships are painful and heart-wrenching to watch. With lofty ambitions. this sophomore effort suffers from heayy -l1anded denouemcnt at odds with its winning. smart observations and oflbcat comedy. Film/muse. Edinburgh. Ghostbusters 1 P( i 1 00. (Ivan Reitniait. l'S. 1111141 Bill Murray. Sigoumey \Vea1 er. Dan Aykroyd. |()5min. Three wacky unctnployed ptlrttpsyehnlngisls

As ever this year’s festival has very strong

contributions from Eastern Europe, including Janis Cinermanis' highly entertaining adaptation of Dumas’ The Three Musketeers (pictured) and Jan Balej's much darker portrait of life in a Prague tower block, One Night in One City. Unsurprisingly, Jan Svankmajer makes a brief appearance with his excellent 1990 short Death of Stalinism in Bohemia, which is showing as part of a showcase of Russian, Estonian and Czech animation. There’s more puppetry, scatology and madness in Radek Beran’s adult tales from the asylum, The Losers, while the gifted Japanese stop frame animator Kihachiro Kawamoto will be honoured with a retrospective of his short films. www.puppetanimation.org

I Film/101139. Edinburgh. Sat 72-Thu 7 7 Apr.

pursue a little private enterpnse as extemtinators in spook-infested New York. ()f it's time but this is still an enjoyany dated comedy. Grim-(nor. Glasgow.

The Golden Compass 112m ooo 1(‘hris Weill. l'S/L'K. 2007) Nicole Kidman. Dakota Blue Richards. Ian McKellen. Sam Elliott. 105mm. Based on the nosel by Phillip Pullman. this fantasy adyenture follows Lyra tRichards). who has been entrusted with the last remaining 'alethiometer'. or golden compass. which she mUst keep from the power-crazed Magisterium. The world Weill has created is beautifully designed and fascinating. but choppin structured and lacking in much of what makes the book s11 complex and provocative. lt's Paradise Missed. (’mewnrhl Purkheuil. Glasgow: ('ineworltl Edinburgh. Edinburgh.

Grindhouso 1 I81 .0” (Quentin Tarantino/Robert Rodriguez/Eli Roth/Edgar Wright/Rob Zombie. l'S. 2007) Rose McGowan. Freddy Rodriguez. Kurt Russell. l9lmin. Tarantino and Rodriguez's salute to the l97()s exploitation movie focuses on an ex-stripper with a grenade launcher- equipped machine gun leg. who meets and greets a troop 11f flesh eating mutating lnttlhies. Taking a step down in tone. Tarantino‘s Death Pmuftraces two groups 11f women tied together only by the presence of a lunatic cit-Hollywood stuntman. Complete with the original imaginary trailers. this ‘double feature' offers the (iriridhmise package up on one delicinmly cultish plate. (when. Edinburgh. Hannah Montana l Mlloy Cyrus: Best ot Both Worlds Concert In 30 (U) .0 (Bruce Hendricks. US. 2008) Miley Cyrus. Joe Jonas. Kevin Jonas. 75min. The titular pop queen on an insanely popular Disney Channel series and the teenage daughter 11f 90s country mUsic star Billy Ray (‘yrus go head to head in this flashy but economical in length stadium concert presented in 3D for their squealing fans. An American phenomenon. Selected release.






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