

Flatshare cont.

I Beautifully decorated 2 bedroont furnished llat itt popular l’olloekshields. Large li\ ittg roont. kitcltett dittittg. batltroottt. (i('ll. all tttod cotts. close to all amenities attd transport routes. £575 pcttt Tel: 07934 (ll3 7| l

I Large room in spacious 5 bedroont llat near Byres Road. \Vi-ti broadband. cable TV attd cleatter. Sltaring \\ itlt otte tnale. \Vould sttit professional or tttatttre student 30+. £400 pcttt pltts deposit. No bills ("II Tel: 070% lb’7482


I Double bedroom to let itt spacious. relaxed flat on (‘ouan Road. Hat has all ntod cons. li\ itig room. stud). attd private gat'dett.'l'o sltare \\ itlt one other. \Yould sttit professional. £337.50 pcttt pltts ("l' attd bills. Available lst

.\'o\ ember Tel: 07908 7N) 725

I Jane invites you to share spacious rooms itt quiet sophisticated Ne“ 'l'tmn lttttlsc tliroughtonl. Sttit discernittg nonsmoking professionals. l-'ull facilities. phone litte available. £345 pcttt pltts bills. Tel: 07754 704 503

I Generous double room itt tttain door llat. Sharing with three others. ideal for cottple or _\oung professional. £‘)0p\\ Tel: 07743 537 980

I West End - Spacious Double Room itt n s professional shared ('it} ('entre llttt t0 lL'I. £555 PCIII lllc‘ tlll bills. Sttit female 20 30s :\\ailable no“ 'l'el: 0|3l 34o 45‘)l

I Nice double room for one itt spacious Bruntslield llat sharing \\ itlt 4 others (l'emale. 30's. professionals - seek stlllllttl'l. Reasonable rettt. bills attd deposit. :\\ailable non. 'I'el: 0l3l 32‘) 8003

I Central flat with all local amenities. £350 per ntotttlt. ("l‘ £00 per tttotttlt.

£ l00 per quarter for bills. Mt“ e in date is lsl December. 'l‘cl: 07773 4‘)? 935

I Dalkeith Road - room to let itt 3 bed flat \\llll stttttttittg \ IL‘\\\ to .'\t'llllll"s Seat attd ('rags. Rela\ed l‘riendl} n s atmosphere. £370 pltts ("l and bills. :\\ailable no“. 'l'el: 0|3l (302 ST l4

I Broughton/New Town. Large dottble room a\ailable itt beatttil’ul brigltt llat. sharing

\\ itlt one other. \Yould sttit prol n s l‘emale. Stttttttittg llat itt great location. £392 pcttt plus

102 THE LIST 'vf Out


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Got a room to rent? The The List Flatshare service is for you. It’s a reliable and successful way of advertising for a flatmate. Because The List is Scotland’s best-selling entertainment and lifestyle magazine, it’s the perfect place to find someone with similar interests to you. What’s more, the advert lasts for 2 weeks which maximises your responses, so you can pick and choose who you really want to live with. Even better, all of our flatshare adverts are available to view on our website which currently receives over 350,000 unique visits per month.


Your néme.:ad_dress and manefiumber 2 up. {mimmmmtheflatshamndudlngthe room .

rant. numberofofltemccupants'a‘nd'tvpeofperson‘souoht

A contact number for potentlatgtlat mates. torlng

Terms & Conditions

Flatshare adverts must be placed using our online booking service. For administration purposes, advertisers must supply their full name and address (NOT for publication). he Flatshare service is for people seeking a flatmate. Ont flatshare adverts will e accepted for publication in his section. Adverts for renting a whole flat must be laced in our ‘Flats to Let' section, full instructions or booking these ads are available on our website in the Shop section. It is company policy not to accept adverts that are deemed to be of ensive or discriminatory. The List reserves the right to refuse or withdraw any advertisement at our discretion and without explanation.

If you would like further information about The List flatshare service, there is no need to call The List, please refer to our website Click on flatshare and then FAQs which should tell you everything you need to know.

We advise that you do not give out personal details to those enquiring about your flat. For your personal

safety, you should always have someone with you when you are showing people your flat, or when you are going to see a room in a flat.




V I Saw You the short dark ltaired girl itt the cltecked skirt. I \\ as the gut itt glasses attd moustache. We talked lit the .-\B(' on l’rida) Io September. Wish \\ e talked ntore .\

l' (tl5 l

0 I Saw You in the (‘nm Road supermarket car park on the 3nd of October. You dl‘m c away itt _\tllll' cttte blue Beatle. I named to ltitclt a till?

I. (tl5 3

V I Saw You on Byres Road outside the ke} -cutters. Yott looked rigltt at ttte and smiled bttt l \\ as too sh_\ attd looked atta). l \son't look aua) a

second tinte? l' (05 3

V I Saw You tall o\ er iii the traitt carriage cotttittg back from a night ottt itt lidinburglt - I hope that gttttt cattte ottt of _\our trousers... I' (tl5 4

V I Saw You It} ittg to make sense ol' the departures board at ('entral Statiott - it’s ok. I don't kiln“ \shich traitt goes to l’t‘csl“ lc‘k L'llllc‘l' II (tl5 .5

V I Saw You Bingo Bingo Bingo Bango? Yott still make ttte smile alter nearl_\ (3 months - is that a new record'.’ I' (»I5 (3

V I Saw You Dancing like a lemon at the .-\rt Scltool. l'd teaclt )ou to thin e better. bttt then I'd ll;t\C nothing to laugh about. \\'():\ll. l' (tl5 7

V I Saw You It} ittg to look interested during a material culture lectttre. It helps if )ott read the article lirst dttl‘us. .\luch lo\e \\ l‘ (il5 8

V I Saw You listening to me talk about nothing lot" [\H) hours - attd )tlll missed ditttter? .\lttcltos apologias. .\Iiss Yott? I' (tl5 ‘)

V I Saw You at Kel\ingro\ e - wanna make some sweet art together”? Yott \\ ere the girl

\\ itlt long dark hair attd a red jumper that needed bobble ol'l' - l.()\'li l’l‘? \ t' (il5 l0

V I Saw You the llttntatt \Yltelk. ll'_\ ittg to extort tttonc) ottt ol' starx ittg musicians. l’d send )0“ a tltattk-_\ou card. bttt I think _\ou’\ e alt‘ead} got one \. t‘ (05 l l

0 I Saw You \\ itll the green l'rog earrings. crossing the road b} \Vagamatnas last 'l‘uesda} at llpm - I named to ask )ou l'ot‘ lunch but _\ou alread} had a sand“ iclt itt _\ottr hand. siglt? l' (tl5 II

V I Saw You once upon a time a bear lix ed alone itt the littl'L‘Sl. lle \Hts lonel} ttlltl satl until one da} another bear \\;tlked ittto his life attd it \\ as cltattged l'ot‘e\ er. l0 )eat‘s. still stronger than (icot‘gc lioreman. l'ore\ er attd e\ er. I' (tl5 13

V I Saw You tnoppittg tip _\'our niece’s accident - you are too kind - someone else could have got tltat? I' (tl5 l4

V I Saw You reading the Metro on the Subway at Buchanan Street. ('ould be att_\one )‘ott sa_\".’ \Vell _\otl \\ ere the onl} one on the platform holding it upside tl(t\\ll - mualt? x t' (il5 l5

V I Saw You tr} ittg to get a taxi outside the Barron lands on

l-‘rida'\ v- )00 said _\our name “as Roger - \\ islt l’d got tour surname? l' (115 lb

0 I Saw You eating llapjacks iii in} bed again - naught) naight}? l‘ll tttake brtmnies ne\t tittte... \

t' 615 17

V I Saw YOU I“ ice in title da} - )ou're the dark haired man \\ ho gets a sand“ iclt itt ()‘Briens exer} da} at l.30ptn. ll" _\ou’re interested bu_\ me a col't'eel ll\ II (tl5 lb,

V I Saw You | San You 1 San You I San Yotttttttttitt. It] “as sober I'd be able to think ol' sotttething better to sa_\ llon come _\ou look like Mark Ronson'.’ t‘ ol5 l‘)

V I Saw You lookittg guilt}. Yes that “as .\lY biscuit )tlll llllC\ lllg‘ stt tllltl so. I. (tlS Ill

V I Saw You Susanna. l’lease conte to the cinema \\ itlt tne this l‘t'ida) night‘.’ l’t‘omise \\ e \ton’t hat e to see an_\thing scar}. Sa} Yes'.’ it t‘ (05 2|

V I Saw You bttt _\ott didn't

see me. luck} 1 san _\ott at the It. (iallet'ies I. (tl5 33