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Glasgow Jazz Festival

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to henry@list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Henry Northmore and Kenny Mathieson.

:t: Indicates Listpicks entry


FREE Jazzfest Mardi Gras Opening Party (icorgc Squarc. 5pm. 'l‘hc JaI/lcst takcs to thc strccts starting in (icorgc Squarc and progrcssing through Mcrchant (’ity to ('andlcriggs. I Paul Gallagher Bluc Dog. l5] \Vcst (icorgc Strcct. 22‘) 0707. 5.30pm. l’opular pianist Vocalist

I Glasgow lmprovisers Orchestra featuring Satoko Fujii and Natsuki Tamura (‘('A. 35() Sauchichall Strcct. 352 4‘)()(). 7.30pm. £l(). Pianist and composct' l‘ujii luscs clcmcnts ol' Japancsc folk music with c‘ttlttctttpot‘ttl'y‘ ja/l. l’crl‘orming hcrc \y ith husband 'l'amura on tt'utttpct as \scll as thc rcnoyyncd (310.

I Riverboat Shuffle Wayct'lcy l’addlc Stcamct'. Andcrston Quay. 243 2224. 7.30pm. £23. Kit (‘arcy' Jam Band. Dayc Wilson & thc l'ptoysn Slitllllc‘l's and (icot'gc l’cnman's Ja/lmcn cntcrtain you as you sail doyyn thc riycr on thc l’S \Vaycrlcy l’addlcstcamcr.

I Blues on the River The Fury. Andcrston Quay. 'l'hc Bt‘ootntclays'. ()l(i‘)8 3M) ()85. 8pm 2am. £lo ltyyo-day pass £28: tht‘cc-day pass £37.50). liightccn hands oyct' thrcc days. liriday includcs Andy l‘airyycathcr Lou and his Band. Alan .\'immo & Dckc .\lc(icc and 'l‘hc (iospcl Truth (’hoir. Saturday’s tinc- up l‘caturcs 'l‘am Whith Shocstring. (‘onnic l.tl.slt ck Blucs Shoutcr. 'l'hc Blucs Dcyils and many morc. Sunday closcs with 'l‘hc Stoncy (‘urtis Band. 'l'hc Jonathon Kalb Band. 'l'hc llokum llotshots and mot'c.

I The Blessing Stcrco. 2t) 28 chticld Lanc. 222 2254. 8pm. £12. l"ormcd from lhc rhythm scction ol' Bristol trip hoppct's Portishcad. 'l‘hc Blcssing spccialisc in 'yyonky _ia//-rock’. I Nick Milligan and Liz McEwan Art dc ('al'. 'l‘hc ()ld Shcritl (‘ourt Building. Brunswick Strcct. 333 0344. 8pm. Jan diy'a Mcliys an.

I Lucy Kerr Trio Bluc Dog. l5l \\'c~st (icot‘gc Strcct. 22‘) 0707. ‘)pm. Sax-ch modcrn ia/I.

FREE Late Night Jazz Club ('ity Inn. liinnicston Quay. 24() 1002. l().3()pm. l.atc night scssions l‘rom l-‘ionna Duncan and hcr trio. plus spccial gucsts including Alan Bcn/ic and Jonathan (air (28 Jun) and liuan Burton (2‘) Jun l.


I Jazz at Lomond Shores Loch Lomond Shorcs. Bcn Lomond Way. ()8454 58() 885. 8pm. A \scckcnd ol‘jal/ on thc banks ol Loch Lomond lcaturing Diplomats of Jan. 'l'hc 'l‘im Barclla Big Band and 'l'hc Kit ('arcy ()uartct.


I Blues on the River 'l'hc l-‘crry. Andcrston Quay. 'I‘hc Bt‘oomiclayy‘. ()l()‘)8 360 ()85. 2pm 2am. £l(i ltyso day pass £28; thrcc day pass £37.50). Scc Hi 20.

I 100 Years of Raymond Scott Britannia l’anopticon Mtisic Hall.

I I3 I I7 'l‘rongatc. 553 0840. 7.30pm. By donation. Drummcr Stu Bt'oys'lt lcads this cclcbration ol thc oll bcat musical world ot‘ ctilt maycrick composcr and inycntor Raymond Scott.

I John Surman and Howard Moody St Mary 's lipiscopal (‘athcdraL

3()() (ircat \Vcstcrn Road. 337 2862. 7.30pm. £10. ()riginal compositions. improy and traditional l'ollx songs as sitXUpltoltist Surman and organist Moody. I Leana Zaccarini Art dc ('al'. Thc ()ld Shcrill (‘ourt Building. Bt'ttnsyy‘ic‘ls' Strcct. 333 0344. 8pm. Songs for swinging loycrs l'rom thc cool ja/I Vocalist.

I Neil Cowley Trio 't‘ron 'l‘hcatrc. ()3 'l‘rongatc. 552 42(i7. 8pm. £12. l’ianist .\'cil (‘oyylcy play cd a part in thc Brand Ncyy llcayics. [cm 7 and l‘ragilc Statc and no“ fronts his on n “to.

I Rostov Kids Jazz (‘alc (’ossachok. Rttssian ('ultural (‘cntrc. 38 Albion Stt'cct. 553 ()733. 8.3()pm. £5. Classics. improy and original compositions by kids agcd ll) I4 l'rom thc Kim Na/arctoy ('hildrcn's Jan School.

I Coleman Band Bar ‘)l. ‘)l (‘andlcriggs. 552 52l l. l()pm. Ja/l \‘(lCilllSL

FREE Late Night Jazz Club (‘ity lnn. l‘innicston Quay. 24() 1002. l().3()pm. Scc l‘ri 2t).


I Jazz at Lomond Shores Loch l.ottlond Sltot‘cs. Bcn l.ontond \Vay. ()8454 58() 885. noon. Scc Hi 2().


I Blues on the River 'I‘hc l-crry. Andcrston Quay. ’I‘hc Broomiclayy. ()l(i‘)8 3(i() ()85. noon midnight. £l(i ttyso-day' pass £28; thrcc-day pass £37.50). Scc Hi 2().

I Becc Sanderson llotcl ch: \‘in. ()nc Dcyonshirc (iardcns. l.3()pm. Atistralian \ocalist.

I Graeme Scott Trio Malinaison. 278 \Vcst (icorgc Strcct. l.3t)pm. Young guitarist.

I Christine Bovill Art dc ('al'. ’l‘lic ()ld Shcrill ('ourt Building. Bt‘lllts\\ic‘ls Strcct. 33.3 0344. 8pm. l'niquc Scottish singcr-songysritcr ('hristinc Boy ill.

I Polar Bear 'l‘ron ’l‘licatrc. (i3 'l‘rongatc. 552 42o7. 8pm. £l2. lilcctronics. _ia// and punk intlucnccs from this progrcssiy c quintct. tcaturing Acoustic Lady land‘s l’ctc Warcham and Scb Ruc’ltlttl‘d. SL‘L‘ caption. pagc 32.

I Rostov Kids Jazz ('alc (’ossacltolx. Rttssian (‘ultural ('cntrc. 38 Albion Stt'c‘c‘l. .553 ()733. ‘)pm. U). Sc‘c‘ Sat 2 l.

I Fiona Shannon Bluc l)og. l5l \\'cst (icot'gc Slrcct. 22‘) 0707. lllpm. l'pbcat music lt'ont this pianist and singcr.

I Terry Hall ()ran .\lor. 73l 735 (ircal \Vcstcrn Road. 357 o2()(). l lpni 3am. £7. DJ sct l'rom thc loundcr mcmbcr ol‘ ‘l‘hc Spccials.


I Jazz at Lomond Shores Loch l.omond Shot'cs. Bcn l.omond Way. ()8454 58() 885. noon. Scc l't‘i 2t).

I William Ellis 'l‘hc ()Id l‘ruitmarkct. ('andlcriggs. 353 8000. 7 ‘).3()pm. An cxhibition ol' thc striking imagcs ol‘ onc ol' thc \sorld’s lcading ia/x photographcrs.

FEEE BBC Radio Scotland Young Jazz Musician of the Year 2008 'l'hc ()ld l-‘ruitmarkct. ('andlcriggs. ()87lll) l()lhlh. 7.3llpltt. il‘lL‘bL'lL‘tl. 'lttlc‘ltlc‘tl young ja/l musicians compctc l'or thc coyctcd titlc.

I Arnie Somogyi’s Ambulance lt‘on 'l'hcatrc. (i3 'l'rongatc. 552 4207. 8pm. £l2. 'l'hc latcst proicct li'om ial/ bassist and Linn Rccords artist Somogyi.

I Beccs 8. The Bettys Art dc ('al‘. 'l'hc ()ld Shcril'l ('ourt Building. Bt'ltttsyyic‘k Strcct. 333 0344. 8pm. Ja/I.

_ Glasgow Jazz Festival Music

Tomasz Stanko’s Nordic Quartet

Polish trumpeter Tomasz Stanko has been a

leading light in the European jazz scene for over three decades and continues to develop his own distinctive take on a European jazz aesthetic, accompanied by a young band that includes sensational

Swedish drummer Jon Falt. E Iron l/l()(’1!/'(). Glasgow. Sat 28 Jon.

I Scottish National Jazz Orchestra Play Steely Dan ’l’lic ()ld l‘t'uitmarkct. ('andlcriggs. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £|2 Scc prcy icyy. pagc ()8.

I Fionna Duncan Vocal Jazz Workshop Fundraising Concert ‘l'ron 'l‘hcatt‘c. (i3 'lt'ongatc. 552 42(i7. 8pm. £|(). Duncan is ioincd by \ocalists l.iamtc ('arroll. 'l'odd (iot‘dott. Sophic Bancrolt and (‘athic Rac tor a stcllat‘ cast ol' Scottiin _ia// talcnt backcd by Brian ls'cllock. Ronnic and .lohn Rac.

I Fionna Duncan Jazz Vocal Workshops Ramshorn 'l'hcatrc. ‘)8 Ingram Strcct. 552 348‘) £325 t£275t. l'iyc-day \sorkshop \\ ith thc rcntm ncd slllgc‘t‘ tlc‘tllc‘itlc‘tl t0 \ttc‘nl lit/l lc‘c‘ltttiqtlc‘. lior morc inl‘ormation \ isit \s\\\\.litillltztdtlltc'ttlt-\\t)t'l\slttips.c‘t).tll\.


I William Ellis 'l'ltc ()ld l'il'tllllttttt'lsc‘l. ('andlcriggs. 353 8ll()l). 7 ‘).3()pm. Scc Mon 23.

I Todd Gordon 8. The Marcus Pope Big Band 'l‘lic ()ltl l-‘ruitmarkct. ('andlcriggs. 353 8()()(). 7.30pm. £l5. British lit/l singcr 'l‘odd (iordon plays hotnagc to lltc (ills collaborations bctyyccn Frank Sinatra and thc ('otmt Basic ()t'chcstra. A night of classic cool. I Alan Benzie Quartet ‘l‘ron 'llicalrc. (i3 ’l'rongatc. 552 4207. 8pm. £8. Young (ilasyycgian iax/ pianist.

I Dinny Art dc (‘aL 'l‘hc ()ld Sltcrill ('ourt Building. Brunsyyicls Strcct. 333 0344. 8pm. Smooth \ocal tall.

I Paul Gallagher Bluc Dog. l5l \\‘cst (ic‘nt'gc‘ Stt'c‘L‘l. 32‘) 0707. l lpttt. Sc‘c‘ Hi 20.

I Fionna Duncan Jazz Vocal Workshops Ramshorn 'l'hcatrc. ‘)8 lngratn Strcct. 552 348‘). £325 (£275). Sc‘c‘ lth 24.


I William Ellis 'l‘hc ()ld l‘ruitmarkct. ('andlcriggs. 353 8()()(). 7 ‘).3()pm. Scc Mon 23.

Glasgow I William Ellis 'l‘hc ()Id l‘ruitmarkcl. (‘andlcriggs. 353 8()()(). 7pm midnight.

Sc‘c‘ .\lon 23.

I The Bad Plus ‘l‘hc ()ld l‘ruitmarkcl. ('andlcriggs. 353 8()()(). 7.30pm. £l4. lithan lycrscn. Rcid Andcrson and Day c King lot‘ttt this radical and inycntiyc piano. bass and drums trio.

I Ian Shaw 'l‘ron 'l'hcatrc. (i3 'l'rongatc. 552 4267. 8pm. £ l 2. 'l‘yyo-timc \y inncr ol’ tltc ‘Bcsl Ja/l Vocalist‘ at thc BB(’ Ja/l :\\\;tt'ds in 2004 and 2007.

I Stefanie Lawrence Art dc ('al. 'l‘hc ()ld Shcril'lt‘ourt Building. Bl'lllt\\\lL‘l\ Strcct. 333 0344. 8pm. Bop and standards limit this young \ocalist.

I Alan Benzie Quartet ('alc ('ossachok. Russian ('ultural (‘cntrc. 38 Albion Strcct. 553 ()733. ‘)pm. £(i. Scc WM 25.

I The Michael Deans Quartet Bccr (’alc. 78 ('andlcriggs. 552 ‘)8l5. ‘).3()pm. .\lodcrn jax/ quarth ch by tcnor sasman Dcans.

I Marco Cafolla 8. The Electric Jazz Quartet Bluc Dog. l5l \\'cst (icot‘gc Strcct. 22‘) 0707. 10pm. Modcrn tia/x.

I Dennis Rollins’ Badbone 't‘hc ()ld l-‘ruitmarkct. ('andlcriggs. 35.3 8t)()(). 10.30pm. £12. Slidc—trombonc acc “ith a dynamic concoction ol'jau. lunk and gun“ c-bascd dancc ttttlstc‘.

FREE Late Night Jazz Club ('ity Inn. l'innicston Quay. 24t) l()(l2. l().3()pm. Scc Fri 2().

I Fionna Duncan Jazz Vocal Workshops Ramsltorn 'l‘hcatrc. 98 Ingram Strcct. 552 348‘). £325 (£275). SL‘L‘ lllc‘ 24.


I Jazz Glasgow Summer School ('ity llalls. ('andlcriggs. 353 Stillt).

l()am 4.l5pm. £275 (£l75l. lnlcnsiyc coursc lcd by sa\ophonist l’aul

lo“ ndroyy. \\ ith thc c\pct't assistancc ol' sasophonist Laura .\lac|)ona|d. drttmmcr Aly n ('tiskc‘t‘. bassist .\lil\c Janisch. trumpctcr 'l'om MacNiuat and pianist l’aul Harrison. Booking csscntial.

I John Rankin Bluc Dog. l5l \\'cst (icoi'gc Strcct. 22‘) 0707. 5.30pm. Singcr/pianist.

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