Nick Doody's debut Fringe show in 2006. Before He Kills Again. kicked off wrth a disturbing song abOut clowns. So disturbing that the imagery cannot be repeated irt a famin publication.

He shares a house with fellow stand-up Matt Kirshen.

Noam Chomsky is Doody's favourite author.

In 2001. . Doody wrote Tell Me the Truth, Laughing: The Life and Works Of Bill Hicks.

At Hrcks‘ request. student Doody was asked to support the US legend on the UK tOur which proved to be his final hurrah. Doody's rages against religious fundamentalism and anti-boozers is defiantly Hicksian. The Ga/way List even described him as 'the new Denis Leary“. lBrrart Donaldson)

The Stand. Glasgow. Thu 8 May.

Midweek Comedy Special The Startd. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 8.30prtt. £5 t£-lt. (‘orttediarts Joltrt Ross artd Rick} (’allan per‘l‘ornt on tltis 'l‘uesda) exerting

a tirtte oi tlte \teek \thclt \te're all irt rteed ol' clteer'irtg tip. elt'.’ More to he announced.


Best of Irish 'l‘he Startd. 333 \Vttodlands Road. 0870 (M) (t()55. 8.30pm. £7 (£6: £4 ntertthersi. lirtio) some of tire linest undrirtkahle Irish e\ports: Ke\irt lla) es. Derrttot \Vhelart. Keith l"arrtart artd host .\lichael Redmond. 'l'ltere \till prohahl) rtot he an) jigging. Madness Comedy Gong Madness. 30 Both“ ell Street. 204 509‘). 9pm. 'l‘B(‘. ('orttediarts battle against tlte gortg tor a eltartce to \tirt £1000. Hon ntttch )tttr laugh \\ ill determine hots tar the} go.


Best of Scottish 'l'ltc Startd. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 8.30pm. £(t t£5; £3 rtterttherst. l’art oi the toll} lttttltlltl} da_\tl'ip to see tlte thI Ul' Scottish corned). all irt the c‘tltttlttt'l ol' the Startd. lltts month sees l’ar'r'ot. Ste\cn Dick artd Susan ('alntart defending their countr} like comical Bra\eheat‘ts.


Jongleurs Comedy Club .lottgleurs. l'(i(' Building. ll Rertl'revt Street. 0870 787 0707. 8pm. £8. It the thought ol' sttrttrtter cornirtg isn't enough to cheer _\otr tttiserahle lot up. hon about the idea of \xatcltirtg \lickc} llttttort. Briart Higgins artd (‘r‘aig ('arttphell‘.’ \o'.’ Well. there's dartcirtg atteruar'ds.

The Thursday Show the Stattd. 333 \Vtttttllantls Road. 0370 (till) (t()55.

8. 30pm. £7 r£(t; £3 members). llost Sand} \clsort \tltips tip a l’r'en/_\ tkindat ltel'orc introducing Kc\itt lla}es. 'l'edd).

44 THE LIST M'- /'«:.' ’--, l.‘.::.

Bill} Kirkuood artd Anton} .\lurra_\. It's nearl} the end of the neck. so cltillax.


Impmbabble 'l‘lte ()ttthttltse. 12a Broughtort Street Lane. 557 (t(t(t8. 8.15pm. £2 t£l t. See Thu 24.

Heresy 'l'he Jek) ll tk ll}de. I I2 llartmer Street. 225 2022. 9pm. £3. See Thu 24. The Thursday Show The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 9pm. £7 (£6: £3 ntertther'st. \Vash )ottt' lace irt the morning den tor eternal )ottth. tltert head don it to the Stand to shtm otl )tttrt‘ fresh-laced heatrt}. I'm sure .\I(' Bruce Dex Iirt artd perl'orrttcrs .\'ick \\'ilt_\. lull} ('arter. Derrttot \Vhelan artd Martin .\lc.v\llister‘

\\ ill he irttpressed.


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglettrs. l'(i(~ Btrildirtg. ll Rertt‘ren Street. 0870 787 0707. 8pm. £12. See Thu 1.

The Stand lhc Stand. .333 \Voodlands Road. 0370 (t()() 6055. S.3l)pnt. £9 (£8: £5 nterttherst. Anton} .\ltrrra}. Bill} Klt'k\\tttttl artd Ke\ irt lla_\es join host Sand} Nelson on stage. headed up it} the rttttgrtilicerttl} \ icious Scott ('apurro.


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongleurs. ()mni (‘entre. (ireertside Place. 08707 870707. 8.15pm. £1 I. More sttper stand- ttp Hunt the Jortgletrrs corporation. \\ itlt tltis \teekertd's offerings including Keith l-ar'rtatt artd Michael Smile}.

The Stand The Stand. 5 York Place. 553 7272. ‘)pnt. £‘) t£8; £5 tttcltthet‘sl. l.ad_\ Susan Morrison cotttperes this exerting \xith her shirt} shoes artd sparkling “it. Joining her are the ltt;tl‘\cllttlls .\'ick \Vilt}. 'l‘on} (‘arterp Dermot \Vhelart artd .\lartin .\lc.'\l|ister.


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongleurs. l‘(i(‘ Building. l | Rertl'r'ett Street. 0870 787 0707. 8pm. £l5. See lhlt I.

The Stand The Startd. 553 \Vttttdlatttls Road. 0870 (tllll (t()55. ()pnt. £l2. See Hi 2.


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongletn's. ()mni ('erttre. (ireenside Place. 08707 870707. 8.15pm. £l-l. Sec Hi 2.

The Stand The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 9pm. £12. See l-‘ri 2.


Bank Holiday Special 'l‘lte Startd. 333 Woodlands Road. 0870 000 (t055. 8.30pm. £3 tUtl. .\lake tlte lttttsl ttl' tlte lie-in tomorrow it} going to see Scott (‘aptrrro. Kenn lla}es. Bill} ls'irknood. Anton} .\lttr‘ra} artd host Michael Redmond. llapp} da} s.

Edinburgh Whose Lunch is it Anyway?

'l‘he Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. lprrt. See Sttrt 27.

Ani Mru Mru Queen's Hall. 87 8‘)

(‘lerk Street, (303 2”“). Split. £l(t £18.;\ l’olislt language corned} night starring .\licltal \Voicik. .\larcirt \Vorcik artd \Valdernar \Vilkolek. .'\pparertt|_\ ‘:\ni .\lrtr .\lrtt' means ‘dort‘t sa} a uord‘. \Ve uouldrt't dare. Bank Holiday Special lltc Startd. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 8.30pm. £8 t£(tt. Hurrah? 'l'ltere‘s no \tor'k torttorroxtl l‘rtless tou‘re \er} irttportartt. irt \tltich case go to bed. l'.\cr_\orte else cart go to see Nick \Vilt}. Tort} ('arter‘. Dermot \Vltelart. .\lartin .\lc.r\llister artd .\l(' Bruce Dex lin.

Glasgow Magners Comedy Monday

8.l5prtt. £2 t£l l. See Mon 28.


Some have compared this special Kay to American

deadpan surrealist Steven Wright and if that isn’t enough to have you trotting along to The Stand, we’re not sure what will, as the self-proclaimed ‘fireball of Scottish comedy’ entertains you.

The Stand. Edinburgh. Thu 8 Mat:

The Amazing Bastards! The Stand. 333 \Vttttdlands Road. 0870 (till) (3055. 8.30pm. £3 t£2; £l rttentherst. lirttertairtment from the three ragantutlirts ot" corned}: Stetert Dick. Allan .\li|ler artd 'l'edd}. like a ntassi\ e pick artd mix ot‘ stand-tip. sketches artd character tor the sttctall} unacceptable. You ma} nalk aha) deligltted. confused or diseased.


Fit 0’ The Giggles Absolute Beginners 'l‘he .\lercat. 28 West .\lait|artd Street. 225 38(tl. 8pm. £2. See Mon 28.

Red Raw 'l‘he Stattd. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 8.30pm. £2. Ro ('arttphell artd Ke\ irt Bridges ltead up a packed line-tip ot‘ aspiring next comedians. It's a chance to see the stars of totttorrtm tor a cheap as chips entr} lee.


Red Raw The Stand. 5.3.3 \Vtttttllaltds Road. 0870 (M) (t()55. 8.30pm. £2 t£l ntertthcrst. Another eclectic mix of bargain corned} irt the best BC“ talertt night irt Scotland. \Vith Ro ('amphell. as \\ ell as irttpr‘o\ kings Sttt tk (lair).


Wicked Wenches The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 8.30pm. £(t t£5; £3 ntertthersl. .\ lttttttlltl) lora) ittto the blossoming \torld ot' l'etttale corned). headed up h} regular cotttpere Sttsart (‘almart .loirtirtg her are the \er} talented .v\l. Kertrted}. (‘arol 'lohirt artd Susan Morrison.


Wicked Wenches lhc Startd. 333 \Vottdlands Road. 0370 (t()() (t()55. 8.30pm. £7 t£5;£3 ntentherst. See 'I‘ue (t.

Madness Comedy Gong Madness. 30 Bollmell Street. 20—1 500‘). ()pm. 'I'B(‘. See Wed 30.

Edinburgh Benefit in Aid of The Red Cross The Stand. 5 York Place. 553 7272. 8.30pm. £7 t£5 l. ('orttedians such as the Reterend ()hadiah Steppertnolt‘e lll. KL‘Vllt Bridges artd :\ltltm_\ \ltrr'r'a} git e up their tirtte for tree. to help raise t'ttrtds tor the l'ls' arrtt ol' the humanitarian organisation.

Black Bo’s Comedy Night Black Bo’s. 57 ft] Blacklriars Street. 8.30pm. liree corned} gents presented to art unsuspecting public at Black Bo‘s. “ith some (it tlte llLNJlL‘Sl \tttccs in tltc Scottish L‘lt‘cllil.

Glasgow The Thursday Show lhc Startd. 333 Woodlands Road. 0870 (t()() 6055. 8.30pm. £7 t£(t: £3 rttentherst. John \lttlttnc}. \tck Hood}. The Wee .\lan artd liilidh MacAskill are all gettirtg the ueekend started earl). alortg \\ itlt jox ial ltost R;t_\ntortd .\learrts. See 5 'l‘hlngs for Nick Hood}.


lmprobabble 'l‘he ()trtltotrsc. l2a Br‘ottgltton Street latte. 557 (t(t(t8. 8.l5pnt. £2 r£l l. See Thu 24.

The Thursday Show The Startd. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 8.30pm. £(t t£51 £3 rttertthersl. ()h. a |o\e|_\ pick'rt‘rtti\ this e\ettirtg. uith corned) tiring irt from all angles. .\l(‘ Bruce l)e\ lrn llails the audience irtto actiort \\ itlt ltis acid tottgtre. introducing Da\id Ka} tsee captiortt. John Rttss. ('arol 'l‘ohirt artd Andre“ l.earrttortth.

Heresy ’l'lte Jek_\ H is ll}de. I I2

llartm L‘l' Street. 22.5 2023. 9pm. £5. SL‘L' Thu 24.