

Name Mike Donald

Job Title Operations Manager & Licensee. Company Sub Club (Scotland) Ltd

When did you star: it'd-7*?“ I started working for the Sub Club in 1997, pulling pints and paying my way through university, then undertook a bar manager role in 1999, holding that down until the club closed following a fire on Jamaica Street. From then on I worked alongside the current owners, putting on Sub Club parties in vari~ ous spaces and places and generally doing what it took to keep the club afloat until we could get re—opened.

So What does your 5:23;: All the mundane aspects of running a legitimate licensed music venue so . . . um . . . ensuring the club adheres to licens- ing and employment law and health & safety legislation; overseeing bar, PR, stewarding and technical operations; staff training; and working to budgets and management accounts. Then there's more interesting stuff like event managing big gigs; internet work, podcasting, producing artwork etc.

/ fist: I'm always grateful I don't have to wake up every day and put a suit on and that I get to work with good friends and good people. And then there's the music -- I get paid to put on parties with some of the best DJs and musicians on the planet week in, week out. It's a hard life . . . And the worst? I guess being the only sober guy in the club when everyone around you is having the night of their lives. It's like hav- ing a party in your house every week and spending it running around making sure folk aren't pissing in plant pots or shagging in your bed. And some of the worse-for- wear patter l have to listen to wears a bit thin after a while. lfl’hat did you Cit-ii before ya? if :=‘Z::. flair f “'7‘ I managed a wee clothes shop calle Dr Jives back in the day and frittered four years of my life away studying for a psychology degree.

What's the best: thing: §;’;'i; “371:: 1; '; '. I guess it’s twofold. Firstly. get to know the licensed trade from the ground up. Serve your time behind a bar, ideally with management experience somewhere along the line. You'll also need to undergo relevant training, specifically the Scottish Certificate for Personal License Holders and Security Industry Authority qualifications. Secondly, get out and promote your own club nights at a grassroots level and experience all the highs and lows of putting your own money on the line for the sake of a good party. Other than that, work hard and don't expect to become a millionaire anytime soon.

Where do you see fj(iil-llli‘:£(.'lf ill? int 1? I‘th‘rl‘ti xiii... .1 -. I think 20 years of Clubland would be enough for any sane person so, all being well, I'll be living the good life on a croft in the Outer Hebrides with my other half. The main drawback with working for a small, niche independent is that there's often only so far you can go in terms of salary and position. I wouldn't do this job for any other club so, love it as I do, the only way for me at that point is out. and finally . . .. atrium. tilingii "Calm: .‘ i, " Sub Club? Our new double album 20 Years Underground will be released on Soma Records, we'll be programming a tent at the Live At Loch Lomond festival and there'll doubtless be a few of our annual Subversive Maneuvers parties somewhere in the wilds or on the water. Keep your ears open . . .


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Property to let '


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.'-«: 9:) Ma, 9.1.78 THE LIST 101