A Cornish three-piece, Rosie, Pixie and

Plums are bringing the 803 back by conjoining the three lady forces of the age Bush, Harry and Lauper. Having already supported Cindi, they are now embarking on their own tour, dressing up in some fabulous outfits and bringing you their keyboard-focussed electropop, with the bonus of being joined by Art Brut and hosted by Hugh Cornwell.

L, JD So? [LUSH/PIS. . . [VOW I

ol countr} at thix altcrnoon c\cut. l’i'occcdx go to Scottixh Spina Bilida .'\\\ocialiou illank \\a\ an undiagnoxcd \ul‘l'crcr) and (ilaxgou \Vonicn'x ;\id (‘rcatiw Kldx l‘und.

I Elliot Minor and The Hot Melts :\B(‘. 330 Saltcilit‘iltlii Sll'L‘L‘l. 5.53 33.53. 7[)lli. U3. ()\cl‘- |4\ \ilt)\\. liltio kid\ li'Ulll York naincd al'lcr thcir piano.

I Seth Lakeman ()uccu Margarcl l'nion. 33 l‘ni\cr\it'\ (iardcnx. 33‘) 0734. 7pm. L'lii. .\ haunting original lakc on l‘olk rock il'Ulll ihc l'oi‘incr .\1crcur} .\lu\ic l’ri/c nomincc. uho \xax laxt \ccn in liquation \\ ith Kaic Ruxh} and ('ara Dillon.

I The Stranglers (‘arling .-\cadciu_\. l3| liglinton Sircct. ()844 477 3i)i)i). 7pm. £33. ‘l‘hc old punk \\;tl'il()l'\t‘\ pla} on without Hugh (‘orimclk li\pcct claxxic hitx lroin thcir hack cataloguc. \uch ax ‘l’cachcx'. ‘(ioldcn Hronn‘. ‘.\'o \itil‘c HL‘l'iKN. and ‘Strangc l.itllc (iil’k. I Laura Marling (il;l\go\\ School ol .'\l'l. m7 chl'rcu Slrcct. 353 4531. 7.30pm. U3. lingaging altiolk l'roin lhc uail-likc lccnagcr “iinxc .\lcrcur_\ nominatcd .l/m / (1mm)! Sui/ii alhuiu ix onc Ul lhc )L‘al‘K i)t‘\l.

I Ron Sexsmith ()i'an Mm: 731 735 (ircat \chtcrn Road. 357 (i3i)i), 7.30pm. £30. Suhliinc (‘anadian \ongxxriicr \\ ith a plaintn c touch to hix caxil} inclodic \tillg‘x.

Seeds of Thought (‘(';\. 350 Sauchichall Slt'cct. 353 4000. 7.30pm. l.i\ c \pokcn \xord. acollxllc llllhlt'. draina \kctchcx and opcn inic.

I The Walkmen Slci‘co. 2t) 28 chlicld lanc. 333 335-1. 7.30pm.

L'I l.5i). \cu York indic t|l|inlcl uho dig Springxlccn. lhc (‘urc and .lo_\ I)i\ ixion. I The Zonules of Zinn \icc‘n‘Slca/y ‘l3l Sauchichall Strcct. 333 ()‘)i)i), 7.30pm. ()lllkillcl‘ illdic pop hand proinolc lhcir ncu alhuin /mn l.(’\'('.

I Buddy Holly: A Legend Reborn Sl'.(‘(': (‘l}dc Auditorium. l'iunicxlon Qua}. i)h’7i) (Hi) 4i)i)i). Spin. L'IX £30. ’l'rihutc to thc Iatc. grcal Budd} Holl}

Hos/o (Elli) f/‘o Golfing; '.

f!) A"! Brut. ABC. (i/(ISiflNJK. 7i/o

lcatui'ing lhc \tar of \cht lind touring lllll\iL‘;li BIN/(IV.

I Dead Famous i’i\o l’i\o. 15 Waterloo Slrcct. 50-1 .\’li)i). 8pm. to. Hallouc‘cn c\cnl \\ilh li\ c inuxic ll‘Ulll 'l‘hc /.oinhccgcc\. XMRV. Shc'x Hit and ’l'hc Buck} Ragc. l’atronx arc in\ ich to conic drcxxcd a\ a dcad rock \lar.

I The Departures and This Familiar Smile Barll). 3N) (3i)tiL‘ Sll'L‘t‘l. ()370 907 (NW). 8pm. to. liinoixh \oundx l'roin thc (‘ohccd and ('amhria-likc ‘l‘hix hilllilillll' Smilc.

The Paranoid Monkeys and Alkotron 'l‘hc Halt Bar. lot) \Voodlandx Road. 353 0090. 8pm. \Vcckl) Halt Bar Hijack night.

I Michelle Shocked and Robin Auld King ‘l‘ut‘x \\'ah \Vah Hut. 373a St Vincent Sli'ccl. 35.3 NOW). 8.30pm. U5. ['8 l‘t)t)l\ \tai'. \\ how \t_\ lc L‘llL‘Ullip;i\\L‘\ cxcr} thing l'roin hci' cai‘l} cainpiirc loik lo lull- hioodcd countr} wing.

I Kochka, Codeen, The Cover Girls and The Number l3lh \olc ('al‘c‘. 5i) on King Strcct. 553 I038. 0pm. lndic \xith \oui l'rom Kochka. and :lllllt)\[)iiL‘l'iL‘ guitar \oundxcapcx il'Ulll (‘odccn

I Dead or American and Souvaris (’apiain'x Rut. lh‘5 (ircat \chtcrn Road. 331 3733. Stirling-hawd angular rockcrx hcadlinc.


I Broken Records The Bongo (‘1qu .\lora_\ Hollxc. 37 Ht)i}l't)t)d Road. 553 Tool 7pm. L'h’ iL'7i. liuropcau l‘olk lllCL‘l\ allcrnaln c indic li'Ulll thix acclaimcd lidinhurgh cnxcinhlc.

I Kult 'l'hc liquid Room. 9c Victoria Strccl. 335 3504. 7pm. £l7. Romng l’olhh l'ock act.

I Bohemond, Conflict Diamonds and The Show 'l‘hc :\l’k. .3 7 \Valct’ioo l’lacc. 33K 0303. 7.30pm. £4. lndic and rock.

I Serious Sam Barrett, David Broad, Oldseed and The Wee Rogue ('anonx‘ (iait. 333 (‘anongattx 0704 I93 033‘). 7.3ilpin. L4. Bitlc‘x. hillt‘gl';l\\ and cotlnll‘} li'Ulll liiix l.ccd\ hcadlincr.

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1%.? Oct '34 NA. ‘:4 THE LIST 69