I Black Tide (1;. 1.1 v.13 '1 1m 1111‘ 11121-1113: .11: .; \1, 1"

1mm.- .-.1ll. 11.1 11...

I Hold Your Hope, Goodbye Suspect .11. : Sweaterlile 1.1-:_. 11.11.1- <11H.‘.1.1111\Yr.'c1 .1 1‘ l1; 1 ‘;1::. L; “‘11 13~. \1111‘9. l<--.1. '1111

FREE The Blufters, The Benson .1:.11 When Genius Fails 1'11»- l~‘ \.11111111'1l.1ll V111? *1‘1 ‘EY'I. 1111.11 1111111'111111'r\

FREE Acoustic Night 1111‘ 111111.11}; .\ 1111-1’1': 1‘4 '1.1111\Y11';1 .‘,‘1 1

\ “111111 1111\11-1111‘. '

1: f Kung Fu 1'. 17:1 L111

(.11111121 l\. I Marvins Revolt .111 1 Ever Since the Lake Caught Fire \111- 11'\11~.1/-. 1:1 \.11111111'11.111\111'1'1 * 11‘“ 1'1 \ 4'11‘111 \r1;'111.1r 111111 11111111 11111-1111.1;31‘11 l1.1\1'1i 11111 FREE Matt Eaton, Tandy Hard .11111 Moonie Sings H.111 11.1 1 M 11111.111-u111 \111'1‘1. *H.‘ 1111111 \ 11111111 \11111\111 x1111111lx .11 l<.111ll.1\ 11111~l|.1

I The Ting Tings .11111 Anni Rossi K1119 l111\\\.1l1\\.11111111 “.‘.1\1\11111‘111 \111-1-1, .T.‘l if“ ‘1 41111111 \(1111111 I

l 11‘11111:‘.11.1:,'1'1111111‘11".1.“.‘.1111' 1111111111111111;'.11111111111. V1.11“: \.1,'1',;11;_-

I Raging Speedhorn \111 :;11

8.11111111'11.111\111‘1'1. 1‘. * (‘\\(l | l l l)


I Edinburgh Rock Riot l|11‘ I 11111111 Room. "1 \1111111.1\111'1'1. .‘f‘ 511-1 (111111111 U 11111111111\1111\\1.1\1'

.151» Make Model 1.111.111-1 \1111.1111-. '13" 411 13111.111 \111'1‘1. .‘311111'11 "[1111 U 1 11111311 1111111-1'11'111111111'.1111111'1'1111' \111111‘ \111111'11111‘11111‘111 1111'1111111'111111\111l 311115

I Light & Sound, Chris Bradley, Al K & Al C .11111 Echo Parade 1111- \11,

1.11111. 11111‘5111‘b1111111‘scom 111101111111’5110b111l11051‘0n1 telephone. 0131 557 5114 J - 6 801.1111 811.199 Edrrrbrrrgh EH1 1LL

70 THE LIST ‘. -\1 ' _r

. \ i

{if Paul Haig : Laki Mera l' 1'

L1 \111.:1-11l<1111':.\ ".1 \\;-' l\';,'2\';f 1T. 1: .1 x 11 r ' l 1 -: k 11' "l\1' 01' 1‘ \1111'1‘. T11? " '. \1'.’

\ 1‘.l_'L' 1“;

Baldego 11:1: Oatbeanie \\111\111‘11111l.11'\_ 1 '1\1111111 111:1}.31' “4 \11-1111'.1.:-111 711111.11.:I.t.'.'1> -:%L-“.‘ The Smoking Sundays 11111111111111. \ \1111111 \111'." “11 C‘l 1111111. 11111.

I Hobo 1111‘ 111111134 11111 \11111‘» ll1‘L1\1‘ 4.1111111111111 l<11.111, ‘*\ “1111-1 1'1;\11. 1.11:.

‘11-1 ‘1111:


1'.1-11111\11 .11111.1111'111.1lt'.1'1l1\1111111 111\11111'11\111111'rx'.1\1111111111'111111\ | ;.'111-\1\111111111.'\.11.11\ 111.‘ \11.11.1-\ I4 \1‘: 1111111\|.1-1111j1 \1.1r‘..11111111111\1111rxlllxlr1111 (111111.12 111211 .11111\l l\)'\‘\lll1l\ :11 \i‘.’

Midnight Special 111.- 1.1// 11.11,

:.‘11>l_“1\ II 11111111

( 11.1111111'r\ \111'1'1 \111;,'1'r “11122111111:‘1111.11:\1\\1111.1111 l)1111:1.1\.111111111'111lx


I Lloyd Cole 1111111111111. 1.111 \\}1111. 111".\r1.7"11111111\11111 111111111 \1-1-111 11


I i Acoustic Night \11*1-'11‘\11-.1/_\. -1_‘1 \.1111'1111'11.111 \111‘1'1. 11‘ 11‘" Ml "11111 \11'.1/_\\l1111_:j11111111111'.111111\111 \1'w111r1111r 1111'.1111111\11‘1.111\

'. Slow Hands in the Badlands, Woodenbox, The Primary School .11111 Jaded Playboy H111 1%] \.lllt‘ll|\'ll.lll \111'1'1, 1;: g~l ll 111-.11111111'1111} \111111-1 111111 111‘\\


To advertise your gigs in this section call 0131

550 3060 .


Mad about music Out every two weeks

I Frank Turner, Andy Yorke .:::.i Ciara Haidar l\ 1.x 1 \\.::~ \\.1:1 11.: “"\.\.,I\\,...\1.\.\.- <"‘., \ ;,,.1..

L l \1.1‘ ,' 't- It, \1i.fi.1-' 11111.! f‘...:'

[ V ‘I r' ‘r I The Draymin, Jyrojets, The One Day Speakers, Echotela, The

Naturals .1:-.i Redundant 1&1. 1 1111.111 l\'111111 ". \ ‘1'.11::.1

1; (11111.13

\1.\\1 E,\ . "" I‘m.

'1111. 1,1: 11111111111 .11 111 111.1111\

_ .;' 71.1.15 F111 b.1111

I Radar Brothers, The Zephyrs .1::.i

Pilotcant .11‘.1:1'1\1112.1:r.'_ ‘11 W 111.111

\111'1'13111111‘11 "yr: ‘5 \1111311‘ _\1'1

1‘11‘1‘1c11111\1111;"»‘.:111:1;' 1:11:11: 1111' 11131111 :11111. 1111le \11111

111L111 1121‘11

11H}\ \k'll \1‘111LX .1\E\ 1111'lx’.111.1r 1111M . 2 James Keegans11.111111-1111.111\.

\1111111 \111‘1'1 “11 13‘11 U11111 \1111rxlr1 Now

Open Mic \\111\111'111r1kr1‘\. 3 11 \1111111 111111113 ‘*' ‘11} “pm |11\1111111111\ .11111111'11111111

(7111 15111 I Simple Plan \11( '. 1111\.11111111'11.111 \111'1'1. 1‘: .7313 11111 11“.“ 1111-1 l-l\ \1111v. \111111y111111l1x1crx \11111111‘1’1.11111l.11 1111-11 11111 (111111 11.11 1\1111111\11 111.11.111111 .1111111'1111' Killian, Dorian .11111 the Catch 22511111111 \.11111111'11.111\111'1'1 1‘: < 1 ‘1 \11111 1111111' 1111111' 11111 I Marti Pellow: Songs for Lovers 1(11}.1l('111111'11 ll.1||. .‘ \.11111111*11.1|| \111'1'1. 8* \111111 \11111 L.“ U11 1111~\\1-1\\1-1 \\1‘1 111111111'1 \1-1111'~1111111111'111.111111'1111111ll1* .11j1' \11111 111x 111'“ .111111111 \111111111111111' 1!: Radar Bros 11.11111. 311111 11111- 5111-1111\"11~111"11*1\111 M1111 1.x \1111111'11'11111\\1'1111|\1111y\1111111;'.1111111'1111' 111‘.1111|l11}\ \1‘11 \1111111' .1\1\ 1111111 1111\ (111-111111.111 111111;:111111111 x13111'1ll \ 11111 I Witchcraft, Davana .11111 Gentlemen’s Pistol 111111 111.11 ks. <11 ()\\1.1111\1r1'1'1. 3~1\-111-1 \11111 L'lll \1111111 11111.11 I zForward, Russia! .1111l Johnny Foreigner K1113: 1111‘s \\.1l1\\.1l1 11111. I“I.1\1\1111‘1'1118111'1‘l.331 ‘3") 511111 L~ 5H ()M'l lAl\ \llHU. l.L'L'\l\ 1‘.1\L‘1l [1111111 1111111. [NM 11111 [1.111) 11pm |1'.1111111' 1.111'xl .111 11111 1111\11 ' Acoustic Night 1111- 11111111111 .\ 1111'1’11;1“|1.1111\111'1'1.331 “11 .\ 11111111 1.1111'111111-xl111\1\1111\ 111-«11.1) I .1 i The Bottleneckers11111111111» 111111'118111'1'1. “I “111 ‘111111 l'11111'x \1)|1‘111}111111.11111111111w11.11111111.1} .11111111


tehnbur'gll I Hollie Smith ( '.1l1.111-1 \11lr.1111~, :r1 18 111.111 \‘111'1'1. 331111171 “11111 11: \1'11 /c.:1.1111l \111§_'1'1 “1119111111 \‘.l111\111‘11.111\1'\ 111 \111rl I The Kills .11111 These New Puritans 1111'111111111 1(1111111."1 \11'11111.1\11c1‘1.33< 35111 "11111 L11 lnlcnw111111-xr1111111 111111 . Ainslie Henderson 111-.111s11-1112 ~11 (11111111111141 51111-1. 1.11111. 55 "111‘ ‘111111 [111111 11111111111 .11111111111\pruwrrlx111s “11191111111; 11.111‘\

5 . Band Showcase \\l11\111-l1111k11-\. .1 11 81111111 111111212 5*" 5111 *111111 ('.111111

.111\.1111'1' 1111 .1


I Lloyd Cole(‘.11'111-:_'111 11.111. 1'..1\1 1’1111. 11115111113111: " 11111111 L15 Sec 111 11

I>.\¥vwl‘r :..t~_ ‘, ‘6.


I The Courteneers (3111-1-11 \lur‘gur‘cl 11111111. 231 rmcmt} (1.111111%. ‘1" 0—5-1

"11111 \11111111} 1111111'r1m1111111crx 11.1111 “111111111k1-.111111c111111‘r 1111111111} 1111111-

I The Kills .11111 These New Puritans ()r.111.\111r. "‘1 ~15(111'111\\c\1c111 R11.11l. 15.11311” “[1111 :11 \cc 1111' 15

I Michael Fracasso .11111 Doghouse Roses Brcl. W 41_-\\l111111 111111: 142 491111 ' I1111111 1“ 1\111cr'1g.111 111111 .11‘11~1




1 He’s a legend 1'111531‘1111311

11.1.1. .1 1. 1.111111?'.1.1.1r1.1r1r.1x:_ - .13.11;. 1111' "11 " 21111 110:. 111211" ,1

'01'7111‘1‘3111‘. 1"

11".;1‘ _1"11 111111.1111- .1111tif, '1“._lt)’11‘.11".,‘1 1:11 "Kltln 111511 1.117

111:1 11111111 \ "(lfle‘lw \lll“ 1ll-1l11‘11"1(l51\l

3111111151 121


2 And he‘s a miracle 1'111111 ,111'113 11:1. (11111105,.(111111ar1111z1rr1;1:3:;r.11 Woke. 11'1111'11111 1'x1r("r113*, 713k» 1>r;111‘. 5111111111, :gr,1r11.'.11,11=1: 1. NW 111'. 1.1111111, we”;11311111111x1)111:13111' 31111111. :01 1111‘1111111111:.‘1 11111111111111'111 11131111211 {111(111UK 111111 1111111111



3111301111110111111,. (1111111111.r:r1l11, .111 1.115111111111113 111111121111: to 1101,11 11111111111; 11111311; 1111311111()(1!!1r1:;18?113r1:111(1111:; 11111111111;:;1111r1(11(1rr1rr;1(;lr} 3 He brought us Postcard Records Probably 1111:11111:;1 11111110111111!811111113311111111.:111111111111113. Postcard 111/11:, 1011111111 11 1‘18!) 111,1 CollrrrtsarnlAlan 1111111131151.1‘.()111(11: 101 ()r11rlgeJoroo. 1.1111 11.11111 or. to release era-1113111111111 111111113111; .lomf K, 1111: Go 13131121129111) 11111.1 A/1<:: (Iarr 1on1, 4 And he’s responsible for pretty much everything else Postmarrl's 1111111(;r1r,‘r: 1:;1111110111111111. (:"JBWUHU from leormqo 1 é1r1<;111l,~ to P11111E115(,‘1(:E11111011;111/l‘:1(llll£lll(l1() Bloc Part; 1:11:111; 111011111011131'1 Clehrmg presence 111 1111;” mm 11111310111 careers 5 And he’ll play ‘A Girl Like You’, surely We presume lf you'd 1111111011 L1 1111ll1or‘1 sellmg worlrlmrle 5111215311 1111 31119111. 101111 11111,! 11, wouldn't you? 1'Uour; Johnstonm Owen/1's He1//, Erhnburg/r, 11/10/121 Apr; Ora/1 Mor. (3/51 990w, Tue 22 Apr.

1111111 \11xtrr1. l1-\.1\ 1111111111.1l1l1111111 x1111p11r‘1.111111\ \1\.11111'111111.1 11151111

I Ted Leo 81 the Pharmacists ll11- 111x11 (11111. 1“ \.11111111'11.111\111’1'1. 1‘1 ‘Nl‘l 41111111 L" <ll 111111r1wx1w1} 11111111- 11111111. 11ml. x1111jg‘11.111111j: 1111111 111111.111.1 11.11111‘ 1.1'11.1111l lrrx 11.11111

I Hijak Oscar, Wallbirds 111111 The Afterhoursli.1111=._ 31111 ( '11111- 81111-1. ll\"ll ‘qu ll‘l‘l‘) \11111 t“ H111C\ 111kl11crx llll1lkl.()\\1ll rum-1111). 111.1111‘ .1 \111.1\l1 1111 l~1\/1111/1r1'1 11} I Hug/14 1/ lllc 111111 \MCH- 111111' .11111 \.1\. 111.11111111111.1111111.111111111111111

x .1 Silver Sky, The Detours, The 7th Stair, Rip in Reality .1111l The Gen 11111.. J ‘1 8.11111111'11.1ll 81111-1. “I 5411 Rpm .\11111111.11111111c1.111111111 (1111\:,_'11\\ 111111111'1llcl)c1111_11\

I Slaves to Gravity, Grand Volume, Leftwideopen .11111 DBBB K111: 'llrl'x “1111\V11l111111.2—‘31181 \11111-1118111-1-1.221 52“). 1111111 U1 chr- 1-1\ \111111. Rockers 1c11111r111g lollllcr rrlcrrrlwrx 111 'l 111' (la (1.1\ .11111 .-\r‘1cl X.