


121 chftcld Strcct. 332 18-16. [11. W(‘. WA]

The Celts in Seville l'ntil Sat (3 Scp (not Sun]. 7.30pm (Wed 6’; Sat mat 2pm). £15 £20 (£12 £15). The story of a (‘cltic family as their ltcrocs go all thc way to thc l'lil’A ('up filial in Scyillc. \yrittcn by award-winning playwright 'I‘ony Ropcr.


2 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. ll’. 11. WC. WA]

Don Cossacks State Dance Company l-‘ri 12 Sep. 7.30pm.

£17.50 £21.50. Dynamic and acrobatic fcats of dancc from this -10-.strong company of danccrs and musicians.


liinnicston Quay. 0870 040 4000. ll’. W(‘, WA]

Eurovision Dance Contest Sat o Scp. 8pm. £10 £15. l-‘iftccn couplcs takc thc

“it... it;


floor to compctc in thc sccotld litiroyision Dancc (‘tllllcsL

I THEATRE ROYAL 282 llopc Strcct. (187006110047. Ill. .\'(il). W('. WA] Evita l'ntil Sat 13 Scp (not Stml. 7.30pm (ch & Sat mat 2.30pm). £12 £32. Brand ncyy world tour of thc political musical mclodt'ama madc cycn more famous by Madonna. Altogcthcr now: ‘1)on't cry for inc. .-\rgcntiiinal' Jungle Book t'ntil Sat o Sep. Scc Kids listings. Absurd Person Singular Mon 8 Sat 13 Scp. 7.30pm t'l’htt & Sat mat 2.30pm). £10 £22.20. Alan Ayckbourn's hit comcdy abottt thc social-climbing llopcrofts. Scc pt‘L‘VlCW. pagc 87. Sunset Song 'l'ttc Io Sat 20 Scp. 7.30pm (ch & Sat mat 2.30pml. £1 1 £24. All adaptation of l.c\yis (irassic (iibbon's sctninal noycl by Alastair ('ording. dircctcd by Kcnny lrcland and


vegetttr'tun r'ttstuurttnt

\pni'l from lllt‘. food, the (lithosphere, the service (HHl

lllt‘. opproucltulilt: flexibility of the menu, the other C()llllll(‘.ll(l(tl)l(‘. lllillt; (llHHIl mmirl mum is 11ml his prices

represent ‘31)”(1 U(llll(‘..

_|tHIl|1|(l 1111. tlttttttlt. the Herald

50 ;8 st \l(ll‘ll"S street. tttlinlitii‘gli

(off 'I'llt‘. not (11 Milt: and the (:()\m;(tltt)


Ot'3t 556 5888

Rottingr and Drinking open 7 INHIJS from It.....

starring rising Scottish actors llaimah Donaldson and (iracmc Stirling. Scc prcyicyy. pagc 8‘).

Scottish Ballet Thu 18 Sat 20

Scp. 7.30pm. £12 £23. 'l‘llc national cotltltaily’s autumn bill fcalurcs such diycrsc intlttcnccs as Radiohcad and thc 1930s. .-\mcrican chiircographcr Stcphcn l’ctl‘tlllitl's It’ir/r’ I/tr’ "(Y/SI is wt to Radiohcad‘s music. 'l‘risha Brown's I'in' .1I(i: 'I‘lir' .lh’l'ft’ complcmcnts a sotmdscapc by ;\lyin (‘tirratL and Ashlcy l’agc introduccs an intcrpt'ctation of popular songs from thc

30s ilt l’r'ttnir'sflmn ll('(ll'('ll. Scc prcyicyy. pagc 87.


o3 'l‘rongatc. 552 4307. Ill. W(‘. WA] Slick 'l‘uc lo Sat 20 Scp. 8pm. £10 £11 (£0 £101. A dcstitutc tcncmcnt looms abm c thc only crttdc oil supply in (ilasgoys. a disco\ cry that‘s about to rip thc impmcrishcd community apart. Award-“inning 11C“ comcdy front \'o\ Mottls. Scc caption. pagc ‘12.



l,atly \ycll \Vay. \ltisst‘lbtirgh. (105 2241). ll’. 11. W('. W;\|

Sex and Chocolate tho I l Scp. 7.30pm. £10.50 (£8.50; undcr 18s oi. 'lillt‘ .\l\l"ll\ pl't‘st‘ltl lllls l‘lllk‘l'\\\ t‘L‘l comcdy about lifc. lot c. mobstci's and Maltcscrs. Scc pt‘c\ ic\s. pagc 8‘).

Theatre Guide

Thursday 11 Friday 12 Saturday 13 Sunday 14 Monday 15 Tuesday 16 Wednesday 17 Thursday 18 See Rock 8. Pop Arches LIVE! Arches . 1*” “1"” " Citizens: Evrta Evita Evita Sunset Song Sunset Song Sunset Song 3 King's llie Speech Speech See Heck llie Speech lions i;.-..-.-. El .- a A i v H up H H Oran Mor Absurd Person . . . gAbsurd Person . . . iotbsurd Person . . . 5 Scottish Ballet theatre Royal u


Sex and Chocolate

Seven Brides Seven Brides

Macbeth t

See Comedy Seven Brides


See Folk


ll:lf§l‘:1{l".tit‘ l‘.t:;t‘:t.l"vw

Macbeth Macbeth

See Classical ;


Royal Lyceum

.2 ‘m’ Set‘ THE LIST 91