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Novelist Ewan Morrison is the author of Swung. Distance, his second novel, is the story of a long distance relationship. Here he ‘fesses up to the sophisticated joys of prog rock and fishcakes.

the country

loan from the IMF. lfKC' Ireland (no.

First film you saw that really moved you

The EiODHEIl‘l Man. I '.'.'as; 12 and ran El‘fu’k’l‘, from the TV anti parent in, the shower ‘o an. hour. it was that whole tl‘rng about tne Cathedral made of rnatchsticks. ark nun going to sloop wrtnout a prliou'. oxen though he knots. it uncultl kill hirn.

Last lie you told ‘Yes. I really respect the '.'./ork of James Kerrnan.‘

.ninersonator. H(}'l£i(ll)i§;53’1£(l(3531)l1t3(3l

First movie you ever went on a date to

Jaws. An unfortunate cnorco because I l'rl lsteneo to t< spent the entzre rnoxrre nuggrng nix, knees. ~.'.xnrle teenagers; n the rows

nonrno snoggeo their faces oft. ‘cr '1.

Last time you cried

On hearing Jose Gonzales; coxor ‘.'()ff$l()li of ‘Lovo Will Tear Us Apart on YouTahe and realissirég tnat it paras part of tne canon


>f great 5; >ngs and could he player: on a classical guitar.

First thing you do when you’ve got time off work never have tune off

work .Iork. \‘Jork is rnoro fun than. not ‘.‘.'orking. llaxrng fun is; more '.'/ork than work.

Last time you were chatted up

I never get chattorl up. l have to do all the work anti have certain secret (levrces I use. which lll\.'()|\.’(} Neuro» Linguistic Programming and body language. which I then. later. have to confess; to when in a relationship.

First thing you’d do if you ran

Turn. Scotland into a tnrmng; cap-:talrsst economy. make :t g; > uank'trct and get a

Destroy all the nuangos ano (l(}\.‘(}l()l)lll(3lii agencies, ‘.‘."nen l nae-(i in An‘errca. there $.85; nc neeo for (toxernrner‘t age-noes; t > I“, entreproneur:al spirit. Quite the copes-to

:Yl .st. CHEF. tr(;lf>()l‘ ()r" (:‘.(;T‘,. SHOW. "0?"

(re-ales. it was the role of gonernnent to

In, to reign It all in.

Last time you were star struck Patio ngton Subway. Standing next to Thom Yorke or maybe a ’lhon: YO'KC'

coukin I tell for sure. vent to 33;) :a.« to nirn to tell nint tnat if? Raxr‘ocr.

r a rnontt‘. l‘le tsrnileti.

il()(l(l(}(l EttK: ‘.'.alke<l a'.'.a‘;. am E3£i:(l

First time you realised you were V‘Jhen an AZYlOFICEil‘. unornar‘. propose-(i

sending; the HMO—822113, lnoian f()()(2 urth loxe notes attaciieo.

Last time someone criticised your Last '.'.‘(3(3K. as; a norninee‘

Maunce' err/e for ‘oxe stories. I made the mistake of f(}£i(lllltl a particularly sexually

to i>ree<:

(Wot) dealer to rn I!l()ll£ill(}f3 was; cutting

(,Xl)|l\,l. (1.; t; ...‘. .. at t,

I or. l'no Judge-:3 aftemarus. toki me that Than nee." 'Veri. crane" (itltl l lnao trasneo -"‘,‘l. (:ltéi'X’I'ZL-ES :2' .211:in

First three words your friends would use to describe you


f; .'.’£if$ {it

Last time you made an impulse buy and regretted it

( ’i‘y ; '(‘ (\.\ (~ I‘V. yx r. r;- \_y ’\ (y( ;' r (\r r|/\ 1V‘]\ (‘7; '\ \(‘ S}\I\ ~(~ I\'\r‘ riot. MK}. (, I\) .\,l . t)!‘.\/|t but t,.(,.l |/!\,\)(,.' |\}\/ l . tn, .iulufl, llxly‘). \ xii/t) (1 H. Jul/(find (“Had (I (i1\i “tit Lt/1,..\/\/ti.(l\i(,

sticl‘ Il‘-..'\;f). l; .akes :ne " ()litl‘t) a: (area-l izanr‘ no a'ki nann .'.r 'innn angst t" "I 21'1‘.";-'ill‘(§"mt"il‘éi'i‘Et“”"‘fl£i~t3.

UK. a can of coke.

marriage to we on. a clog. then start-(Xi

First concert you ever attended OK aornit at. l '.'.as; a prog; rock teenage." anri traxelleu tnree lititt’lr'tfti rn:ies;. '.'.‘:ti‘ n", dam. to see Maoriun‘. r:!a‘, .r‘ a nut) ". Birrnrngnam. l ‘.'.a:; tan. nu'nner one am: X the 'Prrnce USU”{(1(iXC’létllgOl);l!liilll§}f$‘.‘.ii" triefan clui: secretan. ‘.'.ll() ‘.'.'a:; the lean‘ 2;:rtgier't;

Next issue out

Hydro Connect Festival

A big hit since its inaugural outing last year, Connect has quickly established itself as yet another reason to brave the Scottish summer in the name of good music. Our free 32-page guide give you everything you need to know about the boutique shindig in lnveraray.

Wednesday 16 July


Edinburgh Festival Guide

We offer the definitive word on the best of this year's Edinburgh Festivals from theatre, dance and comedy to politics, jazz and visual art with our free, léO-page bumper guide featuring the likes of Dizzee Rascal, Britt Ekland, Roy Walker, Joan Rivers and Sean Connery.

104 THE LIST .,.

Last time you bought someone flowers

lssnotr‘o have t<;<ia',. 'na,i;~e tr‘ere's st 'E true. lt'f; n". s;::;ter':; iwv'thna, ano ln‘ .'.on::-:;-r-n;; :t’ tne moot; are 31:: open. Last great meal you cooked

l.'.o ,eart; ago. That ‘:;"::a»<-:;-5; tnr'ee «not; o‘ "sl‘ .

l'\)\‘~)t\/n' «lK’t (l ft)tr'\,'\,.'\,..t1t1

/I\l' l( “(in til, it“). ) \ '\ ) l a \ (i'< " \i(i*. (/\D l(}(‘l { ..w

First thing you think of when you wake up in the morning

N1 ...[)(l\i(, .. t lI/l‘li(1\l'\zl‘1 .(1 H (,{Ax'th

Last thing you think of before you go to sleep

l\/l;=.j.r>er?'lscv‘unc" Jl)??‘.(3(ltl.(i'.iiti(l’1;.{l rt. :t ‘.'.';;: ancrox rnate flit} rnrssrno ".rrnar‘, ‘c'n‘ of n11. girri‘rienu ‘.'.i‘o “not; ' Australm.

I [)star‘ce 5; r z‘

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