
nie BoyintlteStriped Pylamas112A) 12.10. 2.20. 4.40. 9.30. The Dark Knight (Gold Class) (12A) 5.30.

3. Joy oivision115) 1.00. 1 canon westeruauos gilligappleixpressflm 3.15. 5.45.

TunesandWlndsHS) 3.30. 6.15. 8.45.

SATURDAY 11 OCT Taken (15) The Dark Knight1l2A) 5.00. l Mon—Fri before 5pm). Gold Class tickets Fri: 3.30. Deattiliace115) 1.00. 3.30. 6.00. (over 18s only): £8.95 (£7.95 Mon—Fri

1.Brideslieadlievislted(l2A) 2.30. g Mon: 8.30. . 8,31), l 1.6).,“me 5.45, 8.30. i Thu: 5.45. DWMHZA) 12.50. 3.05. 1 zmmwuwn waning/x) : ‘il'oplc'l'iiunder1151 1 ‘iiteDuciiSSS(12A) 5.10. 7.40. 1 THURSDAY2OCT 1.15. 3.30. 8.40. 5 Daily: 3.00. 5.30. 8.00. eetSmartozA) 1.20. 3.50. I Appaloosa (Sold Class)115) 12.45. Til.me l0nd115) 6.00. Mantma Midi (PG) 2.00. 4.45. 7.30. 3.20. 6.00. 8.45.


' Westside Plaza. 120 Wester Hailes Road. Righteous Kill (15) 1.30. 4.(X). 6.30.

Fri & Sat: 10.30. ‘l'iieBoyintiieStliped PyjamaS112A)

Daily: 3.15 (not Mon). 6.00 (not Wed). 8.30 (not Thu).

Daily: 1.50. 4.00. 6.10. Also Sat & Sun: 1 1.40am.

SUNDAY 12 OCT 24hr bookings & info: ()871 22 44 007. ' 9.00. Deati'lliaoeHS) 12.50. 3.20. 6.00. 1. Brideshead Revisited (12A) 215‘ i Fri. Mon. Wed & Thu: Adults £6.45 Bocimliolla (15) 6.10. 8.45. 8.30. 5.00. 1 (£5.65 before 4pm): Cones £4.90. Sat. Step Brothers115) 2.40. 8.10. DisasterMovleHZA) 1.40. 4.10. The Barber of Seville ([5) 8,00, 1 Sun & Bank Holidays: £6.45: Concs Swing Vote (12A) 2.50. 5.50. 8.50. The Duchess (Gold Class) (12A) 2.30. 2. Bee Movie (U) [.00. 1 £4.90. Family ticket: £4.90 each Taken (15) 3.00. 5.30. 8.00. 8.40. Sm flours (Enema dicta) (IZA) 1 (minimum 3 people). Bargain day (Tue): Doplc Thunder ( 15) 3.10. 5.40. 8.20. The Foot FistWay (Sold DIaSS)(15) 3.30. 1 £5.75: Cortes £4.75. For premier seats Wild Child (12A) 1.10. 12.30. 3.00. 5.15. 7.30. Jesus,youl(novv(18) 6,00. * add £1. meWoinen112A) 1.50. 4.50. 7.45. Mamma Mia! (PG) 2.00. 4.50. 3. mm :w’a'mb'mcégn’z’nfi'li'm , THURSDAY 2 OCT FRIDAY 3—THURSDAY 9 228529;,5‘9'm "5’ "'5' 3'5”: 1.00. Death Baca115) 3.00. 5.45. 8.15. I Appaloosa (15) Righteous 1011115) 1.40. 4.00. 0.20. Tlrnes and Winds (15) 3.30. 6.15, 1 Disaster Movie (12A) 3.15. 5.30. 1 Fri & Sat: 10.15. 8.45. “(wagon)” noonpg) 8.45. ; TiieDucliess112A) 2.30. 5.15. 8.00. 1 BridesheadBevisttedilZA) . BociulliollaHS) 6.30. 9.10.

i Mamma Mia! (PG) 3.15. 6.00. 8.30. 3 Daily: 2.20. 5.20. 8.20. ; Step Brothers (15) 7.00. MONDAY 13 OCT Righteous Kill (15) 3.00. 5.30. 8.15. Also Sat & Sun: 11.20am. l iaken115) 12.40. 3.15. 5.45. 8.15. 1. Brideshead Revisited (12A) 2.30. Boclmllolla1151 8.00. | The Dark KnightHZA) Dopic‘l'hunder115) 12.30. 3.00. 5.30. 545‘ 8.30. 1 Taken ( 15) 3.30. 6.00. 8.30. 1 Daily: 8.15. 8,()(), 2_ 3.. m (U) 10.3mm 1 ‘li‘oplcl'hunder (15) 3.15. 5.45. 8.30. Death Race (15) 1 iiieVlolnen112A) 12.50. 3.30. 6.15. W "m (“noun dim) (12A) “IO Women (12A) 2.45. 5.30. 8.15. n:40. s($10 (not Sug). 9.00. 9.00. 3.30. 6123-45. m) g 00 8 m . FRIDAY 3—THURSDAY 9 1 Sun. (.1851 mm“) (1” 1 FRIDAY 3—THURSDAY 9 nbgnays(18)6_(x)_ i H l u l MUIBGOOHM E DisasterMovieHZA) AppaloosaHS)


SUNDAY 5 OCT TopSpot(l8) 2.00.

Daily: 3.30 (not Fri). 5.45 (not Tue & Thu). 8.30 (not Mon).

1. mm “W 12A 230‘ Death 8800 (l5) “IO Duchess112A) Daily: noon. 2.15. 4.30. 7.00. 9.15. 8 30 1 ; Mon: 3.15. Daily: 3.00. 5.45. . endesiread Revisited (12A) ' Wed: 6.00. Also Sat & Sun: 10.00am 12.30. Dail : 2.00 5.00 8.00 W ii 12A r y 3 ~ ~ . 5 45 mm (summed) ( ) Thu: 8.30. 1 88 Minutes (15) 1 Also Sat: 11.00am. 2; 3“ Us) 2 ()0 ; Disaster Movie112A) 1 Daily: 3.15. 6.00. 8.30. 1 Death Race (Gold Glass) (15) "a ls (17A) 6 15 1 Daily: 3.30. 5.45. 1 Also Sat & Sun: 12.30. 1 Daily: 12.40. 3.10. 5.40. 8.10. Baby no" (18) 8 45 h ' H . Also Sat & Sun: 1.30. 1 Also late Fri & Sat: 11.00. 1 Disaster Movie (12A) my “wnm (PG) 6 (i0 ' ' " ' 1 Daily: 7.45. 1 Daily: 1.20. 6.20. 1 Also Sat & Sun: 10.00am. ' 1 the Duchess (Parent 8. Baby Screening) i Also Sat & Sun: 11.10am. Also late Fri & Sat: 11.10. WEDNESDAY 15 OCT (T12A) S 3 liovvltglosel‘rlendsandiulenate TheDuciiess(Goldclass)112/\) mum!“ “"5"” 7 ue: 11.1- am. ; Peop (15) : Daily: 1.10. 3.40. 6.10. 2'45 8 m d 3 (12A) “30‘ ; How to Lose Friends and Alienate 1 Daily: 2.00. 5.00. 8.00. | The Foot FistWay (15) ' ' 5 People (15) 3 Also Sat & Sun: 11.00am. 1 Late Fri & Sat: 11.10. 7 $41" “8"” '3 “M” "J" 330' : Daily: 2.45. 5.30. x. 15. 1 Also late Fri & Sat: 10.50. liovv to Lose Friends and Alienate People Mk”) 800 - AlsoSat&Sun: 12.15. 1 liovvtoloseFrlendsandAlienate 1(15) ' ' Make it Happen (PG) 3 People (Parent 8. Baby Screening) (15) 1 Daily: 12.10. 3.00. 5.45. 8.30. 3'}: and mm ('5) 3'00‘ 6'00‘ Sat: 1 1.25am. Wed: 1 1.30am. 1 Also late Fri & Sat: 1 1.20. ': ' Mamma Mia! (PG) 1 Kung Fit Panda (PG) 1 Mamma Mia! (PG) THURSDAY 16 OCT ? grainy: 3‘05! 833,011)“ 1:10). I & Suahlfilggam. i Pally: 1.50 (not Tue). 4.45. 7.30 (not I mma ng-a- ng ( i) 1 mma ( ) "ri—Cun). g'4Wd Rm (12A) 2'30‘ , Tue: 8.30. 3 Daily: 2.30. 5.10. 7.40. Also Sat & Sun: 104521111. 2. i...” “5".” Is Sauna (17A 1 m Miss Pettigrevv Lives for a Day (Senior 3 Also Sat & Sun: 1 1.3521111. g Mamma Mia! (Sing-a-Long) (PG) 8'30 * l “- Screening) (12A) 1 Pineapple Express (15) ; Fri & Sat: 7.30. " Tue: 1 1.15am. Daily: 3.40. 8.50. 1 Mamma Mia! (Subtitled) (PG) mm 5mm ( ‘fgmfi-‘(f’i S I Righteous Kill (15) 1 Righteous 1011115) 1 Sun: 7.30. 8'45 " 1 -) ~- r - -~ 1 Daily: 3.15. 5.45. 8.15. 1 Daily: 3.50. 6.10. 8.40. 1 Tue: 2.00. ' ~' 1 TakenHS) 1 Also late l:ri&Sat: 11.10. PineappieExpressHS) 1 Daily: 3.00. 5.15. 8.00. l Boclmliofla (l5) Daily: 1.30. 4.10. 6.45. 9.30. “‘0 (“W - ; ‘ii'oplc‘l'ilunder 1 151 I Daily: x30. : niglrteous Kill (15) . . 1 Daily: 3.00. 5.30. 8.00. 5 Also late Fri & Sat: 1 1.10. Daily: 1.40. 4.00. 9.00. 37 Guthr'c 5110015 (“3' 220 2987- : WALL-E (U) ' Space chimps (U) ; Also late Fri & Sat: 11.30. THURSDAY 16 OCT 1 Sat & Sun: 1.00. f Sat & Sun: 10.00am. Boclmlioila (Gold Class) (15) : , TheWomen (12A) 1 Step Brothers (15) ; Daily: 8.40. Fun" 5"“3 (U 7-00- 1 Daily: 2.45. 5.15. 7.45. ; Daily: 15.40. ; Space Chimps (U) Also Sat & Sun: 1 1.30am. Sat & Sun: 10.30am. 0‘1"" s Scotsman Screenln iiooni Taken 051 1 Step Brothers 1151 .' ' Daily: 1.10. 3.30. 5.50. 8.10. Daily: 6.30 (not Tue). I '8 17‘)th'dn.R(."ld’ (“317321 1477- 24hr ' Scotsman Hotel. 20 North Bridge. 622 Also late Fri & Sat: 10.40. Also Sat: 1 1.10am. bookings 89mm. 0871 -- 44 007- Bar- 5 2999. £8.50 (£7.50). Meal packages £39. Doplc Thunder 115) 1 Step Brothers (Subtitled) (15) Adm“ £7 (£6 before 2Pml~ COWS 15- 1 See www.scotsmanscreenings.com for Daily: 1.00 (not Sun). 3.45. 6.15 (not Sun: 1 1.1021111. THUR DAY 1 more information. Mon). 8.45. ' Tue: 6.30. S 2 OCT 1 Also Sat & Sun: 10.15am. Taken115) M “a” 1 '5) .900. 820- 1 SUNDAY 5 OCT nopicrnunder (Subtitled) (15) f Daily: 1.15. 3.45. (5.15. 8.45. mm “'3' "’01 3-15. ; The Birds 1 18) 8.00. Sun: 1.00. Also late Fri & Sat: 11.20. Righteous Kill (15) 3.45. 6.00. 8.15. 1 Mon; 6.15. 1 WNW ( )5) “k” “5) 339 545‘ 8-10- i SUNDAY ‘2 OCT WALL-E (U) 1 Daily: noon. 2.50. 5.30. 8.15. WWW (15) 3.00. 5.30. 8.00. I PsyciI0115) 8.00. Sat & Sun: 10.05am. 12.15. Also late Fri & Sat: 11.00. .. 2A) FRIDAY 3_THURSDAY 9 Child (17A) I Women (60” (“888) (l V“. final," 3 “can DaIly: 1.30. 3 Daily: 2.20. 5.00. 7.40. no“ to m m and “mm Also Sat & Sun: 11.15am. We ('5) . Ocean Terminal. ()cean Drive. Leith. Tile Women (12A) 1 Weston Unk Dally: 3.15. 6.00. 8.30- : 24hr bookings & info: ()8712 240 240. Daily: 2.25. 5.05. 7.50. 1 m M um '0' a 03' (Pam Adults £6.50 (£5.45 Mon—Fri before Also late Fri & Sat: 10.45. 1 Hawthornden Lecture Theatre. National 8: Bab! Screening) 112/0 5pm ); Children £4.25 (£4.10 before me X-FIles: I Want to Believe (Senior 3 Gallery of Scotland. The Mound. 0131 Tue: H.0021m. 5pm ); Students/()APs £4.50 (£4.15 Screening) 1151 a (524 6200. Tickets are available in person “33 PM “'03 '0' a 031(th g before 5pm). Family ticket £17 (£16.40 Wed: 1 1.30am. 1 from the Weston Link Information Desk Scroll???)sz 1 before 5pm). Kids‘ Club: £1.50 (one i or in advance from 0131 624 6560 U61 - am. i accompanying adult free). Late I “"5 Bomb" 1 0mm : between 9.30am—4.30m Mon—Fri. £4 Righteous Kill (15) screenings (after 10.30pm -- over 18s ' I (£3). Dally: 3.00. 5.30, 8.00 (not Thu). . only): £5.45; Cones £4.15. Tue: £4 all ()mni. Greenside Place. 24hr bookings & lTirhe Stone oi Destiny (PG) 3 tickets. 1 info: ()8712 240240. Adults £6.50 (£5.45 ; THURSDAY 2 OCT u: 8.00. ' Mon—Fri before 5pm); Students/()APs I Tracey Emin Showreel (17.) 6.00. Taken (15) THURSDAY 2 OCT £4.50 (£4.15 Mon—Fri before 5pm); 1

Appaloosa (15) 12.50. 3.20. 6.05. Children £4.25 (£4.10 Mon—Fri before 8.40. 5pm). Family ticket £17 (£16.40

56 THE LIST 2—16 Oct 2008