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74 THE LIST :30 ()(:’. ‘11 N». 23w:

I Coconut University and Mr D 'l‘hc Statc Bar. 148 Holland Stt‘cct. 333 3159. 8pm. £4. Acoustic country attd Amcricana.

1 The Firesouls, Look Left Again and Casino Brag Box. 431 Saucltichall Strcct. 333 5431. 8pm. lndic ptmk l'rom 'l‘hc l'ircsottls.

I From Monument to Masses, Diamond Sea and Welcome to Spook Club Barfly. 360 ('lydc Strcct. 0870 907 0999. 8pm. £5. Politically— chargcd sounds from this XY/San l‘ran hand.

' I Hells Bells 'liltc licrt‘y. Andcrston

Quay. Broonticlaw. 01698 360 085. 8pm. £13. Accomplishcd A(‘/1)(' trihtttc hand. I Martha High and Soul 2 Soul Soundsystem 'I‘hc Archcs. 353 Argy lc Strcct. 565 1000. 8pm. £8 lady). £10 tdoori. \‘intagc soul attd l'unk sounds from onc of thc Jatncs Brown Rcyuc's original \ocalists. pltts a sound systcm sct trotn Soul 3 Soul and 1)] Bcn “It‘sllk‘cclt.

I Nell Bryden (‘ity llalls. (‘andlcriggs 353 8000. 8pm. £10. .\lodcrtt day Dixic and hlucgrass lt‘ottt Brooklyn singcr- songw ritcr at this Acoustic Altair gig.

I The Alarm and Chris Reed King 'l‘ut's \Vah \Vah llttt. 373a St Vinccnt Strcct. 331 5379. 8.30pm. £15. 'l‘wcnty ycars on. thc .Alartn arc still ttot donc singing rousing pttnk-ins‘pit‘cd rallying crics. But tltcy hat c rtttt out of hairspray. \Vitlt support lit'ottt cx-Rcd l.orry \cllow l.orry man ('hris Rccd.

I DJ Cut Hands, Do-ne Imagi-ne and Rejectamenta 13th .\'otc (‘at‘cn 50 60 King Strcct. 553 1638. 9pm. lispcrimcntal ttoisclcsl.

I Viva Stereo 'I‘hc l‘lying Duck. 7 Rcttlt‘cw (‘ourt. 573 0100. 9pm. £5 t£4t. l.ocal ittdic hand with a couplc ol' alhttms ttndcr thcir hclt play 1i\ c at thc latcst l’inl ‘p Nights.

I The Five Aces 'l‘ltc '1‘“ istcd \thcl. 7.3 ()uccn Strcct. 331 4851. 10pm. £5 l£~ll. Autlicntic hoogic and Hammond gt‘ooy cs l't'ottt tltc l'iiyc .'\L'L'.\ (pl‘cyiottsly known as thc Boogaloo lny cstigators) playing at tltc liycs \\'itlc()pcnc1uh.

I Sabrepulse, Engine 7, I Am Blip, Gravious and Edge of the Map lilacklt‘iars. 3(3 13cll SII'L‘L‘I. 553 5934. 10pm. £7 (£51. ()nc man gcckhcat cstrayagan/a lrom Ahcrdccn utilising laptops and gatnchoys hcadlincs this hill. 'lltcrc's a lt'cc cotnpilation (I) too.

I The Moth 8. the Mirror and RM Hubbart Stcrco. 30 38 chlicld [.anc. 33.3 3354. £5. 'l‘llL' RL‘llttlL‘L‘t‘ SL‘L‘llUtt\ Staccy Sim cw right and hand.


Dr Ruby’s Musical Surgery 'l‘hc Ja/x liar. 1 (‘hamhcrs Strcct. 330 4398. 5 8pm. Scc Thu 30. I Joystick Disco, The Oxygen Junkies attd Flying with Penguins ('ahat'ct \‘oltairc. 36 38 Blair Strcct. 330 6l76. 7pm. £4. I.i\c clcctronic tnadttcss.

Miles Mayhem and St Jude’s Infirmary \Vcc Rcd Bar. lidinhttrgh ('ollcgc of Art. l.auriston l’lacc. 339 1443. 7pm. ‘Alclodrantatic popular song' lt‘om .\lr Alayltcm.

Todd Bundgren 'l‘hc l’ictttt'c llousc. 1.othian Road. 0844 847 1740. 7pm. £18.50. (’ult .Amcrican artist.

who starch his cat‘ccr iti 60s garagc comho thc .\'a// and has spcnt much of thc last 30 ycars promoting \at'ious multintcdia ittnmations. For our

intcry icw with Todd. \isit

w w w .Iisl.co.uk/intcr\ icw s

I Kings Die Kings, Sans Trauma and The Curators 'l'hc Ark. 3 7 \Vatcrloo l’lacc. 338 9393. 7.30pm. £4. lndic and rock.

I Sad Society and Nancy 8. The Fawcets llcnry 's (‘cllar Bar. 8 16a Altit‘l‘isttlt Sll‘L‘L‘l. .333 9303. 7.30pm. £5. l.cgctidary local punks Sad Socicty.


I Dead Sexy and Toxic Sonic 'l'hc Doghousc. 13 Brown Stt'cct. 01383 337080. 8pm. £thc. A night of ntusic l‘or hipstcrs attd punks.

I The Christians \Vltitchall 'l‘hcatrc. l3 Bclllicld Strcct. 01383 434940. £thc. 1.i\'crpool’s undisputcd kings of soulful pop harmonics.


I Emma Pollock, Adem and To Rococo Rot (’arncgic llall. liast Port. 01383 603303. 7.30pm. £7.50. lis- Dclgados lt‘ottlwotttttn pL'l'ltit'ltts tracks from her dchut solo alhtntt. llillt'll I/H’ I't'n'ii'urks. Scc prcyicw. pagc ‘.".’

Glasgow I Emmy the Great, Ben TD and Blue Rozes 'l‘hc 'l‘wistcd thc1. 73 ()uccn Strcct. 331 4851. 7pm. l.o-ti London sottgstrcss who was tltc gtlcst Vocalist ott Lightspccd (‘hatnpion's alhtttn. Fleet Foxes AB('. 330 Sauchichall Strcct. 333 3333. 7pm. S()l.l) ()l'l. ()ycr- 14s show. Baroquc harmonic pop jams from this drcamy Scattlc quintct. Scc prcyicw. pagc 63.

v I Genre is a Dirty Word

(iiltttot'cltill (i139 l'niycrsity Aycnuc. 330 5533. 7pm. £5/£4 tittly ). £(i (door). .\'cw (ilasgow lahcl Antimattcr hosts an cycning of cutting cdgc pcrl'ormanccs t'rom ('incphilc. ('onor Mason. 'l‘hc Laya lixpcritncnts and Satcllitc Duh.

I Roddy Frame ()ran .\1or. 731 735 (ircat \Vcstcrn Road. 353 8000. 7pm. $01.1) ()l'l. A/tcc (‘antcra wundcrkind-turncd-cldcr statcsntan ol' intclligcnt. mclodic. wistt'ul Scotpop. I 1 993eatsdoublesidedtape Xicc'n’Slca/y. 431 Sauchichall Strcct. 333 0900. 7.30pm. A ‘onc-man cxpcrimcnt l‘caturing many strangc instrumcnts and compositions. .\'ot to tttcttlion a strangc namc.

Jackie Onassis and Triple School 'l'hc llalt Bar. 160 \\'ootll;tttds Road. 353 9996. 8pm. Manic lo-li pttnk duo 'l'riplc School play thc w cckly llalt Bar Hijack.

I The Phaetons, The Dirty Suits, Dead Sea Souls and Trade l’iyo l’i\o. 15 \‘l'atcrloo Strcct. 564 8100. 8pm. £5. Night of indic rock‘n'roll sounds.

I Built to Spill and Disco Doom King Tut's \Vah Walt lltit. 373a 8t Vinccttl Strcct. 331 5379. 8.30pm. £13. ['8 alt.rockcrs of an carly 90s yintagc l'rotn Boisc. Idaho.

I Echofela (‘lassic (irand. 18 Jamaica Strcct. 847 0830. 8.30pm. (‘atchy tuncs from 1"alkirk rock‘crs lichot‘cla.

I Dan Le Sac vs Scroobius Pip, Kissy Sell Out, Cut Copy and Chester French The .At'cltL‘s. 353 Argylc Strcct. 565 1000. 10pm. £15. London clcctro duo wlto scorcd a cult hit with thcir commandtncnts singlc "I‘hou Shalt Always Kill' ltcad this licstiyal rcunion tour.


I Ida Maria (’aharct Voltairc. 36 38 lilttil‘ Slt‘t‘cl. 3.30 (il7(). 7pm. £8. SL‘L‘ lit 7.

I The Mars Patrol Studio 34. 34 26 (‘alton Road. 558 3758. 7pm. £thc. lidinhurgh indic outfit.

I Noasis and Capstin Pole The Liquid Room. 9c Victoria Stt'cct. 335 3564. 7pm. £8. 'l‘rihtttc to thc kitigs ol' Britpop ()asis.

I Greg Griffin and Christopher Stocks 'l‘ltc Voodoo Rooms. 19a \Vc‘st chistcr Stt'cct. 556 7060. 7.3(lpttt. £8. (iril’lin is tltc l'rontman ol .\'oc1 (iallagltcl'-Cttdorscd ittdtc plotldcrs l’roud .\lary.

I Little Doses, The Fusiliers and Jacob’s Pillow 'l'hc Ark. 3 7 \Vatcrloo l’lacc. 338 9393. 7.30pm. £4. lttdic attd rock.

I Greenbelt Collective, The Second Hand Marching Band and White Heath llcnry's ('cllar Bar.

8 16a Morrison Strcct. 338 9393. 8pm. £5. Alt.l‘olk l'rom Vancouycr.

I Boogi Loushou and The Oco Banncrman's. Niddry Strcct. 556 3354.