



V I Saw You brown lcathcr jackct on thc clockwork orangc. I burpcd garlic prawns in your strangcly cnjoycd it. (‘arc to sharc somc tapas togcthcr‘.’ l'/o l 2/]

O I Saw You In Wagamama's. I‘) August. You laughcd at me when I slurpcd my noodlcs into my hair and wc indulgcd somc chop socky chop stick action. I nccd morc practicc with my snow pcas and tofu. My bowl or your's‘.’ [7012/2

O I Saw You Michacl M. your hcad looks sorc! [7612/3

V I Saw You l‘i. Russcll. thc snakcs and thc baby gccko's mmmmdcma! Y Y Y 7? Party

tastic bathc on thanks for you hospitality. I76 1 2/4

V I Saw You .\la boy/ Northern lrclands tincst. .\'igc. Brctl. Dave and iiddstar you guys rock my world thanks for being such ama/ing matcs and making mc laugh l'/ol2/5


V I Saw You ()utsidc num- ber l8 all skinny and positiyc l was widc cycd staring from thc bus window. (‘arc to sharc your gil't'.‘ [76 l 2/6

V I Saw You and wc got chatting at Mcadowbank Sainsburys in thc check out qucuc at lunchtimc. l was buy- ing basil and asparagus. Would bc great to mcct you again.



V I Saw You at thc last .\'cuc Licbc (‘abarct and you dauch mc. (‘ross your licart you'll bc at the ncxt onc and wc'll sharc thc loy‘c... I/(IIZ/S

V I Saw You and thcn lost you Dayc. (ircccc. 2008 - You still comc to mc in my drcams. Why'.’ l'/ol2/‘)

V I Saw You in your ncw housc by tlic sca. loyc you. Mxx l'/ol2/l()

V I Saw You in July and my chancc passcd thcrc. I saw you shopping in I’t'iticcs Squarc. Silycrjackct. grcy boots and dark bobbcd hair. I didn't talk. now it's too much to barc. l'/ol2/l l

V I Saw You in our ncw Hat by thc sca :-l llcrc's to a lab summct' xxx l'/ol2/l2

V I Saw You about 5'3". rcd- dish hair with bangs. smich at Abbcy .'\'l'.\l on l.cith Walk. Mc: black jcans. bluc scarl. smich back. l.o\'c to buy you a drink . . . l'/ol2/l3

V I Saw You ('aptain Scaton moving out of my flat on Sunday. You'll bc sorcly

misscd you big bundlc ol buck last lun. I'lol 2/l-l

V I Saw You ('oming out ol llcllboy II at (‘incworld lidinburgh on Saturday 30th. You dark shouldcr lcngth hair. Nlctallica T-sltirt. .\lc. short. dark rcd curly hair. Wc cxchangcd glanccs and laughs as you scarchcd lor your phonc. Did you cyct‘ lind it'.’ I could comc hpr you look for it‘.’ [76] 2/15

V I Saw You have. managcr of thc ('onan l)oylc loy'c your gcordic bantcr?! l'/(i l 2/lo

v I Saw You The Racontcurs gig at (‘orn lixchangc. lidinburgli. You: swcaty boy in Whitc Stripcs shirt. mc: swcaty girl who tell on thc lloor during 'Stcady :\s Shc (iocs'. You pickcd mc tip and gayc mc somc watcr. Scc you down thc from again‘.’ l'/ol2/l 7

O I Saw You at Multrcc's walk birthday party sounding hot. looking hot kccp up

tlic good work pcoplc, l'/ol2/l.\’

V I Saw You at Richmond Station. pccring through thc gatc. I Will Scc You...\cry soon. XXX l'/ol2/l*)

V I Saw You Rilcy. swinging about on your cat cayc. You'rc mcntal. but brilliant. So glad wc hayc you l'/(il2/2()

V I Saw You (‘raigf You arc wondcrl'ul. l onc you \x\ l'/ol2/2l

V I Saw You all ol Us. plati- nilig our holiday to (’aliiil‘orniiiiaaaal l'm S() cxcit- cd. Only two months to go? l'/ol2/22

V I Saw You in (ircggs on South liridgc. You and your hot buns madc mc w cak at thc knccs [7012/23

V I Saw You watching thc l‘cstiyal l"ircworks on ('arlton llill. Wc sharcd a motncnt. lct's sltitt'c sonic "MIC. [70] 2/24

PO Box 169, Edinburgh EH3 GSG



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