
I Soul Spectrum at lhc Voodoo Rooms. ()pm lam. £4. 26 Apr. New night of funk. hard-cdgcd soul. (i()s and 7()s gcms and cvcn a dash of disco l‘rom lir} cr and Ja/xmachcords and Jason Stirland. Norwegian Soulle Spccial as thc) arc joincd h) a trio ol ()slo I)Js. Tommy. (ioran and Bjorn.

I Stereotype at Bcrlin Bicrhaus. l().3()pm 3am. £l() (£8). 26 Apr. lluggx’s top notch housc night is joincd h} chc Amcs/ tor a night of dirt)‘ housc.

I Tease Age at ('itrus ('luh. I lpm 3am. l-‘rcc hcl'orc l lpm; £(i al'tcr. \Vcckl}. 'l'his indic stalwart dishcs up cxcrything l'rom swinging ()(ls hits to hagg} .\lanchcstcr l’axcs as w cll as a host of currcnt .\‘.tII-.' chart hothcrcrs with DJ .\lottkcc Mickcc. lidinhurgh's longcst continuall} running indic night.

I Technical Resistance at ligo.

l lpm 3am. £5. 26 Apr. t'ndcrground drum & hass. tcchstcp and ncurol‘unk l‘caluring spccial gucsts l.l)5() and Dirt} lc Roi ((‘cntral Bcat/l.

I 2 Much 2 Mix at ('it_V Nightclub.

l lptn 3am. £8 (£4). \Vcckl}. Saturda} nightcr at ('it_\ as DJ Dan mixcs tip thc best in l'unk) housc. Rth. disco. indic and hip hop.

I Ultragroove at ('aharcl \‘ollairc.

l lpm 3am. £8 hcl'orc midnight: £l() (£8) al‘tcr. 3 Ma}. (iarcth Sommcrx'illc's part} schcs tip propcr liousc and sci‘ious disco joincd h} \cr} spccial gucsts. production duo. .-\mc (lnncn isions) for somc dccp. complcx housc.


I All Back to Mine at ()pal Loungc. l()pm 3am. lircc hclorc midnight; £3 al‘tcr. \Vcckl)‘. lidinhurgh's hcst I)Js dig in thcir cralcs for an cclcctic mix ol‘ pcrsonal ltl\()tlt'itc.s.

I BumFunk at ('aharct Voltairc.

l lpm 3am. £5 (£4 mcmhcrs). \Vcckl}. .-\ ncw Sunda} nightcr l'or thc (‘ah from sonic ol tltc talcnl hchind 'l'astc as .\larco Smith. Kaupuss and Miss (‘hris dc|i\cr thc best in l‘unk} housc and clcctro.

I Carbon at Stcrco. lllpm 3am. £4 (£2). \Vcckl). Night ol indic l'axourilcs l'rom Arctic Monkeys to l'ndcrwot'ld. All door monc} is donatcd to oll'sct _\our carbon footprint. so ‘tlic morc timcs )otl (to c. thc tnorc trccs )ott sa\c‘.

I Hifi at (illQ. l(l.3(lpm 3am. l-‘rcc before I lpm: £4 (£3) al‘lcr. \Vcckl} (not 4

.\la_\‘). liinish thc w cckcnd in st_\ liin dchauchcry. with DJ .\lichcllc prm'iding a mix of anlhcms and l‘uturc classics.

Hobo at the Bongo (‘luh

l lpm 3am. £3. \Vcckl)‘. ‘l.i\'c inusic and altcrnatiw disco l'orjustilicd .sinncrs' as lloho rcturns. [.is‘c gucsts include \Vithcrcd Hand. And} Broth Dolphin Bo} and The [.cgtangalist (27 Apr). l’lus 'l'hc Rosic 'l‘aylor Project and The Black Daltodil (4 Ma} ). I’ur! of'li‘ipli‘t'li. I Musika at thc Liquid Room. l().3(lpm 3am. £0. 4 .\la_\'. Night of housc and clcctro as .\lusika is joincd h} rising Swedish star. l.aidhack l.ukc. lot“ his Scottish dchut. Scc prc\ icw. page 37. FREE Pixel Perfect at lispionagc. 7pm 3am. \Vcckl). liclcctic mix ol 80s. 00s. (l()s and rctro junk. I Playgirl Mansion at l.ulu. 8pm 3am. £5. \Vcckl}; A night of laid-hack loungc music and guilt} plcasurcs. (‘utting cdgc clcctronic disco and classic hotlsc brings a touch ol' Studio 54 to lidinhurgh c\cr} Sunda} with [)J 'l'rcnd} Wendy and gttc‘sls. FREE Pushin’ Buttons at Rcd. l()pm 3am. \Vcckl}. Show casc ol' clcclro disco. punk funk and hip hop hrcaks from across lidinhurgh's cluh land l‘caturing llohhcs ('l'rouhlc). Bahcs (Snatch) and Spcktrum (Mothcrl‘unk ). I Shake at Shanghai. l(lpin 3am. l‘rcc hclorc l lpm: £3 al‘tcr. \Vcckl}. Soull‘ul \‘ocals. scxy disco and l‘unk-laccd housc party anthcms from John Hutchinson ('l'ok)ohlu). pct'cllssiollist (Ear) J and Saxingh on sax. FREE The Sunday Social at thc “he. I lpm 3am. \Vcckl). .-\ rock'n'roll journc} with all thc hcst cuts lrom classic mctal and hard rock through to 80s glam and goth.

Tackno at (illQ. l()pm 3am. £7

(£6). 4 .\la_\. 'l‘ackno coliics ()tll ol' the closct tor a ‘(iay’ hank holida} ‘lk‘cial from thc c\ cr so |o\cl_\ 'l‘rcnd} \Vcnd). who w ill be p|a_\ing hcr uniquc mix ol pop. chccsc and kitsch classics. l)t'css to imprcss tor the ‘hcst ga} icon' contcst. I Taste at Studio 24. l lpm 3am. £l() (£8). 4 .\la_\. 'l'hc now-irrcgular cluh nght gcts its dancing shocs on tor a Ma} hank holida} outing w ith l‘ishcr & Pricc and thcir undcrground dancc at thc hclm. As the) sa}. ‘.\la) the l‘ourth hc with )oul'.

Theo Parrish at ('aharct Voltairc.

l lpm 3am. £5. 27 Apr. llousc lcgcnd arid l)ctroit-hascd produccr 'l'hco

Parrish takes to thc dccks for a set of organic horns. supcr dccp drum l’ll}'llillis and signaturc l’arrish hcats. Part of 'li'ipli‘r/i. I Tipsy at .\lassa. l lpm 3am. £3 £5. \Vcckl). R&B and hip hop l'rom rcsidcnts Nick (i. l)J l’ha/c and DJ l’rospcct at what the} promisc will hc ‘thc hottcst Sunda) night part} in town’.

We Love Ego May Day Bank

Holiday Spectacular at ligo. noon 3am. £5 (()uthousc cx-cnts l'rcc). 4 .\la_\. Starting oil at with a BBQ at thc ()uthousc (noon 3pm) with DJ slots l'rom (iihh). 'I'hc Blondc Hush and 1)] [MN l.ittlc (iroox cs. 'I‘hcn morc cntcrlainmcnt at 'l‘hc ()(itltousc with I)Js lrotit 'l’astc. Bcalroot and tnorc. .\lo\'ing into ligo ( l()pm 3am) w ith 'l'im Shcridan (Spacc). llugg). l)can Ncwton and more.

"Edinburgh Mondays

FREE Mish-Mash-Mosh at the llixc.

l lpm 3am. \Vcckl}. A Cl';l/}' mix ol‘ chart. clcctro. mash-ups. dance and housc ill thc ntain room with rock atid mctal in room two.

FREE Pussy Galore at lispionagc. 7pm 3am. \Vcckl}. Student anthcms.

I Rope at ()pal Loungc. l()pm 3am. l’t'cc hcl'orc l lpm; £5 (£4) al‘tcr. \Vcckl)’. I)ir1_\. l‘unk) holisc arid icc cool clcctro. I Trade Union at ('aharct Voltairc.

l lpm 3am. lircc before midnight: £2 al'tcr. \Vcckl}. Night to gi\c somclhing hack to lhc bar and club workers with c\cr_\thing cxccpl chccsc iron) 1)] Bccl') and \Volljaxl.

Edinburgh mes-clan a

FREE Antics at thc lii\ c. I lpm 3am. \Vcckl}. Rock. ctno. punk and mctal dispatchcs l'rom lidinhurgh‘s alt.sccnc.

I DV8 at Spidcr's \Vch (‘cllar Bar.

8pm lam. £11) (£5 mcmhcrs). 2‘) Apr. l-‘ctish club with liootman John. The drcss codc asks tor a minimum ol smart hlack drcsswcar and a gcncral l'ctish w car door polic}. 'I‘hc} prcl‘cr that lirst-timc \‘isilot's contact thc organiscrs hclorchand.

FREE Motherfunk at ()pal Loungc. l()pm 3am. \Vcckl}. (lino and l-‘r_\cr arc hack w ith thcir 'l'ucsda) institution as they spit) (arc and classic l'unk)‘ asscd. lloor- shaking 60.8 and 7()s grom cs. dccp l'unk. Latin. soul and so much morc.

FREE Red Tape at Rcd. l()pm 3am.

\Vcckl). Andrcw ('hadw ick throws out the rulc hook and spins Motown. Acid housc. indic. crunk and w'hatchr clsc takcs his l‘anc)‘.

FREE Split at ('aharct \‘oltairc.

l lpm 3am. \Vcckl}. l)rum & bass. clcctro. techno and hrcakhcat with Shadowskill. thc Dropout I)Js. Dogma and a smattering ol \cr)‘ talcntcd local gucsts.

I Synthetic Love at l.ulu. 8pm 3am. l‘rcc hcl‘orc l()pm: £4 al'tcr. \\'cckl_\. Soull’ul. cclcctic scts taking in cxcrything from new w asc to rarc gl‘om'c l'rom lidinhurgh’s lincst undcrground I)Js llohhcs ('l‘rouhlc) and Dam (llcadspin ). I Vibe at Iigo. l()pm 3am. £4. \Vcckl)’. 'I‘hc touchstone ol' lidinhurgh’s quccr cluh sccnc. Boasting a solid mix ol danccahlc tuncs and chcap drinks until the earl) hours ol \\'cdncsda_\ morning. \'ihc is thc midwcck cluhhing cxpcricncc that you can rcl_\' on.

Edinburgh Wednesdays

I Cosmic at Studio 24. l()pm 3am. £thc. 30 Apr. Night ol' psxchcdclic (ioa trancc and \‘isllals with lixc drumming in thc tnain room. l.i\‘c acoustic scssions tipstait’s.

Grindhouse at (‘itrus ('Iuh.

l()pm 3am. £6. 7 May. New drum & hass collcctixc with ('odcninc. l)oom Boy. .-\ggra\'atcd Assault and Static liQ mannign thc dccks. ()pcning night guest is l)J Madcap (who won thc l).\l(‘ mixing championships in 2002) for some scratchcd up l)& B hearts. I Indi-Go at the Liquid Room. l().3l)pm 3am. £2 (£1 ). Weekly. 'I‘hc latcst indic night to hit the capital with tltc hcst in new music (and thc I)Js arc happ} to takc rcqucsts). FREE Jerk Alert at Rcd. l()pm 3am. \Vcckl}. '.'\chingl_\' uncool dancclloor i‘un‘ at this indic-mccts-youth-cluh night of old raw and ‘)()s hits. I The Magic Igloo at thc Bongo ('luh. l lpm 3am. £5 (£4). 7 .\la_\'. (‘horus Rising presents a li\*c \‘arict} show casc with acts Angcl l)'|ight. \Voundcd Kncc. 'I‘hc Drumming (limp. (‘harlic Jcl‘l‘crson. 'l‘hc ('hcmical Poets and Mill. I We Are . . . Electric al ('ahat‘ct \‘oltairc. l lpm 3am. l‘rcc hcl'orc midnight; £2 (members l'rcc) al‘tcr. \Vcckl). (iary .\lac continucs to champion dccp clcctronic minimal heats


Club venues

I El Barrio

119 Rose Street. 226 4311. Spanish fiesta every night of the week, now on Rose Street.

I Berlin

3 Queensferry Street Lane. 467 7215. Selection of cool house nights. See listings for details.

The Bongo Club Moray House. 37 Holyrood Road. 558 7604. One of the coolest and most eclectic clubs in town. See listings for details.

I Cabaret Voltaire 36-38 Blair Street. 220 6176. Mixed bag from house and techno to drum 8 bass and indie. See listings for details. I The Caves

Niddry Street South. 225 5440. Great subterranean venue (as the name suggests) getting more and more popular due to its unique atmosphere. See listings for details. I CC Blooms

23-24 Greenside Place. 556 9331. One of the

city's most enduring gay Clubs. with hi-NRG tracks every night of the week.

I The Citrus Club Grindlay Street. 622 7086. Mainly studenty venue that goes for an indie vibe as well as a dash of punk. new wave and 805 classics. See listings for selected highlights.

I City: Edinburgh

1a Market Street. 226 9560. From student nights to big house and guest DJs. See listings for selected highlights. ll Club Pivo

2-6 Calton Road. 557 2925. A selection of the best Edinburgh DJs play every night for free.

I Ego

Picardy Place. 478 7434.

Home to some of the capital's best loved nights as well as a selection of big gay clubs. See listings for details.

I Espionage

4 India Buildings. Victoria Street. 477 7007. Five floors of varied chart and dancey action.


4 Picardy Place, 550 1780. New swish gay club. See listings for details.


7 Guthrie Street. 220 2987. Intimate club venue mixing art and beats. See listings for details.

I Henry’s Cellar Bar 8-16a Morrison Street, 228 9393. Eclectic and experimental night form surf rock to electro. See listings for details.

I Hive

15—17 Niddry Street, 556 0444. New home for most of the Subway Cowgate’s nights of rock. indie and electronica. See listings for details.

I The Hudson Club Hope Street Lane, 247 7000. Quality eclectic nights from big house to student nights from some of Scotland’s best DJs.

I Jam House

5 Queen Street, 226 4380. Primarily a live music and jazz venue open until 3am, but home to the odd club special. including Club Noir. See listings for details.

I The Jazz Bar

1 Chambers Street. 467

'2539. Cool beats from

global sounds to straight ahead jazz. See listings for details.

I The Liquid Room 90 Victoria Street. 225 2564. One of the top venues in town for guest DJs and live music. See listings for details.

I Lulu (under Tiger Lily) 125b George Street. 561 2245. Cool funk. house and other grooves from the people who brought you the Opal Lounge.

I Mariners

Commercial Street. Leith. 555 5622. Semi regular nights in this old church from lesbian club Velvet to techno and house. See listings for details.

I Massa

36-39 Market Street. 226 4224. Glam house. party nights and hip hop and R88 on a Sunday with Tipsy.

I Medina

45-47 Lothian Street. 225 6313. Laid back vibes with cool hip hop and other sounds. See listings for details.

I Le Monde

16 George Street. 270

3900. New slick and stylish venue in the heart of Edinburgh.

I Mood

Omni, Greenside Place. 550 1640. Chart and party tunes.

I Opal Lounge

51 George Street, 226 2275. House and funky beats for a dressed up crowd.

I Opium

71 Cowgate. 225 8382. Rock, punk and metal. no messing.

I Po Ha Ha

43b Frederick Street. 226 2224. Student nights. funky beats, house and more. See listings for selected highlights.

I Potterrow

Teviot. Bristo Square. 650 9195. Student heaven.

I BED Vodka Club

73 Cowgate. 225 1757. From house to reggae. See listings for details.

I Siglo

184 Cowgate. 240 2850. Charty, party, indie nights until 3am.

I Stereo

King Stables Road. 229 7986. More big party tunes and drunken dancing.

I Studio 24

Calton Road. 558 3758. Down and dirty club nights. specialising in techno and rock. See listings for details.

I The Subway West End

Lothian Road. 229 9197. Another one for the after office crowd.

I Time

24a Frederick Street. 220 1226. Chart songs and plenty of booze all night long.

I Mist

26b Dublin Street. 538 7775. Gay bar with a club space in the basement. I The Voodoo Rooms 193 West Register Street. 556 7060. New venue promising sophisticated clubbing and entertainment. See listings for details.

I The Wee Red Bar Edinburgh College of Art. Lauriston Place. 229 1442. Student nights for the arty set including dub and techno. See listings for details.

I Why Not?

14 George Street. 624 8311. Hits from the 805 to last week.

42 THE LIST 23. At)! 8 Ma, 900a