
indic. rinc. clcctt'o and HG“ \\ an c ltuuuring lixc guc\t Nic Ncll. I Eruptor til Sttidio 24. 10.30pm 311m. £5. 25 .-\pr. Bzinging hairdcorc tcchno. trihzil lk‘uh ztnd gaihhti tor thosc who likc thtit sort of thing. I EVOI ttl tltc Liquid Room. 10.30pm Stun. £5. \Vcckl}. lidinhurgh's loiigcst running indic night. With thc uxuail iiii.\ of thc hcst currciit titid classic itllL‘l'nitllVL‘. crossmcr tuncx. lixol'x tin institution.

Four Corners tit tltc Bongo ('luh.

l lpiii .‘uun. £lo. 25 Apr. Killcr t'unk. soul and disco l‘roin thc l‘tmcrhousc \UCLll\ ol' (’tindi Sttiton \\ ho gtiVL‘ us lltL‘ Classic ‘Ytitt (it)! lltc l.o\ L". plus dainccl‘loor jzi/I and funk collcctix'c thc Four ('orncrx' I)J.\. l’url (l/iilil'i/U't‘t'll. I Groove’n’Move ill .-\.\\cnihl_\ Rootiix. Spin inidiiight. £8 (£(ii. 35 :\pt'. ()nc-oil pairt} nigltt Ul. (i(l\. 7(l.\ :tnd Sllx gt‘oo\'c\ l’or )ou to cut thc rug to. l)rc\\ing up is positi\c|_\ citcourttgcd \\ ith ill] il’od Shuttlc for thc hcst L‘()\illlllL‘. plus :ill procccdx go to lidinhurgh charity tlic ('_\rcni;in.\. I JakN ill Sttidio 24. 10.30pm 511m. 'l'uo-l‘or-onc hcl'orc midnight: £5 (£4) til'tcr. 25 Apr. Rcsidcnts l’-N tind Sckon/ phi) otit tcchiio in it” it\ lttt‘ltlx (ix thc) tirc joincd h) \pcciail gltcsls 'l‘ckuininc tDuiiiagci itlltl (iuntcr Stixcnhtuiiincr. FREE Joseph Malik zit tltc \‘oodoo Rooms. ‘)pni lilllt. 35 Apr. Nu \oul t‘i'oiii thc lidinhurgh produccr/l)J. I KandiFlip tit Po Nu Nit. lt)..‘~()piii 3am. £3 hct‘orc midnight; £6 ait'tcr. \Vcckl}. Rth. houxc zind dttncc cltixsicx l'roin lit} Ltlitl Mark B. I Mambo tit (‘luh l’urplc. l()piii .‘sziin. £5. \Vcckl}. Night ol‘ hip hop. \kti. Rth and dzincchtill from 1)] Ton} 'l‘N'l‘. I Misfits ill thc llix c. l lpiii .‘uun. l'i'cc hcl‘orc l 1.30pm; £5 :ilitcr. \Vcclxl}. lndic. clcctro. punk. rock and rctro \\ ith hzirgtiin drinks and rcgultir gig tickct gi\L‘Ll\\it_\\. I Modern Lovers til tltc (;R\’. l()pin Stun. £5 hct‘orc iiiidnight: £(i tittcr. 35 Apr. .\lodcrn l.o\cr\ \cttlcx into its ncu homc \\ ith it ptt\lttttttlct'tl ltll\ of soul and funk. jaw. \kti. gtirugc illltl ps}chc prox idcd h} rcxidcnt (‘rtiig Jziinicxon ittttl \pL‘Clitl gticsi (‘hris (icddcx (BL‘llL‘ tk Schlixlitm l. I Not 80 Dirty :it ligo. l().3()piii .5illlt. £3 £9. 3 Mn}. Dirt} ltotlxc. ClL‘c‘tro tind lttitL‘ltitlL‘ funk soul it\ And) ('hzittcrlcy (Buick l’rojcct/Slx} lurk) \\ ho plti} cd \} itths on Kan} c \cht‘x l;l\l zilhuni. nizikcx u gucxt itppL‘Ltl'illlCL‘. I NRG zit ligo. (i 9pm. £thc. 35 Apr. l'ndcr 18.x diincc ptirt}. I Planet Earth itl ('itrux (’luh. l()..‘~()pin 3am. lircc hct‘orc 1 1pm; £5 zit'tcr. \Vccld}. .\luxic front l‘)7(i through to Wh"). [it othcr “ordx. zi hczilth) tltth‘ ol punk. tic“ “(H c. nc\\ l'UlIttlllliL‘ ttllti clcctro-pop (non \\ ith ziddcd ‘)()\i.

Skunk Funk ill thc .lit/l Btir.

llpiii 511111. £5 (£5l. \Vcckl}. Night of top funk from [)1 \Vilk/hooth aind |i\ c gltL'xlx. including loopx, sgiinplcx gind .-\cid jzi/l tront Joc :\cltc\on ()unrtct (25 Apr). I’urt n/“Ii'i'pru'li. I Soul Biscuits ill ('tihiirct \'olt;iirc. llpin .‘sauii. £5. 3 Mn}. 'I‘hc hcst in hip hop. hctitx :ind hrctikx t'roin Ntixt) l’. (iino illiti Billk‘S il\ thc} prcxcnt ‘l)i\co: :\ Bl'L‘ithik‘ill Block l’;ii't_\ '. out» Sugarbeat git (‘tihurct \‘oltziirc. ~ llpiii Stun. £l(). 35 Apr. Tim and la tl’ttih Sziintw hoxt thix zin_\thing gocx inaixh—up ot‘ l‘ll‘L'illth‘ill. druni ck hitSS. clcctro itlltl hip hop \\ ith it 'l‘ript}ch \pccitil l'ciituring Radio l‘x longcxt \cr\ing t'cititilc l).l. :\nnic Nightingtilc. itltti hrczikx ll];t\IL‘l'\ Kraut} Kutx :ind l)runi;tttic l“ in\. l’url o/ [I‘l'Ii/N‘Vt‘ll. I Worker’s Playtime git t l llillsitlc ('rcxccnt. 7.30pm l2.5(l;tttl. £5. 2 Mn). ()l‘l'xhoot l'roni thc .-\(‘.\lli \Vorkcrx ('Iuh \\ ith tittlltlllttc\. driil'tx. zi chickcn riitllc tind chcaip gruh. Not l'orgctting tltc c\ci' L‘L‘lcclic \otlntl\ til [)1 l'iiclc [)2t\ id pro\ iding thc pcrlcct \(illlltlll'ilclx. With it ‘Soundtruck‘ t2 Mu) i tliciiic.

Xplicit ill thc Bongo (‘luh

10.30pm Satin. £0. 3 Mn). Scotlzitid'x top drum & huxx niglil is

joincd h) 'I'(' and .\l(‘ .ltlle‘\ tl)- St)|c.\/\';tl\ci plu\ l).l l’rophcc} (Mclt'opolixl.

I Bastard ill thc llix c. l lpiii Ruin. lit'cc hcl‘ot'c l l.3()pni; £4 :il‘tci‘. \Vcckl). lndic. punk. clcctro. tcchiio ztiid rock from thc l)J.\ hchind [idinhurgh's hcxt indic nights.

I Boombox (ll tltc liquid Room. 10.30pm Stun. £thc. 20 Apr. Nuklczir l’upp} 's JLINUH ('ortc/ tiiid l.u\'cl_\ \ l)c;in Ncnton host ti night of high cncrg} tcchno. clcctt'o. traincc. houxc zind hc)ond (\pccizil gucst thci.

I Cellar Sound tit llcnr} '\ (‘clltir Bur. llpiii Ruin. £5 (£4i. :o .-\pr. (ihctto- tcch. hoot} httxx. duhxtcp. clcctro. hoth aind tcchno t‘roin \Vttlljtt/l. Kc)tc itlttl l-‘rcd l.cinon.

9&9 Departure Lounge at tltc (';t\c\. “95% Input 3am. £7 £9. Io :\pt'. .\ night of “mid hctitx. clcctro .lLI/l and Latin rh}thin.\ :tx l)cp;irturc Loungc rcxidcntx .r\\troho_\. .liincnc/ itlltl ('tiintn} lpL‘t'L‘ll\\iUttl ;irc joincd h} :i nizin \\lttt nccds no introduction. (iillcx l’ctcrxon. illttl thc nu ion of .l|)7_‘~ t|i\ci. I’m-I nr‘ 'I'ri/ilt't'li.

I Dominant ligo. 10.30pm Ruin. £thc. lo ;\pr. Night of limb. tcch}. dirt) houxc t‘i'otii Krix I.ind\;i} tind (it'chtu. I The Egg tit \Vcc Rcd Bur.

llpiii Ruin. £4 hct‘orc midnight: £5 tit'tcr. \Vcclxl}. Still tltc hcst tni\ ot' iiidic. onx gzirugc. tiorthcrn \olll. \kti. 7th punk tind ncu \\il\L‘ )ou‘rc likcl} to \tuggcr

my Fever tit ligo. llpiii Stun. £l() t£5 676“ hcl'orc l l.l5pni; £8 ttl'tcr tor iiiciithcrxi. 3 Mu). l.il\c 'l‘uxtc for thc l‘ridai} night crou d. \\ ith l).l\ l’ixhct' tk l’ricc phi} ing tin cclcctic itii\ ot' tltc hcxt undcrground dttncc l]lll\iL‘. hitting thcir tourth hirtlidti} \xith \pcciul gucxt l’uul llcron tl-‘irci.

I Fish Fry tit thc .lti/x Btii'.

l 1.30pm Ruin. £5 (£5l. \Vcclxl}. Scottixh

iti/l. t'unlt. \ottl ttlttl l.;itin htindx join l)J.\

Iirik l)’\'iking und :\\ll'ttl3t)_\. l"cuturing

l’itc hip hop itL‘l l'ndcrling (lo Apri.

I Give it Some! tit thc Bongo ('luh.

l lpiii Ruin. £4 hct‘orc iiiidnight; £(i tit‘tcr.

5 Mn}. ()nc for thc d;iiiccr\ 1|\ DJRcdo

\xhipx tip ti \lttt‘ltt \\ ith it tinc \clcction of

funk. \oul. _i;i//. (itlx R&B and hc}ond.

.\lc;in\\hilc l)cco_\ Ro) \clcctx tltc liiicxt

rcggaic. \kti itlltl duh iii tltc llp\l;til’\


I 60-60 ;it Studio 24. llpitt Ruin. £5. 3

Mn). S“ iiigitig (3(l\ ggirzigc. \oul. tiiod.

\ottl. no“ \\ ;i\ c. \ut‘t ttlltl \lL‘tt/_\ lixtcning

1h rcxidcntx 'llill Paul Robinson tind

.-\ngu\ .\ (io—(io rcturn.

I Luvely :it thc liquid Room.

10.30pm Stun. £13 t£l() incinhcrxi. 3

Mai). .\ \ttuc} \oirc‘c ot‘ t'ulI-on. drix iitg

littlhc lttlhiL‘ \xith rcxidcntx 'l’oiiiin) Kti}.

l)c;in tht ion. (it‘llttl Slonc illltl .lon

lid“ :it‘dx.

as? Messenger Sound System ;it thc Bongo ('luh. llpin Stun. £l().

30 .-\pr. 'l'hc might} .\lc\\ciigcr Sound

S}\tcin hlttxtx otit tltc hcxt in i'iglttcoux

rcggzic tind t'ootx ioincd h) lcgcndiir) duh

\\;tt't'ioi'. .ltih Sltukzi. Part of ‘Ii‘i/ili't'li.

I Moovn tit Bcrliti Bicrhtiux.

l()pin 4ziin. £11 £14. 3 Mn}. Night of

hotixc und l'i'ccxt} lc itiiiix xx ith \pcciul

gucxt Kcnn} 'l)opc' (ion/tilcx t.\1;i\tcr\ tit

Work i.

Optimo (ll ('tihtirct \'o|t;tirc.

l lpiii Stun. £|(). 301M311 'l'hc lltttxl riotouxl} in\ cnti\ c cltih night in Scotliind lttle‘\ o\ ci' ll IIL‘\\ hoinc £t\ ()ptiiiio ltlU\L‘\ ilL‘l'U\\ to\\n to thc (Kilt. l’tu'l or ‘I‘ri/tli'i‘li. I Retribution tit Studio 24. l lpitt .itiiii. £5 t£4 i. \Vcckl). Rctrihution lttle‘\ thc plttcc of thc .\ii\\ittll hut \till pl;i}x thc hcxt iii rock. iiicttil. tiltcrniilo c and truck from thc durk \idc all night long.

I Shoot the Pump :tt tltc (iR\'.

ltlptn .5itltl. £5 hclorc midnight; £7 :tl'tcr. Io .'\pr. Ncit night of undcrgrouiid dixco. clcctronic funk and ‘ti l'cu \onic \urpt'ixcx‘ from Nick \‘tiill tSolcxciciicci tind (ittrcth Sotiiincn illc tl‘ltrugromci plux \pccitil gllc'xl (ircg \Vilxon.

w ET VOLTAIR wee EDEN-BURCH 0.33%! 3m

TECHNO CUlllES (JUL? [1? CHE EiOSBC PUP 8 Bill! 0?? QUEEl‘l—‘ES’C...

1,3}8ill1'tl; it? it: Hit} ti‘rélitt nt‘tflltl tgt} A];

immimmmmmm sitirii’ti

«t-l ‘-.~.l,l.gl4.;:_1-”'t tilt. l lLAL‘cZL;iglls‘i‘éfilkfilfl {Halt-c." tllflfl... .L-tcztA-cletz‘c'c. Heal-mixLcrrLtfttzcuzfl

warm on with at inner mesanctiez at me OPPicial vitamin vim mm sum it '

. v‘tz' . THE LIST 41