l ' . SAT 3 & SUN 4 MAY 2008 I - CALLENDAR PARK, FALKIRK . IN fllllllllll { OUTDOOR TX'FEfi‘TFBYEéBlugilfi‘nligsflléiz?

'n' i).l filli‘flli/‘tllt ,‘ll.f~.| Jll~’l l "WIS! NILE/w





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Alter extensive renoxationx and a eomplete The West End Hotel Re-OpenS

relurhixlnnent 'I'he \Vext lintl Hotel is once

again read) to welcome you haek. You “otfl Join Samantha, Nichola and staff for

heliexe the transt'orination [hlS hotel has gone

through! The West End Hotel’s grand Opening

l'l't)!” the moment )ott xtep through the tltml‘x Canapés and a free glass of

e\peet to he treated as a \\L‘lL‘()l]lCLl guext h) the

enthnsiaxtie stall. eager to eater to )UUI' needs. champagne on arrival.

The hair‘s oltl \t)|e high eeilingx and hat)

\\llltlt)\\\ nrarr) perl'eetl} with the modern look 12am the 2nd Of May

\tainlexx steel bar. elean line ltrrnishings and ALL WELCOME.

\\ arm plum and ehoeolale tleeor.

.\lootl lighting and relaxing nnixie ereatex the perl'eet illltlthphCl'L‘ to unn lllLl alter a long tlit)\ nork and it is central enough. in the trend) \Vext lintl area. to meet up with l'rientlx. The hotel is alxo a greattlextination to \xatelr major \pol‘llltg e\ent\ \xith itx tuo 52" plaxtna TVS. antl ltttx [woven in the paxt that it ix the to plaee to he l'or all international Rngh} (iilltlL‘\.


The hotel \\ ill \tmn haxe li\e hilltth to entertain )otr ot‘ a neekentl lrotn traditional Seottish Inuxie to ja/I and e\et'_\thing in hetneen. :\l\t)

'l he West End Hotel _ . . . . . 35 Palmerston Place pelleet lot hnxinexx lnnehex as \xell ax liltllL‘\ \\ho lnneh. All in all the month of .\la_\ \\ ill see i ' ~' Edinburgh EH125AU the \Vext lintl Hotel onee again come ali\e to i ' r 0131 P25 3656 the \Ulllltl ot' lllll\lL‘. ehatter and the elinking ol~ r 0131 225 4393 gl;t\\e\ into the late night honrx. f infomhewestendhotel.CO.uk

look out tor the ht)lCl\ next l'ootl tnenu’x

2-1 Apr- 8 May 2008 THE LIST 25