
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to gay@list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.

* Indicates Listpicks entry


I Eurobeat: Almost Eurovision King's 'I‘heatre. 207 Bath Street. (LS-ill (loll (i048. 7.30pm. £23.50 it‘ll). Kitxehtastie liurm ixion \pool \\ ith (’raig Hill and Sall) l.ind\a_\ (Corona/ion .Sll'i't’ll lltttl L‘lmL‘l'l} l‘L‘ttliuW lllL‘ L‘\ L‘nl l\ alread} illlllttxl a spool ol‘ itsell‘ an} \\;t_\.


I Robopop (illQ. 4 l’ieard} Place. 550 I780. lllfillpm 3am. l-ree hel‘ore l lpm: £4 (£3) alter. 'l‘rend'x Weird) and lt'lCIltl\ mi\ elaxxie pop tune\ and eleetrie heah l'or those \\ ho ean't uait another da} to \tart their weekend.

I"!!! CC’s Karaoke (’(‘ Bloolltx.

3.5 34 (il‘L‘L‘ll\ltlL‘ l’litL‘L‘. 5.50 9.55 l. l‘il’L‘tltllL‘ llt)\l\ \\ eekl) \L‘SSlUllS tlp\l;ttt'\. uhile Sha/xa keep\ the tune\ going tltt\\ti\lttll‘\ lol' thoxe \xho preler not to he their oun entertainment. It seeing people make 'L‘\pt'C\\ lllt‘lllSL'hCS. LlUL‘Sll‘l appeal. )ou ean head do“ n and danee to the heat iii an arra} ol' l).l\. e\ei'} night l‘rom l lpm.


I Eurobeat: Almost Eurovision King‘x 'l‘heati‘e. 3‘)" Bath Street. l).\'"ll (lot) ($043. 5.30pm .k Spin. £23.5l) it; I It. See Thu 24.


I Beat Cast (Nil). 4 l’ieard} l’laee. 55l) I7Sl). lllfillpm 3am. l‘ree helore llpm; [5 (Hi alter. l.uek_\ l.ueiano and DJ J'l‘ hring the mainstream l]t)ll\L‘. eleetro littlle‘. hootlegx. urhan danee and chart.

Saturday 26


I Eurobeat: Almost Eurovision King‘s 'I'heatre. 20." Bath Street. lilS—ll Holt (i048. 5.30pm & Spin. £23.50 1 [ISL See Thu 34.


I Velvet 'l'he .r\rk. 3 E \Vatet‘loo Place. 338 0393. 0pm lam. £3 hel'ore ()pm; ‘5 lL'4i alter. 'l‘he llNllitl eeleetie mi\ ol' tunex from I)! l.eatherl'aee and lith‘l‘l drum roll) the Vehet dehut ol' Deiaflhrd at lltix eluh night l'or girlx uho like girl\. I Boutique (illQ. 4 l’ieard) Place. 550 1780. [0.30pm 3am. l‘ree helore llpm: £7 it'll) alter. lileetro and house l'rom Luck} l.ueiano plux ‘oreliextrated eheexe‘ lt‘otti DJ l)o\\ let".


I Hifi (ill(). 4 l’ieard} l’laee. 55ll ITHll. ll).3llpm 3am. l-‘ree helore I lltln; £4 (£3) alter. l‘inish the weekend in \t}li\h dehaueher}. with DJ .\liehelle pro\iding a mi\ ol' anthemx and luture elawiex.

I BumFunk (‘aharet Voltaire. So RS Blair Street. Ill) (i170. llpm 3am. L5 imemherx £4i. .\ ne\\ Sunda} nighter lot" the (‘ah l'rom \ottte oi the talent hehind lane ax .\lareo Smith. Killlpll\\ and .\li\\ (‘lirix deli\ er the hexl in lunk} littll\L' and eleetro.

Monday 28


I Passionality li}l)lt)\_ l'nit Q. .\lerehant Square. 7| :\lhion Street. 552 3395. llfillpm 3am. £3 (L'Zi. The weekend lauuehex a last minute eomehaek at B}hlo\ \\ itli l).l Roltel'h pla_\ ing ehart llll\ lor the ga_\/mi\ed ero\\d.

Tuesday 29


I DV8 Spider'x \Veh ('ellar Bar. 358 .\lorri\on Street. 338 NW. Spin lam. Ell) imemherx [5L l-‘etixh eluh \xith l-‘ootman John. The drexx eode axkx tor a minimum ol \mart hlaek drexm ear and a general letixhu ear door polie}. l'irxt time \ lxllttl'\ \hould eontaet the organixerx hel'orehand. I Vibe ligo. l4 l’ieat'd} l’laee. 4".\' "434. llipm 3am. £4. The touehxtone ol' lidinhurgh'x queer eluh \eene. Boaxting a \olid mi\ ol' daneeahle tune\ and eheap drink\ until the earl} hourx ol \\'edne\da_\ morning. \ihe ix the midweek eluhhing e\perienee that )ou ean rel} on.

I Shoot (NH). 4 l’ieard} l’laee. 55l) laS‘l). lllfillpm 3am. l'ree helore llpm: £4 iL‘Fi alter. ('hart. Rtkli. elawiex and kitxeh lrom l)ale l.u\h and lriendx

Wednesday 30


I Allure The Tunnel. S4 .\liteliell Street. 304 llllll). 11.30pm 3am. U utudentx t\\o l'or onei. (‘heext pop \ound\ lrom l).l Darren and the gu_\ \ heliitid l);l\\lt)ll;llll}.


I Wink (Bill). 4 l’ieard} l’laee. 55H l".\‘l). lllfillpm 3am. l‘ree helore l lpm: [4 iL'_‘~i alter. .\lid\\eek eluhhing lrom l).l \liehelle \\ ill] ttllL'l‘llttliu‘ \ttlllltl\ tllttllg‘ lllL‘ linex ol indie. eleetro. roek'n'roll and pop.

Thursday 1


I Robopop (illQ. 4 l’ieard} l’laee. 55H l".\'l). lllfillpm 3am. l’ree hel'ore l lpm: £4 iL'fii alter. See Thu 24.

Edinburgh I Beat Cast (illQ. 4 l’ie.inl_\ l’laee. 55H l".\‘l). lllfillpm 3am. l‘ree hel'ore llpm'.

£5 l£4i alter. See l'l'l 35.


I Boutique (ill(). 4 l’ieard} l’laee. 55H l'S‘ll. lllfillpm 3am. l’ree hel'ore l lpm‘. L... lUil alter. SL‘L‘ Sat :0.

I Fever ligo. l4 l’ieard} Plate-1‘3 "434. llpm 3am. £5 helore ll.l5pm‘. {Ill imemherx L'S’i alter. l.ike 'l'axte lor the l‘rida} night erou d. \\ ith l).l\ l-ixher & l’riee pla) mg ati eeleetie mi\ ol' the hext underground danee llllhle. hitting their lotlt‘tli hirthda} \xith \peeial guext l’aul lleron il'irei.

Glasgow Club Swallows and Amazons ‘l'he l"l'\ing l)uek. l4: Renlield Street. 573 lllltll. 0pm Sam. ‘5 iL'4 in eoxtumei. .\'e\\ queer eluh night with li\ e aetiou lt'om Sailor 'l'ongue and S“ Ctll\lt llltllL‘ littlltl \Vake lllL‘ l’l'L‘\ltlL‘lll plux the DJ skillx ol Kate \Vo/xa llt'tttlt Suek in} l.elt ()nei and ‘l'raeeymne il'rom (‘amera ()hxeurai. Bildueelixel \\ ill he pro\ iding lilm proieetionx and il' )ou “ant to get in\ol\ed “till an} axpeet. iuxt drop them a line. Redueed entr} l'ot' thoxe \\lio tll'L‘\\ up as \aillirx/xeoutx/guidex/piratex.


Ladyfest Vai‘ioiix Venuex, 4N)

lell‘). l'ntil Sat 3| \la}. liuiex \ar}. l’rieex \ar}. \Ve knoxx that uomen are .‘—'reat. hut it'x niee to liax e a “hole l'extixal to eelehrate their aehiexementx in. and eontrihution to. art\. eulture and \oeiet}. lasting itllllttxl a \\ltole month. lad) lext eneompaxxex muxie. danee. \torkxliop\. lilm. e\hihition\. eomed} and \eminarx. l.ook otit lot' l.( ilt'l' interext e\ent\ like \Vieked \VL'llL'llL'S l\\t‘tl E .\l;t_\ l tllltl ()UL‘L‘I' .\lutin\ iSat 34 .\la\ I. See .v\round loun. page i2. . I Tackno (illl‘). 4 l’ieat'd} Place. 55” I"Sll. lllpin 3am. £7 (UH. 'l'aekno eomex


Suzanne Black considers the work of one of Queer cinema‘s great auteurs as two of his key films are released on DVD

Gus Van Sant is one of a handful of directors to have crossed from arthouse credibility to mainstream pennies and back again. The DVD release of his first and most recent films seems the perfect opportunity to doff our caps to an illustrious back catalogue by an accomplished auteur,

who is openly gay to boot.

His 1985 feature debut, Mala Noche, is a sweltering, black and white tale of grappling with sex and the male body across the boundaries of language and class that foregrounds the heartlessness of love/lust.

Skip forward 22 years, bypassing the weirdness of Psycho and the Oscar- baiting smaltz of Good Will Hunting and Finding Forrester, and his idiosyncratic aesthetic (a jaded, faded Americana) and central themes of loneliness and alienation have blossomed. From the seminal Drugstore Cowboy and My Own Private Idaho to the “Death Trilogy‘ of Gerry, Elephant and Last Days, Van Sant enters a long tradition of Pacific Northwesterners, like Todd Haynes, who strive to push the boundaries of commercial art. Encompassing the influences of Bela Tarr and John Cassavetes, he situates man against the vastness of wide open spaces. In his most recent feature, Paranoid Park (pictured), the brutality of life is distilled into a winsome teenage skater who accidentally offs a security guard and must face the subsequent emotional fallout alone.

Queer cinema-goers are used to identifying away from themselves, overlooking the specifics of a character (gender, age, sexuality) to find an object of empathy. Van Sant’s open and vague narratives, characters and structures require that the viewer work to find their own meaning; natural silences and hypnotic imagery become tools for a kind of guided meditation. In a way, he extends the tools that outsiders used to identify themselves to include, and implicate, everyone.

,.,.. .,., ..,, ,/ ..,,.,,.,,I ,, ,, ,,, ,, (ml, ,‘,. ,. H, ,V. ,., ,,\ .Ar/(i-(AI .(X, [L‘u'i (I (Lil, (wt: (l.’< (iii/.(}(,(1x)kz(ligl\/ ( «3/li/l \/ 1143'

out ol' the closet tor a '(ia_\‘ haitk liolida} \peeial lrom the e\ er \o lo\el_\ 'I'rend) \Vend}. \xho \\ ill he pla}ing her unique ttti\ ol pop and kitxelt elaxxiex. l)t'e\\ to iitipi‘e\\ lor the ‘hext ga} ieon‘ eontext. I Hifi (ill(‘). 4 l’ieard} l’laee. 55lt l".\ll. lllfillpm 3am. l'ree hel'ore l lpm; £4

iL'M alter. See Stm 3 I BumFunk (‘aharet Voltaire. .‘(i .‘S Blair Street. Ill) (ilVi. llpm Sam. ‘5 imemherx Ur. See Sun I”.

I Taste Studio 24. 34 Si» ('alton Road. 55S .V5S. llpm 3am. till iL'Si. ‘l‘lie no“ irregular eluh night get\ itx daneing \hoex on tor a .\la_\ hank holida) outing u itli l‘ixher .k l’riee and their underground danee at the helm. .-\x the} \a}. ‘.\la_\ the lt)lll'lll he uith )iitil‘

G asgow

I Passionality li}l\ltl\. l'nit (‘). \lerehant Square. 5| .-\lhion Street. 553 .‘S‘l5. ll..5ll|‘lll iam. £3 ifili. See .\loti 2S.

Edinburgh I Wicked Wenches ’l'lie Stand. 5 York l’laee. 55S "2‘3. 3,.5lllllll. [o u[5;

memherx L‘SI. .\ montlil_\ lora} into the


hlmxoniing \xorld ol' lemale eonied}. headed up h} regular eompere Suxan ('alrnan. Joining her are the \er} talented ,i\l. Kenned}. (‘arol 'l‘ohin and Stuart .\loi'ri\ou.

I Vibe ligo. l4 l’ieard} Place. 4".\' "434. lllpm 3am. [4. See Tue 2‘).

I Shoot ( ill(‘). 4 l’ieard} l’laee. 55“ l".\‘(). lllfillpm 3am. l‘ree helore llpm; L4 IE5) alter. See Tue 2‘).

Wednesday 7


I Wicked Wenches The Stand. 333 \Voodlattdx Road. lliS—l) ltllll (M55. Shillltlu. L‘" 1‘5: memherx Lil. See 'I'ue (i.

I Allure The Tunnel. S4 .\litehell Street. Jill lllltl). ll.3l)pm 3am. £3 l\ltltleltl\ l\\o litt' one). See “ed 5”.


I Wink (illQ. 4 l’ieartl} l’laee. .55“ l"Sl). lll,.5ll])lll 3am. l‘ree hel'ot'e llpui'. [4 lbil .Illt'l'. See \Vi'tl 5“.

Thursday 8


I Robopop (lllQ. ~l l’ieard} l’laee. 55” VS”. lll5llpui 3am. l‘ree hel'ore llltln; L71 iL'Ri alter. See ’l'hu 24.

.‘ti' -- . ~ THE LIST 67