
Peace chain around Fasla

Around Town

The Scottish CND are organising a chain of people

and banners along the fence at Faslane submarine base in peaceful protest against the UK Government’s plan to build a new nuclear weapon system, which is opposed by the Scottish Parliament. Assemble at Faslane Peace Camp at 11.30am. For transport info, see www.banthebomb.org/newbombs/peacechain or contact 0141 423 1222.

scnd@banthebomb.org I Fasla/70 Peace 7 7.30am—2. 30pm.

FREE The Historic Village of Partick 'I‘hu l‘) Jun. llillhead Library. 348 Byres Road. 33‘) 7223. 7.30pm. Local historian (iortlon [Trquhart discttsses the evoltttion ol' l’anick from a sleepy weaving village to a prospct’otIs independent burgh. ()h. stop sniggering at the back there. We've got a supermarket and everything these days. I’url oft/iv ll‘i'sl Ifml I'i'slit‘ul.

FREE Glasgow Through The Lens: Old and New 'I’ue l7 Jun. liillhead Library. 3-18 Byres Road. 33‘) 7223. 7.30pm. Douglas Annan gives a talk on the tainotts Annan photos of old (ilasgow. and exhibits his own pictures. taken at the same sites many years later. l‘or contrast. l’ur! oft/Iv ll’ml Ifml I'i'slit'ul.


Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life Sun 8 Jun. (ilasgow (ireen. (ireendyke Street. 08705 l3-i3l-1. A 5km walk. jog or run which raises funds for ('ancer Research ITK. The event is for women ol‘ all ages and litness levels. BOA Scotland Cheerleading Competition Sun 15 Jun. Braehead Arena. Kings Inch Road. 0870 4-14 (i062. 9am (ipm. £7 (£4.50). (‘heerleaders Irom all over Scotland demonstrate their skills. enthusiasm and. er. poetic rhymes. You hulr' us (us m' 77' popular and we (Inn '1 like you ('l!/l('l'.’ We're . . . too I‘amiliar with Kirsten I)unst's early m'ut'n'. clearly. Men’s Health Forum: 10K Sun I5 Jun. Bellahouston Park. 16 I)rumbreck Road. 427 5454. 9.30am. Prices vary. The

amp, Shanda/i, Nr Helensburg/i, Sat 74 Jun,

Mlll'S l0k now in its third year is open to all men l5+. (‘ontact www.mhl's.org.uk for more details.


Listen to Music: A Study Day Sat l4 Jun. (ilasgow liniversity ('oncert llall. ITniversity Avenue. 330 I860. I0am--~lpm. £24. A one-day course in listening to mttsic. utilising new technology and with demonstrations by the [Edinburgh Quartet (concert at 5.30pm). l’urt oft/iv West 15ml I'i's'lit'ul.

FREE Comic Life Sat l-l Jun. llillhead Library. 3-18 Byres Road. 276 lbl7. 10am. I lam. 2pm & 3pm. Workshops on how to create your own graphic novel using the latest technology. l’urt oft/w Wes! Iz‘ml I-i'slit'ul.

FREE Gaelic in an Hour Tue 17 Jun. llillhead Library. 348 Byres Road. 33‘) 7223. lpm. Why is ‘Ruaraidh Macilleathin‘ pronounced ‘Rory Maclean“? l.et local linguist Derek Rogers (pronounced as spelled. we think) guide you through the twists and turns of the language. and you‘ll be presenting

I )uiumun in no time. Part ()fI/lt’ West 15nd I'i's'lit'ul.

An Introduction to Buddhism and Meditation Tue 17 Jun. 'l‘urner Building. (ilasgow Academy. Kelvinbridge. 7pm. L'tbc. Kelsang Machig. Buddhist nun and teacher. offers a light-hearted intrtxluction to Buddhism and leads a gentle. el‘l'ective breathing meditation session. Please contact machig(0‘tneditateinglasgoworg. I’ur! oft/1e Wes! [2'an I'i’sti't'al.




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BBC Audience § members wanted

firm : 'i‘ittr‘: rnnmznmv is BBCI’s brand'new Saturday night lottery show with prizes that money just can't buy!

We’re looking for upbeat and enthusiastic audience members, from across the UK, to join us for our studio recordings.

Audience members may also be in with a chance to win those fantastic prizes-get in touch now if you fancy being somewhere amazing ‘1'.'i.v’.: Tim 3 :‘nmt:v.-;u.it'r',,,

Email 'I‘ltis'l‘ima t'omot'rot.*/x\titli met: a bbmeoaik with your contact details Visit: ‘.‘/‘.‘.“a‘l,l)i)C.LTO.lll§/tlli :‘timatm‘not‘t'ow

Call our Audience Line: on/I too on; (Calls cost 10p per minute from a BT landline. Calls from other networks may vary and calls from mobiles will cost considerably more.)

Recordings take place in Glasgow at BBC Scotland .70 “’0 Mm {003.

Applicants must be aged 18 or over.

5—19 Jun 2008 TH. LIST 37